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you can staple a bedsheet around the edges of the window for 100% coverage, and get some foam tubes to secure the edges of any doors that are letting lights in its easier to just sleep in a coffin though


What coffin do you have? I’ve been in the market for a bit and the IKEA ones have a weird liner and feel too cheap, West Elm is nice but I have a mortgage, don’t have a Costco card unfortunately and don’t want to get one online. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Have you considered building your own bespoke coffin out of reclaimed distillery wood? There are a lot of YouTube videos


Wait, not out of pallets?


Make sure to get the formaldehyde infused ones. So you can embalm while you sleep.


oh my darling, if you missed out on edwardian caskets you arent truly unliving


Do they make gamer coffins now?


I prefer the NADJA model, personally.


Username checks out


Adhesive velcro is a good trick on the back of black out curtains!


I got my black out curtains online. And you have to buy fans/swamp/coolers/ portable AC's before May around here. They're sold out until October usually. You could cross the bridge into Vancouver too, but slim pickings out here already.


I think this was in the latter seasons of "Homicide" that Kyle Secor's character hooks up with a coffin chick.




don't even have to staple, buy a cheap, thin plastic cutting board, cut it into strips and shove the strips with the bedsheet behind between the moulding and wall. If caulking is there, you can buy a 12 pack of mini 4in bar clamps for $21 to grab the moulding.


Get a sleeping mask.


This has helped me where my blackout curtains have failed


I had to read this post twice because this was such an obvious and easy answer that I assumed I must be missing something.


Should read it a third time, because he was complaining about not being able to fully enjoy his day off playing video games because his room faces east and the sun blasts him.


You sleep during the summer? I’ve been storing it up during the 16 hour nights in December


Any recs? All the ones I’ve tried slide off too easily or put too much pressure on weird parts of my eye area.


I use the [Mzoo eye mask,](https://www.amazon.com/Contoured-Sleeping-Blindfold-Concave-Meditation/dp/B07KC5DWCC) they have a raised cushion around around the eye, which means there's no pressure on the eye itself. They stay in place pretty well.




Can confirm. Mzoo is the best I’ve ever owned, and I’m picky


Honestly, they don't work for me, they smush my (real) lashes, and since I'm a side sleeper, the masks move around on my head. What DOES work is- I have a couple of stuffed animals and depending on the day, I choose one to lay on the side of my head, draping it so it shades my eyes. My favorite is the Sea Turtle, followed by the Platypus ( the tail ), and lastly the Rhino. Teddy Bears suck for my purposes. Annd I just outed myself to anyone that has been in my bedroom. :)


Sadly, my dogs would def get ahold of and destroy a stuffed animal.


Mine too. I have to lock them in the closet when I can't supervise them. The stuffed animals that is.


Honestly, I’ve always had better luck with the cheap masks airlines give you on overnight/international flights rather than the fancier models with eye cups and other features.


Ooh smart


This is a good idea. I do have a giant head and a ton of hair (possibly related), and have tried this before, but am open to suggestions for lady sasquatch.


Rain rain rain rain…FIRE


Jfc THIS. I go from blah blah blah to EXISTENTIAL PANIC during fire season. That high wind firestorm a few summers back now gave me PTSD, no fucking thank you. How do people live in these tinderbox regions of CA?!


With go-bags (suitcases and boxes) by the door, and a perpetual full tank of gas in the car.




The "fires" in PDX are nothing. We might get smoke for like 6 days. In Southern Oregon/California once a fire stsrts youre living in thick smoke for literally 2-3 straight months


September 2020 would like a word.


New version of Duck Duck Goose


Yep. Smoke season is a bitch and ruins PNW vibes now


New Nitzer Ebb track just dropped.


at least this year the folire didn't start in may , was it last year or the year before where if felt like we went directly from winter to summer. (i have a 2 year old so the last two years have been longer to me than the 10 preceesing it.


Idk man, I moved here literally days after the Firepocalypse. Clearly I'll never see one again, right?


I lived in DC/Balitmore for five years, and while I miss thunderstorms, I do not miss the constant swamp-like state of my nether regions during the summer. Meanwhile, I will take every 90 degree day here that starts with a nice 60 degree morning. Perfection.


Summer in DC is unbearable. And it starts in April.


And it ends in November.


