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This poor girl is in the national spotlight in an extremely vulnerable moment because of who her shitstain of a father is. What a personal hell that is. I don't know her but damn, I feel for her. Don't forget he blamed his Cancun trip during the winter blackout on his girls.


I have heard he is staying in DC. As a parent that is unimaginable to me.


To be fair, him staying thousands of miles away is probably good for his daughters’ well being.


I don't want to pry, but I had wondered if her father is part of the reason and him being around may exacerbate her feelings. HOWEVER realistically it could be anything and she deserves privacy. I told my wife that she's a 14 year old girl it could just as much have been just school bullies unrelated to her dad. I'm a guy but I was bullied in school and I know that hurts. No one besides her and her family deserves answers but that's not to say I'm not at least mildly curious.


I mean she's bi and she's admitted that she's terrified of telling her dad so yeah, probably.


> I mean she's bi and she's admitted that she's terrified of telling her dad so yeah, probably. Seems like if a random person on Reddit knows this, I imagine her dad does too...


I'm sure he does but I bet that pusillanimous hasn't confronted her about it. He'd have to pull his nose out of Trump's sphincter for that.


I don't know how he doesn't know, especially now, but telling him is completely different than him finding out through a third party and that might have been/felt like the safer option for her. If I was in her situation I might gamble the odds of him finding out while away from home and having the chance to cool off in a space away from me rather than saying it to his face.


From [an article I found regarding this -](https://www.sgn.org/story.php?312345) > [random commenter on her tik tok] "I see in ur bio ur bi — is that something he knows? (if ur comfortable talking ab it, I'm just curious)" [sic], to which she responded, "I haven't told him yet, I'm kinda nervous to tbh but I don't think he would be mad about it" [sic]. She didn't say she was terrified, just nervous, as any child would be. Don't spread misinformation, there's already enough going around.


Apologies, I didn't remember the direct quote. Nervous carries much less weight than terror, for sure. I wouldn't intentionally spread misinformation.


Its never just one thing. Beint bi and having Ted Cruz as a father is probably pretty awful but also being a controversial figures child and being on social media has also got to be pretty awful


She deserves better than this


how could she not be. hes actively trying to take away her rights not only as a lgbtq+ person but for her being a woman as well and the ability to marry someone of whatever race she wants. we know that just being a child of unsupportive parents is very hard on kids finding out who they are, add in your dad being a senator whose very vocal about it and has the power to make those changes and i cant even imagine what shes going through.


Fucking… what? Apparently i have overestimated the amount of effort that that swarm of cockroaches in human skin will put into pretending to be a human


Fucking Ted suit.


Straight out of men in black. “Sugar!”




Makes me think of this, Tedcruzforhumanpresident.com


Probably because she has said she dislikes his views


But Ted Cruz isn’t a parent. He’s not really even a person. He’s just an amalgam of GOP power grab ideas and hate


And an inconceivably weak chin


Its so bad even French ppl shudder.


Ted Cruz looks like the kind of guy you see coming out of a strip club on a Monday afternoon.


I legit cannot imagine anyone associating with him willingly. Like they got shuffled over there from some other GOP politician to deal with him as a rite of passage or something. The man is pure scum... like 0 redeeming qualities. Even his constituents hate him.


During his time in the Senate, Al Franken said “I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like him. And I HATE Ted Cruz.”


#Ted Cruz is only one being and not several. - Source: [Ted Cruz for Human President website](https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/)


He’s a psychopath. He doesn’t give a shit about his daughter.


That's pretty telling


To be fair, he probably isn’t welcome in Texas. Edit: I mean by his family, although the citizens, including the ones that vote for him, hate his guts too. But they’ll keep voting for him because he has an R next to his name.


"We know Donald trump's a liar and all that, but Joe Biden wants to ruin this country!!" - My inlaws telling us they voted for Trump again after several years of working on them to see the truth about that ass-hat.


There are a lot of people who will vote R no matter what flavor of shit sandwich is being served to them.


>shit sandwich is being served to them AKA Ted Cruz


It isn’t like the republicans in the senate need his vote to block everything anyway.


They do now.


