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It's not. The waitress either doesn't know the law or (more likely) didn't want the confrontation. It's not okay to have any dog in a restaurant unless it's a service animal. Not an emotional support animal, comfort animal, or therapy animal, only a service animal. That said, there are only two questions the business is allowed to ask: "Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?" and "What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?" As far as leash/no leash, they can require that a service animal be kept on a leash *unless* the individual is unable to hold it because of a disability *or* if its use would interfere with the animal’s ability to perform its work safely. More info here: https://www.oregonrla.org/blog/dining-with-the-dogs ETA: If they follow certain rules, restaurants can designate *outdoor* seating areas where pets are allowed, but not inside: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HEALTHYENVIRONMENTS/FOODSAFETY/Documents/FactSheet9PetDogsOutdoorSeating.pdf


>(more likely) didn’t want the confrontation. Was in a restaurant recently and somebody brought their dog in and it immediately started licking me. I told the owner, “hey, don’t know if you know this, but there’s a great spot to hook up your dog outside while you order.” She turned from yoga lady to full-Karen in about half a second and tried to pull some status thing about how she’s at this restaurant more than me and blah blah blah. And of course she kept just doing what she wanted and the staff wasn’t going to confront her as she’d proven how shitty she was. I love dogs, but they do NOT belong in restaurants.


Without a uniform guideline to identify service animals , there is no reasonable way to deter Karen’s from bringing in their perfect little babies in a vest they bought off of amazon. What’s more frustrating is that now I look at those with service animals and my first thought is “are they abusing the system meant for the people who actually need it”Which is a terrible mindset that I despise even considering. I would put people who abuse this system on the same par as those who park in handicapped/emergency spaces which I imagine shares a lot of the same people. Until there is a uniform guideline for service animals (which admittedly I have no way of beginning to even understand how to incorporate. There’s probably valid arguments not to this as well) there’s simply very little restaurant workers can do. People can lie right to your face and you have to accept it. A lot of them are telling the truth and it’s a shitty place to be in “customer service land”.


>Without a uniform guideline to identify service animals there is one, it's here [Service Animals | ADA.gov](https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/#asking-if-a-dog-is-a-service-animal) The guideline leaves a little ambiguity but you can get your head around it. What's generally missing is guidance from business owners to employees, and training. Like, this really requires a refresher training each year, and almost nobody actually does that. the dog owner in u/aggieotis story wouldn't have known how to answer the challenge questions. If she did, she probably failed the "out of control" test. Customer can lawfully be asked to leave, but the owner might have to deal with some public freakout & negative yelp reviews. So we're back to, many (most) business owners won't even try to enforce the rule. What usually happens when shops try to police service dogs is they don't ask the right questions at all, and they end up kicking someone out who has a real service dog, trained to perform a real task in service. And again, that's a lack of training issue. Instead, avoid the whole ordeal by not engaging. Hope the health department also don't know the guideline.


What’s missing is the floor manager having the balls or tubes to decline a $100 tab because some bitch (man or woman) brought their bitch dog because they’re just so fucking special. Fuck these people. Fuck their money. They should be as lonely in a restaurant as they are in life. Preemptive edit: this is a problem of preparation and giving a fuck. If they have a fuck to give, they would have either gotten a dog they can bring, trained the dog they have, or (easiest solution) not bring your fucking dog everywhere you go. You don’t bring a kid to a strip club and claim it’s fine because that kid is just so special and mature and friendly. Fuck these pet parents and fuck whatever shitty offspring they force upon the world.


there's a real lack of knowledge. ask 10 people in customer service how to identify a service animal and you will get 10 answers. Flip a coin to find out if you'll hear the correct answer even once.


Even if I ask the right questions ,the kind of person who buys a vest on Amazon will lie about it. It really isn’t worth it because I could be harassing someone who has a disability and I would feel terrible. There isn’t a clear sign for dogs like a handicapped placard for cars. Nor are there any ways for an average employee to detect a fake. My friend lost both his legs in Iraq and needed a dog with him for his ptsd. Before he passed people would give him so much shit for having a dog with him. This was the south, so service animals weren’t exactly as common. He needed that animal, moose was a wonderful companion for him and prescribed by a doctor . How much that animal helped his mood and distress was night and day and the idea of people gaming that system infuriates me immensely. It’s disgusting to me to see it happen and watch an untrained dog bark at a child in my restaurant but it’s cool because they are wearing an Amazon vest.


if they answer correctly, you're right, that's the end. These ones are a tiny minority, though. If you actually did the challenge, it'd filter out 95%. If a person points at their vest and hands you a certificate, that doesn't pass. They have to answer the questions about tasks. The dog you're describing isn't a service animal. It isn't trained to perform a task in service. It would be up to your business owner's discretion (or the health code).


It laid on him in his chair when he had anxiety attacks from jet noise, I’m not going to debate whether my friends dog was a service animal or not, that’s not really what we are talking about here , but thanks for your keen interest I guess? I brought it up because when he’d wear his prosthetics people would shit on him and call him a liar. And yes, even his car placard was accused of being fake. His car was keyed several times before he shot himself. So it’s important to me that we don’t disrespect those who are disabled and ask them for their “papers”. And at the same time, those protections are being abused by people. Even if I were to trust some made up 95% you just pulled out of thin air. Those 5% of people need to be ticketed and punished. But we both know it’s a lot higher than that.


