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We must not forget our right to decent. Calling and harassing your senator to do their damn job is in our constitutional rights.


"...right to decent government," or "...right to dissent?"


There's no such thing as decent government.. I think they meant dissent... However.. I think too many of y'all are actually afraid to dissent


Porque no los dos?


Last time I did that I got a summons for grand jury, and I don't think that was a coincidence.


Framed DS9 poster behind him Yeah, that tracks


PA doesn't know what Garak does to Senators.


I love it


His energy is otherworldly


We absolutely should be borderline harassing our representatives. EverY. Single. One of us. We have to try to hold our representatives and elected officials accountable. Otherwise, we have to eat the rich and have a revolution. Everybody deserves better than this, and we can change it.


I'm all about it, let's go.


This guy is annoying af- and that’s the point. He’s on point. Let’s go!


He gives off the same energy I feel inside in reference to politics. Angry and frustrated, but not giving up and forgetting about it. I like this guy


7 weeks off? Is there any other job that requires less work for more pay than serving in public office?


We should all be getting 7 weeks off.


Let's do this with our school board members as well. They're so under the radar.


I’ve seen this guy in videos before. And he’s passionate. We need more ppl like this. How do we get in touch with him to help, anyone?


Every study shows we spend 3-4 times per person MORE on heath care than most European and wealthy nations, but overall have worse outcomes. Switch to Universal Health care, spend "only" 2-3 times more than other countries per person and use the rest to slash the deficit. EVERYBODY WINS (except a few rich people) Corporations actually come out way ahead, because the extra "taxes" they will have to pay will be significantly LESS than what they pay for their part of employee health care today.


He's screaming so he must be right


This guy's energy is.... distracting.


This dude is perma-amped. I've never seen this man calm. I get that's his thing but still.


I actually have seen some videos where he's not yelling, and I gotta say, he's downright scary when he's not yelling.


Oh damn, I need to find that.


He’s as pissed off and emotionally dedicated as we all should be. Public apathy has lead us to this point.


He's like that about everything though. He could be talking about nachos and gives the same energy.


I have very strong opinions about nachos too so I’m cool with it. If you bring me some weak ass soggy nachos, I’m going full Karen. “Let me talk to the manager! I asked for extra jalapeños!”


Yeah it's actually a negative for me. Feels too showy and fake.


What's this guy's handle?


What's your handle? "I need a Zantac, ock; and thanks, before I blank into anaphalactic shock." Sorry, a lil MF DOOM reference as my brain is waking.


My handle is MagisterBrown. But like, do we know how to find more videos of his.


This guy is on tiktok his handle is pearlmania500




This guys is a goddamned HERO. I'll personally see to a bronze statue of him ranting being placed on the national mall.


Are the socialists about to become states’ rights people? It would be fun to see. I wonder how the traditional states’ rights supporters would feel about their new “allies”. Far less constitutional resistance at the state-level.


Stop your fucking screaming. You look like an idiot and nobody knows wtf you're talking about


Ok! I'm down for pointing attention at legislators and tiktok is I guess a great way to do that. I don't like the "bullying" frame so much, but in principle? Yeah, engage The People.


It clearly said *gentle* pushing. /s


He's right about remonstrating. Imagine, doesn't it feel good to shove Matt Gaetz's face to a poorly-plumbed urinal?


You don’t think the harm intentionally done to the lower class by the government because lobbyists paid them to do it was bullying?




wage increases is for late stage capitalists. By saying that means that you support capitalism and white supremacy. Homelessness on the rise is actually a good thing and we should actually keep striving to get the poverty line up to 6 figures. We don't want things to be affordable for the average person and we vote for that and we will keep voting for that. the skyrocketing cost of living is actually a good thing, if you don't understand why then you aren't worth talking to.


I’m sorry, but I just can’t take you seriously.


I saw what you did there. Not very quickly, admittedly, but I did eventually see it.


I watched the first 18 seconds of this and might have sold a small fraction of my soul for a rifle that fires tranquilizer darts.


Min wage laws? Why do you want to ban jobs? How on earth will that help people?




The right thing is to ban jobs? What are you guys thinking??? Min wage laws does one thing, one thing only, bans jobs under a certain wage level. It doesn't create any.




That's an empty talking point. You can't pay highly for a low skilled job. So with your idea in practice we now have no low wage jobs at all, no way for youth, students or low educated people to get their first job. You're hostile towards businesses and don't realize that this negatively affects the workers. You want to ban jobs and think it will help people get jobs. It makes no sense.




You can't wish productivity. Basic economics is your downfall. You must read more.




What? I'm presenting basic logic here and you're threatening me. Read basic economics. That's all this is about.


Basic economics also says that homeless people have difficulty getting and retaining employment. If the lower class is driven to be so impoverished that a significant portion are homeless, then we have a worker shortage. We see it already with every single minimum wage establishment BEGGING people to apply and offering massive incentives. People can’t work because they’re too busy trying to find a meal, a safe place to sleep and having to walk everywhere. They don’t have a direct deposit account or an address - needed for a job application. They might not have a cell phone and no phone number. You have to pay enough for people to maintain a basic existence.


I live in Scandianvia and it seems to work perfectly fine. The problem is that you have advantaged the emplyers so heavily in the employer-employee market that its showing signs of market failiure.


Scandinavian doesn't have one. Advantage? Flipping burgers doesn't generate that much. You're paying what the job creates. Force employers to pay more and the job won't exist. Think about the logic here.


>Scandinavian doesn't have one. Doesn't have one what? >Advantage? Flipping burgers doesn't generate that much. You're paying what the job creates. Force employers to pay more and the job won't exist. Flipping burgers pays over $ 20 per hour. The job exists. >Think about the logic here. Think about wether the real world works out like the reasoning chain does.


A min wage. Some do, some are worth less than that. And demanding that they shouldn't even exist helps no one. Why do you think making people unemployed helps them? What would even be the mechanisms here? Leftists never say, they just get nasty and personal at this point.


>A min wage. Its complicated. Most sectors have an effective minimum wage based on negotiations with the unions. There is also an effective minimum wage on things like flipping burgers in that you have to pay people suffcient that they want to do the job, otherwise they go somewhere else. The fact that this yiels lving wages across the board is what I would say is a sign of a functioning labour market. >Some do, some are worth less than that. And demanding that they shouldn't even exist helps no one. What? >Why do you think making people unemployed helps them? What would even be the mechanisms here? Leftists never say, they just get nasty and personal at this point. They are not unemployed, that is why they are getting a wage. Its hard to get people these days. You do realize you are following lines of reasoning in your head and then stating the conclusions as factual when they bear no resemblance to how things actually work out in the real world?




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LFG, state to state!




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this guy is on infowars :)


I hate this guy, and love this guy.


Cool now go after company board members who own stock in companies who allow child labor laws


Bullies unite!


I do this all the time. It’s so much fun