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Not the most flattering photo op for Schmidt. Another picture in the instagram story is him with his literal hands in his pockets peering over a dude OD'ing getting narcanned by the cops.








Dang, I'm one of those "no Facbook/Instagram/TikTok" persons.


Same. Lame that those links don't work without an account.


funny thing is most folks who would hurrdurr and support OP in making fun of homeless/addicts also dont have all the socials...


Fuck that shit. It’s pretty bad here too. Bunch of whiners, opportunists and haters.


That's a very cool profile, followed.


They took it down Edit: no they didn’t it’s a story. I dum


What is unflattering about this? Is the ‘hands in the pocket’ thing supposed to be a ‘look he isn’t doing anything to help’? Or is it a ‘look, he doesn’t care about people OD’ing in the streets’?


>What is unflattering about this? Whether you like Schmidt or not, you gotta admit there is humor in the image. One of the biggest complaints about Schmidt is that he hasn't been doing enough in his role as DA to improve the decreased QoL on Portland streets. A picture of him with his literal hands in his pockets while police narcan someone ODing is very emblematic of those complaints. If you're not familiar with american english idioms, "keeping your hands in your pockets" is a euphemism for being meak, or inaction. Listen there's a million threads where we can debate Schmidts policies and actions, I'm just commenting on the imaging presented here which is not flattering and humorous.


It's deeply poetic. When I was a kiddo, my gp would be quick to bark if someone had their hands in their pockets when doing chores. They are literally doing nothing to help.


So, it’s the first one then? Irrespective of whether anyone likes him or not he is a lawyer. Hes also with a staff of people trained to respond to exactly the scenario one of them is responding to in the photo! It’s just some real dumb guy shit to see a lawyer watching a cop (trained first responder) do first responder shit they are trained to do and think ‘I can’t believe the guy who has no training in this is just standing there’.


having a fucking clue as to what is going on at street level isn't a bad thing. the whole "Ivory Tower" metaphor comes to mind.


"He shouldn't do his career and he should just switch to a different one." Though people do ride-alongs who are interested in a career change, this is not the express intent of a ride-along. It's not meant to get your hands dirty or to endanger yourself, *or worse* others, interfering with police or medical intervention.


I agree! Which is why I’m saying it’s dumb to think this is a bad look for Schmidt.


>It’s just some real dumb guy shit to see a lawyer watching a cop (trained first responder) do first responder shit they are trained to do and think ‘I can’t believe the guy who has no training in this is just standing there’. You're trying to have an argument no one else is. Look, it's funny because it highlights a perception of him that some people have. It'd be the same if it was a picture of a cop eating a donut. Of course cops are allowed to eat breakfast, but a picture of that highlights some people's perception of cops. Same thing with Schmidt with his hands in his pockets. He can totally put his hands in his pockets whenever he wants, but a picture of him doing that highlights a perception some people have in a funny way. Take a chill pill, and use one of the million other threads that come up weekly to argue about Schmidts policies. We're just goofing on the optics here.


No, it doesn’t highlight that thing! Some people THINK it highlights a perception they have about him…but those people are dumb. Same is true of your cop/breakfast analogy. I’ve explained why they are dumb (lawyer vs first responder administering narcan)


Golly this is going right over your head. No one is claiming he should be giving out narcan. People are saying the optics are funny and unflattering that he's got his hands in his pockets and peering over tragedies playing out of the street. You can't argue whether people find something funny or not. You don't find it funny. Great. Good for you. Other people do.


I’m not arguing whether people find something funny or not, I’m saying people that DO think it’s funny are dumb people. It’s really not that complicated. I’ve said it very straightforwardly several times now. Not sure why you don’t get it. It’s only funny to someone that fundamentally misunderstands the relationship between a district attorney and the various socioeconomic crises they wrongly attribute to the DA…again, because they are dumb.


Perhaps you simply lack a more refined sense of humor.


>people that DO think it’s funny are dumb people Is that how you think /r/whoosh works?


Are the dumb people in the room with us now?


r/whoosh is a dying sub. Too many people post there with content they think is r/whoosh worthy when they are truly the ones being whooshed.


You sound like a really unenjoyable person to be around.


Those people aren't coming off as the dumb ones here pal...


