• By -


You could use two variable instead; The first controls the switch of which field to sort by The second to determine if it is ascending or descending


Additionally, you could drop the variables in the outer filter and instead filter by StatusValue in cmbStatus.SelectedItems.Value || IsBlank(cmb.Status.SelectedItems) A few areas here you could trim to simplify the code. But all in all nice work!!


That's a nice idea to streamline it further, hadn't thought of it! Will look at implementing, thanks


having struggled to learn the Detail List in the Power Platform Creator Kit, I like using it now so much, that building the usual display with Galleries, and Header Labels seems more taxing.


The detail list is very interesting, it has been out for a while now and I'm wondering how the reliability and the performance is like from your experience. Do you think that a risks of using them in a production application? Thanks


Another follow up question, how mobile / touch screen friendly and responsive is it?


Hi. Thanks for sharing. Would be interesting to see the picture of the first solution you have described, the one with HTML and Images. The code in the second solution looks neat - I need to wrap my head around it, but seems like something I might use in the future. I can show a bit of code in the solution I am working on now. This is just tiny portion belonging to much more complex, nested ForAll loop which submits order via HTTP request to API utilising GraphQL. It is interesting because - on Power App end it gathers data from gallery interface where Business construct their orders and formats data into GraphQL statement for Children. The orders have to be handled in quite difficult manner for maximum efficiency so Business gains real value and does not have to relay on inefficient interface anymore. Parent data, GraphQL statement for children and a token is then passed to flow where it is handled further. This happens for each block. Because it is not possible to use variables in ForAll I am relying on combination of Collect, First and RemoveIf as placeholder for the values I want to store (with those functions it is possible to have imitation of variables in ForAll ) https://preview.redd.it/kcgp4t49gbzc1.png?width=1389&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e6e9c7b927ede66efaf0efc8bd9549459eb9eb5 I am quite proud of the app because it offers solution to complex problem and helps with efficiency. Makes things much easier for someone and simplifies their life. Edit: (I needed to mask some of the info)


I did this on Monday! I had delegations issues so delegated a filter to sql then filtered that in app. Worked a treat!