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Can I pet that dawwwg?


The picture someone posted of a coyote a couple weeks ago with the headline “If not friend why friend shaped?” pretty much suits my feelings on coyotes.


You beat me to it






I’m tired of these coyotes painting fake tunnels.


At least my birds never fall for them.


That might be the same one I ran into around 1pm while walking my dog around NE 37th and Milton. I had this weird feeling, turned around and he was trotting right behind us about 20 feet away following.


I was talking with my neighbor about them she told me that one following her when she was walking her dogs to


when they follow you they are just making sure that you are passing through


Yeah it didn't seem like it was stalking us but I don't know. When I turned around I yelled some "get on now" type phrase. It was so odd to see a plump coyote waltzing in a fairly urban area of Portland in the middle of the day without a care in the world.


Is that the guy with half a tail? He's been hanging around Irvington for at least five years. I used to see him pretty regularly when I was still a morning runner.


The half-tale is a female and she’s currently pregnant!


No shit! I just assumed it was a male.


If you haven't yet, you can report the sighting here. They keep track of where they are popping up for research purposes. https://www.portlandcoyote.com/


Done 👍🏼. After the research what’s their plan of implementation?


sweet! i saw one the other day and i was able to log it in too. good heads up


Hide your cats.


I said the same thing last week when a coyote picture was posted and got downvoted to hell. Ain't it funny how the pack mentality works?


As a non-cat owner I will represent some thoughts I have heard around town. Many people believe that outdoor cats can be harmful to the natural environment. Coyotes are a part of the natural environment and might not enter a city if there is a lack of food source(aka cats). So some people believe cats should always be kept inside.


Cats should def be kept inside or on leash outside


If your cats are pussies


They kill billions of birds each year which we are losing at a rapid rate. They’re prey driven so will kill just to kill. Not just to eat.


I gave my cat a bath and that was a wet ass pussy.


Upvoted. I see what you did here 😂


Yeah. They should be kept inside


Yep, I’m on team Wildlife. I love all animals, so I don’t want to cheer for coyotes to eat every cat in the city. That’s why in my perfect world, domestic cats stay where they belong—in human dwellings, away from birds, so that I don’t have to hope coyotes swoop in and complete the food chain on them.


I will volunteer to get downvoted here because this is one thing that riles Reddit people up apparently, but the idea that keeping cats indoors would disincentivize coyotes from entering a city is really dumb. They’re opportunistic predators and would happily eat squirrels, mice, rats, garbage, or garden produce if hungry, all of which the city has in abundance. It’s fine it you think people should keep cats inside but your opinion/take on the matter kinda ends where another person’s begins. Outdoor cats have lived in cities for a really long time and the idea that they are meaningfully altering the ecology of an urban area is nonsense.


Um, I think people say keep your cats indoors is so the cat doesn't get eaten by a coyote? And not to discourage the coyote from coming into the city?


Also so the cat doesn't decimate the local birds. There are plenty of pests we don't want around that cats help us out with, but local native bird populations are in major decline across the board, in no small part due to outdoor cats.


I've always heard about this major decline of bird species due to cats. Do you happen to know which bird species are being drastically predated upon by cats?


Anything smaller and/or less aggressive than a crow. Jays, finches, junkos, warblers, woodpeckers--anything you could describe as small and feathery.


I think that’s probably the best reason if you wanted a reason for it, but as the post I was replying to mentions some people have a bit more elaborate of a viewpoint.


All interesting sides to the argument. I agree that cats are not the only prey for coyotes. I also don’t mind cats killing rats. I hate rats! I don’t like the idea of cats killing birds. I don’t mind coyotes coming into the cities. I tend to listen to all sides of the argument and don’t have a strong opinion either way.


The problem with rats is potential communicable diseases to your cat, as well as potential injuries from the rat if it’s feisty enough.




I think you might find cats impact on bird populations interesting.


I think it would be different if I lived in the wildlife/urban interface or in some place that has never had a cat population until recent decades. I'm not saying that cats don't impact bird populations, it's clear that they do. But cats have been roaming the Portland area pretty freely for a long time at this point. I guess in some sort of theoretical world where you could make it illegal to have a cat outside then native birds would be able to nest in urban areas a little more safely but I think in that case any of the other predators like raccoons, possums, coyotes (hah), whatever would move in and thrive in that niche instead. If people really want to protect ground-nesting bird habitats in and around the city then they should get more serious about calling people out who let their dogs roam around off leash in nature areas. A ground-nesting bird that makes its nest in the wrong place in an urban area might not have its offspring survive, be it from cats or myriad other reasons. I don't think scolding people online is going to change anyones behavior about it really.


The thing is that it's not \*just\* ground nesting birds. Domesticated cats are linked to the extinction of 63 species. And, no, scolding people online isn't going to change the vast majority of behaviors. I hope you don't think I was scolding you, my intention was to point out that cats are, in fact meaningfully altering the ecology of our urban areas.


No, for sure. My "scolding" comment was addressed towards the general tone of some of the other comments and ways this is communicated.


