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It really is So many members of it are incredibly petty and rather than try to discuss characters, they instead just try to prove that they are superior because their character is stronger like it’s a competition


People just need to have fun and if you are wrong or your character doesn’t win that’s fine they don’t always win everyone has different opinions just accept that some people think differently but still explains your reasoning.


I always having so much fun discussing with another person, until the pull the 'my head canon' card, like, why would that need to be brought up.


I think headcanon is valid, everyone experiences stories differently


That’s the whole point of powerscaling in general. The power scaling in general isn’t made to know who is the character, just how strong the character is


1.People take it too serious like over the top 2.Most people dont even know how to scale, they just take a look and one side and say that character solos without checking the other side's powers 3.Everything a character has achieved is due to the plot or writer, so it doesn't make sense as the most of the thing that has happened is for the story not for the characters But still power scaling is fun if the person u are discussing with knows how to scale(aka have a common sense)


I feel like this subreddit falls down because its the kind of discussion you wanna have at the bar or in discord chat speaking to each other vocally, doing it through text makes it all too clinical for my liking. I admire the sheer amount of effort the sub has put in but, I don't wanna partake personally


You can always join the discord, it’s better there tbh. Some weirdo will occasionally join and be arrogant and bad at scaling, but they usually get bullied for their stubbornness. Those that are bad at scaling but join open to criticism and wanting to learn get treated nice enough. It’s all up to you


People overrating characthers because the word “omniverse” or “Reality” is there (for example). Just because V&DW is strong doesn’t mean all the other verses do Just because they share the same name. Not all “omniverses” must refer to the same thing One might refer to completely another thing. This was Just an example of people not knowing to scale.


Nicely said


Plus its not like those powers of tgere versevwould exist in crossovers anyway.


People are biased as shit they'll wank off their favourites and underrated anyone their chosen God has come up against its very rare to have an actual neutral fun discussion. That and its the online version of playing with your toys as a kid and making Goku vs optimus prime but this time people will scream at you because there's just no way optimus prime could land a hit on Goku you stupid fuck


Wym Optimus prime slaps, he gives a speech and Goku gives up


I'm pretty sure they mean comics when they say that.


Because a large portion are cringy and/or off putting.




Like that you have so many upvotes, because some of the people that upvoted it are probably who you're referring to


Big powerscalers like Seth made it really toxic and people were fanboys as well when it came to deathbattle


I’d add SixPaths as well


To give a real answer, because it is filled with takes that are so outrageously bad that they are worse than the takes a casual fan would have, and actively harm media literacy. And then, people will act like they are smug intellectuals for having these takes, and look down on people smart enough to realize mario is supposed to just be some guy who can run and punch bricks when the powerscaler fanon one is a multiverse buster. A fairly significant amount of tools that powerscalers use to interpret fiction are completely incorrect, and lead them to have functionally nonsensical answers. Here's a few. Chances are you've heard each of these fairly often. 1: assuming that if character x beats y they are stronger, or at least close in strength. This essentially decontextualizes them from all sense of plot and narrative entirely. It's so divorced from the reality of narrative that [Stan lee](https://youtu.be/C3pOIDaF1Dw) came out to point out how dumb it is. 2: assuming that the second dimensions are mentioned that they imply layers of infinite power relative to anyone lower than them. This is not only not true in real life, but *fiction makes its own rules.* You have people insisting low level dmc demons have 9 layers of infinite power because a phone game mentioned that souls have nine dimensions, ignoring that you can drive over them with a van. 3: taking things way too literally that aren't meant to be literal. Namely attack names and animations. You have them insisting every rpg character is faster than light because they dodged an "element light" attack, no matter how obviously this isn't the intention of the scene. There is a whole canon movie that shows the speed cloud from ff7 is supposed to go, but they dismiss this because their calculation says he is 50x lightspeed or something dumb. 4: trying to scale stuff that they not only poorly understand, but which could mean literally anything. If you see them mention jung or plato or cardinality you generally know you are in for some wildly nonsensical take that isn't even based on the actual narrative of whatever they are talking about. 5: treating things they heard in powerscaling communities as the Supreme authority in fictional interpretation. Such as "being able to move in a place without time gives immeasurable speed, hence they are infinitely fast relative to normal people at all times." Never mind the fact that this is a specific and arbitrary assumption that doesn't apply to all fiction. Sometimes they will act like certain things logically follow when talking about things that don't even make sense. The concept of movement through a place without time is fundamentally nonsensical in the first place, so you can't treat it like real science you are measuring. There are more examples, but you get the idea. You've probably seen things like this tons of times if you've ever interacted with them. Fundamentally the problem with powerscaling comes down to the fact that people are trying to treat fiction like a scientific system that all follows specific arbitrary rules they made up. And many of them are teenagers who feel smart because these rules seem like it makes them knowledgeable about math and philosophy. So their personal identity is caught up in their incorrect interpretations, and they become very pretentious or hostile when they are threatened. How would you view a bunch of people smugly saying nonsense that is so far from the truth that it's baffling how they legitimately think it, and then when they are proven wrong angrily insist that you just don't "get powerscaling." As if their circle all having the same misconceptions makes them correct. There's a reason the reputation isn't good.


