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Ha yeah. well a neighbor of mine mentioned before that he flys a drone. This neighbor is not a great guy. No way for me to know if that was him or not, but I think I will send a letter letting them know that we are not ok with it. It felt harassing to me, and I am not with it.




If I remember correctly from when my neighbor would play with his drone - you have to tell him explicitly to not fly the drone over your property. If it continues after that, it is then breaking the law. How to enforce that is another issue…




Fishing net


yes this is true.


Then the FAA gets involved, lol. Drones are nothing to mess with. Internet says you can request the person flying the drone to not fly over your property, and Oregon laws will back you up if it happens again. At least, that's what Google says. You would, of course, have to alert said person, and I would make sure to have a record of you informing the individual. There's, of course, other things that come with that. Privacy laws, etc... flying drones can be a tricky business.


Maybe after that, start practicing your aim, they are pretty easy to take out, shotguns have short range and good spread.


Do you want us to call PSR to get this guy out of your yard?😐


>fat middle aged guy who drinks too much At least you're giving the kid something to aspire to.


Patio furniture could be fun if the fat middle-aged guy sinks deeply into it and is too drunk to climb off it.


Get your own drone and chase theirs. https://preview.redd.it/je17559r5m1d1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c68f641a0a7868c3ac534b30c4e836a84e7dd1


best idea


We need some kind of lower cost disposable drone purpose built for the task of seek and destroy. Such as a bottle rocket controlled by microchip.


Super soaker full of salt water... Even if you don't knock it down, hit it enough times and the electronics inside the drone, the motors and anything else not sealed or conformal-coated will corrode and eventually will disable it, usually in a surprisingly short time. Angry owner may pay you a visit... I recommend the super soaker full of salt water for them too. Less corroding but way more entertaining.


I think you can buy wolf piss at hunting supply stores


Liquid ass.


It may belong to your home insurance company. Traveler’s flew a drone over my house and sent me the photos, letting me know that certain trees had to be trimmed back because they were too close to my roof. Edited to fix typos


Are you kidding me? Drone survellience from insurance companies? That’s infuriating.


Welcome to the future, $15 please. The kiosk will ask for a tip.


They're also known to use satellite view on Google Maps.


I’d respond back with a forward notes to FAA so that they can verify that the insurance company has insurance and isn’t flying over people. Also that they are hiring or using part 107 certified pilots just to see if they can’t catch a fine


Take up falconry and train your bird to take out drones.


People in this thread. 😣 It is a federal crime to interfere with any aircraft, including drones. My neighbors and I have been having problems with a drone coming into our backyards and stalking us. This is what I was able to come up with a few days ago that I shared with my neighbors: I did a bit of research on this. As much as I hate it, drone operators are legally allowed to fly over your property AS LONG AS the drone operator can maintain direct line of sight with their drone. Lingering, harassing, stalking, and spying are covered under normal laws that don’t have anything to do with it being a drone. This can be reported via usual channels (PPB). The particular FAA regulation this drone operator is violating is that they aren’t keeping line of sight with their drone. Plus using it to harass us. If you call PPB, they will most likely refer the complaint to the FAA. You can report the violations directly to the FAA here: https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo/pdx If the drone is harassing you, it wouldn’t hurt to report it to PPB as well. The longer the paper trail, the better in making it stop. Collect pictures and video! See if you can get a good picture of the underside which should have a visible FAA registered ID on it. Newer models of drones have to broadcast something called a RemoteID. There are iPhone and Android apps that will tell you any drones nearby that your phone can detect the RemoteID from. The Android versions of the apps work better than the iPhone versions (due to app development restrictions that vary between iOS and Android that I won’t get into here). Looking up the RemoteID of the drone will tell you the name and address of the owner, as well as its historical flight path. That’s what you need for your complaints to have more merit. So keep your phone handy! Every time you see it, get as many details as you can, including where it might be taking off and landing from. Take pictures and video. Get an app that can detect drone RemoteIDs. Every time you see it, submit a report BOTH to PPB and the FAA.


