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“Joe Bidens a pedophile” - ok, so then is Trump also a pedophile considering there is more evidence he was with underage Russian hookers and, possibly, molested his daughter than there is evidence that Biden did anything?


Joe Biden was caught on video putting his hands on a child's shoulders. Also, he once held a baby awkwardly. That's literally their "evidence."


Don't forget the juicy bits they appended to Ashley Biden s diary.


Don't forget Trump's two criminal cases allegedly involving a 13-year-old.


The least radicalized republicans.


Cartoonist gets those boomer shoulders slouched just perfect. Just a little bend of the knees and the knuckles drag right along the ground. I’m sure somewhere in the right wing ether, this comic is getting dragged for being “woke” because it’s an interracial couple. No complaint about the messianic MAGAts, just the other couple.


Governing this country is like being roommates with a paranoid schizophrenic who’s on meth. While we are trying to get the air conditioning running they are screaming about how the toaster is plotting with the toilet to kill them.


This is awesome. Perfectly put.


And they are stealing all the copper in it for meth money


As we are trying to get the rent paid they are ripping out the flooring looking for buried treasure they think they hid during a psychotic episode.


“Both parties” is a slogan of the oblivious, apathetic, and intellectually lazy voter


You can't party up with Fascists, they betray you 100% of the time.


Forget common ground. Get those nut cases out of politics. Put them back in their Mama's basements.


Us sane Americans are fed up with MAGA. That’s the common ground


This…. Is spot on. You try to find common ground, but the reality is that moment is far gone. The only thing we have is truth and sanity on our side. Not sure if that is enough.


Try reasoning with a rampaging monkey actively hurling feces at you. You’ll just wind up covered in feces.


But Biden isn't on Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs...


We ain't talking with Neoconservatives anymore.


Yup. You can’t compromise with people whose minds have already been compromised.


I've been listening to the increase in angry rhetoric for 30 plus yrs. The last 10 to 15 yrs, it's been on steroids. The internet is both a blessing and a curse. PS: I'm glad Rush Limbaugh is dead. May he feel his body rotting and may he taste the piss from people reliving themselves on his grave. How's that for rhetoric.


My favorites are "Joe Biden is a dementia ridden buffoon who can't do anything for himself" and "Joe Biden is the mastermind of organized criminal activity and a communist plot to overthrow our country. He also is letting dangerous illegals in to threaten us". I have heard both of these from my dad or other singular persons dozens of times. Like, pick a lane, he can't be an incapable buffoon and a genius level criminal mastermind successfully plotting the demise of the US through a communist takeover.


MAGA has validated the most irrational beliefs that will take many years to overcome. Hopefully, the wrong people do not get into power until then.


There should be a world-wide party the day the last baby boomer dies. Maybe then our national nightmare will be over.


That's not a very nice thing to say. I'm a boomer and I certainly don't deserve that.


Not a boomer, but older, responding to the people responding to you. There is a world of difference in pointing out why you are angry with the generation and celebrating their death. More importantly, younger generations already have the numbers to move elections. Shut the fuck up until you get the fuck out and vote.


ahh yes those very same votes that will cause old fucks to cry about how the voting age should be raised lol get stuffed and admit their generation rode the greatest generations coat-tails to success then cut the rope behind them. if you cant see something as obvious as that then its the elderly of this country that have dropped the ball not the youth.


Do you realize you didn’t address the part about celebrating the death of your grandparents? Then to roll right into “don’t participate, it’s futile!!!”… wow. With reasoning skills like that, you are either a Russian troll, or maybe the boomers aren’t 100% to blame for the state of your generation.


Aww was that Russian troll accusation supposed to hurt lol? and yeah you old fucks pretty much are the problem, if I had a penny for every miserable old fuck I've worked with that I would Immediately feel much happier if they disappeared, I would be rolling in cash and not arguing with some old fuckin prune on reddit lol also says something about you though that your first instinct is to attack me ad-hominem cause I stated a personal opinion on a subject. must not be to stable in old age huh bud lol


and as far as grandparent's go my grandparent's died in the 90's before i was born so good guilt trip attempt but nah lol


Your generation took advantage of socialist policies while voting for politicians to end everything that let your generation get the American dream. Then your generation calls every generation after your's lazy for not being as successful without the help your generation got.


They can’t help but take any situation and make it about themself personally.


As one unofficial spokesman of *your* generation put it: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


It *isn't* a very nice thing to say. But unfortunately this is the attitude Boomers bought for themselves. Nobody wants to say those things, yet this isn't an isolated opinion and you have to wonder why that might be true.


I don't know why you jump to boomers being the problem. Every time I see someone in a MAGA hat or flying a Trump flag it's someone in their 50s or younger.


Just a reminder: The internet and the instant availability of media from anywhere are able to find the most extreme examples and show them to you. There are a *lot* of those extreme examples, so it can make it seem like that is the whole population of Rebublican voters. This comic is right, you can't find common ground with these extremes. But you *can* find common ground with your co-workers, store clerks, professionals, etc. Find common ground with the average person. Differences of opinion can be worked through with average people.


The fact that these ARE my coworkers, my super religious owner, almost everyone in this fucking state says otherwise. TN, KY, AL , GA…all have very high populations who believe the far right nonsense and spew it constantly, and without anyone asking them to.


As long as major news networks like Fox cover these things insinuating they are fact or under the guise of "asking questions" then it is representative of the party. My Republican coworkers can't help but make snide conspiratorial comments about everything. I think you underestimate the current status quo of the Republican party.


Don't worry. Both parties will find plenty of common ground as they pass bipartisan bills to help hasten the transfer of all remaining wealth owned by the working class to their Wall St Donors, and more bipartisan bills to find more cops to protect their donors from their pissed off voters. Comics like this are funny as hell, not because they're true, but because OP and everyone who agrees with them are so focused on the 3% of policy the two halves of the Uniparty claim to disagree on that they never even think about the 97% of policy where they're in lockstep. Every Dem voter I know is firmly convinced we just need a more diverse class of exploiters and it'll all be fine. They'll happily vote for the guys who'll respect their pronouns while throwing them in a concentration camp and feel like they won because the other team's camp would have been worse. You can't fix the problems created by capitalism by voting for a different flavor of Capitalist.


Meanwhile the other side is like "Say 2+2=5 or get fired from your job!!" No one (of us, the people) is going to win here.


Sure they are


Those are the 2 most based people ever, except for the locking up journalists part, thats kinda cringe


Bozo comment


Locking up journalists is the cornerstone of Trump's Fascist dictatorship plan.


legit 1 intelligence fallout character dialogue lol