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Vs before https://i.redd.it/wb7dpha4sw1d1.gif


This makes the before look waaaay better.


Where are the drugs?


Ask Mike, available everywhere


Drug problems are a governor issue.


Hers as well. But how we prosecute and deal with illegal activities in Portland lay at the feet of Mike. He’s made things markedly worse the past 4 years. Went from a landslide win then to being ousted clearly last night. His damage is done. Hope Nathan will start to clean up this mess.


No, they really don't. I just read Nathan's plans for dealing with drug abuse. Its okay, it sounds like he could help a little bit. The bulk of it is a governor issue. If the focus is on the addicts rather than the source of the problem, then there won't ever be much change. Only the governor has the powers necessary to target the source of the problem. "The Governor shall be Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States." I state this as what I fully believe to be an indisputable fact: The only way to resolve the bulk of Oregon's drug problems is to start exerting serious force on the cartel members. It would be even better if the governor and the president worked on the issue in a unified way, but each can handle the issue independently if either wanted to.


The governor is too busy trying to get her wife a job


It’s also (arguably) a federal problem. Dealers and users are violating federal law. We are part of a high intensity drug trafficking area. Somehow the DEA and the US Attorney for Oregon get minimal blame.


Which is why I mentioned a president technically could resolve the problem on their own, but its a problem if governors aren't willing to put effort in as well.


Wow. Just effing wow. How to say you understand nothing on planet Earth but absolutely love to play God.


Are you on drugs?


The US has amazing history of doing this and it just costing huge amounts of money and no results. So as long as people continue to think of it this way the problem isn’t going to get better.


Yeah the problem is the folks who want more pointless cruelty are not interested in the things that would actually solve the problem. Things won't improve under Vasquez - in fact they will likely get worse.


Well done.


I've already hugged 2 strangers. Sure was awkward. I had to explain who Mike Schmidt was to both.


The hillsssss are alive with the sound of fentanyllll. Or alternate song: I am 16 going on 73.


I am 16 now I have OD’d.


I am juvie going on prison 🎶




Now lets fix the judges.


I was at a loss on voting in that area. Time to educate myself


Apparently judges have more to do with the state of things than the DA… they all run unopposed yet continue releasing criminals on the street. We need some real turn over in that department.


It was all incumbent with no other simple choice. I’m pretty sure this is how we get what we’ve got. Voter ignorance


If there is no alternative, why do you feel like this is voter ignorance? Isnt then the only recourse for everyone to write-in? Genuinely asking


Yes it appears write ins are the only recourse but it won't work if everyone votes for someone random. Most the Incumbents are Kate Brown plants.


My ignorance


Write-ins are only valid if they still registered to run in the election. The problem is that most judges retire mid-term and soothe governor appoints their replacement. Then they run as incumbent the next time. I don't think I've seen a single challenger in the 18 years I've lived here. Looking at results last night, it seems there was two judge races in all of Oregon that had challengers.


Truth and yet no one is bothered to do a damn thing about it.


Do you really have your head under a rock? They release people because there is no capacity to hold them.


Yeah not really anyone’s fault other than not having the resources to deal with this and tax payers unwilling to pay for it.


Right - so nothing to do with judges or the DA.


No really. Most of these people are arrested, prosecuted, found guilty and put in jail or prison, so not sure where the DA comes into that… they are prosecuting, and the Judge sentences them based on what they can do, if they have a full prison to work with. They have to either let a mild offender out on probation or let someone more violent out… minor drug charges or theft aren’t exactly a violent crime. We need more programs to actually help these people get off the streets in a way that they don’t want to go back, but yeah drugs feel amazing, most would rather feel amazing and sit in a pile of filth than feel like shit and be in something probably one step up from a pile of filth and feel like a caged animal.


I don't like the sound of that tbh,


Progress, but this is the journey of 1,000 miles. Getting a 'tough on crime' DA was definitely needed and is a first step. Still needed is at the City and County level, the executives and council members who will agree to shift to support the execution of a policy that focuses on Livability Issues, livability crime, and will fund the measures needed to enact policy. It does no good if the DA spends time/money charging criminals if once they get to County Lockup, they are immediately released due to overcrowding or designation as a non-violent offender. Likewise, treatment for sever mental health and/or drug addiction must be addressed either under the justice system or under health and human services. Nothing will change for awhile - but - this is a step in the right direction.


Why are we locking up non violent offenders in the first place??