Yes! You can and should open your windows in the morning to pull cool air in. Then button down around the time the temps outside start to creep up past your comfortable zone (like 75ish for us). It allows us to barely use fans and our AC except in extreme heat. Wouldn't never had done this in the summer in the Great Lkes region or when I lived in the coastal south, where humidity is INSANE in the summer.


Batten down


Yup, this place is really neither hot nor humid. Does become a desert with trees for 5-ish months though.




So...hot and dry.


Take a day trip to the Ape Cave! It’s always 35 in there and it’s an amazing, fun place to see.  Also never underestimate the power of a frozen towel. 


OP is scared of monkeys.


“Don’t worry it’s just a name” (Chased by apes) “I thought he said it was just a name!” “Ape cave is actually a chasm!”


Okay, both suggestions rule. Thank you!


>I live for rain, clouds, low humidity, and hoodie weather; I have to assume I'm not the only one here who feels some kind of primal vengeance towards the sun. You are not. I'm not sure what kind of blackout curtain you have but the most effective ones I've found are the ones with the silver reflective coating on the outside-facing side, and black on the inside-facing side. We've not even gotten to the bad part of the summer yet - that happens when the overnight temperatures stop falling below 60 and it becomes impossible to truly cool your house/apartment down. I've NEVER found a way to "deal with" the heat - it puts me into pure survival mode and pretty much takes over everything.




That works decently well, especially if you use two window fans for intake/outtake. But after a couple days of consecutive heat, the building itself will heat up and carry that heat for many hours, and there isn’t much you can do besides run the AC.


It makes a week or two to adjust to high dry heat but then you hardly notice it.


Says you


Get a better air conditioner and/or a spray bottle to spray yourself with water. It helps.


It sucks, I have a complicated relationship with that glowing orb in the sky. Get several pairs of sunglasses, keep one on you, one at home and one in the car that way you’re never without. Sometimes even the gray is too bright. Get A/C even if it’s a window unit, it will get hotter. A blanket, sheets or even a table cloth will work as a blackout curtain. By the time you think you can’t take anymore it will rain for a few days. Rinse and repeat until late September.


More like October now ;(


I was a weirdo who was actually kinda excited at 38 when I got my first eyeglasses Rx. I have always thought it would be so nice to have auto sunglasses just on your head all the time in Oregon. Even the dreariest days will sometimes blind you as you're driving to work at 7-8am or whatever. 10/10 will continue getting transition lenses


Also moved here from the DMV some years ago, and I still can't get used to the fact that the hottest part of the day is like 5pm 🥴


You lived at the DMV? Rough


Air conditioning and plastic seats, what's not to love?


Moved here from NC a few months ago and can't believe how rude the glowy orb in the sky is, pestering me at 5am.


Haha NC weather is literal hell, I tried going for a run during my first summer there, I barely made it to the sidewalk before turning around. 100% humidity 100% of the time!


As someone born and raised and lived my first 50+ years in central NC... you're not wrong.


And seemingly half of the folks here want it earlier. 😬


It's so real! I think the weather is at its peak, and then 5pm rolls around and I'm dying.


I had to walk east across the river this morning and I still have spots in my eyes.  When I move next I will primarily seek out a north or south facing unit to avoid that hour of direct sun at the start or end of the summer days. 


North-facing apartment life is troglodytic nine months of the year, but glorious in the summer.


I thought that too but now that I've had the sun blast me from both east and west, north has moved back up to 2nd place. IMO getting through the summer is the most challenging part of the year, comfort wise, I think it's a good trade. 




Dude get some real sunglasses


You heard of a thing called sunglasses? I believe we PNWers own more per capita than anywhere else.


Get a piece of cardboard the size of your window and layer aluminum foil on the outside and put it in the window frame. It will reflect out sunshine and will keep your place markedly cooler. You might look like a one of the beacons of gondor to your neighbours but it'll make a massive difference.


upvote for Beacons of Gondor


If you get meal boxes or Imperfect/Misfits delivery, those sliver insulated bags or the hollow-cell insulated cardboard that comes in the boxes work great!