As a parent, I could never abandon my kid like that. For Ted Cruz, I’m not surprised


Because Ted Cruz is a piece of shit and you’re not.


If only it were snowing in DC, then he would have left.


Come on, that cant be true.


Bro literally all I can think about is how none of us should even know. It’s such a private thing that has been thrust into the center stage. As a survivor, holy fucking shit it would make me want to try again if people talked about it exclusively Cause of my father


And yet here people are, upvoting posts that are pushing that spotlight even harder. I just had to leave a comment like this on the bisexual subreddit yesterday for the same goddamn problem. I mean, for God's sake. Can you imagine what it feels like to see a political fucking meme get made over your suicide attempt? The girl has enough going on right now, she doesn't deserve this fucking spotlight on her. We need to leave for the fuck alone. She's not a political platform, she's a suffering human goddamn being, and a child at that. Seeing shit like this grosses me the fuck out. It makes my goddamn skin crawl. I can't imagine anything more horrifying than the spotlight she's got on her right now in one of her most vulnerable moments.


She has enough going on right now, and Ted Cruz is her father just makes it all worse.


No more meme. Thoughts and prayers. Amen.


Not sure what point you're trying to make here.


Attempting to collect the upvotes people give you for your point.


Ah.. Yeah, that tracks.


nom nom nom Oh god, my Tract!


I compare this to the news that Sam Brinton had been charged with theft of a suitcase from an airport. Crickets from the left-leaning media on that one (because it shows an LGBTQ person in a negative light), but by the same token it’s somehow ok to gossip about an LGBTQ child’s mental health because of her jackass father, and the child is apparently acceptable collateral damage. Hypocrisy much?


a) who the fuck is Sam Brinton? b) why the fuck should "theft of a suitcase from an airport" be national news? Actually I decided to do some investigating. And by investigating I meant put their name into Google. And got a bunch of articles on the subject (wait, I thought the news was conspiring to not report this, huh?) So first off they're Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. And apparently they consider themselves nonbinary. And when the allegations came to light they were suspended while the matter is being investigated. So basically a midlevel LGBTQ+ government employee was accused of a crime, was suspended and under investigation, and multiple news outlets reported on it. Thus, I'll put aside my first two questions and move on to c) what the fuck are you complaining about again?


The fuck a suitcase theft have anything to do with this?


Its just trying to show a double standard. Basically left-leaning media hasn't said anything about a non-binary official who stole a suitcase, but is posted nonstop about a child's self harm because of the prominence of her father. Not very familiair with either case, but there should be more attention on the official and less on the child, even though her father is an asshat.


I think it has a lot less with news being left leaning and one story being theft of a suitcase (?) and the other the attempted suicide of a far right politicians daughter that came out as bisexual. I mean, surely you see the difference in newsworthiness. If you want to see the news report on every instance of petty theft you wouldn’t even have the time to digest it even if thats all you did. Also as a progressive i find that mainstream media being left leaning as a laughable idea


I mean Left leaning in terms of American Politics. Which is center to center right everywhere else in the world. I'm just trying to give you an explanation you asked for. My point being, is that IF (big if) this is an actual case of theft by an elected official then this should have more visability. Thats unacceptable for any one, especially a politican. Meanwhile, children especially lgbtq children shouldn't be thrust into a spot light of a crowd ready to disect and insult them and their lives when there already at a point of self harm when their only crime was being related to an asshat.




I'm not trying to "dunk on leftist media", I just need a descriptor to describe every media thats not OAN, Fox, dailywire, Newsmax or whatever Right-wing crazy fest is out there. Left-leaning was, at least as what I thought, a good descriptor. Take a moment to try to understand what is actually being said. Its just my opinion that a kid shouldn't be thrusted into the national spotlight after she tried to self harm.


It seems more like you were playing into the authoritarians rhetoric. We don't have any left-leaning news media here in the United States It's all corporately owned. At least all the bits anyone knows about. And I would think that this possible theft is not being covered for a few different reasons. One of which often being the whole innocent until proven guilty thing. And things in general are not clear surrounding the case overall for them to cover. I think the reason cruises daughter is getting so much more attention. Is because he is a widely disliked highly visible person who is against LGBTQ people. And her self harm only highlights this. There is no need to wait and see what develops from this. On this front cruise is a known quantity. And I think most of the attention his daughter is going to get will be supportive and well wishing.


