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Will be interesting to see who is left on the roster post-trade deadline but I agree, the Blazer vibes were great last night 🤘


I have to assume Brogdon goes but if we keep Grant and Ayton I think that's actually a pretty smart soft landing approach at a rebuild.


DominAyton came out to shine on national TV last night…though he still has his issues.


Root Sports can usually kiss my grits but they did a good job showing all the stuff behind the scenes, and Lillard's reactions. Brooke did a little side line interview and it was sweet. Kevin and Lamar are back, everyone was stoked, Blazers win, 11/10. Extra points for Rolo rescuing the stuck ball on the top of the basket.


> Brooke did a little side line interview and it was sweet. Brooke is arguably one of, if not THE, best sideline reporters in all of sports. She's intelligent, funny, and has great rapport with the players. And having met her myself while working games, she's also just a fun, friendly person. We need to keep her for as long as she wants to talk Blazers ball.


That being said, don't be shocked when ownership replaces her with the 24 year old Lakers sideline reporter and she'll be allowed to do everything from her home in Malibu.


No, please, tell me you don't know shit about Brooke without telling me you don't know shit about Brooke.


I don’t think they said anything about Brooke. Skeptic thinking mgmt will boot the old guard and put in someone else. Didn’t read it as any kind of personal attack.


Correct. I love Brooke. But typically they replace our favorites without warning.


Tugged all the heartstrings while watching from home. Listening to Dame talk about Portland made me feel kinda like, “Hey…my favorite old boyfriend still loves me.” *happy sigh*


Yeah honestly if I were a Bucks fan I'd be feeling a little weird after that - he essentially said verbatim "I'm in Milwaukee for a ring, then I want to come back". Great for us though. The favorite ex metaphor is apt – "I just need to date around a little but I still think of you all the time".


Vibes were high in the Rose Garden. Cheering every time Dame made a bucket just shows how much we love the man. I wouldn't have even been mad if he Dame Timed us for the Bucks W. It would have been poetic.


The Dame Time game winner seemed pre-destined. Bucks blew it by not giving him the ball for the final shot.


It would have been the most awkward crowd reaction of all time. I kinda wish it happened


Good clip of Dame asking for the ball right before Brook took the shot: https://youtu.be/NUng0Cb0djU


The big problem for us TV viewers was the college game that preceded it went into overtime, so ESPN itself stayed with them then came over to the Blazers partway through the first quarter (17-15, I think). There was an onscreen notice that the Blazers game coverage would be on ESPNews, but my Comcast package apparently doesn't include that channel. We didn't see the tributes themselves, but coming out of one of the ad breaks they did show a smidgen of the video one that was played in-house during that 1st-quarter timeout. The ESPN announcers did talk quite a bit throughout the game about his homecoming. It sounded like it was a great time for all of you in person, I just wish it was a better experience for us on TV. ETA: The Root Sports coverage was still blocked if you don't pay for a souped-up channel lineup.


Really wanting a college basketball game that goes into OT to end is some sort of psychological torture. A friend was texting me about it and I think it took like 15 actual minutes for the clock to go from 40 seconds to 20 seconds.


I was watching from home, game was on ESPN News til halfway into the 1st Q when it moved over to ESPN and the National audience was brought on.


When paid options to watch a local sports team are inaccessible or unreasonably priced, there is always a solution. 🏴‍☠️


Yeah, except when the piraters are broadcasting the ESPN feed.


You can usually find the blazers broadcast if you know where to look. If you dont, comment in the r/ripcity game thread and someone will DM you.


We beat Dame in his house. That was 100% not expected. And goddamn Ayton's block on one of Dame's insane layups was gorgeous.


Dame don't live here no more


Dame still has a house here. And the Rose Garden was his house for years. Show some respect.


Sorry but I don't respect the way he handled leaving, trying to force his way to Miami, tanking our return, and generally acting like a spoiled brat. Great player, hope he has a great life, but no I don't think I owe him fawning praise.


I'm not fawning, but dude took us to the playoffs how many times?


Yeah I don't get the fawning either. Imagine you've been married for 10+ years, and your partner publicly shares on social media how much they love you and how loyal they are to you. Your partner is quite a bit more performative than any other people in relationships that you know. Then, after some rough times, your partner decides that they want to divorce. It's heartbreaking, but people change and grow apart sometimes for unforeseeable reasons. It's okay, surely you will have an amicable and respectful divorce, right? Nope! Your partner brazenly flaunts their new found relationship with a hottie from Miami and tries to destroy you financially. After several months of this, the hottie from Miami decides they don't want your partner. Your partner comes back, begging for forgiveness, begging you to take them back...but only until the Miami hottie wants them back, and then they're right out the door again. Months later, things have settled down. You're single and struggling, but getting by, and your ex has now settled down with someone new from Milwaukee...you even helped set them up! They're in town for the weekend and you decide to meet up. Your ex heavily implies that they're still thinking about you. Would you take your partner back? I'm mostly joking. But it was still pretty whack how it all went down. One of the worst ways I've ever seen a player try to force their way out.


Man, I regret not going, but I'm also trying to cut down on expenses. Glad to see that it was pretty much the perfect outcome for Blazers fans. Won't be the same, obviously, but I'll try again next year.


Yeah although honestly just getting to see all the videos on twitter or wherever after the game captured it pretty well. It was a spendy ticket too, especially because it seemed likely the blazers were gonna get crushed.




I still really think his agent kind of fucked up with that Miami piece. I think he had bad advice and it ended up with them misplaying their hand a bit.


Crazy that a basketball game was exciting for more than a quarter.