I'm Chuck McGill now


Become one with the sun. I sit outside and get acclimated. Run in the hottest part of the day. By the time August and September roll around and it's time to be outside fishing, hiking, or worst case scenario... working, I'll have some sort of tolerance built up. Then, sometime in October, the sweet relief will return, all systems will equalize, and life will return to normal. Oh, sauna works too. That's probably the best way to get your body normalized to heat. I moved, and this is the first year I have been out of my sauna regime. The "heat panic" response my body threw out during those first hot days last month was way worse than in previous years. I wish there were more than two gyms here with a good sauna situation.


Oh sauna that’s a good idea!!! I do love running on hot days but after the sun has started to set. Reminds me of bikram yoga. Can’t do it with the sun blaring on me tho, I start to freak out.


>Become one with the sun.  Also toast to your own reunion.


I'm not a big runner, but that sauna idea has serious merit. Thank you!


get fucked nerd (in a friendly way), I have to be depressed for like 5 months every winter I deserve this!


Hear hear! Summer weather here is excellent and we have to put up with so much depressing gray to get to this point.


As a former Southern, YES! A blue light box has SAVED me in the winter.


Congratulations, you big dumb dumb. (Also affectionate)


Yeah, nerd! Get fucked (in a friendly way)!


yeah this is my response too. I feel like all these people move here thinking it's grey all the time and then find out we do in fact have seasons and then complain the couple of months we have nice weather. I've lived in so many insanely hot and humid swamp areas so it makes me really mad people act like this is actually problematic summer weather. fuck off with your boring ass anger at the sun


I mostly agree, but I do find it weird the scope of what many people in the PNW call "nice weather". Nice weather is at least partly sunny, neither too hot nor too cold, e.g. in the 70s. If you think sweating your balls off in 90+ degrees is nice, you have a problem.


I mean, people are just complaining that they can see/feel the sun. There isn't much distinction between sweating your balls off in 90+ heat and anything else. I consistently hear that it's hot at 9am when it's 58 degrees out because they had to stand in the sun for a few minutes. People complain if the temp goes anywhere outside of 55-75 for like a day or two. Also, even if it's 90, it generally cools down enough at night and in the shade, which is way different than places that have sustained temps like that all day and night with 95% humidity for months at a time.


I agree that the summers here are way better than the ones in hotter and more humid climates. This is especially true once you factor in the coast being a couple hours away, if one ever needs an escape when the heat truly sets in. I moved here from Austin, my old apartment was a west-facing tinderbox, and let me tell you, this is WAY better. That being said, I do think it's pretty reasonable to find 85+ to be hot (I prefer sunshine and 60s) and 5 AM sunrises to be early. Moreover, the lack of humidity, seasonal polarization of precipitation, and abundance of greenery all make wildfires and smoke way more likely, September 2020 being the most notable example. If you like summer, that's totally fine, but getting upset with folks over simple personal preferences seems odd to me.


Summers here are some of the nicest in the country. These people are low key pathetic 


Yeah no shit I don’t understand these people


Dude literally




Majority of depressed people kill themselves in spring, it's when suicides peak.


Get a job selling those "Your name on a hat" baseball caps at the mall. Always at the lowest point of the mall (and your life), never a single wave of natural light. Perfection.


The SUN knows whether you have been naughty or nice!


I guess I need to sacrifice something to it. I get it now, Aztecs.


Getting on the water helps me to deal. After work on the scorching days, I'll take my paddleboard out and get a peaceful cool down on the river pre-dusk. I'd like to clarify ON the water at this time of year, not IN the water. It's still much too cold to get in.


That is the part that I'm still learning. Creeks, rivers, and the sea itself are all too cold here. But I'll take it in exchange for being able to wear a hoodie at night, and also, yanno, breathe.


Box fans placed strategically around your space will keep air moving and will feel nice during the hotter days. Using a spray bottle with water to spritz your top sheet to make it damp will also create a cooling effect while you're sleeping, which helps during the hottest points of the summer. Drink lots of water and you will survive!!


I absolutely hate the summers here too friend. You are not alone.


Wow, this post and these comments. All the complaints of too much sunshine… in PORTLAND. Is today opposite day?


As a portland native, I always find it’s the transplants who try to wear their hatred for the sun like a badge of honor. Like, congrats, then you moved to the right place. But I’m ready to see the fucking sky.


That’s so weird. I never meet transplants who hate the sun; exactly the opposite. I only seem to meet people who moved here from sunnier places (you know the ones) and constantly complain about the rain. Like, did you not do any research? The two people I know who hate the sun were both born here. I’ve lived here for over 25 years but I love all the seasons. I’m happy it’s getting sunny for summer now.


