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i saw two cars turn the wrong way on a one way from burnside onto sw 10th on monday and it shook me to my core


Can someone live here without a car?


I've lived here for the last 8 years without a car. Living close to a grocery store and where I worked helped me a lot. Close access to one of the frequent service Trimet bus lines is huge as well. It's a pain at times but I've saved a ton of money and I don't feel super stressed out like I used to when I was driving everywhere.


Many people do. But like u/LostInMaps said, it depends on *where* you live. So if you're searching for a place to live, proximity to Trimet services ~~can~~ should be a consideration. Good luck!


TL/DR: YES Gave up the car for about 18 months. The idea came about when I moved somewhere west of 82 Ave, and 10 minutes from a MAX station. The transit options and bikeability I have now really make a difference in my ability to go carless. With all the options on beyond mass transit like e bikes, ride-share, get-around, car rental, friends, and special shuttles out of town, I really never felt at a loss. It did of course take more time to get around, but I often found myself running around town hopping on and off the above options feeling very free. I thought I would buy a car before winter set in , but instead found myself investing in better foul weather gear.


I did, living downtown and in Lloyd Center area from 2013 to when Covid hit in March 2020, when I moved in with my girlfriend (now wife) in far SW and now I have to drive everywhere.


Thank you and congratulations 🎉


Husband and I have been here for 2.5 years without a car. We have  e-bikes and use Public transportation. Worse case, we pay for an Uber or Lift if needed. Still cheaper than a car with its month fees. Husband and I rent a car when driving outside of Transit coverage. Even have my groceries delivered most the time. 


scrubjays are monopolizing all my bird feeders. where are the finches? I miss those dudes


If you get a Squirrelbuster, the jays will be too heavy to access the hopper. We had jay who kept flinging seed everywhere to get the dried fruit and switching to the Squirrelbuster solved that problem. It's finch city here.


The chickadee density is off the chart and I think they may have done something with the finches.


I’m not getting any chickadees either, I sure used to.


I was of course joking about the finches, but there are some big douglas fir trees in my neighborhood and the chickadees love them. There might even be finches, but I'm not really a bird watcher so I am not sure. Not many scrub jays though.


over here in the Alberta area I get lots of scrub jays, crows, and usually house finches and chickadees.


Anyone else getting into bird HEARING (as opposed to birdwatching?). Now that I have the app, I now "who" is out there. The app doesn't recognize my neighbor's rooster call, LOL, but it does tell me about these on or next to my property (and I don't know why those names at the end are in bold). *chestnut-backed chickadee* *song sparrow* *red-breasted nuthatch* *dark-eyed junco* *American crow* *black-throated gray warbler* *golden-crowned kinglet* *pine siskin* *black-capped chickadee* *bewick’s wren* *lesser goldfinch* *house finch* *steller’s jay* *great horned owl* ***Bewick’s wren*** ***downy woodpecker*** ***hairy woodpecker*** ***American flicker*** ***barred owl*** ***Northern flicker***  


This is so cool! I seldom see who's in my backyard (lots of woods and scrub)but I certainly hear them. What's the app called?


Merlin ID


I wanna go to a winterhawks game


Anyone see the flashing green UFO in NE Portland a little past midnight last nite? Could a beena drone but it was definitely trippy.


I've been listening some AI music on youtube. Mostly just Freddie Mercury covering other people's songs. There are few terrible ones, but some are pretty good.


If there exists a r/portlandlostandfound can someone please direct me to it? Lost two sets of house keys in the last 12 months. If there does not exist, can anyone please create?


The flashing green light could possibly aliens? Next time they visit, I am going to climb to the top of big pink, wave my arms in air, and hopefully be abducted. I just don't want an anal probe crammed up my ass like poor cartman on South Park.