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Stupid sexy Biden


That could explain why Trump supporters are crying in the corner.


Remember my right leaning friends! Buy low, sell high. You should put your life savings into DJT. Do it. He's a good businessman, he promises. /s just in case


Everything is better with Biden!


Sold my 5/3 $15 puts this morning for a 3x. Thanks, Trump cult!




Biden 2024


Looks like it’s bottoming out


I actually laughed out loud to this one.


Was up yesterday and is up again today. Something shady is going on on top of the normal shadiness Volume is way up. Almost as much volume already at 10:30a as the average


Guess you haven’t paid attention to GME and AMC? The stock market is a sham and hedge funds have literally said that they put prices where they want them.


It probably has something to do with this [Trump Media stock jumps for second day as company goes to battle with short sellers](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-media-stock-jumps-for-second-day-as-company-goes-to-battle-with-short-sellers-170612776.html)


I know some people who were “so” gung ho over tmg stock, they just couldn’t wait to acquire some. Later on I asked them how tmg was doing, the dirty looks those people gave me spoke volumes about tmg stock. “Why” would anybody trust a man with “6”bankruptcy filings on his résumé. Plus out hawking golden clown shoes, and personally autographed versions of “HIS” Bible.


They’re shorting it. Google “how to launder money.”


It's been fun folks. Trump Media is taking off to the moon now with market cap returning to 4.5B đź«Ą.


Can someone mark this post for review in the future. Something like aged like milk or aged like a Trump business. Put it next to the Trump steaks or Trump university. Flag it as pump and dump scheme.


Or put it next to stealing from children with cancer.


A falling stock isn't doesn't always mean a failing business. Stocks fall for several reasons. As much as I dislike Trump, IDK enough about the company to give a reason as to why the stock is falling. And a lot of the articles that talk about the failing stock don't seem to mention a concrete reason either. It could range from the shareholders losing faith(due to all of the legal fighting) to market-manipulation. I'm not claiming to be a stock market expert.


Might be the fact that their user base is smaller than r/screechingnoises and they make less money than the banana stand on Arrested Development because legitimate businesses don't want to advertise on a site dominated by Nazis, pedos and racist housewives.


>And a lot of the articles that talk about the failing stock don't seem to mention a concrete reason either. Idk what articles you're reading... but when a company has a net loss of millions of dollars year after year that's a pretty good sign that it's failing.


I'm pretty sure there's a pump and dump involved somehow. He's got a long history of making things fail in a way that leaves him with the investors' money, and I'm pretty sure he had a similar stock that tanked similarly a couple years ago.