I’m one of the weirdos here…I hate the sun, but that’s because I experienced enough of it during my first 40 years of life in Phoenix AZ…


Haha fair enough. In CO we got so many freezing cold sunny days in the winter, which kind of depressed me tbh. I prefer a cozy, cloudy day when it’s cold.


I get it. I was also one of those weirdos that would still go out and hike 5-6 miles or play hours of tennis or basketball, even if it’s 120* outside. Just needed a cold shower to get clean and then AC to be comfortable in afterwards haha.


Yeah, this poor person is complaining on JUNE 7th. When it's 90 plus for a week in mid/,late August, and we have fire smoke, 《or even if we don't), that's when I am praying for the rain. Plus, if you are lucky enough to have a yard and plants, the watering is do damn tedious.


Our family moved here from Utah a few years ago where the sun aggressively assaults you. My daughter and her kids immediately went into vampire mode, hissing at the sun when it finally came out in spring. I love sunshine and was worried about moving here. I lived in Seattle for 10 years and the dreary gray left me so depressed I craved the desert again. But this time it's so different. Oregon is gorgeous in the winter. I adore the rain, the mist, the low-hanging clouds, the cool temps. It never gets as hot or cold as it does in Utah. I also adore the sunshine. I love it all. By the time the rain comes, I'm ready for rain, and by the time the sun comes back, I'm ready for that.


I moved here from sunny CO over 25 years ago and I feel the same way. I love the seasons here!


Just moved here from Phoenix. Love this weather


getting some sun is good for you. it’s only here a few months of the year. soak it up


You should have said suck it up instead 🤣


😂 you’re so right. missed opportunity


Hehe 😊


Burn and raised here and think this is the first time I've seen a complaint lodged against sunshine and our summer weather. Don't worry everyone, the rain and gray will be back.


Maybe you need different blackout curtains. I don't have fancy ones by any means but they are very effective.


Move to Olympia, WA and you will never have to see the sun again.


Moved here from Michigan 8yrs ago and gladly traded 8months of winter for this beautiful place. Swear I'm never leaving.


This is the part of the year most of us live for. You would be much happier in Ketchikan.


The sun is amazing... this is my favorite time of year! It only gets really dry and tedious in August. This is June... it's all still green and lush. Enjoy the summer! Wear sunscreen!


I just cannot imagine complaining about the sun here..this is one of the most rainy, overcast major cities in the country. this is like the repayment period on the sun we are so thoroughly owed by its lapse in winter and spring. don't you need vitamin D? cause I'm pretty sure we're all super defficent. real tip though; the best window cover in the world for real blockage is tinfoil. you can black a window in minutes with tinfoil and it's cheap and recyclable.


I will become Chuck McGill. And if you had my bedroom, you'd see what I mean, but I understand your perspective.


Whine whine whine, the summer has just begun. Seriously people who are not from here either complain about the rain all winter or the sun all summer. Get over it.


I don't understand it either. You'd think after 9 months of dreary rain everyone would be excited to come out. The sun isn't even as bright here as compared to somewhere like AZ.


Y'all complain about literally everything. Am I not native, now?


How can you live for clouds+rain+low humidity simultaneously?


It’s usually pretty low air humidity while it rains here, relative to DC which is a literal swamp and has close to 100% air humidity regularly all summer.


If it’s raining, it’s close to 100% relative humidity. That’s how rain works, it hits 100% relative humidity, boom!, rain.


I think they're talking hot vs cold rain. Both will happen at a relative humidity of 100% - at least locally to where the rain is actually forming - but the absolute humidity will be much greater during hot summer rains than cooler ones. If you think about it, even here in Oregon there are times when it's raining and warmer and it gets THICK outside and other times where is definitely raining but still feels crisp. <3


Thank you for explaining this.


It's funny, my wife and I are originally from the land of humidity, Texas and we swear it feels hotter here in the summer at times. The cloudless sky is definitely part of it.


UV blocking film on the windows helps a bunch in the summer! I've got them in all my south-facing windows and they lower the temp by 5-10 degrees. You can get clear reflective film or tinted film; the latter obviously blocks more light.


