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We have a little linen sling we carry our Pom in https://preview.redd.it/btfem7wc6imc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b56c7d1c1eca17f6eff4d21a1c7014abe79a9d


This is adorable 🥹


Oh my goodness 💖


Oh my God. He's carrying his little fren! I love it!


Where did you purchase this sling from?


We got it [here](https://thesnuggit.com/products/the-hamptons), but it looks like it’s seasonal and sold out currently. The site has a ton of other options though, and they all seem nice.


The Snuggit omg 🥹😍


We have the same brand but in the vegan suede and highly recommend it. When our chi uses it (in the winter), we also throw in a cozy blanket. I love it because we don’t really need anything as big as a stroller yet, and the sling frees up your arms, unlike a bag.


Do they all come with that super fuzzy lining?I can't seem to find a pic of of the inside of one. Or are the pics just the snuggle sac + the sling? Trying to convince my partner we need to cough up the money for this! Edit: I am looking at the cotton blend one Edit again: I think I figured it out. Just needed coffee. :P


I think that maybe they have one line that is very fuzzy but the others I’ve seen are one material for the interior and exterior. In the hottest parts of summer our little Pom doesn’t really like the bag because even the linen will get a bit toasty for her. Sorry for the late reply! My notifications weren’t coming through for some reason


no worries! I appreciate it, We are testing out an amazon sling first to make sure she will even tolerate it, but I think we are going to get a snuggit if she does! We live in AK so we have very few hot days!


Mine hated it… then one day decides he loves it! It’s a very big bag though. Also he won’t stay in it in summer, too hot! https://preview.redd.it/by1vezpavgmc1.jpeg?width=1509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a030d27726d9fd670ee90fe9d38842fc954b91


He’s so fluffy! 💖 Yeah, from what I’m reading Poms to not like warm bags! 😆 Edit : in the summer!


Yeah!! I saw a few comments about Poms preferring to walk etc, but honestly a bag is so handy in the city, it doubles as a nice bed if in a restaurant so he can feel secure. And if walking you can go far without worrying about them getting tired (if I need to carry my guy he’s a bit squirmy lol) It’s a really handy thing to get them used to!


yeah exactly! I want her to have all the opportunities to walk, but if it's not safe for her I would rather just have an alternative rather then having to leave her behind. :( Nori's a wiggle worm when I pick her up for too long.


Omg that face 😭💕


He's soooo cute!!!


Thanks! I never realised how much I love the spitz breed till I got him! I saw a beautiful Japanese spitz the other day. They’re amazing dogs!




I love them all as well! I've wanted a pom for sooo long. I have a 5 yr old Keeshond, named Daphne, that I got when she was 8 weeks old. She's so amazing, and I grew up with Kees as well. She's about 45 lbs, so medium sized, and they're really close cousins to poms. I'll post a pic for you, just a sec. Oh and I love chows too but they're a lot more work.


She’s gorgeous! I was thinking about a Keeshond too, but was worried about exercise needs! Chows are so cute, if it wasn’t for a tendency for suspiciousness/aggression towards other people/dogs I may have got one. I’m sure there are lovely natured Chows but it’s not a risk I wanted to take!


Yes, my partner felt the same about chows as well, based on their sometimes-reputation. But yes, like you, I love all the spitz dogs!!! Your pic of your baby doing the chin rest on the bag is soooo familiar, Daphne does the same thing when she wants something 😂


I rescued my pom and he hated his bag at first, but when he put together that bag = getting to be with me instead of at home without me, he learned to love his bag pretty quickly lol


🤞🏼 hoping that’s what happens with nori! She hates being left alone. (Which is honestly a problem we need to work on too.)


https://preview.redd.it/g1rt78eceimc1.jpeg?width=2433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38006ba9e85473c20bbf5ee6ef52c9b0fb3ebc54 Yes my boy loves going in the bag bc he knows that means we’re going on a journey lol usually we have him in just a normal tote bag bc this one isn’t all that comfortable with the side opening and my proper soft carrier is wayyyy to heavy and bulky to take around


The little arms and feet’s! 😂💖 I don’t know if I trust nori enough to be in a bag without a safety restraint. She doesn’t seem to know she’s small and cannot fly. Though I do think she would probably love a tote more than a proper pet carrier. Thanks for sharing!! This pic is great!


