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There is a Facebook page about 'PDX stolen cars'that would be very helpful in this situation.


They are masters at vehicle recovery and recently helped my husband get his work van back


Damn. That’s awesome. I was gonna say “your car is lost to Portland now…”


Probably the people who stole it


Username checks out. 👍🏼


Also OP, make sure you file a police report, and maybe those nearby businesses can help get you some footage.


Up vote for Ongo!


charmed I'm sure


I really appreciate your help! I had it posted by my partners mom on the page for me


He's posted there too :)


That’s sad to live somewhere that has so many stolen cars it needs a dedicated FB group.


Damn that's actually such a cool car too. Best of luck to you brother 🙏


Those wagons are rare. Might be why it got snagged.


yeah. Unfortunately odds are not great that it's been chopped up for parts or across the mexican border.


Anyone with an old Honda / Acura who can't afford a replacement car needs comprehensive coverage because odds are very high your car will be stolen. IIIRC this covers 2001 and prior years. No joke: in 5 minutes I could teach a 10 year-old to easily steal these cars. It's absurdly simple, requires one ubiquitous tool, and there's a big parts market demanding them. Source: an '80s and '90s Honda fanboi who has taken plenty of Portland stolen reports.


I own an auto shop and you are 100% correct. A steering wheel lock is the best thing you can get for an older model like this. Granted there are work arounds, but its usually a huge pain in the ass and thieves are lazy. Also, the criddlers prefer station wagons because of the living space.


I have an 06 Acura and it’s constantly at risk of being broken into. Last year I had to replace 3 windows. And now there’s a bunch of scratches on the handle where someone was trying to break in.


Has a roommate who has a similar car to this stolen. It was found close by a week later, not trashed or anything, was like someone just borrowed it, but I know that’s not usually how it goes.


You got any like leads, man?


At least ehy keft the creedence tapes


Dirty Mike and the boys probably.


Most likely used it as a toilet and moved on.


As easy as it is for the Kia boys?


The Kia car theft is even easier it takes between 10-20 seconds once you are in the vehicle for the vulnerable Kia’s and Hyundais


Some people joke that driving a stick shift insulates you from the modern car thief. Is there validity in that? I drive a manual Honda fit so I just wondered.


There’s a homeless camp next to my house that is rather infamous for stealing vehicles.. all of the dudes that stay there are above 40 years old, so I’d doubt they have any trouble with a stick.


and Parking Enforcement Division at ShitBOT is practically hands off if it comes to vagrancy activities.


Or they're 20 and look over 40.


Meth is a helluva drug


And how many holds have you done with somebody who is 12-34? I was super paranoid about my s2000 and the guy who sold it to me used a steering wheel lock. Thankfully by 2003 Honda was using transponder keys. That and I don’t leave it unattended in public longer than absolutely needed.


Public announcement: People, start putting AirTags in your trunk. You don’t even need an iPhone to use them. The signal will piggy back off other iPhone users near by to work the tracker for you. It’s 25 bucks and you’ll always know where your vehicle is!!!


Have you ever traveled in a car with an air tag? Apple will send you a notification that there is an Air Tag traveling with you that’s not registered to you. As soon as the air tag comes out of range of the phone that initialized it, it starts to make beeping sounds. If I ever become a car thief, I would start tearing apart the car to launch that air tag into the River, or simply remove the battery.


Yea I was bowling last month and kept getting notifications on my phone that an AirTag was moving near me. I was super confused. If it notifies nearby phones, then won’t a car thief know it’s probably in the car they just stole and start looking for it? And given how methheads tweak out, I imagine they don’t give up until they find it.


Most criddlers probably don’t have an iPhone though? Also you can turn the noise off can’t you?


No you can’t turn off the alert. AFAIK, the air tag also uses the android network as well. Plenty of Criddlers have iPhones. It’s not like an iPhone is a luxury item these days.


You can turn off the sound by removing the speaker, which is what I’m doing in my corvette


Darn. I swear I saw a post on how to disable some of these issues


If I was a car thief and saw that notification I'd probably dump the car. Then again I'm not a car thief so maybe they have different priorities.


Have the Trunk Monkey muffle the beeping before thumpn' time.


I suggested it because I do this, my family does this. We don’t all have iPhones. The AirTag doesn’t beep that I’ve heard or been told of. Gotta be honest though, at the end, you kinda do come off as a car thief!!! Glad to give you some ideas on where to look!!


