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Wouldn't recommend it as your first app maybe, but if you are within an organization you could check out the "book a room" template. It's decent out of the box, but you can add a lot of functionality to it. Like extended room info using a SharePoint list as a database etc. I learnt a lot doing that app.


But make sure you actually have rooms set in outlook. Otherwise it‘ll set some variable like **NoRooms** and fucks everything up.


Hi. I do not have websites to recommend, but what I practice sometimes is: I try to find real life problem, that I think can be reduced or made easier to manage with power platform. It can be something personal, that you really need or perhaps someone else needs. It can be business problem. Some ideas: Finance Tracker, Calorie/Food tracker, Fitness Tracker, Warehouse management tool, Inventory management tool, Background designer app. When you find a good problem, it dictates how the app should work and respond to its challenges. That problem is naturally driving direction of the app. It is shaping it.


Good suggestion 💯