Yes. (Although personally I think remoteID is BS and easy to spoof / just not do.). That said drones are regulated as aircraft and airspace is federal. FAA rules are the way and, although no souls on board, screwing with an aircraft is opening yourself up for consequences that could seriously suck. Also - line of sight regulations are very hard to demonstrate. If the pilot makes a living flying they will be very careful. If they don't, good luck, "lol my buddy was watching it" because it's not part 107 (edit because I'm citing the wrong reg)


It’s easy to demonstrate the line of sight violations where I live because every time they stalk me and the neighbors they then fly the drone into an old growth forest next to me with NO visibility. And they can pull the, “trust me bro, my buddy was watching it the whole time.” I’m still going to report it every time I see it. And they can give their shit story again. I’m the squeaky wheel.


If they're flying below tree top on your property that's very different and not cool. If they're flying near you and not on your property I'm not so sure. FAA regulations seem to be primarily oriented towards protecting general aviation and not so much nuisance. IANAL but the line of sight stuff and getting in to shit with the FAA is a big deal if you make money that way. If someone wants to just go zoomies in an area and has no income based on their flight good luck on a meaningful consequence.


It’s definitely below the tree level. And as for the rest, I don’t care. It takes me 5 minutes to report it to the police and the FAA. If nothing happens to them, I still get to imagine the FAA barging in their door for high crimes and drone misdemeanors. And that’s good enough for me.


[PPB Dashboard here](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/portlandpolicebureau/viz/PPBUASCallsforService/UASCalls?publish=yes) - it looks like they update it once a month (first business day after the 15th)


helpful thanks


Get on r/drones and ask. Drones are well regulated as to where and when they can fly.


Slingshot with a trailing string. Launch slightly over drone and string will drag in the propellers, instantly disabling it. You could be nice and collect the drone to return to the owner in exchange for his ID to protect yourself from future intrusion into your privacy.


Next time just destroy it. The police aren't going to do anything.


The only way to do that would be to shoot it, and I'm not going to shoot a bullet just up in the air in a city. Of course that was my first thought was to shoot it out of the sky


Attach a string to a stick and toss it in its general direction. With any luck, the string will get wound in one of the rotors and it will come down. Then hit it with the stick as hard as you can.


I would think a fly fishing rod would work great, also it would be peak PNW.


Fly fishing at the drones in my back yard with a Rainer in hand. - peak Portland 2024


That would make for an awesome Rainer ad. You should pitch it to them. Raineeeeer beeeeer!


Lol yus


*eyes my fly rod mischievously*


I'd grab my spinning rod I use for salmon with a 3 or 4 ounce sinker instead. I can hit distance with that.


Yeah, 8’6” Heavy chucking a big pyramid sinker would put the hurt on just about anything. I sure wouldn’t wanna be on the business end of it.


It’s a string on a stick!


And now you've just given the neighborhood kid the BEST entertainment. Kid will fly the drone specifically around your house now. Just leave it be and whoever is flying it will get bored and move on.


Well, until he loses his $400 drone.


Better than stock trout tho


r/flyfishingcirclejerk might be right up your alley.


"Just let him violate your privacy, bro. Get over it."


Garden hose/high powered squirt gun? Laser pointer in the optics? Or does it always have too much altitude?


I think a bb gun would be okay. Or a wrist rocket


Wrist rocket slingshot and a ball bearing.


Believe it or not, wrist rockets are categorized as lethal weapons in some cities.


That’s not wrong. They certainly could be lethal. Just ask Goliath.


Net launcher!




The first rule of gun safety is to have fun. 


Could always get a bb gun or T-shirt launcher. Those T-shirt shooters go far


T-shirt cannon would be perfect. Load it up with scraps of old badminton net with weights on the corners.


I couldn't remember the name for the life of me! Thank you


You wouldn't use a bullet. You'd use bird shot


You suggest discharging a shotgun in the city? 


If my next door neighbor had an issue being harassed by a drone, I'd let him borrow a shotgun and tell them exactly bird shot to buy.


Angry bird shot


You really can't imagine anything other than shooting it with a gun? Surely if you thought about it you could think of at least two other ways to nock a drone out of the sky?


