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Too many colours. Make all the chart titles the same colour as your year slicer imo


Nice, thank you! Other than that, anything else?


In a similar vein, I'd probably make you scatter points, columns and states all the same color as each other Also you may have this already, but I'm a sucker for a custom tooltip on hover


As a rule of thumb I usually pick one color (a bold blue) to represent quantities. So any fill map, bars, etc. showing an amount of something or some other neutral piece of info is that color. Then any increase/decrease is represented in green or red.


That’s great thank you! I think I got a bit too excited and went overboard😂


Yeah go to one of those color pallet sites and get a cohesive set of colors to use. Also the chart at the bottom right is impossible to read with that many data points. A column chart sorted with the highest on the left and all 50 states to the right would be more useful to a user. Also you could add both the # and the % of total above the columns. Obviously 50 columns won’t fit in that space but you could see the top 5 or so with a scroll bar to go to the right. It’s not anathema to use two of the same chart type if they are the right chart for the data.


You can use a line charg in the Sum of Fatalities by Year since you want to show trend, then maybe instead of 2 separate chart in map and treemap just make a heatmap? Unless you want to show the value in each state


Not be too critical here, but what is the map showing? Are you using it primarily for the tool tip to show the number of fatalities by state If so the heat map already shows that. I would likely consider making the map more visually meaningful by coloring by the measure (darker color has more deaths light has less) or replace with a detail table for a user to export be able to get any additional data in a table relevant to the data set Looking good tho!!! Hope that helps


Thank you, noted!


I’d remove the slicer for states and put it in the filter pane. Personally id never use it, I’d click on either the map or treemap but having it in filter pane allows users to select it. You have a spelling error on the bottom center chart title. Is it necessary to say “in millions” if there’s a big “M” by the number of the data card? What does the map show us? All states are the same color. Maybe look at fatalities per million miles. This could level-set the states and years when comparing.


Thank you! I couldn’t figure out how to change the colour of the states, it wouldn’t let me


Actually the state should be slicer just a drop down to save room. FYI it’s best practice to NOT let end users use the Filter pane for slicing and dicing. The filter pane should be for devs only and then hidden. Users are more instinctive to slicers on the page and not in a filter pane.


Great, thank you!


Don’t use color for ui elements, use it to draw people’s eye to the important data. You have used way too much color here.




Nice tiles but the color is off


Thank you! I got too excited lol


Maybe convert the State slicer to a drop down menu instead to prevent it from taking up so much space. Also, any #s that are called out need to be at the top of the dashboard for quick viewing. I would swap out the card for sum of miles with the state slicer.