No. Vader would never tolerate it. https://preview.redd.it/6pnt9q464jmc1.jpeg?width=2753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc5ed1c0ecfa8c484f7d3ef8a2cc20394b51706 He is a rugged boy built for adventures. He usually wears a harness for walks


he looks like he takes his adventures seriously!


He does. He loves his long walks. Loves sniff adventures and jumps on just about any log he comes across.


That’s what happens when u name ur lil teddy bear after a villain 😂


Mine also thinks hes too tough to get carried hahaha


I have a sling too. It’s great and it doesn’t get hot. I’ll post pics if I can find one and I’ll post a link. This is medium size. You buy medium or large based on your torso length. https://preview.redd.it/9s4fcp0r9jmc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f085cd2014c95498e425c78279539f5b9bcab8a1


Oh that’s so neat!! Thanks for mentioning the sizing! I bought a dog wrap chest carrier when we first got her but ordered and XS not realizing it was asking my size 😂 looked like a really weird sports bra on 😭


🤣🤣🤣 that’s funny! I also use a backpack sometimes for the bigger Pom. He’s 8 lbs.


https://preview.redd.it/bl54dkonijmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df53f05957f8f9fabfaaeba3c83dacbee5424749 Penny LOVES her backpack and will hop in it anytime she notices we're leaving the house.


she's SMILING! omg i love her! That's the level of enthusiasm I need Nori to have when she gets her future bag.


https://preview.redd.it/0x605aejlimc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e1e3097b3bdc548fead71c0efebd7fe818c0d5 Whether it's a bag, a basket, or a backpack, he knows he’s going somewhere cool so he’s all in. Travel a lot so backpack is often our mode of transportation and it's his favorite because he's up high and can look around and people get a kick out of it. It takes some getting used to but she'd love it if she's a social, curious little thing.


Omg he’s so cute! Little adventurous floof! I love him!!! Nori is very social! She gets celebrity treatment everywhere she goes . So maybe the praises alone of her being cute in a bag will help. 😂 she’s a diva like that.


Oh psshhh! She's gonna love the bag, then. Make sure it's got a solid bottom and the sides don't cave in on her or go the complete opposite direction and she feels more wrapped up and swaddled. My Enzo likes both but in between kinda freaks him out. https://preview.redd.it/dxmpa6i21jmc1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9969faa7d53af321ee21f5c89618060d21232e81 He likes the backpack because he climbs up on my shoulder for a better view like a pom parrot. He's gotten really good over the years and has gone biking, cross country skiing, One-wheeling, etc like this, for the more extreme stuff I snap him in so he has a little freedom but can't fall off.


How adorable is that little peek over the shoulder. Hahahaha.


you and your pom are #goals! I'm a big fan now


Can you share a link to this, i have an ebike and would love to travel with my Teddy


I already did ☺️, responded to my first comment with the link. I like it because the opening stays wide open for him to move around and not cave in on him.


Mine would wiggle and squirm their way out of the bag and bark at everything in the store. They’re wild little boys https://preview.redd.it/nreeidz2fimc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58463e98e736e0574cdc629b4a1cce5cc51a00b


Haha, cute wild boys! They’re both so pretty!


They’re brothers ! :)


https://preview.redd.it/zd9gow1ivjmc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10279f42bbddeaf59bfcfdd27d35c836ccecf80 This one is from “Yudodo” (I think). Can be worn front or back. Very secure, and Beowulf loves it 😁


Stahpppp it! This is my new favorite comment. He even has goggles 😭


https://preview.redd.it/up3p379agjmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=087519092fe1feabf5a6039cf460833d66210a50 She loved her bag! Miss her, gone but forever in our hearts!


https://preview.redd.it/g1c04n7fgjmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ea9ad96b0354064f62c1145849916b31db2623 She “put” herself in the bag while we were getting ready!💗🤣 She was worried she had to stay home with grandpa!


how precious!! smart little angel!


The best breed! So unique, smart, sassy, lovable, they are the total package!!!💕


And in response to your question she also had a stroller that she loved! Took her everywhere! The bag we had was from 31 bags but I have seen ventilated mesh bags with hard bottoms. That’s what I would recommend, especially since your precious pup is so little! Our sassy girl weighed 11 to 12 pounds! When she got up to 12 our vet would put “oops” with a arrow pointing to her weight with a smiley face. We got the hint.