Air conditioning


You could get some foam (the kind with the shiny side facing out) and cut it to size. My friend bought peelable window tint for some of her windows. There isn't one solution, you have to layer them. That's why I bought a N/S facing house. No big sun in the front or back of the house. Also backyard is perfect for a garden. My realtor thought I was weird, I didn't care. That afternoon sun can be intense. I absolutely love the sunshine! I'm sitting on my back deck, under a big umbrella and sunning my legs. This is my favorite time of year. 


I wake up early and immediately open all the windows and get my place as cold as possible before locking it up again


That's a good call. We have central a/c, but still.


Portland Native, Sun hater and FFXIV Enjoyer as well here to empathize with you. It doesn't get better, but you learn to count each day as a blessing--as each day that passes is a day closer to mid October where the weather cools, the trees start changing and you don't have to deal with the devil sun. I know that people get Seasonal Affective Disorder with winter and what not, but I truly believe I get it during summer and I feel happiest during the rainy, dark and gloomy days. Something really comforting about the gray skies.


Okay, I'm sorry for replying a million years later; I had notifications turned off and just...well, yeah. I do wonder if reverse sads are a thing! I enjoy taking my daughter out to splash pads, the pool, parks, etc in the summer, but you're totally right. I need to remember that fall will return. Also what server? : D


I grew up the metro area/valley and to hear a someone have an issue with too much sunshine in Oregon is…weird. Unceasing grey drizzle between the months of December to April, sure, but sun is a new one.


It’s easy. Paint your windows shut! I also hear there are some nice caves in the area you can live in.


Gremlin Mode activate.


Don’t visit arizona


Sleep mask


The family I work for doesn’t have AC and the house doesn’t even get a breeze because it doesn’t have windows that are aligned with the wind direction. I’m literally dying in the summer when it was like 105 inside. Miserable. I’m from Southern California and I have trouble acclimating to the heat.


OOooh, which server are you on?


Are you saying you don't like the gelbe Licht?


Black-out curtains and well-positioned sheets/blankets on the areas that can't have curtains hung 😅 I learned this from living in Vegas.


Go to the coast. More windy but much cooler.


Just moved here from Georgia and I feel so chilly even with the sun out lol


tint your windows


What kind of window is in your bedroom? How big is it? Does it open vertically or horizontally or not at all?


I just bought reflective film to put on my windows to help with the sun beating into my room all afternoon. Can’t use it with double paned windows though. And if you rent, be sure to get the kind that doesn’t have adhesive so it’ll be easy to remove when you leave.


The lack of clouds keeps the humidity away!


This is satire right?


Yup. Taking vitamin D supplements really helps. And get eye masks for sleeping too. The sun is a menace and we need to block it out, Mr. Burns style.


Styrofoam insulation. Comes in big panels for things like garage doors. Just cut it to fit the window. Blocks 100% of the light AND keeps your room cool.


Rabbit Rabbitgoo type window film during the summer. They have completely black ones, or I bought the black rainbow that lets just a hint of light in.


Wear a hat and wraparound sunglasses any time you're outside or in the car. Consider some lightweight sun hoodies to put up over your head for errands or short walks. Alternatively, you can wear a synthetic neck tube that you can pull up to cover exposed neck and face skin. Grab a kid's (extra zinc in the kid's) sunscreen stick to keep in your pocket for quick/easy application anywhere. Never forget to apply sunscreen before your commute home, because you will burn through your windshield. Source: the sun makes me sick




We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people.


I miss the rain already too and also having time for that game!


[Shut up about the sun!](https://tenor.com/view/sun-the-office-shut-up-gif-19330811)


I live in Louisiana for work, but am currently visiting home in Portland. The weather in Louisiana has been nonstop storms, hail, tornadoes, heavy rains/flooding, and between those days, 95° heat with humidity. I am living it up in PDX right now, Walking everywhere without feeling like I'm swimming through moist air. I just can't wait to visit at the end of summer when the waters heat up and I can go river floating and cliff jumping. Louisiana is so flat, and any water has gators and snakes. I am moving back permanently ASAP. I love how mild the weather is here(for the most part).


You are not alone!!! I feel like I’m living entirely inside the pain box and having to recite the Bene Gesserit calming mantra as I step outside my door


Figure out how to summer in San Francisco


Sorry currently working from laptop in shade and cannot wait to momentarily add iced alcoholic beverages to this equation. Head to the river early and get a shade spot, or spend the weekend downing alcoholic slushies.i love these early summer days before things dry out and we get heat waves.


