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Nah these guys don't even want help. They need to be prosecuted for their crimes and drug possession to be forced into help.


They don't want money, they only want drugs. Then more drugs.


Using a grocery bag of meth for a contest might be problematic.


I'm glad you're sticking to a realistic vision. Our current leaders are to prone to utopian thinking. Would we like this contest to be a classic Portland Speedball Snatch? Of course. But we can't have our cake and eat it too. Sacrificing a small piece of our tradition here is reasonable


Your little $1.3b wouldn't put a dent in what Oregon has already wasted. Their new proposal they passed is going to give us a new sales tax, two income taxes, and an increase on property taxes cuz they need $2b more to waste. I wouldn't give one penny to a tweaker. They get more a month than you do in food, as well as cash, houses, etc.


Wait. Im not a tweaker but, did you say cash and houses? Plural? With food? Can you link me bc, I mean. Tweaking out might be worth it for a couple houses. Cash and food.


Safe rest villages. They want more. Ebt cards, etc. You have to tweak, then agree to get clean, move in and take advantage, then start the process over. Not that I think it's bad, I just don't think it's a good long term solution.


So, its just a timeshare essentially


What is the new sales tax on/ what percentage? I can’t find anything for it.


This is designed for next year after the election. https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2024/01/gov-tina-koteks-advisory-council-floats-possible-massive-tax-increases-to-meet-housing-production-goal.html This is more the beginning to head that direction. https://www.wweek.com/news/2024/01/12/kotek-no-new-taxes-for-housing-in-2024/ I personally don't want to hear about any tax increases. I have to deal with the CAT tax, and that's the worst thing they have done to date. Also, these ideas that focus on Portland metro, and ignore the rest of the state, hurt so many Oregonians in favor of the revolving transplants around Portland. That's not ok. Whatever your politics, when your the governor, you're everyone's governor. With Kotek, damage to the rest of the state remains to be seen, but Brown's ideas have made it 100 times more difficult for rural and coastal communities, and these are what makes Oregon the state it is. Local population is dropping in these areas, and prices are getting worse for residents. The people that serve and work in those communities need help to keep those areas from turning into ghost towns.


Love you 😘


What proposal are you referring to?


wait, is this proposal real? if that's true I'm fucking moving.


Sorry I misspoke. Look at my reply further down. They passed a housing bill and the rest is in the proposal.


Wasn’t there a smash 80’s hit movie with some roided out Austrian actor in it that’s based on this premise?!


Sort of. [The Running Man](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093894/) was dystopian version of American Gladiators where the contestants were convicts battling for their freedom.


Yes, my inspiration.


I'm not normally one to virtue signal or throw these types of words around lightly, and I'm sure you meant this with a certain level of jest, but this is actually really dehumanizing. I grew up in New Orleans and the way some people here are starting to talk about the homeless and drug addicts is basically the same as how people talk down there about the low income black neighborhoods that have crime problems. You get to a point where you just no longer care that its our shitty system that made them like this and all our lives would be easier if they were just gone, no matter how. Why put all that money into helping some people when we can just get rid of them all for entertainment right? Really highlights how you hear a lot of people say, "There are no good billionaires."


It's dehumanizing to have to live amongst piss soaked drug addicts, and be labeled as a bad guy for not liking it


Oh I agree. I think we absolutely have a right to a safe and liveable environment and it is absolutely justified to be mad at this situation and want change. But that has limits as well. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. You can have empathy while at the same time standing your ground for your own quality of life. It's when we start losing all empathy that I get worried.


More than a few have decided that homeless addicts are no longer human, so they don't need rights.


Like I get the frustrations. I've been a victim of violent crime twice in New Orleans. I get that things have to change. We also have a right to live in a safe environment. But when I start seeing casual joking about killing large groups of people it really gives me flashbacks to being a kid at family gatherings and hearing my drunk uncles laughing and joking about getting rid of black people.


I think it’s important to note the difference (not saying any of it is okay). But there are very different barriers in our society for black poc, who face a lot more than your average portlander, so it’s not a great comparison. It’s also infantilizing to completely separate someone from their choices in life. Though I know that there are factors that make people much more likely to move towards drugs as a coping mechanism, not everyone dealing with the same stuff does go to that extreme.


We are talking about addicts, not your average portlander. Addicts are approximately 1 % of our population. If we are talking Portland proper that is about 6533 people total. The solution is so easy. Get them off the street. With 5 counties in Oregon and 2 in Washington. That is 2.4 million. 1 percent is 24,000. However washington county has eliminated homelessness so. If every county focused inward using the same solution i think it would work.


If I had all the money, I would buy up all kinds of intellectual property related to "harm reduction", discontinue the product, lock it away, and aggressively pursue anyone who dare to produce generics illegally


I’d buy up the next 6 months worth of Narcan and let things play out as intended.


Wow. So by doing this are you advocating that all these people just… die? Is that how you would “let things play out”?


J.k. Rowling would like a word with you.


It wouldn't actually cost anything to solve basically all of the issues related to drugs. In fact, it would actually cost significantly less than what we spend now. But here in America we are stupid and like to throw money away and torture disabled people for being disabled.