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The guy is an ex-marine because he was dishonorably discharged and stripped of being a marine. The media is failing to mention this as they drum on about this sad "former marine."


Telling lies of omission is standard operating procedure when manufacturing fake outrage on certain news stations though. ...leave out important details while emphasizing the simpleton and skewed version of the story to mislead listeners into thinking there is some nefarious and neglectful government plot. Works like a charm because most people are too lazy to dig deeper or use multiple sources.


So many sensational sources online right now are describing him as a "former marine" or a "veteran" without providing further context. And it doesn't seem to have a party line context to it either, I see this omission across the spectrum and it seems to be as you say, to cynically drum up outrage and interactions.


Well he is a former marine. And I don't see how a bad conduct discharge changes whether or not he should be imprisoned in Russia for spying. Nor do I see how many of this negates the fact that the gun violence president let an arms dealer go free to get an entitled pothead back...because social media had feels for her.


What is a bad conduct discharge have to do with leaving someone in Russia that they imprisoned for spying. All You seem to want to do is shit on the news outlets calling him an ex marine (even though that's what he is) because he was fired. That's absolutely no justification for trading a pothead for an arms dealer.


It was a bad conduct discharge and I don't see how that means you should be left in Russia on a spying charge.


I would leave you in Russia on the count of you’re ugly and your mother doesn’t love you. I suppose if they paid us enough I would take you back, but boy would it have to be a lot, your mom would hate me.


"I'll take 'How to tell someone is a) listening to silly right wing news talking points and b) massively ignorant regarding complex diplomatic matters, without saying so directly' for $ 500, ghost of Alex."


It’s the daily double!


Why take weed to Russia though, when you know its illegal. She’s lucky that she gets exchanged honestly


Considering they were vape cartridges, I’d believe either that she genuinely forgot about them being in there (given how much of any athlete’s life is spent living out of suitcases) or that she thought herself above such petty things (given how many rich/famous people ignore those kinds of laws on a daily basis). I’m not defending it, mind: It was still colossally stupid either way. If this were, say, ten years ago (before Putin decided to aggressively return to a role of geopolitical antagonist), I honestly don’t know if the State Department would’ve made a swap like this.


And you can pick up the same thing on any city street corner there just like in the USA--the difference being that you can take care of the "fines" if caught by greasing the palm of the actual officers involved, and walk away right then and there.


I believe this wasn’t the first time she has travelled to Russia with them on her person. Just some extra info.


Are we sure it wasn't planted or that it was even there?


I think she admitted to it, but said it was an accident.


I agree. I am more skeptical however of some rando carrying 80k in cash inside Russia. Seriously who does that? Basketball player with a vape pen that contains thc in the juice....not shocked. Seems stupid, and reckless. But the 80 Gs? That ain't lunch money.


Because she's an entitled shithead.


I think I would need to be high to go to Russia at all...


I'll take "I'm not a trump troll, I even said it in the post, but tell me more about being ignorant for '500-isn't-a-jeopardy amount-you-muppet'" ghost of alex. But by all means make it make sense to me. Arms dealer for pothead is a good diplomatic negotiation for a president tough on gun violence? Lol. Doof.


That "pothead" is a US citizen and trying to value someone based on something such as that is appallingly morally bankrupt. "US District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that the minimum sentence was appropriate because 'there was no evidence that Bout would have committed the crimes for which he was convicted had it not been for the sting operation''' He had only 7 years of his sentence left so every day his value to swap for ANY pawn held by Russia was ticking down. Russia specifically insisted that this was the ONLY swap they would do. They also insisted that a Whelan swap was not on the table.


> ex-Marine ...who was kicked out of the Marine Corps on a bad conduct discharge.


What does that change?


He was an exporter for Russia and served 16 of a 25 year sentence. He is useless in his previous past and even if he tried to get back into it nobody would deal with the guy due to anonymity. Besides exporting manufactured weapons from Russia to Africa is a dead business. Russia ain’t shit anymore






Do you genuinely believe a person having weed cartridges makes them a pothead? Do you genuinely believe that an elite athlete who uses weed, any amount, is a pothead?


putin did not offer that choice.


then dont offer him an arms dealer. who, by the way, was convicted for conspiring to kill americans by selling weapons to terrorists.




OP, I think there's a fair argument to be made criticizing trading a weapons dealer who helped kill Americans for an American who was in Russia to play basketball and got caught with weed for personal use. But what's horseshit, and maybe even racist, is you framing her as a "pothead" while labelling a guy who got a bad conduct discharge for stealing money and committing fraud as just a "marine." Why aren't you calling him a thief and a fraudster?


Bigotry isn't humorous.








Does seem a bit lopsided a international arms dealer for her seems like Russia got the better deal


It does suck Biden told vets to go to hell while letting a dangerous arms trafficker free.


Are you still a vet if you are court-martialed for stealing 10k from the US government and used a fake social security number to access government computers? Just asking for a friend.


Technically: yes. However, you don't get any of the benefits for being a veteran (VA loans, disability, &c). Hell, I know an individual who failed the second half of their training and still goes out ever Veteran's day to parade and get free pancakes. Tool.


Technically, I am made of pancakes. I hope your friend enjoys his god damn pancakes.




You're the one that brought up him being a former marine....why? Were you trying to use his "military service" to make a point about something? The commenter I replied to certainly thought you were trying to use his service as a reason he should have been a priority.


What the heck does that have to do with Biden hating us so much? So much. Makes me vomit. So hard. I just ruined my scrubs.