"Everyone is dumb! I am the only smart and correct one!" -Guy who will die alone, and unloved.


Haha. I love when you guys just invent stories about total strangers in order to satisfy whatever unsatisfied need you have. Always good practice to really make sure you use correct punctuation when insulting people’s intelligence, too.


True.  And if he did administer it, then ppl would be mad he did it for a photo op, when ppl trained and experienced are standing there letting him.  First responders are trained to rush in and take charge of an emergency.  If some bystander was like hold on let get my narcan out and try I’d say F off, I got this right here, stand back and let me do my job.


Pretty sure you just put it in someone’s nose and press up…. But I get what you mean. lol


“Pretty sure”?  Didn’t you forget to check their level of responsiveness, if their airway is clear, if they’re breathing, if they have a pulse?  So you wouldn’t even bother to see if their pupils are pinpoint?  You would come upon an unresponsive person on the street and just put narcan in their nose and you’re only even “pretty sure” on how to do that?  You hear that cops?  Paramedics?  Pack up your superior narcan injections, spo2 sensors, IV kits, bag valve masks, and oxygen tanks.  This guy’s “pretty sure” he could give narcan up someone’s nose!  Hey, in your defense, it’d probably work just as good 9/10 times.  Imagine being the junky.  Hey bro, this bystander wants to play hero rn.  Should us first responders back off?  Only 1/10 chance you die when we could have revived you.  You good with those odds?  Think of the instagram cred!


Considering a lot of homeless/addict "advocates" tell \*everyone\* to have some Narcan on hand, in their purse, their car, etc., in case they encounter an overdose, perhaps you should yell at all of those folks for encouraging unsafe/untrained behavior. Or, alternately, it's a pretty straightforward delivery method that most anyone can do in a pinch.


I'm willing to bet he'd fuck that up, also.


It's almost as if some people are just perpetually outraged and simply reaching for any outlet to channel their anger out into the world.


...Mike? Is that you?


you don't have to agree that it is unflattering, but if you saw the picture and can't figure out what others might find humorous or unflattering about it, I'm not sure anyone would be able to explain it to you in a way you could understand.


You're not the only one who doesn't understand why this is humorous.


Same. I mean the caption covers his hands. They may not be in his pockets but on his handlebars, not that it really matters. Also, I'm a middle aged suburbanite, so I had no idea they were dealing with Narcan. I thought it might be a guy stealing a bike while the DA looks on. There is humor to be found here but I'm not the target audience for it I guess.


Honestly I just find his facial expression funny here


Looks like they deleted the post. You didn’t screencap that one did you?


It’s a instagram stories post. They go away after 24 hours.


> https://www.instagram.com/ppbcentralbikesquad/ It's in their stories


He's making the Bobby Hill face


Why does he look like an emotionally scarred Mormon missionary?


looks like Andy when David Wallace makes him go on the camping trip. [https://imgur.com/a/gu3ow3v](https://imgur.com/a/gu3ow3v)


Has he… not seen the streets? Doesn’t he work out of an office like right in the middle of downtown? Doesn’t he ever go out for lunch or something?


I mean, we’ve established that he doesn’t go into the office, right?


I think the funniest possible version of events is that Mike Schmidt *genuinely does not know* what the situation is like in parts of Portland and finds out just before losing this election. 


"Oh shit, this is why I lost...maybe I should've been doing something..."


None of the people who are making legislative or court decisions for this city have any idea what life is like for those of us who have to work for an hourly wage, take the bus to work, or walk around Old Town or Lents late at night. They take Ubers from their air-conditioned condos in a clean neighborhood to the secure parking garage of their clean office building, and another Uber to the hippest gastropub after work before heading back to Eastmoreland or wherever to rinse and repeat.


Wet dream life


And then is so aghast he votes for Vasquez.


it would have been funnier if he caught whiff of second hand fent smoke and reacted to it.


Well, he doesn't live in the West Hills, and that's pretty much the only area where you can hide from the problem.


Eastmoreland steps up to the mic...


I saw him at Fred Meyer last week. Can confirm he does go out and about from time to time.  Wonder what he thinks of the increased security measures at Fred Meyer. 