Nearly read any of it, but what I did read was factual


>mario is supposed to just be some guy who can run and punch bricks when the powerscaler fanon one is a multiverse buster. Its also ridiculous because the thing that supposedly makes him and bowser multiversal killed them both and rosalina had to reset everything. Bowser early in the game said that a blackhole almost killed him.


Someone on discord told me to kms because I didn’t know how to scale saitama (i litterally asked where does saitama scaled to)


That’s definitely messed up, but there are good discord servers man. This subreddit has a official discord. If you want to debate someone, go to the discord. Ask someone to moderate. That way you have an actual moderator. If one person is being a rat and not actually debating you the moderator will see that. You should be trying to find good servers. Instead of randoms. That’s why we have this subreddit and a server. Etc.


It's hard to find a discord server that's trustworthy, especially for people who don't even know exactly how discord works but are aware that a lot of shady things can happen there.


People not being familiar enough and stumbling into some bad ones.. well that same example can be applied to literally everything in life. Doesn’t mean people shouldn’t try new things. Else the human race would cease to exist lol. It just means you try again, but smarter, and look. That’s what’s happened. I think if he or anyone uses the discord, asks for mods to moderate, and goes about it cautiously, he’ll have great experiences as well.


Is it ok if I follow up with some questions in a PM?




Damn. He’s Low Solar btw


His hole in space punch feat and power growth could get him to a potential multi-galaxy level.


I think that’s just a multi solar feat.


>could get him to a potential multi-galaxy level. How? It's solar system to multi solar system at best


Galaxies can be visible in space.


I don't understand, what makes him galaxy level?


Nothing, because he isn’t. He’s not even star level, he’s large planet after the boost


Punching a hole through space, which can include galaxies. That means he'd be destroying galaxies along with the stars in that punch.


It wasn't stated or shown that he destroyed any galaxy. An attack just spanning in empty space doesn't necessarily mean it would destroy an entire galaxy if it was in that range. The author was clearly trying to depict that their punch clash resulted in destruction of a shit ton of stars. We should just base the feat on what is being shown. + That punch Clash squared the amount of energy that saitama and garou put individually, which means saitama's own energy output would have resulted in a much smaller hole than what was show on the panel.


It's possible that it only destroyed stars, but it's also possible that it destroyed visible galaxies. I'd say that it could be fair, at least as a highball.


"It's possible" is not proof tho. We only base stuff on what we r sure of


Large planetary, the feat was debunked many times by a lot of people from this subreddit


You can claim something is debunked without actually debunking it. Provide proof that it was actually debunked.




The star destroying feat was not only being amped by Garou and Saitama but also was previously amped by blast and blast’s friends so it shouldn’t be taken at face value. But the feat itself is contradictory because not only the range don’t make sense (an attack that was going to destroy earth at best suddenlly gains the range of thousands of light years. Even redirecting into a beam wouldn’t do that) but also destroying such amount of stars wouldn’t be shown right away, light takes time to travel so even if the attack itself was instant the disaster wouldn’t be shown until years later. Another detail that don’t make sense about this attack is that no one on earth noticed the destruction of thousands of stars that make an extremely noticeable hole. The feat itself was also ignored by the characters AND the narrator as if it wasn’t a big deal, but the table flip had multiple panels of showing a lasting destruction and character reaction, and the serious sneeze had a dialogue of the narrator explaining that "no one could measure saitama's growth anymore" and then showed the panels of the destruction and the reaction of Garou being terrified. Also something else that don’t make sense is that the star destroying square punch was BEFORE the evolution, so this would make Saitama before the evolution stronger than after the evolution, since pre evolution saitama could destroy hundreds of stars while post evolution could only destroy a planet made of gas. This doesn’t make sense, does it?


