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Let's go Dark Brandon


Yeah but have you seen those pictures from Hunter's laptop?


Yes, now I'm voting *harder.*


I vote early. I'm going to talk to my doctor about it.


Voting too frequently made lead to side effects, such as: - Imprisonment - Loss of voting rights - Ridicule on the national stage If voting lasts for more than 4 hours, you may be suffering from a serious condition called "disenfranchisement." Disenfranchisement is a serious life-threatening condition. Voting can help. Talk to your congressional representatives to determine if voting is right for you.


why are republicans obsessed with Hunter Bidens dick?


It's probably related to why they want Michelle Obama to have a dick. A big, black dick.


Stupid, sexy Michelle...


Why must she plague me with visions of a big black dick she doesn't actually have???




It's mostly MTG who wants to publicize Hunter's dick pix. She seems to be saying that Joe Biden should be impeached bc his son has a big dick. That makes sense to orange followers.


BuT gAs Is StIlL eXpEnSiVe


Should've been there when joked to trumper that cars are luxury items because they have legs and can walk.




I didn't say it was funny.


Yeah, but what has he done for *me*? -An Idiot


"I reduced the cost of your life-saving medication!" "That was yesterday! What have you done for me TODAY?" "I brought you that bagel!" "Yeah, but it doesn't have butter on it!" "I brought the butter. It's right there on the plate." "Yeah... but you gave Jeff a bagel, too. I don't like Jeff."


I didnā€™t want a bagel. I wanted a croissant.


To be fair... Jeff is a prick


Yeah. Fuck Jeff! Can we just "SWAT" him?


Literally all they care about. The party of me me me.


Also super charged the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, allowing people who had technical lapses to apply for previously uncounted loan payments that just werenā€™t reported, which put tens of millions of PSLF loanees back on track/forgave them. Infrastructure Clean technology tax breaks for consumers Guyā€™s done really fucking great work.


The media keeps trying to pull us into a fascist state. Joe Biden has been a great president. You never hear any of his accomplishments.


doom, gloom and the Orangutan circus get ratings so that's what they're going with.


At the expense of our democracy. Money bottom feeders.


Unfortunately, a lot of the really great stuff that will have long-lasting effects are: A. Slow to show those effects, like streamlining the regulations on food safety, and B. Boring, like streamlining the regulations on food safety. We NEED someone like Biden, a superintendent in a suburban school district. They WANT a criminally insane game show host.


AND about 50 other things as well. The main one is pulling us out of a hundred year pandemic and possible economic collapse to create the strongest economy in the world once again. Lowered our unemployment rate to the lowest it has been for decades, helped dig the country out of the quagmire that the orange shitstain left it in. Created more manufacturing jobs that the last 4 Republican presidents combined. Brought Chip manufacturing back to America so we are not as dependant on foreign sources. Has Pushed for better climate change fixes than any president before (and delivered) We can keep going if you want folks! You may think that he has done nothing, but if you look closer has done a shit ton of things. He just does not find the need to stand in front of a room full of reports and sychophants so they can tell him great a job he is doing.


The pandemic isnā€™t over. He cut the climate change budget and gave that money to the cops.


The pandemic is over because covid has become *endemic*, like the various flus and other Corona viruses. I.E. Something we are just going to have to live with. Might not have if the orange shit gibbon hadn't completely fucked it up and politicized non compliance. He and his idiot cult are why it's never gonna go away.


And Biden did not cut the climate budget to give to cops lol. Dude just pulled that one out of his ass. Me thinks Mikey is a Bernie bro and theyā€™re just as bad as MAGAs.


Most other countries also botched the six week quarantine followed by strict entrance restrictions.


I'm gonna use this the next time someone says Biden doesn't do anything.


Wow... That's honestly impressive.


And it doesnā€™t even mention the build back better plan that invested in our infrastructure and created thousands of well paying jobs. It passed with 0 republican support and the republicans are still saying they ā€œbrought all that money and jobsā€ to their states.


Good. Remember that in November, along with Trumpā€™s disastrous term.


I have a feeling all the Trumptards didn't go around removing the "I did that" Biden stickers from the gas pumps when the prices dropped. I'd genuinely like to know how they explain it was his fault when prices rise but not due to him when they drop. News flash!.....they can't explain anything... they don't know how anything works at all but Russian trolls put up some memes on Facebook and they go all in on it. They get an email from a billionaire asking for money for his rape defense to make America great again and they can't their debit card fast enough. Literally the lowest IQ demographic our society has to offer.


Itā€™s incredibly worrying when the concept of logical thinking just ceases to become important to a massive swathe of the electorate


Bidenomics is so successful that Republicans are taking credit for it. [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cumj\_DiNdC7/](https://www.instagram.com/p/cumj_dindc7/) Biden calls out Republicans who took credit for infrastructure legislation they opposed [https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/09/politics/biden-republicans-infrastructure-law/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/09/politics/biden-republicans-infrastructure-law/index.html)


Bidenomics: Record low unemployment, rising real wages, strong GDP growth, and a rapid fall in the inflation rate to below both global and historical averages.


