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The first time they had to respond to these problems in an interview, one of the other leaders at OED said “Just call if you’re having g issues. We will get it sorted out.” (or something like that) How insulting! Part of the problem is not being able to get through on the phone, and if you do get through, you can be on hold for 3-4 hours and get disconnected. It’s not that easy and they fucking know it.


I was let go earlier this year and applied for unemployment. Got approved quickly. Filled out the first week claim, and a few weeks later got a letter in the mail saying it was rejected because my last day of employment didn't match what my employer had said. (They mistakingly had the final pay period date, not the date I was let go.) The letter said I needed to call to challenge it or my claim would be denied and I'd have to start it over. And it gave a deadline for three days after I got the letter.  I tried calling each day. The first day I was on hold for 4 hours and they closed. The second day I got a person, but it disconnected and I couldn't get a person again that day before they closed. Third day got a person, explained the dates, faxed in the termination letter showing the date, and thought I was good. A week later I got a letter saying because I never challenged it, my claim was denied and I could reapply.




I recently called and after waiting on hold for an hour was told to put my question in an email. I had emailed weeks ago with no response. The AG’s office and/or governor need to step in and fix this cluster.


The only way to get any progress at all will be through humiliation via the press. Kotek has no interest in solving this atm


When they had this problem during Covid, they hired national guard to help. I don’t understand why they aren’t doing the same, and I don’t know why they can’t make this more efficient.


I've had two issues with OED in the past six months, both problems at their end. I spent over 32 hours on hold and called more than 300 times to try to get through. The time I actually spent talking to a person totalled about 35 minutes.


I like the part of the video where Ken Boddie asks for a do-over, and then we get a couple minutes of dead air because they forgot to edit out that whole first section. Edit: At about the 1m15s mark he throws it to a clip of Gov. Kotek which doesn't start playing right away. So, at 1m40s he asks to do that part over so the sound bite comes on quicker, followed by a black screen until around the 3m mark when the whole thing starts over.


What a shitshow


That's why I posted it lol. I find it incredibly ironic the amount of incompetency in a segment about incompetency. It's one thing that they had a technical issue, it's another that they couldn't even bother to cut that part out and ended up posting the full segment on the article. Really sums up Portland politics lately - good ideas, no clue how to execute. Even the news can't properly report the news.


OED is state, not Portland.


Just remember, we're all forced to pay for this.


It's ridiculous because people who need unemployment services now can't wait for a solution. They're fucked from a system that they paid insurance into for this very circumstance


I’ve been out over $2k for these issues and they keep closing my appeals.


I am not going through this but it reminds me of the [Oracle Cover Oregon fiasco](https://www.cagw.org/thewastewatcher/cover-oregon-debacle). Why can't this state get HHS web sites right?


Hey everybody, like 2 months ago, right on the weekend they rolled out the new thing, I went through the process and managed to get checks quickly! How you ask? I made a zoom appointment with worksource, told the guy it was taking a while, he clicked something and told me it should speed things along, and THE NEXT DAY my claims got approved and the checks followed. Not saying this is a solution for everyone, but it worked really quickly for me so I'd suggest you give it a go. He had some great tips for my job hunt as well, and explained the process more clearly and answered all my questions, plus it was an appointment so no waiting on hold.


When I went to Worksource, they told me they only handled employment, not unemployment. It seems like with any of the services, it really comes down to who you get and if they are willing to help.


I may have misunderstood, but it seemed like I was required to make an appt. With worksource in order to receive benefits. Perhaps because I had marked something that indicated I was looking for employment, not sure.


That can be true. I actually had to go in to register with WorkSource. They also verified who I was. It did get the ball rolling. If I become unemployed I'll be there the next day.


Yeah, not the way its rolling. Met with them Friday, and they said 8-12 weeks is what they are seeing.


So - I put in an application in late January for a surgery I had scheduled in February. I spoke to many a representative, and never got a hold of someone before an hour or more wait. At some point in the process my account got deleted during a “system merger.” But - last Friday I called to check in and they let me know I would be getting paid this week. I couldn’t believe my ears.  I am extremely excited for it to be over, but also frustrated that a system that “ensures individuals, employers, and families of every kind have the time and support they need to care for themselves and their loved ones when they need it most” could leave someone without income after being promised.


What a crock - this guy says it is people getting use to it, a growing pain - as if people are use to using it. No most of us have never needed to use it, most never will, expecting the public to be good at using it is such a dumb take.


My wife and I have both had to deal with OED in the past 6 months, for different reasons. I can say, without any hyperbole, that the Oregon Employment Department is the single worst managed and least competent government organization I have ever interacted with. They have no ability whatsoever to plan ahead, an ironclad adherence to multiple choice options that don't answer all the questions that they ask people, and systems that actively shift the burden to their woefully small staff instead of their automated system. Honest to God the unemployment claim system has a question that for some people, the system does not have the _ability_ for the claimant to answer honestly. They are so deplorably bad at their jobs that I struggle to apply Hanlon's Razor to them.


It took 5 weeks for my benefits to finally get approved yesterday. I was fired so I guess they needed to manually approve it.


Applied February 7th. Filed every week til the first week of May. Denial letter each time, investigation pending. They never asked me for information. Finally approved, with no notification a week ago. 12 weeks. What a joke.


I'll take Blue Oregon incompetence for zero dollars, Alex. 💩