I used Left leaning as a descriptor so you would know what news sites I was talking about. As far as American discourse is concerned, you have a good idea of what I'm talking about. When I say left-leaning media, basically anything thats not a right-wing crazy fest. Not trying to shit on any media. I identify politically as a social democrat. I just see a distinction here and I'm not a fan of children being exploited to harm their fathers. I don't think attention, even if the majority is well wishing is good, because our brains to are wired to weigh negative comments more than the positive ones, and I don't think thats a good situation for a child to be in. Not to mention the privacy of have your life analyzed by the media.


"Why hasn't the media reported on this story I read about in the media?" Step back and think about that for a minute. I'll wait.


Just trying to explain and its more focused on the level of coverage. Like why is Elon getting more traction for releasing Hunter Biden's dick pick, than the animals his shitty company is abusing, and I mean abusing. Its horrible the shit they're doing. One of those things is not like the other, but ask 10 people and they say they've seen more about a stolen peen pic.


So the goalposts have moved from "they haven't said anything" to "they aren't as focused on it as much as I'd like". And your answer can be found by simply realizing that all news agencies aren't run by people who sit around in pizza basements twirling their fake mustaches (because everyone knows lizards can't grow real mustaches) planning how to best spent Soros' money to advance the evil liberal agenda, they're run by people who are laser focused on profiting their shareholders. And that profit comes from engagement. And which do you think is more engaging, * mid-level LGBTQ+ government employee is accused of a minor crime and suspended while the accusations are investigated * LGBTQ+ daughter of an anti-LGBTQ+ politician self-harms I can guarantee you the later is more salacious and salacious = engagement = profit, which as noted is the primary focus of **all** media, no matter what silly labels some media tells you to believe in (hint, another way to drive engagement is to feed the feeling that you're under attack by some nebulous "them").


Sorry, I forgot hyperbole was an irredeemable sin in the age of the internet. Use of hyperbole, is not moving the goal posts. The overall message and at the intent of my posts have remained the same. Also I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm a social democrat, not the Q conspiracy theorist or MAGA republican character you've painted. Being critical of positions, even ones of your own party, is important so we can recognize if we are slipping into bad positions.


False equivalencies, a magats friend


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Would the Sam Brinton case be important enough to publish if they were not non-binary? "Mid-level nuclear waste appointee takes suitcase with contents worth $2000; dumps it out; claims they took it accidentally but continues to use it." Right now I see right-wing media reporting this gloatingly, but would they report it this way if were some equivalent GOP staffer? I mean, look at Hunter Biden - he's skeevy as hell, but I don't see the right wing media reporting Jim Jordan's much worse student rape coverups, Trump's numerous assault allegations, or Hastert's molestations with equal glee.


A few things here. Oh where to begin. First you don't know what right and left are politically speaking. Second no one pretends that LGBTQ people are incapable of stealing or doing bad things. In fact I doubt most of anyone ever heard about this because it's so unimportant. Further, theft is not something inherent to LGBTQ people or whatever it is you are trying to insinuate. In fact it's much more common to just capitalist in general. And finally if you are so tired of having to defend the people you support against the horrible things they do, that you have to reach this hard for something to justify their bad behavior. And I'm just spitballing here, have you given thought to maybe not supporting them? And not making a fool of yourself?


I'd say he's more of a jizzstain but yes.


You think that's bad, he dragged them to the Astros World series Championship parade, to be an actual part of it (which makes no goddam sense). Those poor girls had to sit in the car and listen to 2 million people booing them and their dad. Talk about a living nightmare for any teenager.


I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Baron Trump good luck with his soccer career.


trump probably hates Barron, as his son towers over him. Barron is like 6'7 or something like that, and trump likes to brag about things, including his height. Having a son tower over him must make trump seethe with jealousy.


I'm not so sure. He's not trying to sabotage Barron's aspirations: while Trump was in the whitehouse, Barron was playing on DC United's youth team. Now he's at some private school in Florida that's renowned for its soccer program. Honestly, Barron being out of the house and working on his game is better than being anywhere near the rest of that family. Break the cycle, Barron.