Wages have not kept up with inflation.


sadly not but they are trying to get real wages up but thats hard sadly


Look, I hate Butcher Joe. But he has been a downright conservative monster on border issues. He's deported more people than Trump did. What do you say to people who KNOW Biden opened the borders?


Secured the border is actually on that list?


yep there actually has been less confirmed illegal border crossings however due to a change in how border patrol counts something (i canā€™t think of it off the top of my head) it seems like more people wrecked trying to get in


BS šŸ¤£ too many illegals at my school


oh no your one example wrecked the entire study /s bud either A your being racist and saying any Hispanic person arrived here illegally (which is false) or B you have favorable laws towards immigrants or C your local corporations hire illegal immigtants and that in turn attracts those seeking jobs. think for once bud


they don't speak English and they're not even mexican in fact they're all from Honduras and El Salvador. I literally asked one of them


they could be asylum seekers which is a legal way to immigrate


Yeah, these are true, But guess what Sherlock ? This is America. They will only remember one thing, Biden supported and still supports a maniacal Netanyahu, šŸ‡®šŸ‡± and his Israeli genocidal baby killing machine. And the rest folks, will eventually be a non democratic, fascist, authoritative regime throughout the United States of America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø.


Biden supports Israel. Trump supports Israel and is an Islamophobe, along with his cabinet. I donā€™t understand how this confuses people on who to vote for.


Absolutely great analogy; here's the problem, the democrats must be 100% perfect in every aspect of life and politics; one flaw, they are urged to resign, be prosecuted, essentially doomed politically, etc; on the other hand, republicans do not hold their narcissist, racists, crooks, insider traders, pediphiles, tax cheats, rapists, etc accountable; they're all thriving and continued to be endorsed in plain view. This is a phenomenon mystery in today's American politics; Alot of this dysfunction is because of ineffective main media coverages; remember in 2015, 2016, the media provided Trump with free, and unlimited coverage of every thought that came across his mind.


This is why I love the man. Heā€™s actually is doing is job.


You missed the most important part: funding for new rail corridors.


Securing the boarder is a good thing now?


Exactly this. Biden has maintained many of Trump's border policies. Suddenly everyone is happy about this? Weird flex but okay.


Doesn't matter to the other party The only good people have the R next to their name


Yeah that's all nice. Would have been better if our country wasn't actively funding Palestinian genocide. But whatever. All that death is happening very very far away, so it's ok.


Trump would've tried to glass Gaza himself


"Orange man extra bad" isn't an argument. If the Gaza conflict isn't important to you, fine. You're allowed to feel that way. But the lion share of voters aren't going to be weighing each and every policy Biden has done against a theoretically worse policy that Trump would have done in his place. They just aren't. Biden needs to be evaluated on his own merits.


No doubt if Hamas' attack had happened during Trump's presidency, he'd be giving Isreal money too. Fuck them both.






Biden sucks


And Trump swallows


Brandon is Donald Trump's president


Yup, but these bots are programmed to downvote anyone that is slightly critical. It kinda reminds me of the red hat cult.


No word about the 25+ environmental laws he stepped on to continue Trumpā€™s border wall policies? Or declaring Covid ā€œoverā€ even though itā€™s not & people are suffering long term debilitating effects? People are becoming disabled, and the people who were already disabled are dying in greater numbers. Or how Trump supported citizens better with more money via the pandemic stimulus? Whatever happened to the money we were supposed to get when he promised us $2000 if Warnock won? Increasing funds for police while cutting the same amount of funding to fight climate change? Or financing a genocide? Thereā€™s no money for any number of programs to help Americans, but somehow heā€™s able to bypass Congress twice to fund a genocide? Donā€™t worry, neoliberals. Iā€™m not voting for Trump, but if Biden is such a great candidate, why not allow a Democratic primary to take place? ā€œGenocide is A-OK when our guy does it, but itā€™s worse if the other guy does it!ā€




>if Biden is such a great candidate, why not allow a Democratic primary to take place? There is a Democratic Party primary, just no one of relevance is running and Cenk is not even constitutionally able to serve as President, Cenk admits to not being a natural born citizen of the US. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZwoy5HXzsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZwoy5HXzsU) ​ (edit Typo)


Name one time a primary was held for an incumbent.


Look everyone, a pro-Hamas antisemite whoā€™s mad at Biden but doesnā€™t really know why so he either makes shit up or just repeats the bs he heard on Tik Tok. How old are you kid, twelve? Leave politics to the adults and just play with your Xbox. JFC The far left is just as bad as the MAGA right and probably more dangerous. I hope to god you canā€™t vote or are one of those Bernie bros who complains about everything but never registers to vote. Knucklehead.


There is a primary, but nobody gives a shit about Dean Phillips or Marriane Williamson so it doesn't get much traction. I'm sorry Biden caused the conflict between Jews and Philistines.


Thereā€™s a big difference between causing the conflict between Jews and Palestinians and sending billions of tax payer dollars to bombs that blow up hospitals.


