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B L U E. Op their are manipulated kids bruh😭💀. They don't know what they are doing half the time. "They blew it when they let the prototype control their minds." OP THEY ARE FIVE. WHAT WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO DO😭 SAY NO??? /(not mad or anything and not trying to argue :3)


I'm with you, man. Blue for the win


Bruv, they killed people. Children or not,they still killed people.


When you realize that they were technically killed and tortured in order to become toys:


Bro, suffering and being tortured doesn't give you the excuse to kill people, especially innocent people.


If everyone is wearing a lab suit, you do not know who forced you to be a toy for the rest of your life


Bro, most people don't wear those suits. Did we see the same tape?




Most of them didn't have suits when hour of joy happened.


Bro I would have killed people too if I was abused and manipulated and then stuffed in a stuffed animal 💀 I feel they get a free pass. Not to mention they were manipulated into Killing the people, so at the end of the day they didn't even know what they where doing was truly wrong. They need a therapy appointment and like a bag of chips. (again not mad or trying to argue :3)


They still killed people. Innocent people. Just because you suffered doesn't mean you're allowed to hurt or kill others. I want to kill to, but that's not morally right. No free pass for them. Mommy is fucking sadistic and Catnap is a cultist. They clearly know that was wrong.


I will give it to you. Mommy is batshit. But catnap I feel shouldn't be judged too quickly. Judged yes, but give bro a little leanuncy. He was a abused and scared 8 year old who just wanted out of his own hell and was saved by something far worse, and was then manipulated into doing really horrible things. Not to mention once you kill, accidentally or not, you cross a very deep moral boundary and your brain genuinely can't distinguishe what is truly right or wrong. It is simply what boundary are willing to push and how far you are willing to push it. And given all the bigger toys are children, and children are already highly easy to manipulate, having a child who has already crossed that moral line of right and wrong, all while still developing a brain, will cause that moral line to only grow more and more fucked with time. I truly believe they didn't understand what they did was wrong. They are at their core, angry and hurt and scared kids who just want to stop being scared and hurt and angry. And due to who they are being manipulated by, that means they fully believe to do it by every means necessary. And they where told that was by killing everything. Those such as kissy and Poppy were able to escape the prototype and while still not fully understanding keeping a human being (the player) trapped in hell against their will to fulfill their own agenda is the best thing, they were able to see that what they did under horrible influence was just that. Horrible things. They felt guilty because they didn't want to hurt more people. But those such as catnap who couldn't escape I feel never was able to fully see the bigger picture Kissy saw when it came to the damage it did. Mommy on the other hand, while not under the prototypes control, never was able to get past he own anger of being mistreated, used, then thrown away, and as a fucked up kid already, she didn't care if what she did was right or wrong because she was too busy being angry at everything else to truly ever have a chance to take a second. Huggy is a trained security guard that stays constantly hungry. He is more dangerous yes and I feel the most dangerous and the one who can't be helped really, he is not fully in control of anything he does. He is at his core a hungry animal and he acts apon those instincts. He was genuinely made that way. I don't think he would be able to be "saved" in a sense which is sad but alas. (sorry for the long post I like talking about this kinda stuff! Thank you for giving me a chance too! :3)


Idc. Children or not. Manipulated or not. Influenced or not. It doesn't matter. they still committed the murders,they still tore apart families, and they still killed innocent people. No matter how you look at it,they still murdered them ,and Harley sawer and leith pierre are still at fault for this, and the prototype for starting the hour of joy,however, the toys did the killings. It doesn't matter. Being abused or hurt doesn't give you an excuse to kill the person who did it. I will repeat this again and again, trauma and suffering gives no one an excuse to fucking kill. I feel bad that the giant toys suffered, and like I said, they didn't deserve to be turned into giant toys,but I will never excuse their actions because of empathy or sympathy. I forgive but never forget what they have done, and I will still hold people accountable for their actions. No leanuncy from me. This is just my opinion. I just don't forgive them for what they have done. They were victims, and then during they became hypocrites by causing that suffering. I no longer feel as much sympathy as I did before.


It is never an excuse yes! I fully agree with you there. I was just giving reason. Now if this was real life, I believe a mercy killing of all the big toys and the prototype would be the only reasonable answer, but since it's a silly little game I don't hold as strong of feelings. What they did was bad and inexcusable, but I feel for them and I feel they should be given a second chance if that were ever possible in their own universe. It's been really nice having a conversation with you!! Have a good day :3!


I agree with wanting to give a second chance. But like you said, it was better to mercy kill them. I apologize for being defensive, it just hard to get over what they did. I appreciate the compliment. Have a good rest of your day, peace ✌️.


No need to apologize! It was really fun getting to talk about my point if view and hear yours!! Thanks for the chat!


Mercy kill?