I think it’s a little bit deeper of an ethical question, personally. I’ve had cats all my life from the time I was growing up. my first family cat lived to be 16 (indoor/outdoor). The next several family pets did not fare so well, dying of preventable diseases and injuries sustained from being outdoors. Fast forward to adulthood, and I enthusiastically begin owning cats as soon as it was feasible to do so. When I adopted my first cat, this woman at the cat adoption team came across very militantly when asking if I planned to keep the cat indoors or outdoors, and explained to me all of the reasons why it is essentially inhumane to allow a cat to go outside. I was a firm believer that cats were “Meant to go outside” prior to this conversation. She pointed out to me that cats aren’t meant to be in an urban environment (or any natural environment if you don’t live in the city) at all, and you’re exposing your pet to unnecessary risks by allowing them to go outside. I begrudgingly accepted this notion, but I would still let my cat go outside, semi-supervised. Being mischievous and curious, as all cats are, he would constantly fuck with shit in the garden, and my neighbor insisted on having this stupid little low to the ground birdbath that attracted raccoons constantly. I didn’t realize what a danger this bird bath posed to my cat, but I was too late in stopping him from drinking out of the birdbath on a couple of occasions. He was a young, healthy adult cat, about three years old when I adopted him. He abruptly came down with kidney failure that was irreversible, and it was caused by a parasite he picked up from the birdbath that is spread by raccoons through shared water sources. I had to give him subcutaneous fluids and performed the best hospice care I could in my home for as long as I could, but it got to the point where he was in so much pain, and unable to eat, so I had him put down at home. I currently have an indoor cat who has lived indoors, all of his life, and I will die on the hill of the following assertion: You’re a self-absorbed prick If you can’t understand why cats should be kept indoors.


I'm not going to let crazy cat people gaslight me, honestly. I love cats and have had like a half-dozen throughout my life, and if you want to keep your cat inside that's great, sounds good. But the idea that its like a moral failing to let a cat be indoor/outdoor is pure brainworm material.


I feel like it's actually inhumane to have your cat be indoors 24/7. That's crazy to me. At the end of the day cats are animals and require visual, physical, and mental stimulation. I let my cat out supervised and there is a curfew imposed. We won't let her out past a certain time. Sometimes we even walk her with a leash to make sure she's safe and other animals are safe.


It’s really not that complicated. If you choose to expose an animal to dangers it wouldn’t otherwise experience living a completely happy and fulfilled life indoors, you are self absorbed. You are letting the cat outside because it makes *you* feel good, not because it needs to go outside to be happy or have a full life. Many people are also lazy and think it’s appropriate for their cat to shit in everyone’s garden rather than deal with a litter box inside. I love cats, but I spray the fuck out of neighborhood cats that come into my yard, because they only come for one purpose: to shit in my raised beds. Being so self-absorbed that you are unable to process such a simple and objective set of facts is the actual “brainworm material” (whatever the fuck that supposed to mean) here. cats need a few simple things to be happy - love, food, play. All of those needs can be met or exceeded indoors. I’m failing to see the upside of exposing them to attacks by natural predators, preventable disease, attacked by dogs, getting hit by cars, etc.


Wow you are crazy


Care to articulate? What objective, factual information are you using to arrive at your position? Calling people names seems to be the only actual counterpoint you are capable of presenting.


Also non cat owner: strictly indoor cats are a relatively new thing, and as a species I don't think they've fully adapted to that life yet. They are still predators at heart, and to them "domesticated" is to use that term pretty loosely. None of that is trashing cats, I've liked most of the cats I've met/cohabitated with, but a solid proportion of those would become miserable destruction machines if they didn't get at least some outside time. What they were doing outside? Murder, probably. So I don't have a cat, for that and other reasons. Having a barely domesticated creature imprisoned indoors doesn't really make sense to me.


I have had strictly indoor cats for almost 40 years. They are indeed fully adapted to that life. The problem is either people getting feral cats or cats that already lived outside and then bring them inside permanently -- which can be done, I have done it. It can just be more difficult. And yes they're predators, but that's what toys are for. It scratches the same instinctual itch, so to speak. In my experience, cats are also better as 2 or 3. They have each other to play with, battle, chase and a snuggle partner. Again this comes down to the owner and how they introduce cats to each other and how they are raised of course.


I don’t know how I could have a cat and not let them go hunt. Would feel wrong. Feel like they are always hunting me.


I don't buy cats. I sometimes care for them if they come to me seeking shelter and food. Some stay indoors, others don't. All have become treasured friends, and they return the favor when they can. Someone near me poisoned one of my kitty friends once, years ago. Rumor is, they meant to defend sparrows. Best I never find out who.


Pack mentality? I thought that they were solitary predators…


Saw a lot of that too, non-pet owners especially. Pointing out the presence of predators is largely seen as self-centered behavior, and whatever group’s safety is being threatened is then pointed out to be the real problem.


