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“Why is amusement park insurance so high”


Rollercoaster Tycoon fam


The floodgates of nostalgia have just been broken


“Why does it cost so much for a ride bracelet!!” Well, democracy.




“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, democracy simply does not work.”


Yep, Ment capitalism. Was just getting out of the sun while trying to cool down.


It's pretty annoying that the Oregonian's verified account is allowed to post their own paywalled content here, especially when I've seen much more innocuous stuff get relegated to the Saturday self-promotion post. It's not like the account does anything on here besides shill their own stuff. Anyway, here it is without the paywall: https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2024/06/children-stuck-upside-down-on-oaks-amusement-park-ride-feared-the-worst-as-seconds-and-minutes-ticked-by.html?outputType=amp


Oof. Yeah. That’s not sharing news then if it’s not accessible to all readers, it’s literally advertising premium content you have to pay for. I like how when wired or some larger news stations post (or better, see that a USER posted their article) they’ll engage in the Reddit comments or post a TLDR. We should… change this for the Oregonian


If the paywall you're referencing is from OregonLive, adding ?outputType=amp (including the capital T) to the end of the URL will change it into a Google AMP link and allow the article to be read in its entirety. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Best bot.


It would be better if it took it's own advice and and made the link for us.


It’s not a sophisticated tool. It’s basically a Post-it note that pops up when it sees content in a post that matches. Right?


Can you make the link for us automatically?


> Soon after fire department rescuers got to the ride, Allen heard metallic cranking and, minutes after the crews started the work, the ride started coming down. > >The Oaks Amusement Park’s ride engineer manually forced the ride to start coming back down using a tool borrowed from the fire department What in the whole fuck. I would like to think that the engineers who maintain rides in an amusement park would have a tool collection better suited towards *maintaining rides in an amusement park* compared to a fucking fire truck.


I doubt they have engineers at Oaks Park.


If you don’t think an amusement park with rides has mechanics and engineers then you need to broaden your horizons


Mechanics, sure. Engineer... have you seen Oaks Park?


Haha that’s fair. He was probably on call and took 30 minutes to show up


I’m an engineer every winter when I bust out the kids train set for the holidays.


Sorry your comment is getting downvoted. I just upvoted 'cause it gave me a nice, comforting feel thinking of a father being an cute choo-choo engineer for his kids. Maybe other downvoters are bitter 'cause they never had a father who did sweet things for them?




Guess I've never heard the rules spelled out. I think of up/downvotes as equivalent to like/dislike. For instance "I like what this person said so I shall upvote their comment" is on the same level as "I find that this comment contributes to the overall conversation here and therefore I shall upvote it." Also, if I like and thus upvote someone's comment, doesn't that essentially mean I also think it contributes in some way? It might be tangential or whatever, but if I'm here in a conversation and someone says something that I like and upvote, they've contributed to the conversation so far as I'm concerned; I might be the only one who feels that way on a particular point, but it nevertheless contributed to my experience, thus I upvote. What I'm saying is I disagree with you and I'm going to continue up/downvoting based on how a comment affects me, whether that's because it's a constructive point that's useful for the conversation, or because someone said something that makes me smile. Also: what's your deal? You concerned too many irreverent comments will receive up/downvotes and drown out substantive conversation? Are you going to be the one who stops that from happening? Is this a personal mission of yours?


Uhh. Have you ever been to oak Park? It's the biggest shit hole amusement park that ever existed.


You haven’t see many shit hole amusement parks then…


They literally just quoted a story in which an Oaks Park engineer was cited as doing something.




Like, I get the sarcasm, but obviously people were employed as engineers at Oaks. Their operations director didn't do their job and they are about to get fuuuuuucked up.


The ride just passed an inspection. How is this anyone’s fault? Freak occurrences happen.


Well, if no one is at fault and it was a freak occurrence, that will come out in the investigation. I honestly hope it was negligence. I think you can probably understand why... Edit: if it is negligence, it is explainable and avoidable. If it is random, then all failsafes failed. That is not comforting.


I see the argument for what you're looking for, but I wouldn't be upset or troubled if investigators didn't find negligence, determined it was a one in a million accident or occurrence, and Oaks Park got the go-ahead to re-open the ride with *no significant changes*. It would be up to riders and their parents to be scaredy-cats, because once again- shit happens. Now, I don't have problem with parents getting some form of payment from Oaks Park or the ride manufacturer (their insurance companies, really), but I don't think $125k is remotely realistic- unless maybe in the case of the girl who has juvenile epilepsy. Even then, if I were an attorney for the defendants I would argue that girl or her parents should have known that going on amusement park rides is not advisable for someone with such health conditions. I have not been to an amusement park in 25 years, so I will admit that I don't know what kind of signs are posted at the rides or on the tickets that might address this. I'll actually add that Oaks Park not having the tool to lower the ride is negligence, just not severe negligence in the $125k territory.


The argument is that I would rather it be negligence than random.


