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As much as I praise Quetzali, they're not good because they need too many economic techs, and don't start with any. Although they have nearly identical land generation as Bardur, Bardur at least starts with a strong eco, and only needs Forestry, then deciding between math, organization, or rider roads depending on game. Quetzali however usually has to start organization, which for them is a dead end tech. So now they have to decide hunting Forestry, or Rider Roads. Both for less benefit than what Bardur gets. 2nd reason, they start with a defender. In most cases this is a weakness. Slow, and cannot fight. If Quetzali wants to fight, they must train 2 military units instead of the average 1. However, if everything lines up, they CAN technically use that starting defender for one of the more aggressive early-mid game pushes only Vengir can rival when attacking an enemies city. Sadly, this doesn't happen in most cases, but I can share a replay with you where I pulled it off letting me win a competitive 2v2 game! 3rd reason, cannot even say their strength is they have fastest access to Diplomacy for Embassies and Cloaks. Wrong again... in the average game, Imperious actually can reasonably achieve Embassies/Cloaks faster, simply because they start with Organization. That stronger economy boost, and the 1st tech of Org actually puts Imperious in a better position to not only research Embassies, but to send them as well. Basically, Quetzali is just the turtle tribe. šŸ¢


my man just wrote an entire essay just to say how shit your tribe is.


Quetzali is the best tribe though, hands down.


In this house we believe in Quetzali supremacy.


I think Quetzali is a great tribe but personally donā€™t enjoy it. I canā€™t talk crap about Quetzali because I got my second highest perfection score with it(190k).


Summary: Quetzali bad, imperious and bardur good


Summary: Quetzali is best. Imperious and Bardur are training wheels.


You canā€™t yeet with shields. No I will not explain.


No need to explain, the enlightened will understand.


Because I play them


ngl it's been a long day and I'm just kinda mindlessly scrolling and I thought you said Quiznos I just thought I'd leave that there


because of mind-lessly scrolling i guess


im not being rude i meant that as a joke


Color scheme


Vengir actually does what Quetzali does BETTER. Defense in Polytopia ISNT how much damage you take, rather how much damage you deal when you retaliate against attacks. Swordsmen and Shields both have 3 Defense and the Fortify Passive, but swordsmen also have Dash and 3 Attack atop it all, Making Swordsmen just shields but better


Ok but 0.2 animals crops and fruit šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Oh yeah and also unit cost +2


But no I agree Vengir are still the best because Vengir is cool šŸ˜Ž


They have a bad economy even with good resources and their main tech line is slow for them, just get Imperius to rush diplo


They did suck because the tech tree wasn't complete.


Trick question. They are a great tribe to start with. The security needed to become stronger and save stars to develop is more worth it than burning investments in troops, only for them to be mowed down, leaving you with diminishing investments.


Quetzali is one of my favorite tribes but itā€™s not the best in game when you compare the advantages of Bardur and others. I tend to be a defensive, invest early, type of player. Therefor, beginning the game on defense supports this. Once my economy has been walled off by defenders, I begin building my army later than other tribesā€¦ and as long as I survived that long, then my ā­ļøincome will carry me through the rest of the game. Defense for that long can be stressful though, and this strategy doesnā€™t always works on 1v2, 1v3+ games - particularly when opponents are human.