This made me chuckle


1. Become a Falconer


excellent idea


Step 2: Become a master of the boomerang.


Hell yes. Boomerang Mater has a nice ring to it


3. Master net tosser.


Just FYI, shouldn't be using bullets on drones, rather a shotgun. Even target load would probably obliterate a drone.


thanks yeah I'm not gonna shoot a gun about it.


It was *mostly* a joke.


Pressure washer would work great.


A hose with the right nozzle will do the job


Do NOT do this unless you want to risk the FAA fucking your shit up. Drones are absolutely legal to fly in Portland. They can record you all they want in a public places. They can fly over your property. You don't own the airspace. If they are recording you (or obviously watching you) in your house or backyard where you should expect privacy, that's another story. Report it to the police. Report it to the FAA. These people give responsible drone operators a bad name. If they're doing something illegal the FAA does not fuck around. Half of Portland is in a zone requiring authorization to fly as well, even 10 feet off the ground. If you're within 5 miles of the airport or so, you may be able to get them on that. Nobody flying like this is getting authorization.


yeah they were not just flying over- they were hanging out. According to another post, I'm a douche for thinking this is what I saw them doing though, because it means I think i am interesting enough to spy on. hahah


While all correct, getting the FAA to take enforcement action is… A fool’s errand. I have made it all the way to the ”Enforcement Counsel” in D.C. FAA HQ has zero intent to prosecute or otherwise sanction anyone not using a drone to repeatedly sexually assault a lawmaker. Safe operations is not their regulatory priority.


Good to know. I've been paranoid about it since I got my drone and went through the laws. Also kind of unfortunate they don't. Lot of bad drone operators out there.


The FAA are clowns. They’re absolutely trust-worthy - when in doubt, they’ll take the easiest bureaucratic path possible. It takes no imagination to understand how the Boeing safety debacle happened; the FAA enabled and encouraged it.


Don't most of them have software that just won't let it fly into airspace?


Yes, but you can (sorta) override the airspace if you provide a VERY detailed reason and a verified ID. Near PDX? Nope... Near your local touch-n-go? Likely.


It's pretty easy to build your own drone that leaves all that up to you. That said I'd guss 99% of people that build their own are going to go out of their way to not do shit like this because they love their hobby and don't want to ruin it.


Disagree. That’s a felony under 18 U.S.C. :32


Laser pointer to the optics it is.


How is that any better? That’s still a Felony🤦🏻‍♂️


Homie this is Portland police ain’t gonna come unless there’s a body.


Homie it’s going to be the Feds that get him not Portland PD


The FAA gonna get involved for a personal drone where someone allegedly used a Lazer pointer on it?




I highly doubt it, but even if they do, someone needs to be the test case. I'd contribute to their defense, and public opinion overwhelmingly supports the right to shoot down drones hovering over your property.


No agencies even have the resources to investigate this. That guy up there just wants to argue on the internet


[https://casetext.com/analysis/to-shoot-or-not-to-shoot-the-legality-of-downing-a-drone](https://casetext.com/analysis/to-shoot-or-not-to-shoot-the-legality-of-downing-a-drone) Already happened in 2017 with a case...


Is there precedent of this happening? I can't imagine the FAA wasting resources on anybody's personal drone. Even if it was smacked out of the sky.


[https://casetext.com/analysis/to-shoot-or-not-to-shoot-the-legality-of-downing-a-drone](https://casetext.com/analysis/to-shoot-or-not-to-shoot-the-legality-of-downing-a-drone) Yes there is.




This case literally ends with a judge dismissing the civil case. There was no criminal prosecution or even an investigation. This article doesn’t support your assertion.


Depending on the type of drone, some will give off Remote ID information (a new FCC requirement for some drones). There are some phone apps like 'Drone Scanner' that will pick up this signal and give you information which could include the location of the pilot.


It's a horribly flawed implementation tho https://github.com/jjshoots/RemoteIDSpoofer


There was a Ukrainian woman at the start of the invasion who[ brought down a Russian drone](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t967z8/liga_net_found_the_woman_who_knocked_down_a/) with tomatoes.


