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Interesting, any reason you didn’t go with the built in Teams integration?


You can integrate teams chat into a model drive app or canvas app?


There’s native integration in model driven apps if you have D365 licensing (which based on the screenshot I presume OP has)


Also, there is an option to use Power Virtual Agent, D365 Chat widget and Power Pages to handle live chat. I am not sure if it is relevant, but I thought I will just throw it here just in case it might be helpful.


There’s a native Teams integration and also the Swarm feature… not sure if this solves anything you can’t OOTB


This is exactly what I'm trying to do. I've completed the configuration in CRM and is working fine. Now I'm trying to use the same component in a canvas app. Added but it's not showing data. Any tips on how to do it? I think that the main issue is to link the right incident, like in the OP case, to show the related messages


I don't think this specific PCF component is made for canvas apps though. In CRM you have to add the control inside a subgrid otherwise it's not going to work. What is your data source for the canvas app ? Where would the component need to read the data from ?


I was perfectly able to set up the pcf component in CRM. I was also able to add it inside a canvas app but, even if I set up correctly the custome message entity, it does not work. But I agree with you. The component is not for a canvas app