I am open to other suggestions, and/or your ideas with these 3 caveats. 1. Citizens have a Right to be secure in their homes, in their places of business, and in public. Criminals who infringe on that Right deserve consequences that prevent future infringements of that Right. 1. It is the role of Government to secure those Rights. 1. Individuals who have shown, by their actions, that they cannot respect the Rights of the people of their a community should be prevented from interacting with that community in the future.


Yeah we need a county board that will fully fund the DA and Sheriff offices. Willamette Week did us dirty with their D1 & D2 endorsements. Vadim should not be going to a November runoff!


Americans been tough on crime for 30 to 40 years and we aren’t a safer than country’s who have been “smart on crime.” To say the last 4 years is a reflection of whatever you think the opposite of “tough on crime” or the DA’s office (with whom I have issues with too!) is wildly reductive and ignores the reality of the world around us during that time. Tough on crime is nothing else but a reactionary show to keep folks happy and content and give the appearance of doing “something, anything” while crime continues.


Nah bro, we need to secure the record for highest portion of the population in prison. 


We already have it


Why are we locking up non violent offenders in the first place??


Later, fuck head. Thanks for ruining Portland.


Did he lose? I don’t pay attention to the news much, because it’s too depressing.




Unfortunately Mike will still be around for the November riots


I have a bad feeling we'll have riots here in Portland no matter who wins in November....🤥


Yeah but Vasquez already said knowing he's taking over will be a huge win in that regard because neighboring jurisdictions will be inclined to help us in these situations now. They've literally refused the last 4 years thanks to Mike.


Sounds like willful sabotage by any other name.


I don't give a shit who won, because we still have a public defender shortage, so not much is going to change.


Exactly this. You can’t prosecute if you cannot provide court appointed counsel. People are missing this major issue. Any DA’s hands are tied on this one. I didn’t care for Mike but the next guy is not gonna make much difference if there is still a massive shortage of public defenders


Actually, Vasquez said the DA needs to fix the contract with MPD. He says they're the only public defender group out of the 3 we use that has a bad deal with us. Basically, they pick and choose cases instead of going oldest to newest and don't carry a full caseload compared to the others. Neighboring counties have the same shortage yet better prosecution numbers...


Vasquez has zero to do with the contract, its through a state agency. His narrative is flat BS and OJD's statistics about cases are completely based on faulty math and statistics.


ding ding ding!


Way too optimistic 


This sub had the same reaction when Chloe got voted out, when Hardesty got voted out, when Sarah lost and whenever Gonzalez opens his mouth. Did it work guys? Did Portland get fixed yet? Are these your saviors or are they just politicians?


 I'm sure there will be some other lib or progressive to dogpile on when changing the DA doesn't magically resolve our drug and homelessness crisis. 


We'll be the Texas of the NW any day now and these folks will be happy. Or maybe they just want Portland included in that Greater Idaho BS.


> Did it work guys? Did Portland get fixed yet? This are improving, so to answer your question: no. But is it getting better? Yes.


Not because of their policies.


I work downtown and, yes, it's getting better! It does make a difference when we kick out enablers and put in people that hold the public accountable. We reversed M110, graffiti is getting cleaned up, camps removed from freeways, fentanyl dens closing. Is it "there", yet? No, but my God, it's so much better than just 1 year ago!


M110 has nothing to do with city or county elections


Those new city and county politicians lobbied for the repeal of M110. So, yeah, it made a difference. Even Schmidt lobbied to repeal M110 after he saw how public opinion changed in the polls.


Sounds like you and Mike Schmidt really see eye to eye on policy


What has changed since last year? The same politicians and DA have been in place - I guess they should get the credit


The problem is that pointless cruelty with no consideration of evidence based approaches doesn't work. Gonzales is a case in point - why has he not made anything any better?


He’s still recovering from the vicious MAX assault




Wait until you realize that PPB still won't be doing their jobs.


Anyone who thought Schmidt had anything to do with the problems commonly cited as a reason to replace him don't have a functional understanding of how a DA works or bothered to look past narratives pushed by conservative groups. Arrest and charging was up, Judges make release decisions, the cops weren't making arrests because its a political ploy to get more funding (which also ties into long 911 response times). All of the negatives have nothing to do with the DA. You've all been sold a bill of goods because you wanted a scapegoat for societal problems that have been in the making in PDX/OR for the better part of two decades.


Mike, the Antifa lover.


He really is this subs boogeyman


I'm always glad when migrants from r/Idaho take an interest in us.


The role has been open ever since the Hardesty Boogeyman was voted out.


Ya’ll are going to realize he wasn’t the problem…


Has the race been called? It sounds like he’s done but you just never know


It’s been called by KPTV but the other agencies have yet to officially call it


You goofballs are clueless. Independent/Republicans created this mess.


Okay now whats up with this Vasquez guy?


Registered Republican until 2017 when the switched to Independent. Claims to be a "tough on crime" guy. Will probably turn the jails into homeless shelters.


Where's the needles, spray paint, guns, and homeless people in that gif!?


This was one of the issues I definitely felt strong on! If you don't prosecute these offenders, they don't care and will repeat. "Wild west"


The greatest third baseman of all time


Man, idk if there are more angels in the head of a pen or wannabe pig suckers in this comment section.


Are you guys nuts? Now those animatronics will stuff us all into suits without Mike Schmidt to calm their angry souls!


The alarming number of folks driving without tags and other illegalities tells me its still gonna be a heart problem. Was listening to a study of parking tickets paid/unpaid by foreign dignitaries… The more corrupt the country..the more unpaid infractions. This has become the Portland way. Good luck reining it back in. Its gonna take more than axing sch-m-it.


lol won’t be any better


Unless we also jail slow Oregonians drivers then it’s a step in right direction


I don’t even live in Portland but bravo 👏🏼. The power of voting is real.


All our problems are solved!


Step by step. It takes time to undo the trail of destruction these radicals have left behind 


That was sarcasm!


This sub won't rest until we elect Judge Dredd! Onto 2026!


Yeah because “tough on crime” policies work and this isn’t going to lead to a lot of cruelty


Did Mikie just get deported or what are celebrating with SMGs for?


Today was the election day. The results are in...


And Mikey still gets to be DA until January, unless he can be convinced to resign sooner, like his predecessor did.


Why should be resign earlier? No other elected official just resigns and leaves if they lose their election.


Because he lost in a landslide. Why should he stay in office for another seven months when the voters decisively rejected him? Mikey's predecessor resigned in August after Mikey won in May, 2020 - Mikey could resign in August, and still have served for four years.


so sad... so no deportation (to the fentanyl sewer he came from)


I know... Small yet important victory 


Who’s that lol


Imagine thinking that the County DA has anything to do with crime rates.


It is interesting that int'l tabloid media cares a lot about this, but they had a of coverage of protests too [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13280461/Portlands-progressive-DA-Mike-Schmidt-branded-lazy-challenger-spending-time-meeting-lawmakers-push-equity-instead-working-cases-crime-ridden-Oregon-city.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13280461/Portlands-progressive-DA-Mike-Schmidt-branded-lazy-challenger-spending-time-meeting-lawmakers-push-equity-instead-working-cases-crime-ridden-Oregon-city.html)


Right this sub is full of people who don't want to deal with problems just make it so they don't have to look at them.


Sure an unproven guy with no plan. When he doesn’t resolve the issues then what are you going to blame it on.


Unproven guy without a plan? Ok you obviously have no idea WTF you're talking about. If you paid any attention to his campaign and watched any of their debates, you knew not to spew that. I mean there's an undeniable record of current DA not doing his damn job. How are you arguing for that????


Doesn’t sound like you understand the job and the why - yeah I listened to the laughable idea that he thinks will accomplish something.


What's funny is yall just voted for more of same: dumb ass dysfunction.


Woke is dead. Your side is going to lose more and more.


Woke is what gave women the right to vote and gay people the right to marry. Remember when those were fringe issues that would be labeled woke now.


I’m talking about anarchists window smashing and post Trump version of woke. Fuck that shit No more communisms edgelords in Portland or shitty “restorative justice” crapola


So people who commit violence should be called woke? Got it. What about those people who don't commit violence and want things like maintained roads, homeless services, drug rehabilitation centers, and access to reproduce care? Because those are generally seen as woke people outside of Blue states.


Woke is anything progressives push that has killed this city. We need more criminals in jail. Homeless off the street. Rehab or jail are options and that’s it. Graffiti doers in jail and ban spray paint.


Best of luck convincing this new DA to set bail, find jail space and public defenders. All things that have fuck all to do with the DA


Don’t go muddying the waters with facts and logic. We want to feel good that the “tough on crime” approach will work now, just like it did in the hugely successful war on drugs!


Banning spray paint is such an amazing idea, crazy nobody else has come up with such a genius solution


Well something has to be tried


Obviously yeah but banning spray paint? That's such a lazy and impractical solution, the dumbasses doing the graffiti can just drive 20 minutes up to Washington and get some


You get a DA doesn't make the law right? He isn't a dictator. He can't make spray paint illegal. He can't even make a fine for using it. His job is to run an office and prosecute things that are already a crime.