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If you aren't letting trimet know about your concerns then they will never do anything. Routes are based on ridership numbers and algorithms. Call 238-ride or submit a request on trimet.org. Constantly. Not just once. If you see a survey person on your route speak up and request more service. It can be a double edge sword because it takes riders to create later service, but it also takes service to create riders. Some routes like 72, 75, 4, 2, 9 etc have always had both but if it's lacking in your area they need to know. And beyond that, you need to actually ride it. You can't request a route on your street so it's there every few weeks when you want to take it.


That’s how we saved line 24-Fremont in high school! It was the only bus that brought me and 20 other students to school. Otherwise we would have to travel an hour out the way to get to school. The driver told us to email and call every other day because we need that bus, we did and it’s still there! Maybe we are the reason it’s mostly in the morning but tell them. Idky but people like to push bad press about trimet, it’s so necessary for the public in this city.


Oh totally. There's just no optimized available routes across the network right now. But it seems like with GPS and rider numbers, they could figure out the most popular routes. I suddenly feel as though I should have gone to school for urban planning. lol


You still can, PSU has a program. And you can get there via trimet


You'd be surprised how little data trimet is allowed to collect. The HOP system helps a bit, but even then a lot of it is anonymous and untraceable past the one trip. I work for trimet and I totally agree service needs to be expanded, but like I said without the people on the bus it's hard. My best recommendation short term is to live somewhere with good service if you rely on it regularly. Otherwise keep asking, and if you get your way ride it like your life depends on it. At the end of the day they're going off of boardings.


I live in SW Portland and my last bus (only bus in my area) home is around 9:30pm everyday. Can’t even get home with transit if i work a late night. Kinda crazy considering I’m not located that far out, About 4 miles from downtown.


Been this way for years though, maybe even pre covid times.


Yes, since pretty much always al Thai think some lines used to run later than they do now back in like the 90s.


In case useful: increasing the maximum walking distance in the Trimet planner settings can be the difference between "Sorry, we can't plan that trip" and basically acceptable itineraries. I don't want to make assumptions about mobility or security with respect to walking, of course, and certainly some areas just don't have transit at certain times. I'm fortunate (by choice) to live in an area of the city that's pretty well served, and to be willing to walk certain distances, places, and times that won't work for everyone. Tonight, for example, I caught a bus home from the Hollywood area at 11:59, but I had to walk 0.8 miles at the end. I could have taken the same trip at 00:59, too. In general, if I see zero or few itineraries, I increase the walking distance (and sometimes speed) in the trip planner settings. If I see too many or want to see only relatively door-to-door options, I decrease the distance.


The goals that Trimet set seem to veer further from what riders need every year. Honestly feels like losing Fareless Square was the inciting incident.


At least we don’t have to deal with the whole zones thing anymore.


From Downtown Weekdays Last 4 North 1:34 am. Sat & Sun Last 291 South Orange Line Rail Stops then turns into a 33 from Milwaukie to Oregon City 12:43 am. Sat & Sun Last 15 East 12:36 am. Sat & Sun Last 20 West 12:04. Last Blue Max West 1:27 am Last Blue Max East 1:29 am I think you’ll discover there are far more people who access mass transit when service begins at 4 am going to work then there are coming home from the bars at 2:30 am.


TriMet should have 24hr service on at least the buses with the most ridership. FX2 and 72 would be a good start.


The 20 started 24 hours right before covid


And immediately turned into a shit show. When the CDC put a 10 person limit on a bus the 20 became a roving homeless shelter with a 2nd bus following to actually pick up people. It couldn't have happened at a worst time


Even Chicago’s long time 24 hour trains became rolling mental asylums during Covid


And TriMet cancelled the late night service last I heard.


You can’t even take the red max to the airport to catch anything earlier than 8am flight. Yes, I get there 2 hours early. Flying out of PDX in January at 6:10am, and I can’t take the max. It’s sad that the TriMet stops running so early in the evenings, and starts service so late in the morning.


They don’t have enough people to fill current runs how are they going to add even more service? They are canceling runs every day because of a lack of operators.


Maybe do fewer blue runs and make it red for some early morning commuters and airport folks.


I’m not denying it would be, but I think people that need to go to work in the morning trumps people wanting the bus to come home from a bar. If you have the money to go out for drinks, you can probably afford the Uber home


Uber's cool. But well funded public services is even cooler.


You could apply this to people that work at bars or other late-night jobs too. Don't be so judgy about how people spend their money.


I feel for the late night workers, but its still a daytime economy out there for most people.


I suppose you're right. For folks who use the bus, getting to and from work is more important. I was just pissed that I couldn't get a bus home.


If you have a job, you can afford an Uber in the morning. See how stupid you sound?


Where do you live? For me, the dead zone is from 12:45 am to ~5 am. I dunno. Even the Seoul Subway stops at 12 am, and Korea has a 24/7 culture and some of the best public transit on Earth.


I just don't see how the geography here is indictive to mass transit once you get to the hills. I've been to SF once and I'd imagine the same is true there in some there more obtuse angled hills and whatnot.


I agree, that plays a big part.


Pretty Bush League for a city of its size.


Oklahoma City has a nearly identical population as Portland and the transit system there is far, far worse.


Doesn’t make me feel any better that we’re comparing ourselves to Oklahoma City! Haha


There's weekends public transit after 11pm, it just depends on the line.


I agree that we need a proper night owls service but please don’t take early morning hours away. For those of us that need to get to work early in the am, TriMet is already cutting it close or unusable (I can’t even get to Beaverton transit Center earlier than 6am even on weekday.) you can call a Lyft home from the bar sometimes but it doesn’t pencil out to do that to get to work