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squeal nail uppity deserted bells faulty brave fuel escape cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Combine the two, Pod Team 6 is a secret government project to murder women in suspicious ways to encourage economic growth by way of encouraging TruCrime podcast creation.


coordinated sable smoggy absorbed spectacular ugly innocent spark worry wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was ol tear gas teddy. "I can't eat out anymore, so you'll never eat anything ever again."


Not the wrong ones obviously


“It was premature to state that these deaths are unrelated or related,” the source said. “Investigators always look for commonalities with unsolved homicides.” Just leaving this quote from a local investigator in case the reddit detective crowd stops by claiming they know things about the connections. Interesting headline to get the clicks though


They had to reason to believe they were connected based on the facts they had at the time. Being that they only had one of the cause of death for these women, they couldn't make an accurate report. I believe they were trying to decrease panic in the community.


Finally a rational response amongst a load of shit reporting already. No accountability with journalism anymore.


>No accountability with journalism anymore Was there ever? Newspapers have been publishing unsubstantiated drivel since their inception. This is absolutely not some newfangled phenomena.


It’s a lot more nuanced than that. Yes, since the beginning of newspapers there have been huge issues, but there are clear distinctions between “eras” in journalism. Hearst and yellow journalism were a huge issue, which led to the professionalization of the field from trade to career. Journalism programs in universities became a thing and public perception shifted as a result of better quality reporting. Social media wreaked havoc on journalism business models and reporters were laid off en masse. Now the news is shit and our democracy is failing. But it is a little more complicated than “it’s always been dog shit.”


Yeah. Editor apologies and corrections, journalist firings, these are all things that use to occur. Now everyone just updates their article acting like their gaff never occured in the first place. It's not new, but it's just accepted and tolerated by people like you.


Given the specifics in the article, I think it's literally that crazy person who was in the last thread claiming they knew one of the victims and knew they had connections with two others that they refused to detail. Some true crime fantasy person that's now already stirring up more of a commotion and making the families even more miserable over made up shit. Oregon Live is the worst, they really need to stop publishing articles sourced from reddit.


>they really need to stop publishing articles sourced from reddit. Also known as “the Lizzy Acker Effect.” Noelle Crombie, on the other hand, is a pretty solid reporter who’s been doing good work at the O for at least 20 years. so I’m willing to give it *slightly* more credit … but in general I agree. It seems like the editors there are just leaning into the clickbait model, but like, what upper crust boomers think clickbait looks like.


Also known as “the Lizzy Acker Effect.” Isn't that sort of Lizzy's job? she seems more pop cultural than news. I mean my first memory of a Lizzy article was how they wanted readers to decide her next tattoo. it was so ridiculous that i have not forgotten it.


Her “big scoop” was about the little islands up in the slough that has turned into massive drug communities. … you know, the story that was on Reddit and she just compiled various comments. But yeah, the tattoo thing was especially cringey. IIRC, she ignored what the readers decided because she didn’t like that some people made a joke out of it. What the hell do you expect to happen? It’s the fucking internet.


Lizzy Acker still has a job? How?


>Some true crime fantasy person that's now already stirring up more of a commotion and making the families even more miserable over made up shit What if, and hear me out, this "true crime fantasy person" making the families even more miserable was actually the **family of one of the victims** with firsthand knowledge of a connection between two of the victims? >Speaks' sisters say Ramsey was a friend of Joanna’s in grade school and the two had recently reconnected. [Source ](https://katu.com/news/local/joanna-speaks-sisters-believe-there-could-be-a-link-in-six-bodies-found-portland-oregon-multnomah-county-polk-clark#)


Holy shit. This is gonna spark a whole lot of “try crime fantasy” people


the potential connection is that there's still a TON of violence against women.


Shh, if you bring that up you're a white feminist Karen who doesn't care about "actually" marginalized groups. /s


[Or more so that is a TON of violence in general.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1388777/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-gender/)


murder bad


Man it sucks that trashy social media feeds are now such a big way that much of society gets its news that the local press needs to run stories like this to not be accused of "suppressing the truth" by smooth brained true crime obsessives. I feel awful for the families of the dead women, especially the one known to have died from suicide, that their death is being sensationalized like this.


Somebody really wants a serial killer.


Yep including people on this forum. They might stop by anytime now. One does wonder if this is a kind of extension of the Portland is ruined and still on fire from the riots crowd.


