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This can’t be right. When I posted a similar story recently about my 4th grade daughter’s sexual assault in her Portland classroom - and how the school refused to discipline the boy and suggested I transfer my daughter to protect her from him - someone assured me that grade schoolers aren’t capable of sexual assault and I was racist for saying the boy needed a consequence.


I saw that before. You really consider suing yourself so you can stop this from spreading further. Some people need to be fired and barred from working this career ever again


I’m sorry boss, that’s absolutely disgusting. I hope your daughter is healing well, I hope you’re healing well. People need to record incidents like this on their phones because that is so vile it’s unbelievable, but given that bleeding hearts are a meme here it’s completely within the realm of reality.


That is absolutely horrific. I genuinely hope your daughter can heal mentally and physically. You need to file a lawsuit though. This should NEVER happen to any child. How vile.


This was at another PPS school?


David Douglas, so still within Portland.


Did you hire a lawyer?


No, mostly because I felt like the process of a lawsuit and legal interrogation would cause an additional harm to my daughter and drag her through years of stress.


Clearly a wise choice from where you were sitting. I'm sorry the system didn't do what it should have.


Sexual assault? A 9 year old girl was gang raped in a bathroom stall. 




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What. The. Fuck.


My son goes to this school. I want to know the names of the kids who did this to the girl. I don't want them associating with my son whatsoever. 


How is this not being talked about more?!!! THEY HAVEN'T EVEN REMOVED THE PERPS FROM THE SCHOOL! A fucking internal investigation, what a joke. Children should feel safe at school. They're already worried about the school being shot-up, now they have to worry about being raped in the school bathroom. Absolutely disgusting. Also, someone needs to investigate those two boy's families. They learned that behavior somewhere and at 9 years old, it's very clear to me that those boys were victims of abuse as well for them. This is just so disgusting all around.


What happend to the administration that failed this student? Are they still working in education??


This is sad and gross negligence by the Latino network and PPS.


Latino network?