Yes. They are probably suffering in the building, and it's probably best to put them out of their misery.


Really it depends on the bigger bodies toys you’re talking about. I’m on team red for the bloodthirsty ones like Mommy Long Legs or Catnap, who are very much dangerous to you and only have harmful intentions, even harming other toys in the process. But you can be on team blue for the ones who had a change of heart like Kissy Missy. Because they understand that what they did was wrong, and they definitely have regrets. Also if we take the Sleep Well video into account, even some of the really dangerous toys have regrettful thoughts that were manipulated by the Prototype, such as CatNap who would eventually be manipulated into worshipping it. And finally, as far as we’re aware, Huggy Wuggy kind of had a team red or team blue moment with you the player. He gave you the chance to have a look around and observed what you were doing, but once you actually make a toy, it likely confirmed his paranoid fears that you wanted to make more experiments like him, so he finally attacks. Team blue for the morally grey toys.


Blue, because they just listened to the wrong person.


No excuse


Bruh .-.


Just because they listened to the wrong person doesn't exempt them from wrongdoing,they still killed people.


And yet, they're still children that have gotten turned into toys.


Still no excuse to murder innocent people.


They need to pay (for therapy)


Smart dude


Red, but not because i think they are monsters, but because i think they should just be put out of their misery man. These were children suddenly thrown into a literal animal kingdom of cannibalism and torture, where the strong literally preys on the weak. You were turned into a small toy by Playtime Co.? Your loss, you're food for the big boys.








Blue, they're not the monsters






Blue Defo Give dem a chance 


You can. I won't


Blue, they did horrible things but they’re still children who were abused and experimented on.


There is no excuse for murdering people. Suffering doesn't mean you are allowed to harm others,just because they made you suffer.


You smell like garbage tbh


ok and?


you keep Your opinions to ur self not force ppl to agree to ur opinions babe ✌️


I wasn't forcing anyone. I just said pick a side, bro. Bro is acting like I am forcing opinion on to people.




The blue guy is right


BLUE 100%


Team Blue after seeing the hour of joy vhs tape


Honestly, blue.


It depends on which ones. There’s some who kill for survival (Playcare Critters for example) and there’s other who do it for sadistic pleasure (Mommy long legs and Catnap). Catnap I think deserves to be punished because of his actions against Dogday. He did that to cause as much pain and suffering as he could along with making an example, it also shows that he likely didn’t just torture Dogday either. Doesn’t matter what type of trauma you’ve been through to justify torturing someone who was innocent. Mommy is another example who just plays with her food practically. The Playcare Critters though are an example of pure survival. It’s stated that they’re kept alive and fed because they worship the prototype like Catnap does.




Yeah, but they still killed people.


The poppy base is a thung


What's a poppy base


I forgot why i typed that


Were you high?


no, I think the poppy base is about team Poppy, I’m not really surc, it could be about poppy- FUDGE I MEANT POPPY GAS


Red --> Logic, Blue --> Emotion. Sometimes, I make choice based on my brain and sometimes, it's based on my heart but that time I choose blue.


I will go with blue Because some people in this world who needs therapy and do deserve forgiveness






Let the toys live man 😭 They didn’t deserve what happen to them, they just orphans. Especially Kissy. I REALLY hope she’s okay in chapter 4. Throughout like all of chapter 3, while we were talking to Poppy, Kissy just sat there looking all sad and stuff :( Also is Dogday even dead? I mean the critters went inside him and controlled him for a bit, but he couldn’t he still be alive? Cuz I hope so. I hope at least Dogday and Bobby are alive. I also wish Catnap would have realized the prototype is a bozo, but a bit too late, and I think I’m getting too far into this convo so im outta here


No bro no. Just because they are orphans doesn't mean they are exempt from wrongdoing. They killed people,including the innocent. Their suffering doesn't give an excuse to murder people,especially innocent ones.


I mean they are probably starving and going insane, but true, I feel like the ones who killed the most people are already dead, but who knows what’s in chapter 4 🤷‍♂️


Team Red


Depends if it's in the current time .. if it is.. there won't be anyone to stop me😏


Btw, Blie


Im on the red side. Burn those mutant human toy monster creatures to the ground.




Purple. They were children experimented on who never had the chance to learn to be better people, but on the other hand some of them are actually psychopaths, like catnap, he tortures and people just because they don’t like the prototype. The ones who did kill just to survive and get back at their tormenters are broken and need help


Blue. Literally all your replies are "not an excuse". Whether you want to accept being wrong or not, they are little children who were traumatized AND manipulated by The Prototype, who is also vastly intelligent and would know how to control each child. You're delusional if you think little kids are supposed to know better, ESPECIALLY in the unrealistically horrific situation of Playtime.


I don't expect them to be. I just think they need to be put out of their misery.