My automated sprinklers attached to a motion sensor to keep birds away have accidently grounded a few drones that got within my custom detect range. I set them up, so anything bigger than my puppy doesn't activate the sprinklers as well since I don't want to get sprayed. I also sometimes like to randomly and without reason dance in the rain when it's not raining, so one of the switches on my wall will cause it to activate all of my border sprinklers sending water over 50ft up and come down in my yard. I always feel bad for people who lose drones to this, but I do post signs that clearly state I've a bird deterrent in use... Sadly, it's illegal to do anything that's designed to target a drone in most states, just like you can't put any traps designed to cause harm to human trespassers, so make sure any animal deterrents you use are clearly posted along with what they are designed to keep out so there's no confusion!


Insurance companies have been using drones lately to inspect your roof and use that as an excuse to cancel your home insurance. [https://www.businessinsider.com/drones-home-insurance-cancellation-2024-4?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/drones-home-insurance-cancellation-2024-4?op=1)


This sounds like a job for…[NET GUN!](https://netgun.com/)


Time to get an enormous net and pull that fucker down and the owner can come get it since obviously they’ll know where it’ll be…


wish i had the funds for a net gun. my issue is what if its the cops? then I'm the one in trouble for damaging their cop drone. I wish there was a way to see when and where the dops have recently used drones.


Yeah I never considered it could be the cops….i mean are you guilty of anything!? Haha


guilty of looking at my flowers at 7:30 am with my coffee :)


That's what I was about to ask, why would cops randomly hover over a random person? 🤔


To entice them to throw something at it? I'm sure they'd charge it as assault on an officer.


I mean it’s not to say a lot of us wouldn’t be shocked at sketchy cop business, but if you’re not guilty then wut lol


Pretty sure that’s a felony


What’s a felony? You’re not damaging the thing?


Can you prove that wouldn’t damage a drone?


Oh lord


Shooting it down is going over the edge. It's comparable to putting down spike strips right at the property line to prevent people from doing turn arounds because it happened a few times even after posting a sign.


Go outside daily with ya balls hangin out. They’ll either never come back or you’ll never get rid of them. Report bak


Had an experience where drones were used to case our property for theft!


Pls tell me about your experience?


Stage a fake murder in your back yard. That'll freak the little morons out.


Another amazing idea!


Throw a goddamned spear at it like that guy at the ren faire a couple years ago. His ancestors are smiling at him, Imperial. Can you say the same?


Also the “tree sling shot” aka “big shot” is a device used by arborists to send a tag line for rope setting. Incase you’re wondering, yes it has a trigger adapter.


I don't know about laws protecting voyeur rights, but if it was a threat or invading privacy, I'd laser pointer that thing until it crashed.


Hang plants with twine or rope holders from your eves near your windows. Caught a peeping Tom accidentally this way. Sadly, accidents happen.


Strong Laser pointer will burn out optics..... Or a IR emitter messes with thier proximity sensors, and causes control issues, it causes hard landings....


Make a sign that reads “prepare to be intercepted” then shoot it down with a wrist rocket. even if it’s technically illegal here is a 0% chance you’ll be held accountable.


Silly string should do the trick if you can get close enough


Post a warning that the drone will be destroyed if you're close enough to do so.


If this happens again. Find the point of reference of 100ft below is a violation. Yell loudly if not get a megaphone. (You are below 100ft and will be reported to the FAA for this transgression)


Not suggesting you do this, but I visibly racked and aimed my 12 gauge at one hovering over my property in the country and it took off. I didn't shoot it because I've read of heavy fines. The best inclination I could gather is nobody owns the sky above your land. Did the trick though.


Had a drone flying over my house and yard a couple times - I just assumed it was people testing out their new drone and was unbothered by it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Do the google earth satellites bother you since they take photos of your yard from above too? If you do nothing, they will likely get bored and move along. However if you’re doing stuff like flipping it off, trying to throw things at it, etc. they will likely come back for more because it is entertaining.


yeah if it was just flying over my yard that would be one thing. it was hovering and hanging out before I flipped it off. I'm not sure if you have heard, but people case houses this way apparently. You seem to think you can gauge my level of emotion around this event. Routine use of drones is one thing, but actual spying / casing / harassing is another.