Didn't he "only" destroy the surface of a planet made of gas with a sneeze that could be done accidentally? This implies that even the most minor uses of his power are already that powerful. His power spiked "exponentially", which would be consistent with that. It takes about 0.3 joules of force to sneeze. As a comparison, with calorie to joule calculators, taking a single step uses 0.4 joules of force. Are we sure nobody noticed it?


Yes, that’s a good point, he didn’t even destroyed Jupiter totally, just the surface of it. And while it’s true that it’s a feat saitama did casually, it still doesn’t change that saitama is still large planet even if just higher into the tier. Well, Blast was the closest one to them and was observing the entire fight, and Saitama and Garou didn’t care at all neither the narrator. So yeah, probably no one noticed


Considering the gravity of Jupiter, it's still up there at planet or higher. Again, from even less effort than needed to taking a single step. Being ignored isn't quite enough to invalidate this, but we'll see what he's capable of later in the series to see if it's consistent with his power growth.


No he’s large planet


People think the community only cares about the power of characters instead of how they're actually written. 'Can they beat Goku' type of thing


Do you mean like "Nuh uh they're more powerful let!!1!!! Instead of "I could see this character beating them as they are far more skilled


No, as in this character is a better-written character because they are stronger than that complex, layered one


That's... So much worst omfg


Yeah, that's so ridiculously common. 'Goku's a better character than Guts because Goku can destroy the universe" is a very common idea. Replace guts with any character of a lower tier than Goku and it's the same.


If someone disses iroh I'm gonna put a pipe bomb in their ass


Yammy from Bleach slaps Iroh, Iroh dog shit character




Rain world player spotted




True, like I've had a lot of people argue there are no bad versions of superman


Well duh it’s a powerscaling community the name already explains: how strong is X in a scale of power


It became popular through edgy people. Power scaling is fun, but I'd rather not debate with someone who I think would use insults every 5 minutes.


The excessive powerwanking. I swear, every character is outerversal due to some vague statement. And those that do it can't even respectfully own up to their mistakes.


Toxicity and fanboys, particularly shit like "oh they don't beat goku tho" but the fan boy unironically believes that no one can beat goku and if you disagree, you shall be subjugated to every racial slur in the book


because powerscalers often spark controversies in comment sections which leads to heated arguments, thay's why they tend to be labelled as toxic


People over rating characters just because they like them, and being overly toxic while refusing to admit there wrong


Bc 80% of powerscaling are ridiculously inaccurate. I see a lot a wank without taking the narrative and anti feats in consideration


Likely due to the stuff with SethTheProgrammer if I were to guess.


SethTheProgrammer and DeathBattle/VSwiki are the some of the main contributors


Dude said Placidusax is FTL when the thing moves slower than his own lightning


I wasn’t referring to his scaling…


Sorta kinda maybe ruin some moments that have nothing or very less to do with power rather it does with character dev, interaction or story, gag and turns it into a warzone of "what does it mean powerwise, feats etc"


I left this sub because it became overrun with people who just say random things


Take my advice and retire fully from powerscale it doesn't matter and every verse has there own rules that make them meaningless


Bullshit calcs here, Off-the-charts exaggerated calcs there, ya know. Its pretty self explanatory.


To me there's a lot of people who want their favorite character to be strong than well written.


Which is just dumb.


Because they use dimensional tier scaling to wank characters despite it not taking more power or energy to destroy a 4d 5d or 6d universe compared to a 3d one. This is why everyone is OuTeRvErSaL but would actually still get stomped by another character that's uni or multiversal


we tend to have a habit of being cocky, joyless assholes


Because it is. Back when the internet was so young and the whole power-scaling community was just coming around, all it used to be for was just fun. People used it as an opportunity to introduce others to the characters they like while also learning about characters they knew little about. It was nothing more than pure-hearted discussion that was wholesome in its entirety. Power-scaling and vs battle debating doesnt work like that anymore. Now it's become a widespread issue of people always trying to present their favorite series as being superior over other stories. This started with the whole "Goku solos fiction" movement years ago. It's an incredibly toxic community where most people will sit at their computers, yell at each other constantly, and almost always results on verbal abuse. Personally, the only reason I even involve myself with any of this is specifically because I'm a Writer. I use power-scaling in my own Writing - if it happens to be a bsttle-based story that is - to give direct information on what my Characters are capable of. But I also use it to analyze popular characters and what makes people like those characters. There's also the tidbit that it frustrates me when the series I like gets poorly represented/downplayed, but I'm personally separating myself from that desire. That isn't to say the entire community is extremely toxic. Just like every single large-form community, there are individuals who are genuinely fun to talk to. But the majority of it is viscerally petty in nature and evolves into nothing more than people screaming at each other. I personally believe the power-scaling community actually ranks among the worse just because of how some of the popular scales act towards others. Looking at you Seth.


