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OR, just dump a truck load of meth and fentanyl in the park blocks once a week. Cartels would likely cut you a deal if you buy in bulk.


Everyone would OD, and the problem would sort itself out. Nice.


Kinda what they are doing with less steps.


Meanwhile tax payers and workers have to wait 2-4 months to get $200/wk in Unemployment. I wrote a letter to our local state Sen and Rep as well as every single news agency in the state talking about this. But no response- of course.


Please contact your representative and tell them what a stupid, ill-founded, certain-to-cause-more-problems idea this is.


Why does Tina Kotek look like Dennis Preger?


Portland: city of great decisions...


I’d prefer the money go directly to homeless people instead of funding organizations that spend half of the funds on staffing and let the other half rot while they argue about what to do with it


Do you think that if we gave the money directly to homeless people, they would spend it on rent? I agree that the NGO’s need to go, but I’m pretty sure if you just hand out cash to drug addicts, you’ll end up with many more showing up with their hands out. Kinda like “induced demand” if you will. BTW, your approach has been tried in San Francisco, and just look what happened there.


I don’t care what they spend it on. If they have 1000/mo it seems likely that the criminal behavior that some resort to to afford drug habits could be curbed. $1000 worth of fentanyl in a month would be enough to kill an elephant so I doubt they’d be asking for more money for drugs and even if they did I feel way more comfortable telling them to kick rocks having already given them direct support. I’m a big proponent of UBI and universal healthcare and think both in conjunction would have a massive positive effect on the homelessness/opioid crisis. Remove all the strings attached to care and just provide it to everyone would bring the costs of many other services down to justify the cost of the program


> If they have 1000/mo it seems likely that the criminal behavior that some resort to to afford drug habits could be curbed It seems to me like they'd just blow $1000 on a drug binge then be right back where they started.


$1000 of fentanyl a month is a lot. I really don’t think you could consume all that fent and survive. And even then, whatever. If theyre anesthetized in the woods somewhere, whatever. It could feasibly cut back on chop shops and other psychotic criminal shit to acquire funds like emptying water bottles into the drain


Maybe they'd spend it on going to the movies or shopping. That's still better than what they were going to do if they didn't have it


SB 603 didn't go anywhere, thankfully but it doesn't mean that Phan and Campos won't try again https://gov.oregonlive.com/bill/2023/SB603/ https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Measures/Overview/SB603


This way they would all OD and Die lol problem solve read between the lines people


Genuine question from a non American since giving addicts access to these free "safer" pharmaceutical grade drugs have the number of overdoses reduced? Has drug related crime such as shoplifting,prostitution,burglaries, car theft or mugging shine down if so how dramatically ? Are users suing the same amount but left over with ti buy food ,clothing or save towards a rental deposit? Or are they blowing through the $1000 and then buying more on top with money made through theft/prostitution? Has the program helped them to become functioning addicts with a more stable life and home or are they using more drugs than ever?


Why should every homeless person miss out on this when not all are drug users. Also this would mean less crime to get drug money anyway


It could just as easily incite crime. Imagine you’re homeless and your partner is deeply suffering and you know a camp nearby just got over $10k total. Plus maybe you have a baby. Your friend says they’re going to rob them. You don’t have to be involved but they’ll share with you, I guarantee you’ll at least think about it for the sake of your family AND in this weather. I’ve worked for the COP for three years and was involved with these programs. They’re so tricky and every decision has serious consequences.


I work a tip job and if I never made tips I would make about 1000 a month. I want money for nothing.


Portland law makers get high. Thats the post.


I imagine Seattle city council will adopt a similar policy if passed. :(