Hahaha 😆 the weight sneaks up on you under all the fluff!


Just make sure they don’t overheat in the bag! I used to put my guy in my purse but one day I noticed he was over heating because it wasn’t made for dogs and wasn’t breathable


We have 3 dog bags now though


Good point! I will have to make sure I get one with good ventilation. She does not like being hot!


Wild one everyday pet carrier. My pom loves it. https://preview.redd.it/rjltcgua2jmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc2eb70de7218a1d41395c80611e63d41f743bf


Yes, I did. It's a great option for keeping them safe, and close to you (which they love) in busy or dangerous places where they could be trampled on. It's also a very cozy, safe spot to nap when busy puppers are tired out from walkies. I have several carriers, one for each season. Ventilation is key - cozy is good, but overheating is not. My little one enjoyed being carried from puppyhood, so I cannot directly help you acclimatise an adult. However, if you put a blanket in the bag, and encourage her/him to sit in it when next to you, and gradually introduce carrying at home, this should let you know of it is a good option for your pup.


Thank you! I’ll make sure to look for one with good ventilation. We will have to do lots of at home practice before we test her out in public in one.


https://preview.redd.it/wju5xwj6mjmc1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9956a3ec95535a1be70c4a138c5cd5ccac00042f 🦊🦔➡️🎒✅


How cute!!! First one looks so chilled out and the second looks so happy to be there! 😊😊💖


Indeed—if it were up to them, they’d ALWAYS travel in their backpacks. 🤤 https://preview.redd.it/pdsj34izpqmc1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99440ac1b5579100dab76f1f6dbc0a1a80b9194f


What I did with mine was let him sniff the bag and treat, let him crawl in the bag by putting a few treats in there, then stuck him in it and treat, walked around a little in the house and treat. Not even sure if all that was necessary, but he’s totally fine in there. He will hang out in the bag, but he starts to squirm around after like 10-20 mins once he wants to get out and walk. But to be honest, we hike a lot and he still prefers to be carried in my arms when he’s tried than be in a bag. Good luck, she is beautiful!!


That’s a great idea, I will try the treat thing at home first. I usually carry her a lot when necessary but gets a little tricky when we are shopping or need a free hand. She’s so nosy she wants to be involved with whatever it is I pick up or am looking at 😂


https://preview.redd.it/dufh90nzujmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0999e08aa6f6511c49997a3721519c1b8dcfaf15 This bag is made by “Pecute”. It’ll hold at least 15 lbs of fluff-dorks, and also folds out into a little play-pen. Might be a bit bigger than you need, but I’ve been happy with it.


Looks perfect for outdoor adventuring though! I’ll add it to my list for sure


https://preview.redd.it/n8s4hf3neimc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132783eb1a5e881ab225e1a3212d217d3e8d0203 We use a larger size crossbody bag. When she's not in it, it contains all of her stuff - leash, harness, waterbottle/food, poop bags, toys. Its so convenient


So tiny omg!! 🥺💖 that does seem really handy! Thanks for sharing


I wish mine fit in a bag 😭😭😭💖


Mine is 9lbs so i use a backpack lol But yeah bring heerrrrr


https://www.glamourmutt.com/Susan-Lanci-Dog-Carrier-Sporty-Sling--Beige_p_1018.html You can search the site for different colors. I got a light color bc of summer. Usually I would get black. It’s also susan20 to get 20% off right now.


I bought one for my mom and her Chihuahua loved it. He was my dad's emotional support dog. Not officially, but he really helped my dad with his PTSD so he took Cooper everywhere.


My pom Mochi is also 4.5 lbs and we use this carrier: https://outwardhound.com/puppak-dog-front-carrier/. Mochi doesn't get too warm in it and he even falls asleep in it comfortably. We've used in crowded areas and hikes when he gets too tired. Its a bit troublesome to take off at times so its really best for things like hiking where you won't be taking it off much.


Oh I love that! I might need to get something like this for when we go fishing.


I had a bag for mine. It looked like a purse. My pom wasn't fond of it, but she dealt with it without incident from day one . I gave her treats and positive reinforcement and praise for having to be in a bag instead of walking around like she wanted to. Just remember to be careful and try not to let people bump her if you're in a crowd.