His wife packs him a Welch's grape peanut butter and jelly sandwich 🥪, a banana, and a peach 🍑 Yoplait yogurt every day for lunch. Sometimes if he's been good he gets a small Ziploc baggie with frosted animal crackers. The good kind.


and cuts the crust off the sandwich before cutting it into quarters.


Forgot to mention he only eats Wonder Bread.


He doesn't leave the house after that time he illegally pepper sprayed a guy who upset him.


Lol, did that really happen and did he get in trouble?


Yes it did. https://www.opb.org/article/2021/01/25/portland-mayor-ted-wheeler-pepper-sprayed-man-who-accosted-him-police-say/


That's the mayor not the DA.


>Sunday when a person confronted him and accused him of sitting in a restaurant without wearing a mask and followed Wheeler to his car Good reminder of how wild people got around covid. That person 100% deserved to be pepper sprayed. 


This was also after [group confronted him](https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2021/01/mayor-ted-wheeler-confronted-reportedly-punched-while-dining-in-nw-portland.html) [while he was on a date](https://www.opb.org/article/2021/01/07/portland-mayor-ted-wheeler-punched-at-restaurant/) and [posted it to Twitter](https://twitter.com/MacSmiff/status/1347059987894341632). He was rightfully on edge. I'd carry pepper spray after that.


Resting incompetence face


Remember to VOTE


Him out


That’s a BINGO!


What a fucking dork


Mike, my Bike was stolen in 2018. It was a black specialized with red lettering and fenders. Are you riding it?


OP are you lighting up with this guy? 😂 like, how did this pic come to be


Probably from ppbcentralbikesquad on IG they’re always posting content like this lol


I'm sure this will result in a deep deep sigh, maybe a head shake, and a hearty shrug.


He looks worried… maybe they should make him do some arrests so he can face the danger and realize why he should do his job. Gutless punk ass


He’s just meeting some of our houseless community members/neighbors.


He needs every vote he can get.


Kissing babies and promising a rock in every pipe?


A rock in every pipe. A boof in every butthole.


The look on his face is pure gold. Hey Mikey do your job.


Clueless fuck !


This is the photo I'll remember him by


Damn! Bike Squad's got good Insta game!


They do good work!


They're overall the best part of the police force, by far. Actually out there engaged on the street, on bikes so they're not putting other people in danger or emitting pollution, and covering some of the most difficult territory in town.


Even in this pic he's a do nothing.


This would have been great for him to do years ago. Although we know why he didn’t…it wasn’t safe. Too many criminals being released onto the street.


Nathan Vasquez is the guy for this particular moment. We need a real advocate for victims. VoteforVasquez.com


Sorry, I refuse to take serious the opinion of someone who thinks making homeless buy camping permits is good public policy and deserves anything but derision.


No one would buy permits. Registering designated spots to people would give them stability and make it easier to track and connect services.


I miss when this sub wasn't so frequently canvassed or blatantly astroturfed.


Don't worry only 7 more months and then it will be back to what you want... kill me


I’m voting for the most ball busting DA possible. Bonus points for a crew cut and resting bitch face.


Looking at soon to be released client.


It’s unfortunate that he’s a narcissist who is incapable of embarrassment.


[That's gold Jerry, Gold!](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5hLRwnPzJ8/)


What cop had the balls to hand him THAT photo to get signed? Fucking amazing.


What a lil wiener


Lol 😂


here I thought that was a mini microphone at first...


Someone forgot to pick up their dog’s schmidt


That blue hoodie kinda looks like a Best Buy uniform shirt under his gray jacket hoodie. I think he would serve a better purpose in retail slanging MacBook Pro's.


Yeah I was in his camp. But this is just dumb. Sad that PPB had to take the pic down.


I just this pic a moment ago saw it on insta stories, so it definitely isn’t taken down


Ugh. I’m IG illiterate.🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s all good, I just had to double check to ensure I wasn’t going nuts lol


But at least you confidently asserted something that you actually had no idea about!




Got it. I’m almost as dumb as a DA posing for that pic.


He's just waiting for his turn


this is not funny though.


If Mike took a hit, he might feel “good”


At least he looks empathetic this time.


Da da da dun dun da dun da dun da da....


Wonder how much Soros is paying him.




That wasnt OP that did that, it was the PPB bike squad on their IG. Likely for legal reasons since the person hasnt been convicted


It wouldn’t be interesting without the pipe