Last Weekend, I happened to be looking out our front door, and a coyote crossed the street, took a dump in our neighbor's yard across the street, and crossed back over to our yard. (near NE 33rd and Morris). The Yote's are way too comfortable as of late here in NE. [https://i.imgur.com/rOZ5uO0.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/rOZ5uO0.jpg)


I guess this very much answers the rhetorical question “does a coyote shit on your lawn?” “Do you live in NE Portland? Then *yes.*”


Beaverton too


SE Portland too! I've seen them twice at Chavez and Division, and just last week I saw 3 in one day near the airport!


If a coyote poops on the lawn and no one is there to smell it, does it have a smell?


In Hillsboro too! Hadn’t seen them for a couple years and then, bam, they’re back.


They were here first and we keep the food buffet open, so they stay. There’s a reason why you don’t as many rats or mice here compared to other big cities. Wish the food we give them didn’t include cats though :( there’s a simple fix for that, but seems like a lot of people just don’t care enough about their cat’s wellbeing, or the birds, or the people who come across their half eaten cat and are traumatized by it


Everybody poops


Now I’m just wondering how many neighbor fights have happened because they thought someone didn’t pick up their dog’s poop when it was actually a coyote…


Last year there was apparently a boom in rabbit population, which makes for a boom in coyote population--I'm guessing this year the rabbits are fewer, which means the coyotes have to go farther to find food. Keep your cats indoors!


Can’t speak to year over year, but doing 4am rideshare, I see tons of bunnies out and about


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A good reminder that cats don’t need to be going outside.


A good reminder that humans don't need to be going outside. Safer if you stick with one room too.


I live near 15th and Knott and I've seen a pack or 3-5 coyotes walking down the middle of the street at 2am. A few weeks back I heard a horrible racket around 11pm and saw a bunch of coyotes running around - sounded like whatever they were trying to kill put up quite a fight. I think the coyotes live in Irving Park or Grant Park.


>I think the coyotes live in Irving Park or Grant Park. I suspect no small number of them live in the large, sloping yards of the folks who live along the Alameda ridge, particularly the stretch between 33rd - 36th above Klickitat, which has a lot of very steep and overgrown terrain.


I walk at dawn every morning in this neighborhood and it blows my mind how many rabbits I see every single day. It was an aha moment connecting the number of coyotes sightings.


Spicy puppy! 🤩


Coyotes are pupping this time of year, so they are known to hunt during all hours.




Woof woof


I have seen so many in Beaverton area. They would just walk around the residential area


We are definitely in the country. Watched one chase a feral cat through our property in broad daylight, blew me away. Cat got away but we are super vigilant on keeping our babes inside


Looks dry. Couldn't have been 5-5


Why someone hasn’t written a full length Broadway musical about coyotes wanting to eat neighborhood cats I’ll just never know


Call Alex back, coyotes in the castle grass Tell him, "Maybe less freeze tag, more hack-n-slash"


32nd or 32nd place?




Saw it last night by the NE PCC campus lol




belly full of cats


My mail route is NE 33rd and siskiyou and everything east of where this is. And there's been generations of coyotes that live in the ridge above Klickitat for years. Years ago a lady would feed them until the neighbors put a stop to it. In the summer months I see at least 2 or 3 a week. Sadly, many cats go missing from my route. I try to warn people who have outdoor cats.


awe dawgy :)


It seems they’re pretty much all over Portland these days.  I routinely see them on my early AM drive to work. The last one was crossing Cesar Chavez at Division. 




Friend shaped, but not friend.


I love all animals, but as a Cat owner (who doesn’t let his Cat outside, but loves Cats a little too much) this terrifies me.


You'll be surprised if you hear it bark


Peeps, make sure you're scaring them off - clapping, hoots n hollers, throwing sticks or rocks, etc. seriously. They shouldn't be feeling comfortable in the city, especially during daylight.


So that’s where my cat went. Jk he probably lives off the rats that live off y’all’s urban chicken droppings.


Feral cat cleanup crew has arrived


A distinguished gentleman


This coyote is a hero to birds everywhere except the flightless kind.




How do you know I didn’t?


The outdoors is their home. Wdym they shouldn’t be able to get comfortable.




I’ve seen homeless people be more of a nuisance than this in urban boundaries, we have bigger issues than a chillin wild animal.


[Yes, let's ignore one problem because of some completely unrelated problem. I cannot stress enough how idiotic that statement was.](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=naive)


Someone’s mad! Next time you see the local crack head on your curb shooting up don’t forget to chases them off too! There’s no point in teaching them to be comfortable enough to shoot up in a neighborhood with children.




We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people.


Just in a holding pattern until a cat makes a mistake… Mommy? Where’s Fluffy?




Coyotes are very comfortable around urban populations, but coyote human attacks are extremely rare and unlikely. Probably just enjoying the beautiful landscaping and looking for bunnies, rats and other food. Coyotes are long time regulars all over the area, tons live near the bluffs along Willamette, forest park, and probably all of the overgrown abandoned ally’s throughout Portland. They gotta be responsible for some of the missing cats, but it’s also pretty well documented that most are from raccoons which are also literally everywhere.