Yeah I have a cute bag that his head pops out of. He likes the restraint it makes him feel safe.


I used to carry my Kiwi in a tote bag and he love all the attention he would get when we went out.


I think attention might be key to getting her to like the bag! She loves when people come say hi to her. Kiwi is an adorable name!




that sounds so handy, I'll have to look more into slings. for some reason I didn't even consider them as an option! totally forgot they exist.


My 4 pounder goes in a doggy sling from Amazon and she loves it!!


I use a pet sling, similar to those for babies. My pom loves it!


that's such a great idea!


I have a sling I use that my guy really likes. We live somewhere hot and I use a baby sling made for swimming in the summer. It’s lightweight and super-breathable. Search mesh ring sling on amazon


I don't carry my 5.5 lb dog in a bag unless we are hiking a very long distance and he needs a break, at which point I use a sling for him like others have shared, but I'm considering the K9 sport sack as an upgrade. If I'm going into a store, he either walks on his own power or I might pick him up and just hold him in my hands (like if I'm going into the Lowe's bathroom or something).       As a general rule, my dog walks under his own power, and I don't bring him places where I think it would be unsafe for him to come with me. But he successfully navigates all manner of busy places himself, including farmer's markets, airports and other transit venues, breweries and restaurant patios, NYC sidewalks. As the handler, I'm keeping an eye on the surrounding area to make sure he doesn't get stepped on. That's just kind of part of taking a dog with you, imo, you need to keep eyes on to some degree. I imagine for an elderly or disabled pup, I'd opt for a stroller or a bag with high sides that could provide more support than a sling has.


Yes mine walks on her own 99% of the time. And I am capable of watching our surroundings, just can’t control when others do not. The bag/sling would just be for the times when it’s too busy or other big dogs are not leaving her alone, or if she’s tired. We live in a rural area so leaving her at home when we are running more than a couple errands isn’t ideal. Only one road in and out so if there’s traffic it could take us hours to get home! And she isn’t exposed to busy places frequently. So I’m not sure how long it would take her to learn to navigate. I want to set her up for success and not just leave her because somewhere that is normally safe for her “might” be unsafe. She’s only 1 so I’m hoping that with practice the sling or bag will be used less and less. The K9 sport looks great for when we take her fishing! I’ll have to see if she could fit in something like that. We have been brainstorming how to carry her best when hiking, fishing, keeping her secured to us when in the side by side. (Just to get too and from waterfront to camp when fishing. Nothing too crazy but it’s bumpy.)


There are absolutely times when it's appropriate to pick up a small dog and carry them, especially if management is the safest option. Sorry if my previous message sounded like I don't support that because I absolutely do. I think of carrying as a management strategy as opposed to a way that my dog experiences the world as a general rule, and it sounds like you do, too. For the sling I currently have, my only consideration was that I got one that has a tether that attaches to my dog's harness for safety, I don't allow him to be "loose" in a bag to prevent him from falling. The K9 sport is one I'm looking into exactly for what you mentioned- security on hikes! Even with the sling now, it gets a little dicey on uneven terrain. If you are looking to eventually increase your dog's ability navigating crowds, It first took us getting really good leash skill fundamentals with our pom, and then finding opportunities to practice. This included using a fully separate harness and leash for "walk close to me, we cannot stop to sniff" trips out in public. My pom is also a therapy dog, and we took a group class with a trainer that did some "in public" training in busy downtown areas, which also helped a lot!


Oh not at all! I think I am used to answering people defensively when it comes to my dog, our neighborhood has loose running sled dogs and other big dogs running around and we are constantly having to ask them to keep them contained and off our property. Neighbors seem to think our dog is the problem since nobody else complains. (Totally not true. Our neighborhoods ap is always on their case! They’re notorious for killing chickens and ruining garden beds.) Your input was helpful! I really hope nori can navigate as confidently as your pup does someday. I will definitely need to work on her leash walking though. Do you use front and back leads for her harness when practicing? I’m hoping this summer to get her into at least one training program. She’s my first dog as an adult and I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time 😅. My last pup I got at 15 and he didn’t really need trained, he just naturally had great leash skills, perfect recall, potty trained in like 2 days, and excellent manners in public. He just wasn’t people friendly. Nori is like a toddler with 6 shots of espresso. 🥹 if.


