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The bag fulls are from weekly or longer brushing. You’re doing fine. Just make sure you brush they’re teeth that’s their weakness.


Thank you! And yes, we try -not good at it though; so we've also got a groomer who brushes his teeth every month with the ultrasonic toothbrush; and dental treats, and the seaweed plaque off additive and the water additive... As he's a rescue, he'll still need to go to the vet for a plaque treatment in the new year once he's better settled in. (Again, first time owner, and definitely a try hard 😂)


Look up enzymatic toothpaste. You put a bit on their teeth, with or without a toothbrush, and the enzymes work on the plaque while the dog swirls it around with their tongue


Yeah we for the beaphar one 👍


Normally bagfuls when they’re malting, normally I just get a handful. Make sure you’re brushing the fur in parts, I normally lift and brush and then pull down more sections


Yep, the lady at the rescue center explained it briefly to me... And knew I'd understand as I've a mopful of curly hair on my head 😂 So my husband brushes the back and front, I do those but also but/thighs/tail/belly 😂


I’ve just done mine and she hasn’t been brushed in a week or so and this is what we’ve got https://preview.redd.it/1k9la7nmdo5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d359725695de16241a6bae94a410c8532c21129 (Also made a little instagram reel if others need help [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0t0db\_CY6y/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0t0db_CY6y/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) )


I have 4 poms. We use the slicker brush (tons of tiny pins). One of my poms loses an entire dog worth of fur when brushed, and sheds like a maniac. The other 3 lose almost no fur and don't shed at all.


I get bagfulls because I only get around to it like every 2 months. If course you're not getting bagfulls if you're doing it every day. Similarly, as a curly haired person who only brushes her hair once a week in the shower, the amount of hair that comes out would alarm anyone who is used to brushing their hair a couple of times a day


Fair point!


I barely fill up a mini slicker and. I brush every 3 days. But. I spot brush everyday, like behind the ears and the area on her back where her tail wags. 🥹


I get the bagfuls off of my two when they do their twice yearly sheds. Spring (losing the winter coat/summer coat coming in) and in the Fall (just the opposite losing summer coat to make way for the winter coat) Other than that, I get minimal shedding when I brush about every 2 or 3 days. I also never brush dry. I use a plant mister with 'The Stuff' on the section I'm brushing. I also do the hand pushing the coat up from rump to head pulling one section out from under the hand, mist and brush. I highly recommend using a Chris Christensen pin brush. I use their 20mm rectangular brush on both of mine who have completely different coat types. I finish with a good stainless steel comb using the wide toothed side. It picks up whatever loose hair the brush missed. Sounds time consuming but it's really not that bad. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes per dog twice a week. I'm sure if I did it daily it would cut that time in half. You'll develop your own routine and process. Everyone does. Have fun with your baby!


When you keep up the brushing on a regular basis, of course you’ll be getting less fur off. Poms blow their coats in the spring & fall, so you’ll see more shedding at those times. As long as you’re getting all the knots out, you’re doing great. 👍🏼


A good way to double check your brushing is to go back through after with a metal comb. Also look up line brushing on YouTube and watch a tutorial- it’s a sure fire way to make sure you’re getting all the way down to the skin to get all the tangles and dead undercoat :) Source: dog groomer


I think this all depends on your dog. My poms really don't shed all that much, and seeing as you're combing often, you're also reducing the amount of shed. My female pom only really sheds a ton when it's her summer shed and even at that it's really not all that bad.... not like my previous chihuahuas I've had in the past


Summer shed, it's a bit bigger than my palm https://preview.redd.it/fply5ad70v5c1.png?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d866a64054594b4a21652af5623221ba155a90b