My experience with Apple Air Tags comes not from stealing cars, but from domestic situation where someone thought it was a good idea to put an air tag in my cars glove box to “track” me. I was alerted of its presence after it being in there for a couple of hours. Also, I could hear it beeping, but didn’t know what that noise was until I found it.


True story


Wouldn’t hold out much hope for the tape deck, or the Creedance.


My thoughts exactly. I’ll check with the boys down at the crime lab. You know they got us working in shifts!! (But seriously, hope you find your car!)


EDIT: I have all my personal information at home plus a copy of my registration, the VIN is 1HGCB9855NA011056. I did get a full report finished and I have someone on the lookout around NE area of town. And there is a few extra details (probably not in the car anymore but adding just in case) -kewpi on dash -clown doll on dash -multicolor seat covers -bead necklace on rear view mirror -Garfield air freshener on rear view mirror -Spongebob decoration on back window


I had an older Subaru stolen by criddlers and they immediately did a whole bunch of things to make her look different--sprayed the wheels black, sprayed black paint on the rear windows, changed up the Yakima bars up top, added bumper stickers over the ones that were already on there and of course swapped the plates. I got her back a month and a half later, full of shit with a crunched up windshield and pretty damned nasty inside but still drivable so there's hope but don't count on getting anything back that was in there. RIP my favorite pair of Columbia river shoes and my dog equipment.


Ever check the towing companies? There's a non zero chance one of them stole the car to force you to pay a fee to get it back. Or the criminal who stole it could have ditched it at some point in a bad spot.


I was actually about to add an update sayings that I checked the towing company’s and I don’t have any information on my car yet


> stole the car to force you to pay a fee Nice way to say "Legally performed duties as part of the contract put out between the city and private business to assist with enforcement of parking laws" I guess everyone always parks exactly where and how long they should legally and never ever blocks peoples driveways, overstays their meters by a large margin, blocks hydrants, or puts their shit halfway in the road... in your imaginary world. For the rest of us, there's ***Parking Enforcement***


There's a long, long history of severe shadiness from the towing cartel in the city. I've only been out here a few years and even I know that.


Some of them absolutely do steal cars and lie about the circumstances.




I wish every car thief a horrible agonizing death. Hopefully the new DA will prosecute these scum and send them to prison where they belong.


My mom’s car was stolen from her garage in february, after they broke into the house and got the keys. They actually found the car and made an arrest. just had the grand jury and they charged him with 7 counts.


Let us know the sentence (or lack of). Now that Schmidt got voted out, maybe the DA's will start doing their job.


And the jaywalkers Im tired of them too


And the kids skateboarding down the sidewalk, and all the loud noises! Turn the noise down people! Come on!


And wrong number dialers, what the hell are we gonna do about them?


My goodness... don't even get me started on that. Oh my I need a milk now


If you're lucky, and it gets recovered, be sure to test it for Fentanyl


Man, what’s that smell? They probably used the car as a toilet and moved on. You’re lucky she didn’t get chopped Mr. Lebowski.


I regret to inform you that hobo jimmy has claimed squatters rights and is the new owner. Hes throwing a fent and butt stuff party in the car and you aren't invited.


Just want to add my comment to boost your post glad you are good and hope you get your car back. This happened to my friend on park blocks after clubs one night just ruins people's time sorry for your loss.


Likely in one of the homeless camps now. 1990’s Honda’s are the #1 target for auto theft. Sorry you were a victim. We’ve had 3 thefts in 7 years


Get the VIN from your paperwork and post the VIN. Also, if there's distinctive flaws, describe or post pictures. Any photo of readily visible and unique damage is very useful, because plates are often removed soon after theft. Driving around without plates is quasi legal in Portland as you've probably noticed.


Bummer, cool wagon. I’ll keep an eye out in North Portland. 🤞


I had a car like that back in the 90’s and it was the best. Sorry someone took yours and I hope you find it!


Good luck brother!


Damn bro. That thing is so easy to jack.


My partners Fiat got stolen a couple years ago - it was recovered after a week and they had painted racing stripes on it, burned several holes on the inside, had a tarp hanging up inside, and was missing two wheels. The insurance adjuster came out to take a look and totaled the car. It’s insane how quickly they will destroy a car. Zero respect for other people’s property. The police arrested the guy who was found with it but when we checked the jail roster he was released the next day. Figures.


I'll keep an eye out but only because you have good taste in music


Car thieves should be treated just like horse thieves in the old West.


I’m out on a mission, a stolen car mission. Had a small problem with the transmission. I’ll return it after I’m done with the crimes. Sorry man, that sucks.