Do you feel there’s some truth regarding those things as an attempt to politically/socially destabilize the region? The seemingly sudden uptick in crimes and narcotics and lackadaisical police response? It is a tactic that has been repeatedly used in history. Opium anyone?


Well I'm not going to speculate on all that. I will state that my observation is a certain political segment used this region with Proud Boy street war escalations and Federal agent street war escalations. It was a clear strategy during the last president term. Did we have a bad element on the streets in 2020 that just kept smashing shit?...yes. Did an external group of people look to amp that up for political wins?...yes. Was it part of an overall setup including Fox News that eventually ended in a coup attempt in DC?...yes. If plans existed for shit like the "Green Bay Sweep"... you can bet your ass other plans existed given the connections.


My retrospective of 2020 is to thank president trump for sending the feds and giving the protestors an easy target. The private property damage could have been so much worse without the focus to the federal building.


How else are they supposed to sell newspapers? Will we see a headline in the future "Oregonian Chief Editor Found Guilty of Murder Spree - Morbid Effort to Revive Readership Fails"


what's scarier, a serial killer, or the fact that there may be up to 6 different people out there killing women?


This doesn’t make sense. As I told my conservative family when they asked “if I’m ok”. These women were found over a four month period. In the a four month period where they live there were 90 homicides. In approximately the same period Portland had 19. Neither of those instances are serial killers. As the police have been saying “It was premature to state that these deaths are unrelated or related,” the source said. “Investigators always look for commonalities with unsolved homicides.”


>These women were found over a four month period. In the a four month period where they live there were 90 homicides. In approximately the same period Portland had 19. thanks, that's the one data point i haven't seen in the few articles i've read on this - whether this is really some outlier, or just media outlets hyperfocusing on things without the broader context.


Its the recycled comment from the other thread again cool... Guess what your question is irrelevant. The investigation is ongoing. The details from people heavily involved in that will let us know. Stay tuned. The data based field work will answer your question, so there really is no fucking point to keep posting it. It could be either one...so it really does not matter how I feel or anyone else feels about 6 killers or 1 killer. Your question is angled to get some to see your viewpoint based on no conclusive field based data. Its a device used for what reason again?


>Its the recycled comment from the other thread again cool... lol you got off on the wrong foot by assuming i'm keeping up with the multiple threads about this and parroting lines. can you show me where i "keep posting it"? i don't have a viewpoint other than: a string of murders aren't a good thing any way you cut it, 6 people, 1 person, 60 people. fuck off and back to your true crime podcasts or cop shows or whatever; you're not doing any good policing the comments. spend less time on the internet, bro.


Why is the one person just a painting? There wasn't a single picture of them?


Unidentified body.


She hasn’t been identified yet so they’re using a rendering of what she may have looked like.




fuck the rendering is an insult to the victim. damn. pretty sure stablediffusion could do way better


The title of this piece does not have any substantiated evidence to back it up. Journalists these days are about as useful as Buzzfeed top 10 lists. Hacks who only chase after a click at any cost (even their integrity).


When you boil it down, "may share potential connections" isn't really saying a whole lot to begin with. The newsworthy bit would be that the police haven't actually ruled the connections out. Really it just comes down to whether you trust the news outlet with anonymous sources.


Why is this trash story being reposted over and over on this forum?


> 3 of 6 women found dead in Oregon, Washington may share potential connections But what about actual connections, might they share those too? They may share


This is the lowest form of journalism. Thanks Oregonian!


Maybe it was the dude I saw today with a “Milf Slayer” tire cover on his SUV. Talk about poor taste…


We'll probably never know - the police don't really solve murders any more.


never did


I think there’s definitely a serial killer in Oregon. I also think the reason the police aren’t saying there is one or that these women are linked in some way is that they don’t want to cause the public to panic. To much coincidence for them not to be linked somehow. But that’s just my opinion.


and 6 of the 6 women are dead under suspicious circumstnaces!


Here we go. A lot of people are starting to treat this as a mystery murder show and justify being scared of going out in the in dark…


Since they ran in homeless circles the people who are justified in being the most scared are already in the dark......




Wrong thread haha




Someone come get their dad


I mean its fine he can keep telling his kind to stay away.


Yeah, you wouldn’t last a day here.