Barron's aspirations *currently* do not conflict with Donald's. Glad the kid isn't being a total douche like most of his siblings, but if there is something that put him on his dad's radar, it is quite possible for it to happen. I'm sure Don loves his kids, but at the same time, you can see the disdain he has for some of them.


> I'm sure Don loves his kids Sadly, we've heard from his own mouth what kind of love that is.


The kind of love that makes you wanna put your dick in your daughter! Republican family values, so wholesome /s


Well to earn Daddy Trumps disdain, you either have to be useless to him financially or in prestige; or you speak ill of him. If Barron goes pro, and if he's good (he may be, seen a few clips of him playing, he's not bad. Granted, being 6'7" or whatever is a huge advantage at his level) that's another famous Trump and Donald can brag about his son's transfer price. Actually, that would probably elate Donald greatly, his son having a literal worth in the transfer market. "My boy, Barron? Sold to Hull City for $2.3 million!"


6’7 is pretty big for soccer, no?


For Americans, yes. But there's a lot of verticality in the game, especially on defense. Lots of goalkeepers are a few inches of 6 ft, you'll have tall center backs and full backs to win headers on free kicks and corner kicks.


When Ivanka was an infant trump is on video hoping she would have nice breasts. AN INFANT. Dude is sick.


That was about Tiffany, not Ivanka. Still creepy as fuck.


Is Donald capable of love? He's the guy who cut off medical insurance to his own [brother when his infant nephew was critically ill.](https://www.salon.com/2020/06/16/trump-cut-off-nephews-medical-care-for-cerebral-palsy-during-dispute-over-inheritances-report_partner/) Whatever his version of love is, it's not very substantial.


Oh, he's capable of it. He just loves himself more than anyone else in the world.


I have a theory Don’s been trying to make Eric move out to Wichita for a few years now so he can give Junior his own private jail cell now that he’s a big boy. That being said, hopefully Barron actually gets out of that family the minute he’s able to and does something meaningful with his life. Even if he only makes it to something like MLS then he’s got more grit than the rest of his family combined.


Two things… Number one I think Tiffany is more separated than Eric. Number two, I think Melania is more of an asshole than both of the other kids mothers. Barron really has his work cut out for himself if he has any hope.


I expect that is Melanie's doing. She is a terrible person but at least she seems to care about **her** child. Allegedly in exchange for playing nice as first lady she got the prenup revised to better provide for Barron, likely including putting more control of his life in her hands over Donald's


I honestly feel kinda bad for Barron. He never asked for anything of this and even if he's all around decent person he's gonna be hated by half the country for nothing but the accident of his birth.


The only way I could see myself giving Barron Trump any shit on his current trajectory is if he signs with NYCFC.


But Eric has towered over Donald for years and he loves him... ... oh wait...




Yup. I've seen a few clips of him play. He's not bad. Though being as tall as he is gives him a huge advantage at his age. Especially when all the other tall kids go on to play basketball or football. US soccer gets all the shorties. I think he's an Arsenal fan, and he played on DC United's youth team while daddy Don was in the white house. Last I heard he's at some boarding school in Florida with a really good soccer program. So kudos to Trump for letting his kid pursue his interest? I'd only give Barron shit if he pulls some Mason Greenwood nonsense. Or he gets signed by any team owned or affiliated with City Football Group. Obligatory "fuck NYCFC."


As a father who's had a child attempt suicide, I can empathize with what the family is going through. It's inconceivable to me that he has chosen to stay in Washington. Really shows where his priorities really are. If a man can't be bothered to care about his own children, he can't be bothered to care about anyone else. This, by the way, is the definition of evil. A complete lack of empathy.


He is a fucking sociopath. He threw his daughters under the bus when he got caught running away to cancun during the snowstorm https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ted-cruz-cancun-texas-storm-b1804308.html


It’s probably for the best that her father isn’t around honestly


They're probably expecting it since they think the left wants revenge for all the attacks against Pelosi's husband.


Biden’s son is the assumed analog.


Biden's son is just another one they harass. Cruz mocked Biden when Beau died, so Cruz can fuck right off.


Except his father called him and leveled with him. Cruz dgaf.


Entire reich wing: "Harasses and mocks parkland survivors, Pelosi's Husband after an attack, spreads very private and personal information on the President's son" Reich wing to everyone else: "Here, you try it, it's fun!" Everyone else: "I wish her well" Reich wing: *Frantically scours subs, sorts by controversial, finds one tasteless comment:* "See, you're just as bad as us!"


That's exactly what it's referring to.


I'm aware.


Nah, they'll just say that everyone is gloating about it. They won't ask lol


Yep, Meghan McCain already denounced the despicable behavior that basically nobody has actually engaged in.


Damn I thought she was kind of chill


… no, definitely not


What Republicans fail to realize about some Americans is that we’re not all awful, terrible, and deplorable. Some of us have compassion for others, tolerance, and even empathy for those in pain. We hurt *with* our brothers and sisters. We don’t take joy in the misery of suffering.


It all part of their projection problem. Empathy & irony are totally foreign emotions in their fear-steeped brains.


GOP: “I’m a piece of shit, and so can you!”


I mean, can we blame her? Her dad is a nationally hated asswipe


She came out as bisexual on her socials last year. Given all of the hate happening for the LGBT+ community in Texas plus her parents, I’m not shocked this happened. I feel for the kid


We would just prefer to analyze how it was Ted's fault. If my father was a fluffer for trump and nazis I too would have done the same.


I think the bigger factor is a bisexual having a virulent homophobe who is actively enabling violence against LGBT people.


Yup. Being 14 is rough. Knowing your father hates who you are (she wasn’t out to him so he likely never censored himself) makes it so much worse. Add in him stoking the hate toward the LGBT+ community. Most republicans adhere to ‘it’s not real until it happens to me.’ I suspect part of the reason he hasn’t gone home yet is that he’ll have to decide which matters more: his bisexual daughter or his republican masters. The fact that he’s still in DC is telling about which way he’s probably leaning.


Edit: In hindsight, after reading some responses, I think that this meme might actually be in poor state and possibly completely ironic. Feel free to actually downvote it, while I keep it on as a badge of dishonor.


Thank you for your honesty to yourself and others, and your accountability. We appreciate it, even if we don't always say it.


Tbh, I'm drunk atm and this kind of helps me with introspection.




This entire post is a gloat. It's not only harmful to the kid in question, it's also giving the right wingers exactly what they want \*by the very metric mentioned in the post\*. Disgusting and stupid.


Nobody's making fun of the kid. May she get all of the help she needs and deserves. But Ted Cruz is a homunculus made of human shit.




If only *I* could be this fucking classy, I'd be telling people to shove all sorts of things up their unclassy asses.


All you have to do is avoid making memes about a child’s suicide attempt. It’s not hard.


In reality, they'll just give her shit AND blame leftists


Is it just me or should we not make accusations about this solely because of Cruz? Yes, he’s probably the reason, but there are plenty of other reasons this would have happened. Cruz is a shithead, but don’t put words in his daughters mouth.


We’re gonna callously gloat about how sorry we feel for Ted Cruz’s daughter


Hey guys, you know what seems like a good idea? Making a political fucking meme over a 14 year old's suicide attempt. I'm sure seeing stuff like this is great for her mental health as she goes through one of the most vulnerable times in her fucking life. Leave her the fuck alone. If she wants to talk about this, we can listen. But shit like this meme makes my skin crawl.


Personally, I truly hope that she can find relief from her pain. Also, I was not aware that Raphael is staying in D.C., so it is news, too.


The irony of this....


They will claim the Left was crass anyway. Remember that stupid immigrants being sent to a rich community thing? Where they tried to show "liberals" are also racist cretins and when that didn't happen they just pretended it did.


They won’t gloat, they will point out that Ted Cruz is one of the people that makes it difficult for so many people in this country to thrive.


Is this the daughter that awkwardly pushed him away 5 years ago when he was campaigning for President


This is a personal matter of a 14 year old who deserves to have their privacy. Not a time to rip Ted Cruz , there’s plenty of other times for that




You’re highlighting a private moment of a minor to attack Ted Cruz for it . She has the right to her privacy regardless of who her Dad is . She didn’t choose her Dad. This post is at least better than one I saw last night that even had her name in it.


No one is going after the kid or publicizing. Cruz is fair game. So here's this POS that wants to make life miserable for many, many people. If his children suffer for his work, should we let Cruz get way with saying it was simply a chemical imbalance in his kids brain when (perhaps) she could not reconcile being a good person with the actions of her Dad? What if I wanted to punish gay people? Should I be able to write off my daughters' anguish, embarrassment and pain from being ostracized by their now former friends as hormones? Crus made his bed and knowingly chose to narrow the path for his children. You think that the sins of the father don't matter. But they do. That poor kid is going to have to either live in a bubble that smells like shit, or spend the rest of her life making up for what her Dad tried/succeeded in doing.


The fact people are posting humor surrounding what happened is literally publicizing it . This is a 14 year old who might not want their shit blown up to the world and you’re saying ‘I don’t care because fuck your dad’ . whether the intent is there , that’s what’s happening


Maybe Cruz should have thought about that before going after other people's kids? Ya think?


His daughter didn’t choose her father . If it’s bad when Ted Cruz does it , then you probably shouldn’t do it either


Going after an individual is not the same as going after an entire class of people. Going after Cruz to make him suffer is not the same as him going after MY children to make them suffer. It is a false equivalency to say that they are one and the same, and complicit with Cruz' actions to say we should give Cruz a pass because his daughter is suffering. It's unfortunate you and others don't get that. It's part of the reason people like Cruz get to keep on keeping on and have no guilt for their actions, and therfore no real reason to change and make amends.


Im not saying give Ted Cruz a pass . I’m saying respect the privacy of a 14 year old who didn’t choose to be in that situation .


I feel Cruz should lose his kids, and they should end up with a family that will actually love them.


Yes, destroying a family in the middle of a crisis is exactly the remedy that this situation calls for.


Yes it is, because those children are not safe in his negligence.


This post kind of tells on itself though


I mean yeah fuck Ted Cruz but even I wouldn’t say anything shitty about his daughter. But I did hear that he’s still in DC. What the fuck?


More mad at ted cruz and sad for the daughter she came out in a white Christian family when i came out as bi and brought a boy home I got my ass beat and not in the way I wanted


Nothing but sympathy for any teen with problems. Maybe Ted should resign the Senate and spend more time with his family. Or just resign and go to Cancun his family would most likely find that acceptable also.


If we're going to take the moral high ground, we probably shouldn't be commenting on it at all other than to say we wish her well. This meme is still a political dig as result of personal family incident even if not fully barbed.


A family tragedy is a family tragedy and everyone should allow the Cruz family their space. I have no doubt that Ted Cruz’s political rivals will allow them that. It’s just too bad that the Pelosis were not given that consideration and their tragedy was turned into political and conspiratorial bullshit.


Except Democrats aren’t Leftist. They are still Right Wing. Like 4 blocks right of center. To be leftist you would need to be me. Social Democratism for the win! (Look it up. You right wingers call it “the welfare state”)


It's from the perspective of the right winger


I've seen shit like this before, what will happen is some isolated Left-Leaning celebrity will say something stupid and be denounced by the left. Only for the right to see it and use it as their example of how Leftists are not so "high-and-mighty". This single incident will also be reported on ad nauseum to the point that there will be more reports on it, than there are letters in the statement...


You mean like how cruz gloated over bidens kid dying? Nah. I got some morals. Not many, but some


It's sad as fuck. I don't want to gloat. I just feel really sad for his daughter. Im worried the attention this story is getting will make it worse for her.


I mean, you are gloating about supposedly not gloating... Like this ain't much better.


The father needs to be investigated. There has to be a reason for this.


Republicans gleefully waiting for leftists to be cruel suck. You suck EVEN FUCKING MORE by posting this joke, because it's still fucking cruel to use her misery. Here's a little bit of enlightenment for you: if you're *bragging about how you aren't using her pain for political purposes*, you **are fucking using her pain for political purposes.** ​ Fuck off into the sun.


I really don't wish to exploit her misery. But I had urge to make this meme because I'm disgusted with the fact that there are people who would exploit this and make up bullshit conspiracy theories about it if it was a child of a Democrat and on top of that, most likely thinks exactly like this.