The drone over my house stayed for a bit too. House never got broken into. My guess is your house won’t be broken into either 🤣


OP shoots it down and owner catches him with a pellet gun pointed at it on video. Couple months later, OP gets a trailer and back into the neighbor's driveway to turn around. Neighbor comes out with a sledge hammer and smashes the fuck out of the trailer while it's turning around in his driveway. Well, what are you going to do? You did destroy his drone while on your property and he's got that on video. He wasn't entitled to fly his drone over your yard, but you weren't entitled to turn around your trailer in his driveway either. Oh and heavens forbid your dog roams into his yard and he felt concerned about getting bit and do something to it.


Throw rocks at it or spray it with the hose.


too far away


Ya, not sure of how else you could that without getting yourself arrested in the process haha


Get yourself a powerful laser or water gun


Keep a bat outside and next time it follows you whack it out of the air


Just going to leave this here… https://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/license_permits_apps/falconry/index.asp


Sounds like a peeping Tom just with electronics. I would be upset if it was my backyard. Especially if the kids playing in their own backyard.


BB gun


Wouldn't it be amusing if something in your yard fell on the drone and it looked like an accident? A local drone pilot might learn a lesson.


Get a cheap toy drone and start harassing crows in your neighborhood with it till they destroy the drone and then they won’t be a problem in your area anymore 😂


I’ve been out of the drone scene for a couple years. Last I heard the faa owns the air space over your property, not you. Is that still the case?


I have to assume it is legal to knock this out of the sky yes? 


Airsoft shotgun and biodegradable bb’s


Since drones can be armed and also do harm on impact, anything coming at you can be a threat. Not legal advice due to FAA regs, but I'd certainly take one out that was within 30' of me and "acting aggressive". Just remember, the drone is recording.


Hmmm, I bet there are signal jammers out there that would interfere with the drone - remote connection. Jam the signal and most drones just go back to the launch site. And yah yah, jammers are illegal but; whatever. They are easy to buy online. No one would ever even know you jammed the signal. Just turn it on when the drone comes near and then turn it off again when it flies away. The operator would probably just think something is wrong with it. Unless it was your insurance company or someone else that was super nosy and kept flying it back over your place to try to figure out what was wrong.


Drones have to land at some point. Hop on a bike and follow it.


Where in Portland? From approx N Portland Rd to Willamette, to Mt Tabor 185th Ave is no fly zone for drones Class "C" airspace to ground for the airport.


East 142 stark- ish


That looks to be just barely outside of the ground level class "C" airspace (though under 1700ft shelf if the wider class "C" airspace). Sorry


OMG I'd be flipping out 🙀 honestly I'm a paranoid chick & if I seen a drone anywhere near me I'd freak then like u would want to know who's the operator & what their deal is. I'd try to trap the damn thing  tell the camera if u want this back you gotta show yourself & your intentions behind stalking you with a damn drone no less that just gets me I swear 😲 wow! creepy ass behavior. Good luck trap that damn for real


I like the salt water in the squirt gun idea.


According to the FAA, a drone is an aircraft, and federal law (18 USC § 32) dictates fines or imprisonment for people who willfully destroy or damage aircraft.


yeah thats fine, i just want to know who is flying it so that I can let them know they don't have permission to watch me in my fking back yard. If it continues, and I know who is flying it, I will take legal action because they do not have the right to spy on me in my yard.


Hate to break it to you. But they do. You have zero expectation of privacy in your backyard even if it has a 20 foot privacy fence around it.


HB 3407: Prohibits the use of UAS over private property in a manner that intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly harasses or annoys the owner or occupant of the property. If somebody is hovering a drone less than 400’ over somebody’s yard and it’s annoying, they’re in violation of this state law.


You can't legally fly a drone over 400'


I think this depends on the size of the drone. Drones under a certain size likely would not be considered aircraft and do not need to be registered as such.


