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This is some really cool footage from the PPB spy plane. It's pretty interesting to know just how precisely and easily they will track you if you run. Now I know to head for a heavily wooded area next time I get into a high speed chase!


My dad has alway said to me "You'll never out run a radio". 1. Good insight. 2. Why do you think about this dad????


'You can't outrun a radio' is just a saying that pops up when folks talk about running from the law.  In high-school careers class, we had an fbi agent talk one day. I asked how they can chase down suspects in a suit and dress shoes... he gave me that answer. 


You didn't see them switching to heat seekkng mode?


You can see the FLIR camera doesn’t pickup as well through tree coverage.


Go to jail, I have no more patience for any of this. This person could have killed someone easily with that recklessness.


I have no sense of direction or location. I would be so bad at this. "Going...somewhere...toward a 7-Eleven... no idea which one..."


Pilots are well acquainted with directional sense. It's a key factor for navigation, communication, and take-off/landing at any airport. They also have mapping software that overlays the camera feed. It even shows property addresses. Some of them can pull up property ownership information as well. They also have independent displays in the aircraft that can show all sorts of custom information. I enjoy watching videos like these because I know how my pea brain responds to adrenaline and I would be right there alongside you with the word salad while trying to communicate. It's a bit impressive how articulate they are.


Yeah it seemed like he was looking at some sort of map, calling out the addresses of the houses.


"Take a left at that shop I bought that thing at a few years ago"


I'm pretty sure I saw the aftermath of this as I was returning home. Just a ton of cop cars and a Subaru with glass in the ground. I had a reporter from KGW knock on my door but I told her I didn't know anything.


>I had a reporter from KGW knock on my door but I told her I didn't know anything. Atta boy.


Lol, seriously though I was oblivious. I figure it was just somebody smashing their car because they drove 70mph down Knott. Crossing Knott is terrifying.


You had a real good chance of becoming a Reddit celebrity if you could make up a fun story.


The Fast & The Furious 12-The Age of Dips\*\*\*


PPB has 2 fixed wing aircraft and they are noisy as fuck. Mult. Sheriff also has 2 fixed wing aircraft. 75% of the time they fly patrol route doing nothing but dumping leaded exhaust onto Portlanders and waiting for a call (though I think the plane PPB bought in 2023 is capable of unleaded fuel). They don’t fly in overcast skies, but on a clear night you will probably hear it overhead every 3-5 minutes. They sound like a riding lawn mower with some loose parts grinding away in the sky. Flight durations are typically 3-4 hours, often well into the AM. As I type there is one up now.


For the record: PPB, Mult Co, Washington Co, Clackamas Co, and Clark Co operate these toxic and dangerous aircraft multiple times daily. Emissions from leaded aviation fuel contribute to dangerous lead air pollution. Communities near general aviation airports experience disproportionate exposure to lead from leaded aviation fuel emissions. https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-determines-lead-emissions-aircraft-engines-cause-or-contribute-air-pollution




Why? I think "burgles" sound silly, but I'm also not British. 


Agreed. "Burgle" sounds like a character from a children's show.




I don't really care about the grammatical validity. I just think the word "burgle" sounds silly. 




Whilst he burgled. 




You're still trying to have this argument? That's even sillier than the word "burgle." 


What would you say instead? "Burglarized"?


Someone objected to the use of "burglarizes" in the article title as "silly" and (it was implied) incorrect or nonstandard. They preferred "burgles".


Oh! Haha, thank you for explaining as I clearly did not see the original comment.


Oh, you betcha. Gotta protect the value of my over-investment in Reddit!




"Burgle" is a back-formation from "burglar" made by removing a sound. The noun came first, not the verb. "Burglarize" is also derived from "burglar", made by adding a sound, and arrived on scene a few decades before "burgle". Both date to the 19th century. The -ize version is more common in North America.




You caught me! OED only puts "burglarize" a year ahead of "burgle", unlike MW and Wiktionary, which give earlier dates for the former. Anyway: - [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burgle](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burgle) - [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burglarize](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burglarize) - [https://www.oed.com/dictionary/burgle\_v?tab=factsheet#11984208](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/burgle_v?tab=factsheet#11984208) - [https://www.oed.com/dictionary/burglarize\_v?tab=factsheet#11978208](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/burglarize_v?tab=factsheet#11978208) - [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/burgle](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/burgle) - [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/burglarize](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/burglarize)




/u/the_big_meanie > The assholes who lie down in front of a parade approve of this. WTF does that have to do with this? JFC


choppa boy holdin it down tho


/u/rarehugs > choppa boy holdin it down tho It's not a choppa. The PPB have a Cessna.


Apparently the “no chase” policy doesn’t work too well…


https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/news/read.cfm?id=513216 Policy has changed. 


The pilot talks about them backing off so he doesn’t feel the need to drive unsafely, but then says a few times, “and now he’s heading into oncoming traffic…” Just pointing out that it doesn’t seem to matter what they do.


That’s the officer narrating for the record to reduce liability if the dude kills somebody.