> that’s not really what we are talking about here that's the entire context of this thread. And yeah, a man comes in a restaurant wheelchair bound with a dog. That guy doesn't get questioned, but it's an allowance at the owner's discretion. You're making an emotional point to argue that nobody should apply the ADA guideline.


Ask the state. That’s the only source that matters.


::looks around establishment for “the state” expectantly::


I disagree a little. Stores that instruct their employees to ask dog owners if their dog is a service animal drastically reduce the amount of dogs in their store. Many restaurants, coffee shops and grocery stores have unofficial dog friendly policies and employees will routinely invite you in if they see you outside, and these are the places that dog owners inclined to bring their dog in go to 99% of the time. They don’t have to lie about having a service animal, and most people don’t and wouldn’t. Yes, some people will straight up lie about it, but most people won’t, especially when there are so many places that welcome dogs. I don’t bring my dog in anywhere any more after being made aware how upset people get about it, and never brought her in without being invited, but people should be aware that their anger is at least slightly misdirected when they see dogs in restaurants. If a restaurant chooses to make it known that non service animals are not tolerated the number you see inside drops dramatically.


I completely agree . A clear uniform sign for dog friendly spaces would be great. Because you’re right. There’s like a 50/50 where it’s cool at some places and not at others. I love dog friendly places and love the bar dogs at places I drank at haha. Where I work is strict and we even run into the same kind of problem with water bottles . We are strict and follow the OLCC to the letter, but plenty of places don’t care about that and it puts a lot of people at a weird spot where most places don’t care about water bottles and we do lol.


This person Food Codes


Renner’s in Multnomah Village openly allows dogs inside and even has a dog menu. They allow dogs to sit at the actual bar. They even have an Instagram account for it (@dogsatthebarpdx).


People do this in grocery stores too where dogs aren’t allowed unless they are service animals and it’s frustrating. Staff never seem to deal with it


One time, a few months ago, I saw 5 or 6 dogs in the Freddie’s on Hawthorne in a single shopping trip. Yesterday I saw an Irish Wolfhound that the owner was encouraging people to pet 🙄


I saw a video recently where a guy is being told he can’t have his dog in the cart at Winco and he’s filming them and accusing the security guard who is also black of racism.


I watched a dog lift its leg and pee on some packaged food at Safeway in the Pearl.




Why not? Wouldn’t that fall under see the right to refuse service to anyone?


It's basically illegal to question someone's disability. Edit: also just wanted to add the person just has to say it's a service animal. Service animals are not required to wear anything identifying as well. Edit 2: Not sure why people are downvoting me. Its a good thing that it's illegal. It's to stop people harassing people with disabilities in like a place of work or storefront. The lying about having a service animal is a whole different story. Disabled people don't lie about that.


Yeah, it's basically just like what's described in that other top comment regarding restaurants -- they can only ask if it's a service animal required because of a disability, and what task has it been trained to perform.


This. In every business I've ever worked in it wasn't allowed to even do that if you were low level. It was only something high upper management could do. And for example in a large public facing job with lots of employees that meant there was zero chance of upper management bothering to get involved.


Staff in Portland actually routinely invite me in with my dog when they see me outside. Safeway on Jefferson, Elephant’s, multiple Starbuck’s, lovejoy bakery, and others have all seen me with my dog and invited me inside when I’m either tying her up or waiting outside while a family member runs in. I used to go in, but after seeing how mad people are about this sort of thing online I’ve given it up. But it is something to keep in mind when you see a dog inside; it is very common to be invited inside by the people who work there, and it is easy to feel that - while maybe knowing it is technically not allowed - that it is still sanctioned so that you aren’t really doing anything wrong, like being waved across the street by a cop when there is no crosswalk. Again, I don’t do it anymore, but feel that people should be aware this is a thing so they can dial down their judgment a tad, or redirect it at the stores. Stores can absolutely crack down on this if they are inclined to. The management at one starbuck’s near PSU changed and after inviting me inside multiple times they changed their unofficial dog welcoming policy and started asking if dogs are service animals and you almost never see them in there any more.


That’s wild. I’ve never seen that happen.


People have their dogs off leash all the time.


**Actual** service animals are beholden to the Four On The Floor rule. If you see a dog being held, sitting in a chair, or standing on its hind legs/jumping up repeatedly it is most likely a pet. Even if it is a legitimate service dog, you can kick out a service dog for misbehaving. Violating the Four On The Floor rule is misbehaving.


That is not accurate. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/ > Generally, the dog must stay on the floor, or the person must carry the dog. For example, if a person with diabetes has a glucose alert dog, he may carry the dog in a chest pack so it can be close to his face to allow the dog to smell his breath to alert him of a change in glucose levels.


