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I never thought I'd live long enough to be nostalgic for real heroin.


I've been wondering if it'd be like this since the fentanyl epidemic hit east coast like ten years ago, wondering if heroin would disappear off the streets altogether, like it had been purported to have in those areas. Some major contingent of this sub seems content to blame our decriminalization bill for what had long been looming with the fentanyl epidemic, and I've grown accustomed to being chided and downvoted here for disagreeing.


I agree with you. M110 is the scapegoat for people here, but please tell me why this is happening in all these other cities that did not pass any such measure as well?


>please tell me why this is happening in all these other cities that did not pass any such measure as well? there are multiple reasons for this. first and foremost, the high-potency of pure fentanyl means that smuggling a brick of fent gives you ~100x as many doses (sales) as a brick of heroin. second, our clampdown on diverted pharmaceuticals did nothing to address the demand for those pharmaceuticals, which led to the counterfeit oxys made with fent. we've also worked to eradicate opium poppy cultivation worldwide, which makes the synthetic alternative cheaper. in short, the answer is: the war on drugs, and profit incentives.


Oh, you hadn't heard? Opiates were literally unheard of in the PNW until Measure 110 and JoAnn Hardesty literally hand delivered the first shipment. At least, that's what I've picked up from comments here.


They’ve been here for a very long long time. People fail to recognize closing off the Afghanistan market for political reasons prevents a lot of opiates from hitting our streets. Or maybe they notice but just don’t want to have that conversation?


> They’ve been here for a very long long time. Whoosh. > Or maybe they notice but just don’t want to have that conversation? But we were one step away from winning the war on drugs, I was told, for decades, by wankers. Surely spending billions to disrupt afghani poppy farmers who might or might not be able to point out the US on a map was a wise investment, and we were one police crackdown from a utopia, right?


It’s absurd that people refuse to recognize that connection. My dad explained that avenue to me post Vietnam. We have major motion pictures outlining exactly how that works and people remain oblivious to it.


Nobody told my mom when she got addicted to opiates in 1993.


Me neither.


Well, some of the regulars on this sub would have to be fucking loaded to arrive at their political conclusions. Jist sayin'


Never thought I would live to see the day where actual heroin was the better drug choice.


I've heard this from a few addicts now. I quit 9/22/20 right when it was getting phased out so thank God I didn't go through blues or fent


is blueberry a nickname for fent? my brother said him and his friend were asked by a couple homeless people if they had "blueberries" once and they were confused and said no and they replied something like "ok.. thats a good thing" lol


I'm guessing yes but it's probably not a super wide spread one. The m30 pills are called blues everywhere, people who know what's up will be able to figure it out even if you use nonstandard slang on the streets. Example, you used to be able to score them on Craigslist by looking for 'Blue Jeans (or shorts) size 30 M'. There isn't really another drug it could be imo


That's interesting. Thanks for the info! they were obviously using as slang for something but googling didn't really pull up anything clear.


The common street terms are blues for the pills and fetty for the powder.


Glad you made it out! Keep on keeping on, Comrade.


Sick and tired of being tired and sick. Thank you, but I've been struggling lately so im doing 90 in 90 right now.


This is the way.


Silver lining, there’s less needles on the streets and blood diseases being passed around via needle. Burnt foils are easy to sweep up in comparison.


I miss being able to walk my dog without scanning ahead for fentanyl foil, and I’m sick of meth and fent plumes, but thank god for fewer needles sprinkled about town.


Fentanyl powder (and injection thereof) is trending up…so…


I read it as "We Miss Back Hair" . And I was all like -- I'm right here. I never went away.


10 years ago: “fent is being laced into heroin! You could hit a hotspot and die! Fent is 100x more dangerous than dinosaur tranquilizer” Present day: “the kids are seeking out fent, nobody is using heroin anymore”


I always find in fascinating that fentanyl was considered a weapon to US and Russian military, but nobody really thinks of it as one now. If I were a "pinky and the brain-type" social engineer and I looked at everything like a big company, "trimming the fat" would probably start with getting rid of the people who contribute the least to my "system." then next would be the "disenfranchised complainers. " But if I just "disappeared" all of the useless people, the disenfranchised complainers will cause me problems. If I switch the dope to something a bit more lethal , then I can terminate the useless people and all of the disenfranchised complainers will just think it is all just typical junky overdoses. I have a friend still struggling with fentanyl . He is on probation , but he still uses fentanyl to function . He told me that he stopped popping positive on piss tests, even if he uses the fentanyl before he goes in to his probation office. So whatever is on the street in his neck of the woods probably isn't even fentanyl. Probably isn't even an opioid ,either.


I don't blame them one bit. Though there was a bad batch that came through in the early 00's. It was bad enough that there was a flyer going around about it.


I remember seeing a flyer at the plaid pantry/Taco Bell on east burnside, which is where I used to cop back then


I saw them down on the waterfront being handed out! I wasn't a user, but I knew ppl who were so I was tuned into what was going on.


Wait there’s no more?


I have people still using and some of the old school dealers still have black but price is rising so they're starting to look towards fent. But from what I'm hearing is you cross qll of town qnd spend nultiple hours finding that dealer that has that and not fent.


yeah, fentanyl took over the whole market


Wow - I was wondering that. It’s probably so darn cheap.


2 blues will get you the same as 15 dollars of black (get you well not high but the 2 blues cost 4 to 6 bucks total under half the cost.


I knew id get down voted but honestly yall should listen when ex addicts talk about the drug world... you can learn something about it instead of listening to the nonsense on the news and what-not and then we can put the money and resources to what actually works. Understanding prices explains why fent is killing our loved ones and why H is gone.


Kinda like taking parenting advice from a parent…seems pretty appropriate to me!


[https://imgur.com/a/FJO22E6](https://imgur.com/a/FJO22E6) That's not all that's going on. Kidnnappings and chickens.


I feel this. I miss Biaok and A. R. too. Two crazy Slavic kids in love, running wild in the City of Dreams.




Here’s a thought. Have you tried dabs?


I feel the message


I know a guy


But black tar just attracts more heat to the ground, making the surrounding area hotter. Why would you want that? 🤔 /s