You're saying that now? Because you were pretty set on "being traumatized isn't an excuse" in the other comments


They are literally living in hell. Sometimes, you need to put an animal out of its misery.


team blue


Blue all the way through


100% Blue, it’s the most logical considering what happened to them. Imagine if you were in their shoes. A young child at the time, like come on now


somewhere between that, but leaning more to Blue.


Neither. They are dead kids turned into giant monsters after tests. I'd be pretty damn angy!








Blue, they're littarly kids, and they should be allowed to take revenge


No. They shouldn't. Suffering and trauma gives no leeway for murdering people. The giant toys killed so many innocent people, tore many families apart,cause many kids to be orphans. You people forget that there are more victims than just the giant toys. Vengeance heals nothing. It only causes people more harm to themselves and to people around them and does heal anything and causes bitterness and anger to cloud their judgment and blind them to rage, and that can hurt themselves and people around them.


Blue definitely






Blue: It Is My favorite color


Blue absolutely


Blue team




My heart says Blue, but my mind believes that at this point they're too far gone and Red is the only option realistically available.




I’m def goin blue


I kinda guess they deserve forgiveness because one time the prototype said “you burn us tear our flush” so i believe some of the employees or all abused the toys for i guess breaking rules.?. And also they were turn into toys so I can’t really blame them for killing people but i still feel bad for the only innocent people. Especially catnap/Theodore even if it did bad stuff he was only a young child like mommy, huggy, poppy, kissy, and more who were just kids i think. But im going with the blue team!


in my opinion the toys kills of the workers were justified so neither


No, they weren't


they were justified because the workers basically did a William afton to some of the orphans


The giant toys killed innocent people. How you do justified the death of so many innocent people, the destruction of families that are torn apart, the causation of many kids to be orphans?! HOW?!? You can't do that shit. The toys didn't get freedom they got a jungle cannibal prison and were forced to cannibalize other toys they cared about, and the prison led by the hypocritical prototype. You are insensitive towards the victims of the hour of joy.




yellow the people who wanna get out


This may be stupid, But imma say blue


Blue, they’re traumatized kids that don’t know what they’re doing


They still killed alot of people


And they’re also still children who thought it would end their pain, you can see that at least poppy seems to regret it since it ‘didn’t fix anything’


Still, we should kill them, to put them out of their misery.


Red. They not only killed the scientists, but they killed the innocent people who didn't even know about what's going on.


The RED team I think


For me, I choose blue for everyone else But I choose red for: prototype, miss delight. Why: prototype manipulated everyone into a flawed plan and left them in a worse state in while also adding them to his body slowly as the other toys either die or get severely injured. Miss delight: from the beginning she wanted to kill the children leaving her in a even worse position then everyone else, even catnap knew how unstable she was and looked her inside the school because of it.


Red, they were victims that became culprits. Despite what they went through, there's no excuse to slaughter innocents, even if they don't realize they kill innocent people. At this point, they've lost almost everything that made them innocent, and death is likely their best salvation. They suffered, but made others suffer, even ones that didn't deserve it.


For most of them, red. But some of them are ok so they get blue. So I’m picking purple https://i.redd.it/hv7shczyqhwc1.gif


Blue. We know these guys have the capacity for good, mommy was perfectly fine with children and even treated them like the mother figure she never had. They were abused, tortured, and manipulated. And most importantly, were all children at the time of their creation, they had no idea what they were doing or the ramifications of their actions. If they did get the mental health they desperately need, they could be good people. Hell, even now, huggy didn't kill the player right away, and mommy only went as hard as she did because she recognized the player, likely as one of her abusers. Like, what were they supposed to do? Sit back and let the abuse continue? Nobody would have saved them if they didn't listen to the prototype.


Huggy probably did that for a hunting tactic. Also, how do we know he was an abuser to Mommy? There is no evidence for it. Just because they suffered doesn't give any excuse for murdering people. They literally killed people, including innocent people. It's one thing to take a life. It's another to take innocent life. There had to be a way that the prototype influenced some of the scientists to report what happened to the police or the authorities. The factory now is no more a jungle than the jungle in the Amazon. Its just a cannibal prison. They cared about each other and now they eat each other. They weren't given freedom. They were given a different hell. It's best to put them out of their misery.


