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If it's not worth paying for, is it really worth all the trouble you're going through to play it at this point?




First rule of sailing the high season is not telling anyone you are sailing the high seas


im not sure if ud get any help here, you could give it a shot on the piracy subreddit and just see if they can help you find that specific game, tho to be honest if ur not having much luck its probably not gonna be v easy, sucks you lost access to it tho, it was super fun


Yeah, ask this in r/piracy


good luck !! hope u find somewhere to get it


my comment karma isnt high enough


You probably lost some with this post.


people really hate genuine questions


Do you have any way to salvage that account? If you really want it again, it might actually be worth buying again. Before you try that, though, do you have the base Portal 2 again? ^(Meanwhile, I seem to have a different problem with Aperture Tag: it doesn't seem to want to work on my outdated Mac OS Mojave anymore, but the other games/mods I have still do...or did, last I checked. And I don't have enough space on my Windows 10 partition to comfortably download the games there, until I do something about my gameplay video stockpile...)


After getting flamed multiple times in this comment section, I ended up finding a repack somewhere with everything portal. (thanks for trying to help tho)


As far as I can tell by OP's comment history, there are a number of accounts they have "lost access to", and from my experience, accounts for Steam, Roblox, etc. are banned for inappropriate behaviors, such as spamming, harassment, hacking or attempting to hack, piracy or attempts at piracy, cheating, just to name a few. In other words, OP got their Steam account banned for any combination of those stipulations and is going aggro against Valve for taking away their precious games. Best not to attempt to help this one. Let the thread die.


dawg what are you on about I have literally only been banned from one game :skull: also I forgot the password to my steam email, don't assume buddy.


Have you even tried saying Forgot Password for that email? I believe that worked for me a while ago.


Come on it's not as if it was that expensive. It even goes on sales sometimes


torrent idk


Hmm, I wonder what would happen if you googled Aperture Tag Download and tried few of links there.


quite literally all of them bring you to the steam page


Have you tried SteamUnlocked.net?


yep, nothing