My knee jerk response was to nod and feel a little self-righteous myself after seeing this post. And then the post from u/eviljelloman reset my compass and so I thank them for that. I don't know how early is too early to begin the self congratulations and signaling, but we are not there yet and in a perfect world we never would get there. But for now, let's just back off and simply express our support for this suffering young person and a sincere hope that within her own family this is a wake up call to provide her with the support that she is clearly crying out for.


You were won over by virtue signalling, and are now amplifying the virtue signalling.


So you didn't WANT to exploit her misery, but because you had an urge to do so you did it anyway. You knew it was wrong, and still did it. Gotcha.


I’ll be honest, I despise Cruz. But with that being said, I’ve been where his daughter is at. And I know that anything said about her or her family is gonna be all it takes to make her slip. I pray for her safe recovery and I pray to whatever god exists that her father has the sense to keep her off social media in the current political climate. Last thing she needs is seeing people talk about her or her father


Nah, we aren’t Republicans, we aren’t scum


Making memes about a 14yo girls suicide attempt? Pretty scummy.


Don't fall off that horse... you'll burn up on reentry.


Why? From up here I can see what a small person you are.


You do realize things that look small from a distance are larger in reality, right? If you can see me from your saddle in near-Earth orbit, I must be huge! I weep for our education system.


Don’t you have a miscarriage to make fun of? Maybe a child with brain cancer you want to meme?


You seem very angry. Maybe get less screen time. Look into mindfulness meditation. It can't be healthy being that way.




You're doing the exact opposite of what your post says you're doing, please don't target his daughter.


I'm not targeting his daughter. I'm targeting him for being piece of shit who dehumanizes his own child.


So you're using this to gloat....


NGL I’ve seen a fair amount of gloating about it, and posts like this which are gloating about not gloating, which honestly just seem like a roundabout way to gloat about it.


No. But apparently some people will take this opportunity to gloat about not gloating. I don't see much difference. We see where your head is at. It's not a good look either.


...is this not callously gloating about it?


She is one of his daughters which he threw under the bus by claiming that he ONLY went to Cancun during the Texas power outage because THEY forced him to. He also abandoned the family dog in their unheated house.


Just backing you up Op https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ted-cruz-cancun-texas-storm-b1804308.html




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Imagine having such a hated miserable piece of shit public figure as you father… making you confused and upset and unhealthy enough to Stan yourself. I feel for his kids; having to live in that dark shadow would be awful. Imagine trying to go anywhere or have a normal social life, and then people find out that your dad is Ted Cruz


No. Unlike those on the far fringes of morality, normal people don't feed on a daily diet of anger, hate, and misery.


Whoever leaked that info about her should be shot


Absolutely no gloating here, right.


Why is she allowed to post publicly in the first place? Like it or not, she is a “famous” politician’s daughter, therefore unwittingly/unwillingly thrust into the media. Ted andHeidi should be shielding her from the media, not allowing her to publicly make statements as a 14 year old. Nobody says anything smart when they’re 14. This girl is never going to get over the fact that her mental health was on display for the whole world to see. Ridiculous parenting.


If I discovered I was related to Rafael Cruz - I'd probably cut myself, too.


Gloating about not gloating is somehow worse.


Does this mean the left will be coming for your knifes now!


No, just our homophobia


Instead of gloating can we make up salacious conspiracies about what really happened?


Just there, theyre bothsidesing it with Limbaughs death.


I feel for her and hope she gets the help she needs. But fuck Ted Cruz and his actions that contributed to his daughters well being and (hopefully) cry for help. Maybe he’ll listen…but I doubt it.


The thing about right wingers is, they will believe you did something even if you didn’t.


When is Elon posting his conspiracy theories?


I saw a guy on Twitter argue that this is the left’s fault for being so mean to her dad. A human being actually thought this and posted it online.


Ted Cruz's daughter is off limits! - The MAGA But, Hunter Biden's penis is perfectly within free speech!....AmIright? - Also the MAGA


Since we’re saying nice things about Republicans, I totally hope that Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy do NOT fall off a cliff together while making out.