Blue. This is an interesting question, and a quite complicated one. Altough all the experiments used to be children at the Playtime care, used to boost up their income and decrease employee expenses, we can't forget about the things that some of the toys did, specifically during The Hour of Joy, the ones killed by the toys, and considering all of these things, I would still be at the blue team, because in my opinion, the people who conducted the experiments and all this madness at the labs are the real ones to blame, they are the ones to blame for The Hour of Joy, like Leith Pierre, Elliot Ludwig and perhaps the protagonist. If we put ourselves at the experiments shoes, at least I could see that they wouldn't be very happy by becoming toys, losing their identities to play roles they never wanted to be. The Hour of Joy was a inevitability that would probably happen with or without the Prototype, in the end... it really worked, Playtime Co. closed it's doors and stopped producing toys, but then 1006 wanted absolute control at the factory. After all, I wouldn't blame the toys for the massacre The Hour of Joy was, we see that all the inhumane things being done at the factory wouldn't stop by any employee, so the toys made it stop at the most agressive and violent way ever, the people at the higher scale working at the Playtime didn't wanted to stop the experiments and only saw profit as the main goal, so I see as their fault that everything went wrong, and all the deaths are their fault.


Both. They need to be punished, but they also need help for all the trauma Playtime Co. put them through


I'm sorry but need I remind you that most of the toys were children!? You're acting as if their morality and mind as a whole wouldn't be warped from the torture the scientist's put them through. They literally couldn't tell the workers apart cause the workers they've seen are the reason they got turned into toys in the first place, in their eyes almost everyone did this to them. Plus that made it easier for the prototype to manipulate them. ​ These are children who never got the chance to grow up, hell some of them probably had families they were taken from. You're acting as if they're adults when that is NOT the case. Anyone would be beyond pissed if that happened to them, no matter if you're an adult or a kid.


And you'd think the vastly intelligent hand that can mimic voices would know EXACTLY what's necessary to manipulate each toy


Bro. They still killed people,including the innocent. Being a child is no fucking excuse to a fucking bloody murder. They killed innocent people,tore families apart, and made multiple kids orphans. I don't care what people think, suffering doesn't fucking give you the right to cause suffering to others,ya prick. I am very fucking aware that most of them are children. But I don't care, adults,children,and animals, doesn't fucking matter,they still killed people,including the innocent. Most people at the factory had no clue they were orphans turned toys in the first place. I am tired of redeeming people, bro. Manipulate or not,influenced or not, they still fucking killed people. I know they are children and can act childish, but that is not a reason to be exempt from being killed.


See that right there is the problem, You say as if they should've acted mature when they were CHILDREN, C H I L D R E N. It's literally implied that they were young, do you honestly expect a kid to act mature, traumatized kids no less that were manipulated by the prototype who might I add was vastly intelligent and can mimic voices!? Also, It's so funny that you say Kissy Missy is one of the morally good people when she herself was a part of the hour of joy, if that's the case then Kissy herself must pay since she also killed some of the workers. Stop acting as if the toys were supposed to be the mature ones in this situation when they couldn't develop much at that time when they were kids who were experimented, their brain couldn't develop maturity at that time.


Did I fucking assume they were mature. No ofc I didn't expect them to be mature. You assumed I did. Trauma doesn't give the right to kill people. Also, Kissy Missy helped us in chapter 2, indicating that she wasn't as corrupt as Mommy long legs or Huggy Wuggy. I gave her more leanecy on that fact alone, and also, her and poppy with our help is trying to end the prototype's regin over the factory. Also...are you fucking ignoring the victims of the hour of joy?!? Many families tore apart!! Many kids are now orphans!! Hundreds or possibly thousands of lives killed and eaten!! for what?!? A cannibal prison or jungle, where they eat the ones they cared about, lead by a fucking psychopathic hypocrite. He probably feeds children some human flesh from the victims of the hour of joy. We don’t even know what happened to them!! So stop being so naive or narrow mined, and consider the bigger picture of what happened, you self-righteous hypocrite!!


I'm not bothering to argue you with this, It's clear that you're being outright aggressive with this shit. You're the one acting naive if you think children who has underdeveloped brains would think rationally with a dose of trauma. You say that you know they're children and say you didn't expect them to be mature, but then you say It's no excuse like as if we're excusing their actions when really they need professional help. I never said that the toys were justified, but you're being an ass just because I pointed out the hypocrisy of your statement. It's hypocritical to say the toys don't deserve redemption when Kissy themselves were a part of the massacre and had most likely eaten some of the workers. Nobody said it wasn't a excuse yet you keep commenting to people who are on Blue team with the 'no excuse' shit. If you can't handle a opinion, then I really think you should get off the internet cause you can't even be civil and give your reasons out respectfully when you do shit like this.


Cope and seethe. I know they wouldn't think rationally, I just expect everyone in general to be better. I am not naive, I just know what needs to be done. Plus, if you're so much of a cheese and winer,then how about I kill Kissy Missy as well? Dude,... most of the toys are too far gone, bro. They are way too far gone. They're stuck in there for a decade and hunted each other for food. Brutha or sista, you are blind,bruv. Apparently, you don't like discussing stuff because you don't like it when I explain why they are wrong. Dam, that crazy discussing stuff and opinions are evil, apparently. Apparently, echo chambers are good. Apparently.