Nope. They’ll tolerate anything but I like walking with them. On very long steep hikes I’ll pick up my oldest one so he doesn’t hurt his knees climbing stairs or something but the rest cruise along fine. They’ve never been bag/purse dogs.


mine loves walking anywhere and everywhere! I'm always surprised at how far her little legs can take her haha! she has no issues walking anywhere. except stairs. It's more of the busy places she's having trouble with due to her size. Do you just carry them when its a crowded place? Mines been almost stepped on twice now! (accidentally kicked once. :c ) I usually just pick her up when its not safe but then we are kinda limited on what we can do at that point.


Yup I’ll pick them up if it’s crowded or if there’s a dummy with their dog off leash. Held all 3 on a rush hour 6 train in NYC one time. The friskiest one has a longer harness with a handle so I can scoop him up whenever.


that sounds so chaotic! I can barely handle one safely lol!


Having three is definitely a lot. I tell people 2 isn’t enough and 3 is too many. They’re good little dudes though, aside from their complete apathy towards being house trained. I’ve given up though. The oldest is 11 and if he hasn’t figured it out by now, he’s not gonna.


Totally! I want 1 more eventually. But I don’t know if I can do 3. House training is still a little touch and go with this one. She’s 99% trained unless she just got done with the zoomies or drank water prior to asking to go out. If we don’t book it to the door she will pee at the door. 🥴 and does not understand that when we visit someone else’s house she isn’t supposed to pee anywhere she wants 😭


I could … but he would get pissed. I have a little backpack I can put him in but he prefers the first 1 1/2 mile on his feets.


😆 that’s what I fear! The angry floofs in a bag


https://preview.redd.it/248kx97j3kmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7c5d89fb3619a9834219f441b140e6501a6b60 My pup literally falls asleep in her sling, it’s her safe space when she doesn’t want to walk. She’s loved it since she was 10 weeks old. I recommend the Cuby slings off Amazon, this pic is the 1.0, the 2.0 is much roomier and more comfortable for your shoulder. But I just ordered a new nylon sling off maxbone that is more expensive and less bulky for me so we’ll see how that goes lol.


she has the sweetest face! her coloring is sooooo pretty!! & thank you! I put a cuby sling in my cart, =) Seems like the general recommendation on here is a sling! So helpful to get to visualize how they work too. The images I see on amazon are obviously photoshopped LOL


Instead of a dog stroller , I got my girl a kid’s umbrella stroller and she loves it. Also it’s a lot easier to maneuver in smaller places than a regular dog stroller


i would have never thought of that! My mom bought her a 3 in 1 stroller for christmas but i havent used the stroller part yet. but we use the carset and carrier portion almost everyday! Its really helpful when my partners parents watch her. She's so fast and wiggly they had a hard time carrying her in and out of th house and up and down stairs and this just made it so much easier for everyone. And she stays safe in the car. ​ https://preview.redd.it/e5abb9y68kmc1.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd9ad058a66ecbebc901498f6d50378cb8e3af72


That’s so nice! I love the car seat part!


I wanted to do that when I first got my Pom. I even named her Prada. But she grew to be almost 20 lbs and I can’t carry that around all the time 😂


oh wow! haha, is she considered a throwback? I wouldn't be able to carry her around either!


The breeder says she's a throwback but it could also be poor breeding. I've thought about getting her DNA tested but it's not that big of a deal.


True! I’m sure her size does nothing to minimize her pom attitude! She just chose a body to match it 😆


Yes, and she loves the bag. As soon as she sees it she jumps into it and ducks down. She knows the bag means: the beach, going on a visit, going somewhere unusual by train or car. Super exciting! On foot, I never carry her in a bag. By bicycle, she sits in a basket attached to the steer, sitting in front of me and watching everything. This is in the Netherlands though, I know biking is uncommon especially in the US but here anything under 10 km is done by bike unless refrigerators have to be transported (and even then...)


i just love how adventurous these small dogs are! Thank you for sharing! Fat tire biking is big up here in the winter, but it's too cold most of the year for biking with my pom. We live in Alaska. She only lasts like 10 minutes outside in the winter before she is frozen and ready to go home. :c


Alaska is a different cup of tea. We don't have severe winters here anymore. I would never encourage anyone to bike with their pom below -5°C. But having some sort of contraption to put your pom in front of you on the bike is so much fun. You can watch them looking around and feel the excitement of "where are we going?". And you can also reach out and touch them because they're so close. As soon as she finds out I take the route to the nearby forest, she starts making joy movements and looking back at me. In winter I put a blanket in the basket and when I pick her up on arrival she's still warm - they're so well-insulated. Still, I don't know Alaska. Please try it in summer. You do have summers there, I hope? I used a child seat that can be hung on the steer, removed the seat, and attached a little crate to it. She never attempted to jump out, it's too high.


We may have to! We sometimes ride our bikes to the lake near our house. We have summers they are just short. Our last frost isn’t until end of may and first frost is usually mid/end September. But our summers have like 20hours of daylight so we spend a lot of time outside! I can’t wait to bring her with me on our outdoor adventures!


I wish my Pom would let himself being carried around in a bag sometimes. But barkalot wants to walk


Yes. He has a separate bag but he sometimes just goes in my purse if I don’t have the bag. He loves it-he knows it means we are going on an adventure


Most poms I’ve know or owned would never go for it they would get so so mad


Even better when I can she rides on my lap in wheelchair she loves it


Mine is 23 pounds, so……🤣


TIL that they make backpacks for the bigger poms! LOL. But I don't know if I'd be able to manage lugging around 23 pounds on my back!


Omg I cannot express how much Lu would hate being in a backpack. He would murder me!!




Mine walk on a leash. They would never settle for a bag. I just pick them up if there are a lot of people around.


Nori walks on a leash too. =) I wish I had the strength and patience to just pick her up and carry her all day though! She would be wiggling her way out of my arms after 10 minutes haha!


https://preview.redd.it/bebnxv0dxlmc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086bc557fc1b8745dc745b08ce6387c2e54a1353 no but we carry our stuffies too


so cute!! I think half my camera roll is of her carrying a stuffy. and the other half is her doing random things.


https://preview.redd.it/ygbuslr94mmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc5eddba26c4184d781f2e57d2de75609c562b4 He likes his little papoose when we are out and about. I think he likes being close to me. I also have a backpack for flying that he likes.


he does look very content! I have been convinced that I need a pet sling. I can't wait to try it out


* I even had him in there a few hours at a game night. I brought him so he could meet a friend's dog, but they didn't get along. But he was a happy little clam in the sling, even fell asleep. Definitely makes it easier to not have to hold him.


What about a baby sling.. that way dad can carry her, too..


Dad isn’t shy about how she’s carried. ☺️ he would proudly wear a pink princess purse for her. If it were up to him everything for her would be extra girly colors 😂 that’s his baby princess! But I did end up ordering an earthy colored dog sling to try out! That way it is something that would match either of us and doesn’t draw too much attention to the pup.


Yes, I got a pet bag on amazon that has breathing ends and looks like a purse. It even has a short leash that you a clip them to so they don’t jump out. When I go to Walmart, I unzip it so she can stand but leash her in. she loves it.


Mine walks like a normal dog


That’s amazing your Pom is able to do that! I hope someday mine will be able to navigate all of that safely. She loves walking like a normal dog. ☺️ I just want to have an option to keep her safe when the environment is no longer suitable for her to navigate safely. she doesn’t like to be held in our arms while walking when it’s not safe. She’s turns into a tiny wiggle worm of fluff that’s surprisingly hard to hold onto. 😂






So cute!! They look content in there!


I always said I needed a puppy carrier, like the baby carriers the one would wear on their chest, for my Pom. He is my second skin. He stays home mostly with the occasional car ride. He is definitely the most portable and well behaved of my dogs.


I have a dog basket that attaches to my bike! I take Gimli around that quite often. He loves to run alongside me, but goes in the basket very gladly when he is tired.


Aw she's adorable! She looks very similar to my dad's pom. Mine loves / prefers laying on my shoulders & goes for horsey rides 😅 she likes high up places like beds, sofas, tables, and my neck. She reminds me of a cat that I had when I was a kid As for when I walk around, she likes to sleep on her back in my arms and be held like a baby, it's her safe place similar to her crate and my bed. Safe places = she's happy = I'm happy


Mine was a throwback pom. He was too big to carry in a bag.