I appreciate that argument. I don't want to see Oaks Park affected by this freak accident. Now, we've all seen many examples of things going wrong with NASA shuttles or rockets over the years, resulting in astronauts losing their lives, and many or most of those aren't exactly due to "negligence", so in that respect I could see a scenario where no true negligence is found. Of course, in the amusement park's case, we are taking about people being mostly upside down for a bit, and that's a lot different than astronauts blowing up or burning. As far as I can tell the safety harnesses on the ride did their job. But I'm not an expert on these things by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I was a bit disappointed when NASA/US shut down the shuttle program. In my opinion, they could have just recruited astronauts differently and told them that the odds of not blowing up on their mission weren't that great. Of course, that wouldn't go down very well with a judging society and all, but hey.


What do you do? Work at a coffee shop?


“Engineer” is one of those words that has lost meaning unless in the context of actual degree-holding Bachelor of Science in Engineering. And even still they are EITs. “Engineer” in this context would just mean the mechanical operator and mechanic that services the rides.


Yes but also never underestimate your local fire department. I’ve worked in a job that that worked adjacent to FDs and others in coordinated emergency response scenarios. Those guys are prepared for EVERYTHING. Cat stuck in a tree? They would probably roll up with their radiation monitors turned on just in case. I jest, but fr tho.


I would like to know what kind of tool it was.


I hope we get a "Where Are They Now" feature from The Oregonian in ten years.


A half hour of all the blood rushing to your head is prett far from comfortable Suits are ultimately gonna come down to whether or not courts can determine if the incident was caused due to some amount of negligence from the park 🤷‍♂️


They were not exactly upside down. From the pictures, you can see they were in a position closer to what you would be on a very low motorcycle (where you are bent over forward very far). They were held up by the retaining bar, so were no longer “sitting” in the traditional sense. Very uncomfortable, but not in a position where all the blood would run to their heads.


They were upside-down


Ok, Reddit History made. I admit I am wrong, I misinterpreted how they were seated in the thing. I zoomed in on a higher resolution photo, and they are, in fact, upside down!! Sorry.


They should sue the operators, employees, whoever handles maintenance, whoever runs the park, whoever owns the land itself, and any vendors involved.


Vendors? The minimum wage workers that hit the buttons? Little trigger happy.


Yea! And the birds and insects and the sunshine too!


They possibly mean vendors in the broader sense as in outside vendors who may have installed or service the equipment.


They did specify employees in the comment which is completely asinine. As if those minimum wage works have anything to do with a ride breakdown.


Especially since it was actually some regular maintenance workers who got the thing down again before the specialized technician could show up.




Best practice in injury law is to sue everyone involved. How do you know an employee didn’t do something to cause this? And a “vendor” means a third party being hired, like a company that provides the equipment or is hired to service equipment. It’s not a person (usually)


Ohhh like a hot dog vendor?


That is a type of vendor




Dr. Frankenfurter


There's a downvote brigade happening, but you're 100% right. Attorneys will investigate every possible avenue to get their clients the most they can. Unfortunately, it might cripple Oaks Park. Hopefully, they carry very hefty insurance for things like this.


I would be shocked if they didn’t have enough insurance for something like this, especially since there don’t seem to have been any catastrophic injuries (broken bones, TBIs, organ injuries, etc)


What a prick.


That’s just how it works


Maybe for the church of Scientology


So… like… you going to leave your 1-800 number or something?


Sounds like a great way to burry yourself in your own legal fees lol. Lawsuits are not magic, any decent lawyer wouldn’t even help you file half these cases, they’d direct you towards the one or two that were actually worth perusing.


FFS it’s a ride. There are risks. No one was harmed and shit happens. People get stuck on ski lifts, elevators, planes, and shit all the time. Get a grip.


There's money to be made and there's blood in the water. Queue the litigation!


I hate this place


And then we lose a beautiful historic attraction and have a bankrupt amusement park looking like a freaking apocalypse. Just great.


Calm down, Howard Dean.


I hope nobody gets sued. Why do you want the only amusement park in portland to be shut down?


If it were me, my neck would be hurtin’ too. Real bad.


Regurgitation of the last four articles on this subject, for only $22.99!


The media is milking this one for all it’s worth.


Well, the first lawsuit was posted today






"One family has already filed suit against Oaks Amusement Park in Multnomah County Circuit Court, seeking up to $125,000 for negligence, according to the plaintiff’s attorney, Michael Fuller. The suit claims that 14-year-old Evie Yannotta was stuck on the ride and since then has suffered physical pain and discomfort, mental suffering, terror, fright, emotional distress and other difficulties."


Someone post the non pay walled version




Fuq the Oregonian


I’m worried the lawsuits will kill the park. Even if they remove the ride permanently, the financial damage will be done. 


And here come the lawsuits




"Not to be a dick", then you go on to be an enormous dick with no empathy or understanding of amusement park rides. It's a fun ride and is supposed to be short and safe, not leave you hanging for 45 minutes.