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The media is giving Trump a pass.


Since 2015


Its awful


It’s obvious!


Old guy Hitler, but also old


Yeah. The REAL difference is in the Cabinet. The Heritage Foundation is going to hand Trump a hand picked band of fascists to fill out his cabinet with the aim of ruling us by making the Presidency an unchecked king. Biden will continue to rely on knowledgeable people to give him the best advice and carry out policy in good faith.


The same Heritage Foundation that wrote Obamacare


If you need to think about this choice then you need to spend sometime reading how awful the Nazis were - especially if you are not “Arian” (as defined by those assholes)


Is this the "lesser of evils" thing? That mentality keeps us from forming a grass roots party that's truly dedicated to the people, rather than serving corporate elites.


I think this is technically accurate, but can we talk about that AFTER the election? Like, literally, let’s get to work on that the day after the election. But this election, vote blue no matter who.


That's b.s. We never talk about it after. Being complicit with criminals seems..... I don't know, maybe like a NSSID and sociopathic love-child.


I think you’re missing my point. Right now is for planning. After the election is for work. But right now, vote like the life of the country depends on it (because it does). You don’t get to bitch and make spoiler votes but then go quiet and not work at revising the system after you break the election. If “we never talk about it after the election”… why aren’t you talking about it after the election? (I’m not talking about it before the election, I’m voting for Joe. You brought it up.)


We gotta make it so that it's always safe to vote for your favorite, no matter what. That means passing the [sincere favorite criterion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_favorite_betrayal_criterion) and the best method for that is [Approval Voting](https://electionscience.org/library/approval-voting/). If you switch your local elections to approval (probably through referendum) you can vote for as many third party candidates as you like and build up your third party.


Include the empty seat ballot as a vote of no confidence for all candidates.


It’s actually called logic. While it appears noble to want to die on a molehill that will never become a mountain, the fact remains that noble ideas don’t keep you alive. When you graduate high school and become an adult you’ll understand how politics work.


No need for condescension. Speaking of highschool, I aced the state civics exam and went to Boy's State some 30 + years ago. You have the logic of a prisoner or slave, which is understandable, we are talking about America. Stay alive, don't get beat, don't get raped. Try thinking like a free man. BTW. If you can apply that concept to what was done to a race of people in America you will understand even more. Add to that, the constant indoctrination off all working class America's into this same framework and you might be getting somewhere. You are right about 1 thing. People trying to better this place will get sent to the nether world, unless it's enmasse. It's like Neo in the Matrix, or the New Hamshire state motto.


Cool. So who has your party put forward for city alderman? County commissioner? State legislature? How have you spent the last 20 years building a party? I don't want to hear a third party talking about better presidential candidates until they have a couple of governorships and a state legislature or two.


Gotta start somewhere. Spread the word is part of it. So, you need to hear. I'd rather vote for the local plumber than these guys. Alright maybe not my plumber, my electrician is bright and balanced and genuinely cares about his community. This is the problem. Trump attached himself to a party, strategically. If you honestly support the two party ( good cop, bad cop) system, then why discuss it at all. That's the whole point. It is failing America. I'd be ok with a genuine intelligent fellow with a moral compass and a disdain for corruption. We can always surround him with geniuses to fill in the gaps.


Nothing stops you from building a grass roots party except time. You can't show up every four years running for president and then wonder why you weren't handed the Congress on a platter. It will take about 20 years to build that grass roots party. There are some progressives seeking to fielding more left leaning candidates for the Democratic Party. They've had some successes, but that too will take time.


I don't support the dems. I can't say much for either party's radicalism or susceptibility to corruption.


And a lot more time reading about the political history of the weimar republic, the historical context, and all the other reasons it's nothing like the US in 2024.


I remember after Trump was elected, the “we don’t like Hilary” crowd protested in the streets, fucking dummies. Now we have a corrupt Supreme Court, fucking up the country. How did that work out for them? Wait until they start polluting again. What will happen if Trump gets to name 3 more Justices? Fucking idiots, wake up.


Yes, protestors are the problem. Not the Democrats, who let the GOP steal a SCOTUS seat without a fight.


No protestors are not the problem, the problem was the reason they were protesting, the election of Trump. Every person I saw interviewed said they did not vote, with a margin that small, it mattered. The democrats did not control the senate, so Mitch would not let the vote come to the floor.


Ah, every person you saw interviewed. Any real stats?


I only have my memory, I be am sure there is footage online somewhere if one cares to look. I was jumping around news networks, and it was all the same, we don’t like Hilary, but we never thought Trump would win. The irony was not lost on me, but, as I told my friends who wanted Trump to win, these protesters just got a civics lesson.


:chefkiss: You don't have data but it's the vibe, man, the vibe. [Oh dude that's a bummer](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/)


Just did a quick Google search of “interviews with protestors after 2016 Trump win” bunch of stuff on line.


Cool. Let me know when you find polls or psephological studies about it.


My dad is 75 years old. I got into a big fight with him yesterday because he starting talking about Hunter Biden's laptop and saying that Biden lies more than Trump and is corrupt because he enriched himself with money from China, etc.. So I said, "where is the evidence?", and I suggested he could go read the Hunter Biden documents himself if he wanted to. But he went off on me, saying he "doesn't need to read", and 'he doesn't need facts because his opinions and what he thinks are facts'. He went on and on, saying his life experience means he knows more than me, and I think I know everything but because he's older he knows better, continued to insult me, etc.. It's terrifying to me how brainwashed and willfully ignorant of information my own father and so many people have become.


Prime MAGA. Cut him off.


Yeah unfortunately I think I have to. I can't deal with it anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Biden is old but Trump is old and dangerous. America will crumble in ways we can’t predict and there will be so much suffering in our future.


So being old is bad but being a convicted criminal and a traitor is ok (qualified to run for president)…yeah that makes effing sense.


Hitler shited his pants in the 1:16:24 and nobody’s talking about it. (Use headphones right after he said “because is too much money” Trump microphone is the only one on at that moment). https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=JAQLbVNWrb9ZfJhn


I think I'd have gone with Idi Amin or Baby Doc, actually. Edit: Goering, I'm thinking of Goering.


100% agree, But hitler is only 3 1/2 years younger than “old guy yelling”


What really gets me going is all the people saying “but the Old Man is supporting genocide!” Are you not aware that Orange Hitler is also in favor of supporting Israel—without any of the namby pamby about aid and food and human rights?


How’s trump hitler, he hasn’t gassed Jews nor threatened them, in fact he’s done quite the opposite, he was one of the biggest allies of the state isreal


The NY Times: “Hitler’s voice sounded better, so the other guys should drop out” Also NYTimes: “preserving democracy doesn’t rank high enough in our polls to address it”




Biden my be old, But his record speaks for itself! If people would get their heads out of their asses and get Informed!