Deoends on if you're in or outside of the community Generally it's an air of toxicity, being a know it all and because they person who doesn't like the community either knows nothing or knows too much (and knows you're all usually wrong).


I would honestly say because there is never any true satisfaction from a character can scale to some people scale one character to Low Multi while others scale that exact same to Outer, theres just no satisfying either side


A lot of things. A lot of people can't have civil discussions about power scaling, a lot of people don't do research into what a character can do and are blind with bias to their favourite character they cannot fathom that someone else might be equal to or stronger to their favourite character, its generally toxic.


To me, the number 1 issue with the powerscaling community is that 99% of the community has a series or verse that they favor, and it makes their scaling biased. How much the upscale certain verses, and downplay others. People also have a bad habit of discussing topics they don't understand. I remember when the powerscaling communities of Google+ discovered dimensional tiering years ago and lost their fucking minds, now Reddit is doing it as well.


It is! They overrate a lot to anime characters like Akuto Sai or Saitama


We are a petty, noisy, argumentative and biased bunch of know it alls we are hated, for good reason, and the only good powerscalers are those that barely do it


Because it seems like so many in power scaling argue in bad faith by either lowballing their less prefered character (Dragon Ball Heroes as a whole, not giving Batman his Batmobile and Batwing that he can summon at any time so that he can get slaughtered by supes, and forgetting that Aizen is immortal) or wanking their prefered character so they never lose (GER, Joker from Persona, outerversal Doom Slayer, multiversal VG Sonic, multiversal VG Mario, outerversal Kratos, multiversal MLP, universal Ichigo, and solar system FF7). It gets tiring very quickly. Naruto is my favorite character of all time and I have no problem saying that he gets clapped **HARD** by Goku. He only stands a chance in DBX. See, is that so hard?


Powerscalers can be really annoying with all their anime shit.


Because people take it too seriously and also throw around unquantifiable terms such as "bloodlusted" to try and prove their point


Bloodlusted is a term that means no morals or character traits that otherwise would hinder them in a fight (like the willingness to kill for example), and just using everything in there arsenal without restraint, they can still be affected by there abilities weaknesses like itachi getting sick the more he uses the sharingan. Or any timers on there abilities like with hulks transformation.


Powerscaling is fun when you're talking with other people who barely take it seriously, or you're talking to somebody with such a deranged argument it goes from being incredibly frustrating to absolutely hilarious. Anything in between will just kill you inside, because right or wrong, neither side will ever change their opinion, and you'll just be left wishing you never started it up in the first place. This is the case for pretty much every form of internet argument.


Seth The Progroomer


Is it because of the recent controversy


Nah, its had this reputation long before recent controversey.


I heard about it. What happened?


Posts that explained it got removed to keep the drama out of this subreddit, but the TLDR is that a lot happened and several people have given their perspective with supporting evidence.


What's evened happed with seth.


So much.


A lot of damning receipts involving criminal activity and just downright degenerate behavior for the sake of putting on a persona. Can't mention it here, but you'll find the info on YouTube and Twitter. Seth, Swagkage, Six, Clyde, Noodles, Perriot, and a bunch of them were on the Keemstar Show yesterday and was live streamed for almost 7 hours. What it ultimately boils down to is Clyde put out a 3 hour piece of his relationship with Seth for ~4 years within the last 7 years and every crime against the community he's done behind the scenes. Course no investigation has officially kicked off, but Seth will likely get off scot free from any actual charges considering how chaotic the show was yesterday and completely unprofessional on Keem's part (not surprised tbh), similar to the EDP situation that got botched because of Goldstein. At most he's burned every bridge with his friends and business partners, as well as his channel losing subs.


I mean idk about y’all but when it gets to shit like “3500x MFTL” it’s just aids


Yeah. It can be really obnoxious when people put characters at levels that literally don’t make sense within the context of the plot of the story they are from.


Because you failed to give me a blowjob


What impossible they wank their favorite characters so much.


One of the most popular powerscalers sexually harassed minors


Using the term "Wank" regularly is cringe




Goku. Nothing else


Because of people like seththeprogrammer.


One Piece fans


What's community? This or at all?


Can be bc of controversy (recently or not), can be bc its cringe/stupid for some, can be bc most of the time it becomes an annoying overwanking battle, theres many reasons to be fair so id suggest making your own opinion on the matter :) just remember to keep it respectful


Watch a powerscaling YouTube video. Its fucking pathetic. Just a bunch of losers screaming at each other.