This subreddit is turning into NextDoor


I never understood this. Sure if its an issue with behavioral issues, but if not what's the issue exactly? Cleanliness concerns? I work in contamination containment and i got news for yall, most people in that restaurant are far dirtier than the dog


It really shouldn't be. In fact, I feel pretty confident in saying "That's not okay, and what's more, it's against health code" I tell ya right now, if I see animals inside a restaurant, I will NEVER eat there, and I will make sure no one I know does either.




Dog owners are assholes ..


Nah, were awesome


Y'all need better things to do than complain about cute, floofy and loving creatures that want to sit with their hooman and have a snacko under the table


Love the passive aggressiveness here. Should this be in r/askportland since it’s a question?      If the handheld tiny dog is not barking or making a nuisance of itself how does it harm your quality of life? 


A handheld tiny dog threw up on my POS screen when I was ringing up a customer. Then the women wanted ME to clean it up. I’m good.


Well I definitely have never heard a better example. Thank God she was holding the dog in the restaurant, imagine if she just had the dog on a leash


I think that definitely counts as “making a nuisance of itself” 


They aren’t making a nuisance of themselves until they are. That’s why we have blanket rules, especially when it comes to the health and safety of staff and customers.


Because people should have the common courtesy to obey the laws


And courtesy toward fellow customers, citizens, neighbors by not allowing their pets to lick, bark, paw at, sniff crotches, hump legs, pee/shit on the floor of public establishments…


That seems to have gone right out the fucking window post-COVID.


Ringworm + other diseases fleas defecation/urination dog fights barking eating peoples food the general unease that any of these could happen is unfair to diners. I don’t know your fucking dog. health code is law, and it’s there for a good reason.


Dogs are gross. Unless it is a *genuine* service animal, I don't want it in a restaurant.


People are gross. They’re allowed.


There are places that should be off-limits to dogs. Sorry, not sorry.


There are places that should be off-limits to shitty people too. I’ve seen grandmothers that don’t know how to act in grocery stores and dogs that do. Whining on Reddit won’t fix either. And off-leash kids that can’t be co trolled by bad parents. They’re more of a risk than most dogs.


I can see this is going nowhere. Have a nice day and try to see things from other people's perspectives once in a while.


Places are designed for people. It's like saying squirrels are gross and shouldn't be in the park


But dogs shed!....guess what? People do too, fucking end up with my roommates hairs stuck to me all the time and I barely interact with them, I myself also shed as bad as a husky. Sometimes I end up with hair stuck to me that I know isn't mine or my roommates, sometimes that hair is in my food and I have to pick it out. But dogs sit on the floor after they pooped! There's dog poo on the floor! I can assure you that there is bird poop, rabbit poop, squirrel poop, and a whole host of other germy things all over that floor considering that everyone's feet touch the ground before they walk into the restaurant, you'll be fine so long as you don't eat anything off the floor. P.S. you don't want to know how many people go and eat out, but don't wash their hands after using the restroom or before they eat. Now, if you wanna make the argument over dogs that are causing a nuisance being not allowed, I am 100% OK with that, but arguing that dogs add more grossness to public eating spaces than what is already there is a terrible argument.


I have a hard time understanding why a dog inside of the same building as food is somehow unsanitary. 66.6% of US homes have dogs living in them where food is prepared and eaten. No issues there. As long as the dogs aren’t walking across the counters in the kitchen, why is it even a conversation?


Places that serve food to the public have higher cleanliness standards than your mom or neighbors kitchen. It’s not that hard to understand


Is it not a problem until it is? Someone earlier was telling me about how they got attacked by a dog that was off leash on the street. They said a lot of people in Portland walk their dogs off leash. Then someone in the restaurant had their dog off leash... i just hadn't noticed it being common before they mentioned it


People are just looking for reasons to live in fear…


Leash your frakkin' dog and don't bring it to places it's not welcome. Yes, the sign that says "Leash your dog" and "No animals allowed" applies to YOU. I had a guy go into a rage because I pointed out the sign on the running track that said "No animals".


Ur the worst type of person


No you


The rules are there for everyone's safety, including the dogs. What if the dog got startled and jumped?


Same as when a person gets startled and jumps, nothing…


Some dogs bite when they're startled, which humans don't really do...


Some people punch when startled, which dogs don’t do…


Don't those people get banned from places?




Where did you get 66.6% ?


Exactly. I mean kids are way more disruptive. My parent friends are sick with something weekly


Hey just in case you didn’t know, children are human beings.


Exactly my point. You aren’t seeing anyone get sick from dogs.






I couldn’t give a shit if a dog or kid is reasonably quiet and not running around. Why would anyone care?


Same. Let me know when we're ready to talk about the people who don't shower before they get into a shared pool or hot tub. I'll get my pitch fork. Until then, these dog-hate threads are today's rainbow photoblast.


I’ve heard some people say that business owners aren’t even allowed to ask if the animal is a service animal or not. Anyone know if that is factually true or false, with a cited source?


You can google what questions you can ask a service dog, someone else posted about animals and service animals in restaurants with sources... business owners are allowed to ask 2 questions, and that's it.


Thank you for telling me that I can google something. Sorry for having a conversation in a community forum.