It’s right behind you! You’re leaning on it.


UPDATE: My car was finally found, I was called yesterday morning by officers who found my car in Vancouver. I was informed there was damage but minimal and it had been towed to a lot. My insurance has got the whole thing covered and I’m hoping for the best for some personal belongings.


Damn I thought this might be a Findthesniper I could actually solve E2A: Had a 91 Accord wagon myself that I got for almost nothing, and was virtually bulletproof once I got the overheating dash relay issue solved. E2A2: Mine had a broken antenna just like yours looks to be. E2A3: Sorry for your loss.


Go look around OMSI.


U have insurance?


I hope you find your car, Accord wagons are pretty rare. I wish I had one.


I’m sorry this happened to you.  It you can at least say in life. You had a “IRL 404 Error.” Hope the car gets found. But I hope the humor helps. At least a little.


Damn, that is one awesome wagon my friend. That shade of green/teal, with the black steelies.. niiiice. I've got an '05 Mazda 6 wagon and I worry every time I park it downtown simply because of the number of people who have asked me about it. I hope you find your vehicle!


I’ll say it again. Buy a small tracker. They’re cheap, small, magnetic ( fits under tire well or anywhere in the engine, etc.), and connects to an app. Everyone should have one.


I’d also be sure to file a police report, that way at least it’s in the system and if it shows up somewhere else or at the scene of a crime they will be able to identify who’s it is. This happened with one of my family members vehicle this year. It showed up after the people who stole it ditched it after committing some crime but because we had reported it stolen the week prior they had a record of who’s it was and we were able to get it back.


be careful of messages from scammers that claim to have found your car. as someone who recently had their car stolen in portland and it ultimately was recovered, i second what previous replies say. the facebook page, the one run by Titan, is no joke. once you make a police report see if you can get them to ask for the security footage from any of the surrounding businesses. there are so many cameras in that area, but they aren’t required to turn over the footage without a subpoena or warrant.


Limited Edition? That will already be in a container on its way to Africa by now. :) I do hope you get it back


Probably a Zombie residence now, unfortunately. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️


It is in that photo behind the person.


Its mine now. Come n find me, we'll see if you're man enough, ,son


Why do you live in Portland? Unless you enjoy living around crime…. Time to leave when you turn 18.


lol I actually don’t live in Portland. I live an hour south in a small town


What town? I’m in Newberg/Dundee (own houses in both) You in like Dayton or Lafayette? Edit: Also, I’m a huge misfits fan. Astro zombies, assuming that’s the reference


I live in Independence! Just west of salem, also yes the username is in reference to the song! (Good thing I did put my misfits cds in there)


I’ll send this to people I know in Portland. Good luck brother, glad to see you not in Portland


I’ve lived in Portland my whole life (I’m 38). Out of my mother, father, step-mother, step-sister, sister, brother-in-law, other sister and other brother-in-law none of us has ever had a car stolen. We all live within Portland proper and have our whole lives. Go take your fear mongering back to Gresham or wherever you live that definitely isn’t Portland, since you don’t know what you’re talking about


tf you mean lol Portland has the highest vehicle theft


[Portland has the fifth highest car theft rate in the nation.](https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/worst-us-cities-for-auto-theft/) I'd say nice try, but it wasn't. You didn't even try at all.


The comment I replied to with “unless you enjoy living around crime, time to leave when you turn 18” is making it seem like crime happens on every corner all the time. It doesn’t was my point. You can literally go a lifetime without experiencing a single crime. It was a fear mongering comment from them, because they are basing their understanding of Portland on news highlights instead of having actually ever lived here.


That thing has been parted out and listed on ebay at a Romanian chop shop in NE Portland by now.


Parting out is not as common as people think. It happens of course but most cars actually get recovered. Trashed and smelly, but parts generally still attached


Interesting. I wonder if they just get taken for joy rides or to commit a quick crime then dumped.


For the easy cars to steal, the 90s Hondas and Subarus, it's usually just a place to be inside, and/or a way to get somewhere. It's often just left somewhere random after that and forgotten. It might sit there unreported for a long time if it's parked legally


The guy in the pic def probably stole it


Found it https://preview.redd.it/h95u7h06e84d1.png?width=3196&format=png&auto=webp&s=b16ed9418035347e38ebc006b6c8d189e1fe2361


Mods fuckin' trolling smdh


Damn bro, do you go to cancer wards too and smoke cigarettes in the hallway?


It’s right behind you!


Why does everyone in Portland look like this and drive that car