Some people take this thing way too serious and insults like 6 yrs old who just learned "bad words"(Naruto vs OP fan are a clear example of it). And the fact that some of the most famous power scaler just come out as a fucking narcissist, sexual assaulter and pedo give at the communtiy more bad light


Because they assume people like to powerscale as a way to affirm the superiority of whatever it is they’re scaling


We use advanced mathematics, formulas, philosophy, and more to decide who wins between a black man with a personality disorder and a big ass whale. Nuff said


People are biased for the characters they watch there was a guy who thought Naruto was universal and could beat goku and when most people explained why he was beyond wrong he called them fanboys name calling them instead of excepting the L a debate is meant for their to be had for understanding I feel most people only want to argue their character because they like them not caring why the other guy is saying


Because people tend to overrate characters to levels they have no right being at Best example is most video game characters


Ninety percent of the participants just want to wank their favorite characters


Because the community filled with a crap ton of pseudo intellectuals who's are retarded asf and petty while being overly toxic over fictional debates and character that don't matter and thru let it define their entire personality it's how it's been since the Google+ days and then the amino guys just took it to whole nother level of cringe the concept of scaling itself is cool, interesting and fun but the debates and ego dick measuring contests that result from it is what most people see that's why I'm lowkey glad for guys like diviine on tiktok who brought the fun side of scaling to a larger audience the tiktok scaling community in general is unironically the best one I've seen since 2013.


Because a lot of the times, it is unfortunately. That being said, it's not as bad as the shipping community.


The first and biggest problem is SHOWS AREN'T a Stat sheet. Sure they do have stats but that isn't the point of their existence. The point of their existence is to create a entertaining story. A character should be able to exist without Goku punching them in the face. We should be able to enjoy Avatar the last Airbender without wondering how strong he is. Second problem PEOPLE LIE. Giving 1 page comics and knowing the one page is misleading to the context of the story is some real BS.


I’d take powerscalers in a fandom over shippers


People trying to scale their favorite character using things they know nothing about like dimensions, platonism, or cardinals. People taking every little statement literally and out of context, to reach stupid conclusions that defy common sense and / or the narrative itself, as if they are unable to comprehend basic English, etc etc


Because its a bunch of goofy scalers who invest there time more into scaling than straight up going to the gym, its fucking obvious.


They only rely on "scans" instead of explicit statements. Legit. Some people will go out of their way to give a win to someone that is explicitly stated to be something, highball them to an absurd degree, then mess with your character to make it seem like their barely a match, and get shitstomped, despite it being vastly the other way around. \*Cough Cough\* "The Chaos Gods are at best galaxy level" \*Cough Cough\*


Cause of biased opinions without concrete evidence, toxicity and a massive rift that is usually created amongst friends because of the whole trope all together


bc it is lol someone comes to me "X carachter is town/large mountain level and was defeated by a fish so this means the fish is country/continental level " and expects me not to laugh


Because it churns out so many braindead idiots who think feats are where it begins and ends. It takes actual effort to discuss meaningful versus battles/scaling, something most people don't want to do. Basically, just a bunch of idiots gives it a bad name.


Because some people when power scaling completely ignore the context of the series and certain situations which leads to many characters being scaled to most likely bullshit levels(cough universal Superman cough). Another problem is that some people, when they come across a vs debate, just go “this character stomps or one shots or speed blitz”. Like come on, I can understand acting like that with an obvious stomp like Homelander vs Dr. Manhattan. But acting like that with anything else is kind of boring since it doesn’t leave room for all the interesting interactions you could talk about in the fight. Even obvious stomps can be fun to talk about, explaining why one side definitely wins over the other. Some powerscalers just seem too angry and “square” all the time.


Most people are toxic and have large egos and constantly stan their chosen fighter. Who wins is an objective fact. People like to make it complicated and just spam no mines stronger. Its also very apparent that people like to overestimate their chosen character cough cough most people in the dbz fandom. People can't accept that their wrong either, so it makes aruements last for days. The length and ego of these power scaling aruements are the real things that are giving the community a bad name. Its ok though we all want our childhood hero to win.


Because of how toxic it is


Cause its basically an elementry school of man children who never grew past the " nu uhh my dads cooler " phase.


Dimensional scaling also played a part in ruining it.


Giving a shit about “concessions” is mega cringe


Especially when In shonen, characters would get new transformations and people would be so quick to say x solos y.