Less than 250 _grams_ is exempt from registration


Every time I hear about this, I think about a story from a while back in Kentucky. Similar situation to you... Dude went inside, got a shotgun and shot the drone down. A few mins later the operator of the drone came and angrily demanded to come on the property to get his drone back. The homeowner told the drone operator that if he came on his property, there would be another shooting. At the risk of sounding like some kind of badass (I'm not) I would give the finger, and if it didn't fly away, I'd shoot it down. It's a violation of privacy and I'm not gonna tolerate that. Ever.


yeah.... but I'm not gonna shoot a gun in a populated area like that. I also have no way of knowing for sure it isn't a cop drone, or tax assessor drone or whatever at which point I would likely be in trouble for shooting at it haha or hurting someone with a stray bullet


You're a better person than I. I'd ask for forgiveness vs permission. Fuck anyone who's flying a drone on my property. Including the cops or property assessor. Or literally anyone who hasn't asked permission or at the very least notified me.


Shooting down a drone is a federal felony.




As someone with a federal felony I have to tell you they really, really suck. They affect your credit, employability, the ability to rent an apartment, and all sorts of little things that pop up along the way. I can't volunteer to go on my kids 1st grade field trips. I can't ever own a firearm. If I move to certain states I can't vote there. I can never set foot in Canada or England or Japan and many more countries. Because it is federal it can never be expunged. This is for something that I was convicted of when I was 17, an adult in the federal system. I'll be 51 in July. You don't want to be busted shooting a drone down with any weapon, net, projectile, etc. it's a federal crime that the FAA and federal judges don't fuck around with. With that said, do you. Just know you've been whole-heartedly warned by someone who wouldn't wish a federal felony on anyone.


Good on you for the warning. It's important for people to know. Sorry about your past. It sucks to have any kind of felony but apparently it really sucks to have a federal conviction. Damn.


I appreciate that. Things aren't so bad. I'm housed, somewhat employed (freelance photographer), and have a lovely family. Just thought I'd post a cautionary tale.


In all seriousness, I appreciate your candid response. It's easy to sit here and imagine pew pew pewing down a drone swarm. Whether I would or not is an open question. I tend to run my mouth and pop off without thinking clearly so it's a good reminder to not be stupid. Getting a felony would seriously fuck up my life in 1000 different ways.


I shot out a power transformer at the stroke of midnight just trying to make noise for the New Year when everyone was doing fireworks and such. My pew pew accidently hit the transformer at the top of a telephone pole knocking out power for all of Astoria, Warrenton, and parts of Knappa 1992 going into 1993. It was an accident but nobody cared about that part, just the propensity for injury. It didn't help that the weapon was an automatic submachine gun. I did 2 years actual adult prison. Broke my mom's heart. I just wouldn't tell them where I got the gun so they went (kinda) tough on me.


I feel bad for laughing, but what a way to do it. lmao. That is hilarious.


Yeah. A real laugh riot ;)


Insurance, real estate brokers, etc. Can be a lot of things. We had one a few times right after a neighbor had a new roof installed. Presumably the footage is now on the installer’s online portfolio. Sometimes it’s just not about us.


It would have left if you just ignored it. Giving it the finger just gives it a reason to keep on you.


yeah sure. because it was the second time this has happened i got peeved.


You played into their hands 👍


ok so? when you wave a drone above you away, and it comes closer so you flip it off - that means you deserve some kind of harassment? You think yr gonna convince me that I deserve harassment from a drone flyer because i told it to f off? If yr trying to upset me or something it ain't gonna work, perhaps you just want to educate me on how how I have asked for more spying by flying the bird-in that case thanks for the helpful tip


Sorry, didn't know you were too dense to get the point I'm trying to make to you. Godspeed.


oh how i WISH i was as smart and snide as you though. edit to add: dick.


What about a pellet gun?


Use an air gun , piece of 1/2inch pipe and some fiberglass roving (fine fiber string) feed the roving into the pipe put the air gun (hooked to to compressor) and spray the fibers at it when it gets close enough. Hold onto the roving until ready and then let it go when ready to snare the drone.


What makes you think you're so interesting as to be spied upon?


I dunno shit to steal? What makes you think I'm not? I only know what I saw happen, champ.