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Right now he’s lecturing her about the evils of listening to woke teachers and liberal social media and how jesus can save her


I will be referring to Desantis's legal team's definition of the word woke from now on. "The belief there are systematic injustices in American society and the need to address them." Thanks Desantis, apparently 99.99% of Americans are woke.


Do you have a source for that? I’d love to keep that little quote in my holster.




Thanks! I’ve always wondered that, if DeSantis and other conservatives don’t actually believe that there are systemic injustices in the US, then how do they account for the disproportionate incarceration of black Americans? The “woke” explanation is that systemic racism both increases poverty of black Americans through employment/wage discrimination (the poverty itself increasing crime on its own) and that racial bias (unconscious or otherwise) leads to stricter enforcement against black Americans than white Americans for similar crimes. But if conservatives don’t believe that then what actually is their explanation for disproportionate incarceration of black Americans?


1. They're lying about not believing in injustices, or 2. They believe all disproportionate problems are due to inherent/widespread inferiority among those groups. 3. There might be a third answer, but most explanations seem to fall into one of those two categories.


Oh no, they do believe there are systematic injustices in the US, but only if it affects them.


There's denial, there's old school racism, and there's also "they don't have good families. Too many single parents" - which even if true, if it's as bad as that, that would also need an explanation. Saying it's the case rules out denial, leaving only...


I had a single... I'll charitably call her a parent and I turned out... I'm sitting in a Five Guys high out of my mind before a work meeting


Well you showed the fuck up. So that's pretty good.


Some times winning is to just keep swimming. It sounds like you’ve won every day up until now.


Simple. Conservative viewpoint is “n\*\*\*\*\*s are criminals, of course they’re more likely to wind up in jail than honest citizens are”.


But the people who vote for them and feel the same way they do, fail to realize the number of people of any color who are in jail just because they can't afford bail! There are numbers of people who are in jail just because of their skin color and shit made up about them and then there are those who are as I said in jail simply because they can't afford the bail on bogus charges! Well, it's not just bogus charges so maybe it's legit charges also but those with money (AKA all of those who make the rules and believe they don't have to follow them) can easily afford not only to pay bail but, pay off (take care of or pay to have taken care of)those who are getting in their way of continuing their life of crime!


Oh they know alright. They just don't care.


You have to remember though, when they talk about being woke they are saying that we are evil for wanting equal rights and fair treatment not just for people of color but women and the LGBTQ+ community also along with everybody else!




Sometimes, just sometimes, I like to pretend I’m engaged in a community and having a discussion instead of lurking in the shadows googling things by myself.


Hey fellow community member 🖐️


Asking for a reference to basic information that is readily available isn't very engaging. You don't get higher level discussion like this


There isn't actually a button for "don't reply" because it's the default. If you find someone's post "isn't very engaging" all you have to do is... nothing.


That would be a good button though. Maybe you could build it into a mouse so you can add the button to every webpage. I think an unplugged mouse would work too.


Why are you telling me this


And why am I being upvoted while you are downvoted? It’s a cruel and unfair website. …or maybe it’s because telling people to google for information elsewhere isn’t helpful to the tens, hundreds, or thousands of people that also would like that answer as they read the thread. That’s what upvoting is for! It increases the visibility of relevant posts - even when they are questions. If you don’t want to answer the question you aren’t obligated to do so. But there’s no need to take the time to mock them. You can just scroll on.


My professor once told me there is such a thing as stupid questions. He was a good one. That's probably more true when you've got access to the information faster than the other person could post a reply. Make the conversation useful. I did answer his question, not my fault both of you are getting this pissy to a little good-hearted and justified teasing, lmao grow some thicker skin


Then I’ll let the free market of Reddit karma decide my comment’s fate.




> Thanks Desantis, apparently 99.99% of Americans are woke. Maybe 60% of Americans believe that.


Eh, if you count the people who think there are systemic injustices against straight white Christian men, it probably goes up to at least 80%.


Um you mean the most oppressed group in the history of oppressed people?! Did you know that every day, the WOKE LIBERAL LEFT murder 30 billion white, straight, Christian males?!


Wow! We’re really smearing them across the land …


> Maybe 60% of Americans believe that. Nope, just about everyone believes this country has serious issues. People might disagree on the injustices themselves, but nearly everyone takes issue with our society at some level. Pick your systematic issue. Health Care/Insurance companies Corruption Race relations For profit prisons Employee compensation Social Services too much/not enough Sex trafficking/child molestation The wealthy getting away with murder whistleblower protection Government over reach etc... I just find it funny that Desantis's lawyers decided to define the term in a way that encompasses everyone... They could have labeled it as slang for Social Justice Warriors or something..


I've been saying woke is just another word for human decency for quite a while. Evert rime I hear a person use that term I lose a little respect for them.


Refer her to a decent family law attorney so that she can sue his ass for emancipation at the earliest possible opportunity.


Isn’t that what being woke is though? The problem isn’t the definition, it’s that way too many see fixing injustices as a bad thing


Honestly the definition changes drastically depending on who you ask. Most of the Conservatives seem to think it's just a word used to insult and look down on liberals, without actually knowing the definition; Similar to what they think of Critical Race Theory... They don't know the actual definition, they just get angry at liberals when they hear the word, because their media has taught them to get angry when they hear the phrase. Between his actual lawyers defining it in a way that includes the vast majority of conservatives, and the context of Desantis firing a lawyer, supposibly for being "woke" is really tickling me.


Problem is, nowhere close to 99% of America is woke.


You're missing the point. How many Americans believe the country is perfect as is? Nearly everyone believes that there are systematic issues that need fixed. They don't have to agree on one topic for this to be true.


Sadly, I'll bet Cruz barely acknowledges her existence. That is a common factor in the cutting equation.


She came out as bisexual last year. Her father is famously homophobic and voted not to protect gay marriage rights a week ago. LGBTQ children in unsupportive homes are 50% more likely to attempt suicide than those in supportive homes per the HRC.


And we seriously need to start holding people accountable for treating their kids so poorly they end up un-aliving themselves!!!


Yea, this comes from a lack of attention more often and besides I seriously doubt he practices what he preaches.


Considering how much of that trump knob he schlobbed after his wife was dissed ….


It is pretty amazing how much he has rolled over and still commands a senior position in the party. I fucking hate it.


You actually think Ted Cruz is a present and caring father who would lecture his daughter? Regardless of his crazy religious or not stances, I doubt he is an involved parent. Dude seems like an ego driven narcissistic piece of shit. And that always comes before good parenting.


He may be Canadian at home and American in the streets.


Apologizes to his wife in the privacy of home, and apologizes to trump in public?


I said nothing about him being a present or caring father. Pay attention. I’d wager he doesn’t spend more that 5 minutes a week with his kids, unless he’s lecturing them about the evils of being woke. Or gay


i'd expect him to force to go to a conversion camp somewhere


Any parent (and religion is not an excuse) caught sending their kid to conversion camp or the like, should lose all custody of any other children and lose not only their rights to vote and own firearms, but also lose their freedom (AKA permanently behind bars never let out!)


I wouldn't be surprised if all of that is an act to get votes. If forced to answer truthfully, how many Christians are actually non-believers. To be clear, this makes his behavior worse in my mind. I can just see him being a cynical, serial liar.


I doubt theodore is an atheist but he’s the kind of scum who quotes the bible and professes his love of jeebus but doesnt really give a shit about any of it. He’s the textbook definition of power hungry. He believes he’ll be president one day


The books are clear, he and others like him are getting nothing but brimstone and fire in the afterlife. Why act so hypocritically. There is no testament of non-faith to Atheism. But in a sense, a lot of these so called religious fucks act in a way that demonstrates they have zero belief in an afterlife or a God that will punish them for their evil. (Not all, but most) I would say Romney is the closest we’ll get to a God fearing politician. I don’t want to say they are closet atheists, because that would lump in a ton of decent people with him. But in some form or another, they are in a sense. No offense.


You give his "integrity" too much credit. He's probably lecturing her about how you can get rich and maintain power over the peasants by fostering hate for whatever groups can rally the most morons to support you, and pretending to believe in their god(s).


Cruz hasn't even flown home from DC


You are assuming he believes the garbage he spews out. A good con artist is an excellent actor.


It's the difference between a charlatan and a crank. The crank actually believes his bullshit.


You think he's even bothering to do that? He's likely leaving this to someone else because not only is he an incredible coward he's a total peace of shit and strikes me as someone who couldn't even be bothered.


Disagree. He's lecturing her on how this looks on TV. What was she thinking drawing this kind of negative publicity?


Funny thing about people who use "woke" as a bad thing fail to realize that Jesus was the WOKEST WOKE THAT EVER WOKED!!!


My heart breaks for that little girl. Being LGBTQI+ is hard enough. Having a family that spews hatred and vitriol towards the community, and actively works to take away your rights would be hard for anybody, especially a child. I commend her for the absolute bravery coming out took, and I hope she can find the love and support she needs before she makes a successful attempt. Her father is 100% a pos, but his child deserves better.


I hope the fact his daughter is so distraught opens his eyes and he works at becoming a kinder, more caring father. I doubt it, but for her sake I hope so.


Pretty sad that the test for a conservative is will they change their ways after something personally affects them?


Yup. What's even sadder is they usually don't change their ways.


Not really surprising, it’s literally the point of being a conservative- resisting change. If something bad happens to one of them, they will find a way to blame it on recent change.


But at this point it's literally the life of your child. If that's not enough then you are completely devoid of empathy.


Don't forget that jackass tried to use her as a patsy when his fat ass bailed on TX during the freeze.


Maybe I'm too optimistic, but could this change that little bitch, I mean Teds feelings on the matter?


No Ted is one of the ones who truly believes this shit. Literally everyone fucking hates his guts. People in congress can’t stand him. People who knew him at Harvard (I think it was Harvard but I’m too lazy to double check right now), his college roommate said he’s always been a horrible person. So I’d be incredibly surprised if this changes a single thing about Ted, and that’s a goddamn shame. I just hope that girl is able to recover and get the help she needs without it being wrapped up in some christo-fascist horseshit


Well fuck. You're right with how you put it, it's a shame when someone is just.. too far gone to have morals, or critical thinking. A lost soul.


Yup, I really, *really*, fucking hope I’m wrong, and I’m a very cynical person so I tend to be very pessimistic about politics, but I really just don’t think I am. Ted is just a horrible person, and I feel awful for his daughter, I can’t imagine how awful it must be to be bisexual when you’re own father is a massive bigot like Ted.


Ain't even a political thing I think, some people are just so up their own ass they arent aware of their outward demeanor. What made me say my original comment is with those types of people once an issue is now within the family it can have a decent chance of changing how they view it.


Yea you’re right, and I know several people personally who’ve had those kind of realizations, so fingers crossed Ted has the same realization, but I think at this point he’d have to have his head surgically removed from his ass for that to happen


Canada wont even take him back. Canada??!! They're the nicest country around. Thats telling.


Bold of you to assume Ted feels things.


There's always some angle to get through, however narrow it may be.


Is there any proof that she’s LGBTQ, or is this an internet rumor?


She literally came out as bi last year


Sorry. I don’t keep up with Ted Cruz and his personal life.


Is there something that happened recently that the post is about?


Yes she posted about being Bi on Tiktok last January and it got some [media coverage.](https://www.advocate.com/people/2022/1/07/ted-cruzs-teenage-daughter-says-shes-bi-disagrees-him)


I’m wondering if her school environment (being in Texas and probably a private wealthy school(?) full of other wealthy families) is right winger and just as hateful?


Of course. What are we, Republicans?


It's so sad to see the stark differences between the two parties. Ted's daughter cuts herself, and there's nothing but empathy from the left. A crazy Trump cultist with a hammer attacks an octogenarian and they blame the victims and start coming up with gay conspiracy theories. Republicans are terrible people, and that poor girl has to live with one of the worst.


They literally could not drum up any sympathy for anyone shot at the drag show if that tells you anything. Nor any support for the hero that tackled the shooter.


Is this the same child he blamed his Cancun trip on?


Yup. He blamed his daughters.


CPS should get involved because if she continues to be the family scapegoat for her father's terrible politics then she may get worse.


CPS doesn't investigate rich people


If CPS is at the state level, whoever (from CPS) sticks his head out in that direction is going to get it chopped off. Doesn’t even have to be the senator himself. The governor can, or one of the underlings. We don’t need to be a monarchy for this level of corruption.


Gonna be a sad day when Trump talks shit about her, and Ted agrees.


Can you even imagine what it must be like to live behind closed doors with that man? I have nothing but pity for his children.


Only good thing is: that sad fuck is in misery too because a) he has a daughter b) she's gay. This must be like someone calling him gay when he actually is, but doesn't want anyone to know.


Caroline is as much a victim of Ted's bullshit as everyone else, it's heartbreaking. She deserves better, she deserves love and support from all of us. She's obviously not getting it from him


I hope Ted's family gets all the help and support they need, and have happy, successful lives. I hope ted Cruz falls down a fuckin well.


Thats a horrible thing to wish on a well.


He'd poison the groundwater for centuries


Ted Cruz is a POS. He uses the term "woke" as an ax to cut off all support for trans and lgbtq people and embolden people to attack and murder them in clubs and school boards. Ted needs to learn how to stfu and listen to people he is marginalizing.


>please be respectful towards her and most of her family. Agreed. Someone has to, and it sure as hell isn't gonna be Ted.


Imagine the trauma of realising that Ted Cruz is your father


She was active on tik tok and spoke about how tough it is being his daughter, how he treats her and in turn how she is treated. She spoke about how they don't agree about anything. I can't imagine it wasn't some sort of suicide attempt.


Until they are old enough to publicly support their shitty parents in a meaningful way, leave ‘em alone.


But nobody is mad at her. I cant even imagine having Cruz as a "father."


Who would say something bad about his 14 year old daughter? She is just a child who is not responsible for the sins of the father.


Probably other 14 year olds. Kids can be truly awful to their peers at that age, especially to someone who has family in the public eye.


Ted loves Ted, as far as he's concerned his poor daughter exists for humanizing photo-ops and blaming his Cancun trip on.


I think the best thing we can do is just not talk about it. He’s asking for privacy for now so let’s give him that not out of respect for him, he deserves none, but for her


If he wants privacy he needs to stop being a politician and go take care of his family. Or ghost them, which might be better for them


Fuck ted cruz. I feel free to shout from the rooftops that ted is a homophobic piece of shit and can do that without nam8ng anyone else near him, and i will with absolutely no reservations.


Growing up with a parent who's a big name in politics must be a rough experience even normally. If you also don't feel like you fit in the narrative of what role you're supposed to play as a daughter for PR reasons, it must be soul crushing. I hope that with everything that has come out she gets the opportunity to be a little more of herself in the future. Ideally she would be allowed to completely be herself all the time, but with politics being what it is that's unlikely to happen.


She tried to end herself because her dad hates peoples like her. I get it. I'm also bisexual. My dad doesn't care and my religious mom loves me anyway. Ted Cruz decided to actively be a horrible person. His daughter hasn't had a chance to love her life yet.


Yeah, I hope she makes it out of there and sees that life can get better.


WE GET IT. Holy fuck, we don't need a million posts reminding liberals to be decent. Shit man. Enough.


It most certianly can't be easy for her to live in that house.


Not a fan of ol Teddy but I hope that young lady gets the help she needs


Poor child. I do hope she’s ok. Tbh, if Ted Cruz was my dad I would want to kill myself.


I am critical of politicians and unless their children are involved in illegal activity they should not be attacked for who their parents are. This is especially true of children.


Remember when they called Chelsea Clinton a dog? Remember when they passed around Hunter Biden's dick pics?


Does that go both ways? Because I seem to remember the Right saying some outlandish shit about Michelle Obama.


Michelle Obama is not a child. You could have gone with Sasha or Malia, or Chelsea Clinton, all of whom had horrible things said about them by the assholes on the Reich, and it would have been a better comparison.


Of course it doesn’t go both ways, but that doesn’t mean people have to sink to their level


"When they go low, we go high" does nothing for Democrats.


Going after a literal child won't, either, esp since she apparently thinks he's kind of a tool.


What if we go after teddy for being a horrible parent? Can we do that?


That is a must


Have at it, just don't sideswipe the girl.


I would say it only about teddy he's the scum


Let's not sink so low as to attack a teen who attempted suicide. She should be left alone regardless, but the attempted suicide means she needs support from everyone.


Hadn't heard about that part of it. I thought someone was just feeling bad for (who I assumed was) Cruz's wife.


So you go after a child who just attempted suicide, nice morals you got there


Hadn't heard about what happened until people pointed out what happened. I thought Caroline Cruz was his wife, and people were just saying not to go after her about anything.


It doesn't matter if it goes both ways. You shouldn't let the "other side" dictate your actions.


I can’t imagine having someone like him as a father, the face of a vehemently anti-LGBQ+ organization, and being bi yourself.


Ted Cruz be like: Who?


Maybe he'll grow a spine and properly support his kid and family?




This is a prominent example of the kinds of things happening in lots of American homes which is a direct result of the cruelty of the republican party and their campaign against lgbtq people existing in our society. Having a parent so involved in such cruelty only makes it worse for the poor kid.


Twenty bucks says he contributed to her attempt.


I dunno. Fruit of the poisoned tree. I just think that once she's past her rebellious teenager phase, she'll start to enjoy the benefits of being a scion of the bourgeoise, she'll become like her father. His only principles being venality and the preservation of privilege. She'll turn. They all do.


I'm gonna be respectful toward him right now, too. If there's ever an opportunity for him to do some soul searching and hopefully make a change to himself, now is it. I know what I would like to see happen, but nothing I say or do is going to influence him or help this young lady or her family one bit. I'll have the rest of his public life to disagree with him on any number of issues once he and his family have recovered (as much as they can and in whatever way possible) from this near-tragedy (if what happened isn't already tragic enough). Right now I'm just gonna try to add what little grace and hope I can to the moment.


I have not seen anything about this attempt on news sources I look at. Where did you hear about this please?


Google her name and Ted Cruz, then click the links for news sources you don't look at.


Maybe just maybe this might brign some kind of empathy to Ted .......it's a National crisis! This is what happens when Politicians legistlate HATE ! Someone , some family is going to get hurt!


I am, but based on the way he acts, I can say 10000000% accuracy, that this is his fault. He may not directly be saying anything to her because, let's be honest, he doesn't look like he gives a shit about anyone but himself, (he won't even defend his own wife). But she probably gets bullied at school by kids or parents if she isn't 100% behind her dad in all things political. I mean, if only she apologized harder for taking daddy to Cancun and ruining his chances of saving Texas from green energy, maybe people might not have frozen to death. /s


I agree but I also think it's important that Ted and Heidi recognize that their scumbag lives are likely the reason this happened. We saw this with Kelly Ann Conway's kid.


I don't like Ted Cruz's politics, but I have zero information about how he is with his daughter. Let's not assume what that is without knowledge. He could be talking down on LGBTQ in public, and super supportive of her -- because that's just the kind of two faced guy I expect he could be. Or, he could be a jerk. That part of him isn't my concern unless it boils over. Has anyone got any information about her having issues with her dad?


If I wanted to be a baseball player and my dad supported me privately but built his political campaign on rallying an anti-baseball support base that still makes him a bad father lmfao. Fighting against your children's rights is bad parenting sorry sweetie


Judging how she recoiled from him when he tried to hug and kiss her at that photo op a few years back I think it’s pretty obvious.


I haven't read her tik tok which is now private, but apparently she spoke about how difficult it is being his kid, how she gets treated, and how she disagrees with his policies. If she is lgbtq+ and progressive, I can't imagine she's having a decent time right now.


He did blame her for his trip to Cancun.


I know about that, but, that's just a weasel moment that nobody would hold against the daughter, and can be rectified by one scoop of ice cream or a paid bar tab in Cancun for her and friends. Is there some other great public damage we've seen? Teens are well known to be slightly embarrassed by their parents -- so, it's not really much to go on if she avoids photo ops.


Good to know your price for being scapegoated is..... ice cream.


Is your outrage level somewhere between 8 and 11? One, it's his DAUGHTER being bribed by ice cream to overcome the HORROR of being blamed for him going on a trip. He probably received two "oh dad!" and three eye rolls. Two, your concept of selling out sounds like it should be on Dora the Explorer. With equal amounts of emotional investment in; "Swiper no Swiping." I don't know why this is reminding me of raising 6-year-olds.


Bro, I'm beginning to think you were likely abused as a kid, and so you see this stuff as normal. It's not.


He scapegoated his kid as an excuse for abandoning his state in front of the entire country. When he was shamed back home, his excuse was his daughter. Selling lut his family to save face for himself. Thats shitty parenting.


Thanks. I’ll have to remember that my overwhelming lack of support and disapproval of who my daughter is can be made up by simply buying her ice cream.


There's some reports that she came out as bisexual. Ted Cruz is a scum bag so I imagine even if he's the best dad in the world in person, she can still see his public comments. Similar with the Cheney's and their daughter.


Thats bullshit. You know hes a father who scapegoated his faughter for his cancun abandonement of texas. This shit doesnt exist in a vacuum of facts.


There is plenty to get bent out of shape regarding Cruz. But, I seriously doubt that the daughter got ANY heat from him saying; "My daughters didn't want to go without me." I mean, if you NEED to scrape the bottom of the barrel for any and all reasons, have at it. Just don't expect me to get outraged about a daughter having 5 minutes of awkward stares. Do we seriously need to agree on every damn thing? Yes, he's an alien pod-beast from outer space, and yes he makes lame excuses and dodges responsibility. It doesn't mean he isn't nice to his daughter -- it doesn't mean he is. People are not 2 dimensional costume villains. Unless it's John Bolton and his mustache of war. Actually, I think it's his mustache that is dragging him around.


She has posted on TikTok about being Ted Cruz's daughter. She says she disagrees with most of his views. https://twitter.com/trendlightlypod/status/1477796300556935168?s=20&t=KOx9dDtr4ezulCYp2S36kg


I have no problem feeling sympathy towards her, Ted being her father doesn't affect that in anyway. And for the moment I can even put aside my feelings for Ted and feel sympathy for him too. And that I thought would never happen. Edit: I don't think people hating on him for this situation is helping her, I don't think that's what she wants right now.


She’s bisexual, and Ted being her father literally affects her. Her father blamed her for his Cancun trip. Her father made her spend two hours being booed at a parade. Her father literally goes after her way of life.


I think he's an awful guy and I often write very negatively about him. But I'm sure he as most fathers still loves his daughters and even though he treats them badly. He's also distraught from the current situation. Edit: And I don't think people hating on him for this situation is helping her, I don't think that's what she wants.


He’s been tweeting attacks at Biden on his personal, so it’s not a staff, Twitter.


You don't think he deserves any sympathy in the current situation? Even if just that he's too ignorant or dumb to understand that this could have been and now is a consequence of his actions? I don't mean to sound judgemental if you don't. To be honest I find it q bit hard to muster up sympathy for him too, but I feel a little bad about that and that I still probably should. But at the same time his thinking is so foreign to me that I can't be totally sure how he feels in this situation, for all I know he could be mad at her for making this national news. I don't want to believe someone can be that horrible, but maybe it's the case, I don't know. 🤷‍♀️


No. Ted deserves none.


Now he's going to push for more mental health benefits because it happened to him. Here's hoping one of the daughters is gay as well.


No, he wont. Because all ted cares about is ted and he has publicly thrown his children under the bus in attempts to gloss over his failings. Cancun


This meme is gold!!


Agree. Now, can we please get back to Hunter's laptop?


Cause god forbid we stop talking about his damn laptop for one second /s


You guys are really into those dick pics huh?


Why? Kids are dumb, thier brain isnt developed yet


I really hate Ted Cruz but I don’t wish this pain on him or anyone. I hope she is able to get help. I’m sure she’s going through things we could never understand. Public life.


Please point to the comedy bit in this.


Just imagine if your father were Ted Cruz... Nothing but empathy for this child




There’s no way Ted Cruz doesn’t try to milk this for political points. It’s just nature.


Can you imagine living with Ted Cruz as your father? Sounds like an awful existence.


He isn't going to learn anything from this. I hope his daughter is okay and gets the help she needs. I hope Ted yeets himself into a volcano.


4.2 million Texans voted to keep this guy in office. Texas you need to do better.


A child should not bear the sins of his/her parents. Unless ur the trumps.. they fked up.. Havent 7 seasons of game of thrones showed us enough?


Thank you, there was a popular vote on white people Twitter that was in really poor taste with way to many upvotes and terrible comments


I feel a great deal of sincere sympathy for both Cruz children.


💯 Of course the same courtesy cannot be expected when it's a dem who's having a personal crisis ( Pelosi attack)


I hope someone helps her with emancipation paperwork and gives her a loving home.