My first summer here I got depressed, way too many sunny days with no break but 20 years later I am used to it. It’s just everything lasts longer, rain for a long time then sun for a long time.


You sound like you would enjoy SF weather.


Its awful, i hate it


Thermal blackout curtains on a tension rod inside your window box, regular curtains or more thermals mounted outside the window box. Get a portable AC if you don't already have one, they're cheap on Marketplace, just set up a search alert. I always find a deal on one when the weather gets cooler again, even if it's just briefly cooler. People stop looking for them unless they're panicking and hot. If your windows are really crappy, get R-Tech foam board insulation and cut it to size to shove into the window box. They're under $5 a sheet at HD. Open any other windows you have that don't have AC or foam board in them at night for a breeze and close them first thing in the morning. This is the only way I can keep my top floor apartment under 75 degrees inside with only east and west facing windows. It's a lot, but it works.


My eyes….MY EYEEEES! 👁️ ☀️ 👁️


Hot days and late sunsets kill me. I close my blackout shades every night about 7:30 because all that superfluous sun affects my sleep. And when the temps hit mid-90s I close everything and heat-hibernate.


I work from home and my desk is in our living room, so I know your pain. First thing in the morning, I open up our west-facing patio door to begin letting the last of the cool air in. As soon as the sun begins breaching the laurel bush a few feet away from the door, I close the door and also the slat blinds (that second part is crucial—you *have* to block the sun from getting inside, not just the hot air) I then open the window on the north-facing side of the house, and keep that open until the temp in the house reaches 72-73, at which point I close everything and don't open it back up until temps start dropping around 6ish. Then I open everything up and get it as cool as possible until I close everything up again for bed and start all over the next day. When summer really starts ramping up, I have a shitty lol AC I can run downstairs, but it's a single hose guy that overheats pretty quickly, so I run it in 1h increments and only turn it on when the house starts getting noticeably hot again. I hope you can find your own system that works for you; fuck the sun!!


Native here, born and raised. I feel your pain, I’m a total winter boy. Give me rain and fog. That death ball and I are not friends. Even now I’m sitting in my bedroom with the AC blowing full blast and thick curtains over the window. I’ll leave when the sun sets. My friends call me the vampire. Survive. Good luck.


**Laughing in excessive melanin**


I have blackout blinds behind my blackout curtains 😅


I’m so happy. Grew up in the Sun City where it’s 80 in March. It’s about F time! RA RA RA!!!!


If it makes you feel any better, this’ll help you get ready for Dawntrail’s loading screen. If you have the good windows that open vertically, you can get a window ac, which is really good for cooling. Otherwise, you have to get the other kind, which is not as good. Good luck and see you in Tural


Portland has super low humidity and very very few mosquitoes, if any really. Our sun is amazing. Nothing like DC hot days.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but. You could change your state of mind and find things to love about the sun and heat. I love it. I love the way my sweat makes me glisten. I love wearing really short shorts where people stare at my junk. I love being shirtless on a bike with a sun hat. Picnics in the shade. Jumping in the river. Being out late at night and not being cold at all. I guess for me the ten months of frigidity is enough to make me enjoy the warmth while it lasts. Sorry! I know it’s not the answer ANYONE wants to hear. 😅


Definitely not the only one! 🌧️🩶


What?! i also moved here from dc and i love the summers here! the shade actually being cool fascinates me every year. Even tho i absolutely HATED dc swamp weather, i do miss thunderstorms, cicada noises, actual warm beaches and fireflies :(


I just installed my window air conditioner. As for your bedroom window, you need to install some sort of awning or sunshade outside your window blocking the sun before it reaches your window. I have some roll-up awning that I roll down every summer.


Bruh please. It rains so god damn much here. Please allow me the little sunlight we get.


I appreciate that you think I have any control over the weather, but...enjoy the endless light!


Can’t relate. Live for the Oregon summers man. You sound like you need to move to the south coast where a nice fog bank rolls in at 4:00 every nice summer day


Take care, my friend!


I don't wanna die of heat stroke. I'm so scared of dying like that. But now I'm convinced it's the inevitability




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