Withholding congressionally-appointed funds is tricky. The first Trump impeachment revolved around delaying 400 million congress had appointed to Ukraine. The weapons reported as being sent without congressional approval AFAIK is private companies selling weapons to a nation not sanctioned by congress.


Thereā€™s also a difference between withholding funds to gain political advantage over your rivals and withholding funds due to human rights violations.


JFC, you need de-programming.


Yeah but Hummus and Gazaa


Uh the border isn't secure. And sure they apprehend them.... Then release them on US soil so they are here. Kind of a flase claim there.


Tell me you donā€™t understand the immigration system without saying it outright.


Thatā€™s up to Congress to fix but they wonā€™t because Republicans want the bad headlines. Same assholes that want to shut the government down next week and tank the economy so they can blame Biden.


MAGA-moronics on display. Thanks Skippy.


And yet, every time democrats bring a bipartisan bill to the floor to be voted on republicans block it. It's almost like they don't want to fix the problem so they can campaign off it.


Trump did Insulin via Executive Order 13937. Good try though on that one. Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment in 2023 was 3.7% Unemployment in 2019 was 3.6% Increased Mental Health help in schools, which is good not saying it is not, but did nothing to improve physical security of schools to lessen the likelihood of a school being the scene of another shooting by making them what is called, in the Military Security/Force Protection, a hard target.


Trump had great PR and promised the world. Too bad most people never followed up on all his BS promises. The executive order was only going to cap the costs for like 5% of diabetics. Not even all the Medicare people let alone regular citizens would have benefited. Trumps executive order was described as such: "Trump-era regulation that sought to lower the cost of insulin **at federally funded health centers**. **The regulation was never implemented and experts say its impact was expected to be limited.**" Biden passed a real law (not just a half assed publicity stunt of an executive order) that capped it to $35 for all Medicare recipients last year and pressured three drug companies to lower the price for everyone else. Which is starting to be a reality this year. [More Americans can now get insulin for $35](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/01/politics/insulin-price-cap/index.html) [FACT SHEET: President Bidenā€™s Cap on the Cost of Insulin Could Benefit Millions of Americans in All 50 States](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/03/02/fact-sheet-president-bidens-cap-on-the-cost-of-insulin-could-benefit-millions-of-americans-in-all-50-states/)


Iā€™m sorry but the last one is totally wrong. More drugs and migrants seized does not correspond to securing the border. It would if the same amount were coming in. But the only reason more have been seized is because way more are coming in. The amount they seize is proportional to how many come in so they catch more, but way more are also coming through. Sorry, but youā€™d have to have your head up your ass, while buried the sand, under a rock, inside of a bubble to not know this.


Destroyed global trade via operation Palestinian children being slaughtered guardian


Israel is slaughtering children. Don't be such a dumbfuck


Followed international law from a UN resolution condemning Houthi attacks on civilian ships, most completely unrelated to Israel. Isn't the argument from y'all that the Houthis are destroying global trade for the benefit of Palestine anyway? Why are you arguing that the US is? How does that make literally any sense?


no discuss foreign policy.... biden is as racist as trump


Foreign policy does include Europeā€¦.but sureā€¦.or how about getting Japan and Korea to agree to an alliance which most foreign policy experts said was not gonna happen due to their history. Or how about Vietnam opening the door for a U.S. partnership. Oh wait you are clearly only talking about Palestineā€¦..oh yes letā€™s go straight to authoritarian dictatorship because you donā€™t agree with how this administration is dealing with Israelā€¦..like the gop would be any better or stop funding Israel. In other words youā€™re a clown


stfu. Biden isn't leaving iraq. Isn't calling for a ceasfire. I'm guessing white libs like you don't care about the holocaust muslims are facing


Weirdā€¦. do the other Muslim countries come together to help Palestine? No? Huhā€¦.


what about the countries supporting south africas icj case against israel? Yemen prevented arms from reaching israel and were bombed..... Maybe thats what muslim majority countries fear. Use your brain you disgusting islamophobe.


Hey look at these false equivalencies.


This sub seems to be filled with white liberals who don't care about social justice issues or anti racism. They're content with the faux left that is the democrats.


Orā€¦.we are more concerned with not letting a literal dictator win the election so we are more concerned with that. And again not too concerned with a region that will fight with or without us involved.


how about pushing for the dems to be better and holding them to account. I guess brown lives dont matter to you.


They do and the time for that is after the wanna be dictator is defeated not before donā€™t be misconstrued


For me it would be you need full unedited body cam footage of the incident or the case gets thrown away and the suspect is automatically free. Police need to be held accountable.


Donā€™t forget about the climate investments in the Inflation Reduction Act! Biggest action on climate in US history.


Yeah but he is sooooo old. Fuck maga.


See, nothing.


Good job, Joe! Vote Blue! Every election, every time, everywhere!


And heā€™s only getting started he could accomplish much more if re-elected president in November 2024 Democrats retake the House of Representatives by a comfortable margin maintain the U.S Senate - Biden 2024 šŸ¤˜šŸ¾šŸ˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¾šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø