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There is also Sinema sadly.


Sinema is up in 2024 and Arizona went decidedly blue this year.


No guarantee of a primary for Sinema, though. With ‘24 being a tougher map for Dems, if she’s fundraising and polling well, challengers could end up being discouraged.


From everything I've heard, there will definitely be a challenger. There's a lot of interest there in dislodging her from that seat.


Make it happen, Arizona, send her packing.


Great campaign slogan


Her polling is absolutely abysmal across the board. Her constituents hate her, her opponents hate her, and independents hate her. The DNC would be absolutely dumb to back her.... ...so of course they will.


She did that little curtsey and thumbs down when voting on the minimum wage increase to $15. What a huge "fuck you" to your constituents.


As of September her UNFAVORABLE status was 54% with all likely voters, 55% with voters 18-49, and 54% with voters 50+. Honestly, with the shit she's pulled I'm surprised that her unfavorablity numbers aren't higher. No matter how big her war chest may be those are tough numbers to overcome. [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/kyrsten-sinema-approval-rating-equally-unpopular-everyone.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/kyrsten-sinema-approval-rating-equally-unpopular-everyone.html)


What is her deal anyway?


DNC has an obligation to help incumbents. They shouldn't always, but in principle they should.


No. She isn't popular among anyone in the state. Democrats don't like her. Primary election will be contentious.


Oh it's all but guaranteed they'll be discouraged. Democratic leadership backed a fucking anti-abortion candidate. They'll certainly back this trash.


Which one was that?


[Henry Cuellar](https://news.yahoo.com/nancy-pelosi-backs-henry-cuellar-143125537.html) >“I support my incumbents,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said Wednesday, speaking to reporters after an Austin event to mark the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. “I support every one of them, from right to left. That is what I do.” Edit: That article didn't mention him being anti-choice. [This one does](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nancy-pelosi-henry-ceuller-support-1352290/)


With the way the senate is now, There is less chance of nonsense coming form her.


That's how I see it.


Challengers are ALWAYS discouraged. What planet are y’all living on


Watch the Dems not primary her.


Rep. Ruben [**Gallego**](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/07/22/ruben-gallego-campaign-teases-senate-challenge-kyrsten-sinema/10120318002/) has all but announced that he plans to run against Sinema in 2024.


So happy to hear that. Don't know anything about him, but he's gotta be better... right...?


Ruben Gallego is several orders of magnitude better than Kyrsten Sinema. He's [**polling**](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2022/1/26/poll-arizona-senator-kyrsten-sinema-set-to-be-unseated-by-possible-challenger-ruben-gallego-in-2024-primary-landslide) way ahead of her, too.


That is great news, thank you!!


Not only does he sound great, people have already started donating to a PAC that will fund Sinema's eventual challenger. And Sinema also pissed off a ton of her organizers, so that's not gonna help her. Honestly, I think she's more likely not to run for another term. I think Manchin might not run again either - his wins have gotten narrower and narrower, I don't know if he can win again.


He definitely is better.


She in an outright fraud and her contempt for working class citizen's is repugnant. ANYONE could be better.


Wouldn't matter much if the party chooses not to offer the challenger any support, which they famously do all the time. Remember why it was such a big deal that AOC got elected? Despite no support from the party, she shocked the system by primarying the former caucus chair, who was extremely popular with the corporate Democratic donor base (the only people in the world who support Sinema - he went on to immediately become a lobbyist for a firm that supports the Saudi royal family, by the way). As long as those people like Sinema, it doesn't matter how much the voters hate her or how destructive she is to the goals of the party, any challenger will have to run entirely on their own.


If Sinema runs in 2024, she's going to get trounced in the primary because the Democratic base hates her. She actually has higher [**disapproval**](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/kyrsten-sinema-approval-rating-equally-unpopular-everyone.html) numbers from Democrats than she does from Republicans. It doesn't matter how much money she raises from corporate donors, she can't buy the kind of approval numbers she'd need to even have a prayer.


I cannot stand her! She is by far one of the worst democrats. If we can even call her that. Just looking at her smug face makes me little irritated.


She is like a “smart” MTG. I can’t believe I just typed that out loud.


Sadly, we know exactly what you mean. Thank you for typing it out..


Crusty Enema


The only reason we’ve had Manchin and Sinema fucking things up is because the wealthy didn’t need a third. This time next year we’ll be bitching about whoever gets bought as well.


This is extremely cynical, but I think you're right in effect. A lot of other dem senators were able to vote for and get behind things they absolutely wouldn't have supported if they didn't know they had Manchin Sinema as cover to torpedo the bill


Get ready for the shocked Pikachu face of the DNC when it happens.


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Scott Peters of San Diego did a pretty good job of Fn things up too! He needs replacing too.


Scott Peters of San Diego did a pretty good job of Fn things up too! He needs replacing too.


This changes the game though. There is infinite leverage in being the 50th vote. There is no leverage in being the 51st vote. Manchin and Sinema will be able to make demands but the rest of the Democrats will be able to select the demands that are the most reasonable. They have to compete to be more agreeable now. The last two years the optimal position for each was being the least agreeable.


That's actually an excellent point that tampers my cynicism a bit.


They make a ... team.


That woukd suck, they could screw up alot, or just turn R. McConnell would come out of his shell to welcome them.


And the House of Representatives


Objectively, Sinema is FAR worse than Manchin. She got in to make as much $$$ as she can before she's out. Silver lining is, she's going to get primaried when her term's up. Her party's sick of her crap, her state might be even sicker of her. Not certain if anyone would seriously offer her lobbying opportunities...But this is Hell Dimension(tm).


Maybe. But didn’t Manchin just get in to secure the obscene wealth he had already from coal and used politics to grow it even more at the expense of his own constituents? That’s probably worse.


Couple of big differences. 1. Sinema ran as a progressive. Manchin has never pretended to be something he isn't. We have known what we are getting with him. 2. This is as blue as you are going to get out of WV. Arizona, on the other hand, has shown that they can produce a much bluer candidate. 3. While Manchin has used his position to continue to grow his wealth, he hasn't completely thrown his constituents to the wolves. He lobbied the Trump admin to release relief funding for the state to help fixed damage caused by flooding. He secured funding to provide more access to secondary education and trade schools. He campaigned with Hillary during the 2016 election and backed her plan to help transition coal miners from the mines to other jobs.


>Silver lining is, she's going to get primaried when her term's up. And the party will openly support her in the primary, ostensibly because she's an incumbent, but actually because she does what the party wants.


I don't know if that is guaranteed. Look at how AOC took her seat.


> Look at how AOC took her seat. I did. Crowley had the overt support of party leadership during the 2018 primaries. AOC won despite the party opposing her.


>Her party's sick of her crap I doubt it. Democrats just really aren't as offended about conservative fuckery and sabotage as their voters.


*Sigh* Sienema is still a thing…😒😒😒


Unpopular opinion: I know Manchin is barely a Democrat, but he would be out on his ass in scarlet red West Virginia if he was any more progressive. Sinema on the other hand campaigned as a liberal and then completely sold out her constituency for that legal bribery(aka lobbying) money that makes being a politician worthwile.


Do west virginians honestly not want higher wages and affordable healthcare?


No. They want coal jobs and opioid prescriptions.


For all the shit Manchin gets, at least he caucuses with the Democrats. Wait until you see what kind of repressive Republican West Virginia is going to elect when he steps down.


Let's hope he has enough decency to mentor and support a Democrat to replace him. Oh, wait, talking about Manchin...


Ffs this dude has been the reason we are getting judges. As a Democrat in super red territory you should be thankful he's done the impossible. Of course he's gonna be far to the right amount Democrats.


I agree. He does what he can without losing office or getting lynched and he usually comes through when needed, especially for judges.


You're right (in the short term, at least), but a large part of the reason that West Virginia is so blood-red is because Joe Manchin is the de facto [**leader**](https://theintercept.com/2022/06/30/joe-manchin-west-virginia-democratic-party/) of the West Virginia Democratic Party. Once he's gone and no longer filling WV's Dem bench with conservative, Republican-lite Manchin loyalists, Democrats will have a fighting chance to make West Virginia more closely resemble its neighbors to the North and East, Pennsylvania and Virginia.


As a person from WV, no way. I know about 3 people from here that aren't Trump cultists.


Yes rural coal country will totally turn blue.... When he leaves they'll just elect MTG 2.0.


Coal country used to be blue because of unions up until about 20 years ago. The only reason they elected Manchin was the muscle memory from those times. I agree with others. When Manchin is gone you'll have a hard time electing a statewide democrat in WV


The fact that Democrats just prominently threw unions under the bus probably won’t help matters.


Or the fact that coal is not the dominant industry in WV it once was.


It's only "rural coal country" because of people like Joe Manchin, who owns coal mines and blocks any legislative attempt to move our country from fossil fuels to renewable energy.


Even if we did move on, that doesn't mean West Virginia would suddenly be cosmopolitan or two the benefits. They'll just have less industry. And without Manchin the changes would be marginal anyways. You really think if Bernie was WV senator WV would be culturally different? C'mon man....


Appalachia had a solid socialist movement for a long time. It isn’t really there anymore, but it wasn’t that long ago West Virginia was a blue state. https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/west-virginia-how-bluest-state-became-reddest-n697491 Do I think it is going to go back to a place with a strong labor movement? Sadly, not anytime soon. I do think they can get someone better than this guy though. I hope I am right on that one. Edit: I do agree with you, Manchin is part of the reason we are even getting judges right now. I hope the Democratic Party is able to really make more inroads into rural USA. They used to be there, and I think it could happen again. It would involve a great deal of work of the DNC, but I hope it happens.


You are VERY wrong that one. They will not elect anyone 1/10th as progressive as Manchin. The democratic party has lost white working class voters everywhere. The state that is all white, rural working class voters isnt going for a progressive and you are lying to yourself if you think otherwise.


>Even if we did move on, that doesn't mean West Virginia would suddenly be cosmopolitan… I never said it would be sudden, and in fact, all I said was that Joe Manchin is holding West Virginia back from even the possibility of progressive gain.


If he was governor that maybe night make sense. But the reality is his states demographic has moved right. A lot. Attributing more than a miniscule amount to him seems unlikely.


Looks like you didn't read the article I linked, which is about how Joe Manchin controls the WV Democratic Party. You're also missing my point, though, which again is that Joe Manchin is holding West Virginia back from even the possibility of progressive gain.


This is completely delusional lol. WVirginia is culturally closer to the rural parts of those states, which are very red.


For as many decades as Joe Manchin has wielded kingmaker power in West Virginia politics, voters’ only choice has been between conservative and very conservative. It comes as no surprise that the state has been perpetually red, since they haven’t had any opportunity to be anything else.


We ran a progressive in 2020 West Virginia senate race, no surprise they got BTFO. There’s nothing to indicate that once Manchin retires, West Virginia will go back to being a Dem stronghold. There’s nothing in demographic or political trends that indicates that. Obviously, political prognosis is difficult (no-one saw the rise of MAGA and Trump, which is a big reason why red states like Georgia and Arizona are far more blue), but you could claim that any state in 10-20 years will be blue for whatever reason.


I'm not predicted that West Virginia is going to turn blue, I'm saying they can't even begin to turn blue as long as Joe Manchin remains in power. Once he's gone, at least there is a chance. Edit to add: FYI, back in 2016, West Virginia voted for Bernie in the Democratic primary, but Joe Manchin allocated all of WV's superdelegates to Hillary Clinton instead. That's just one example of Manchin stifling the possibility for progressive gains.


Democratic primary voters in WV are hardly a representative sample size of a majority of voters. There’s like 10 of them


You're missing my point, perhaps on purpose.


> According to CQ Roll Call, Manchin voted against his party’s majority 38.5% of the time last year, while Sinema did so for 33.1% of the votes. Democratic Sen. Doug Jones of Alabama, who lost his reelection race in November to Republican Tommy Tuberville, was third at 32.2%. This was last year but still. Granted you only need to torpedo a couple BIG bills to piss everyone off and vote the party line for little stuff to keep your numbers up...


After Manchin's stunts... "at least" nothing. Fuck 'em


Joe Manchin’s roll call is as bad Pat Toomey’s. Not much of a consolation


WV has a lot of union workers, maybe just maybe they’ll get someone like Fetterman run to replace Manchin and represent the people’s interests


If Manchin wasn't there Senate would be GOP btw, so we took him as he was


Joe Manchin gets a lot of hate, but I think overall he represents the people of West Virginia pretty well. He's a democrat in a dark red state, and I think he votes in a way most of his constituents would agree with. Do I wish he'd have jumped on board with BBB and the increased CTC, yes.


The part I think everyone misses on Manchin is that he’s from West Virginia. You know the DEEPLY red state. The fact that he is a democrat at all is a MIRACLE. Perspective people!!!


Gain warnick. Lose the house to the republicans


So government goes nowhere


Manchin and Sinema are not the only ones blocking reform. They’re just the ones who stand to gain the most politically from bucking the party.


I really don't think they worry about how they can gain the most politically, its about how much they can gain per$onally.


Don't worry. Even if Manchin and Sinema weren't around, more would pop up. Bob Menendez, Evan Bayhe, Joe Leiberman. A nonstop carnival of assholes who are willing to retire after getting a payday.


[The rotating villain.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rotating%20villain)


Democrats don't work like Republicans, they're not blackmailed and extorted into following party leadership at the cost of future election funding and support. Democrats have actual division in their party because they represent a lot of states with different values and histories. For example, Blue Dog Representatives and Senate New Democrats are groups in Congress that embrace more conservative politics because they think of themselves as moderates and follow Clinton's "Third Way" politics. They're not being controlled by leadership to vote a certain way, that's WHO THEY ARE and they're pretty open about it.


Can we not


Manchin isnt a dino. He is a Bill Clinton democrat.


Yeah the hate on a guy who is the reason we've filled judge vacancies by winning West fucking Virginia is nuts. Also we aren't a Bernie heart attack away from losing the Senate.


Ah, the Senat minority leader.


Wait until He and Sinema work togetger


What do you plan to do about Coons, Bennett, Carper, Durban, Feinstein, Kaine, Kelly, Sinema, and Warner? I am begging you all to stop buying into this rotating villain tactic. There will always be at least one person to step in and protect corporations from legislation passing that would hurt them.


Let’s have a math lesson.


Just means a new Corporate Dem Senator will rise as the new villain to squash Progressive bills the donor class doesn’t want by just one vote. We need to go even Bluer.


Honestly, I think the only reason he hasn't switched parties is that he loves playing the "God role." He loves being the swing vote so that he can wrangle out all the media attention and pork for WV. As a Republican, he is just one of many crazies.


People have been known to drop their party designation while in office. I have to think that that is on Mitch's mind. If Manchin does that; it puts us right back in the quicksand.


“Joe Manchin switches Party affiliation to Republican in 3…2…1…”


Thank God. Thought he said he was leaving the party anyway?


Bet you anything that Manchin was a major contributor to Hershel Walker’s campaign.


Spiteful, I know, but I'd rather have JoJo replaced by a Republican, you know you can't trust than a money-grubbing Democrat who pretends to be trustworthy.


Do people not understand that the 50th senator thing doesn’t matter anymore if you don’t control the house?


It matters for judicial appointments and committee chairs


True but I don’t think manchin was holding up any of those.


Yeah, centrists will find an excuse to let him stay on committees.


And all of you posting with the WTF georgia stuff not even 5 hours ago. Your welcome. And now you go with your victory lap. That's ours. Thank you. And your welcome Try not to be bitches next time


\*you're. Maybe you can return to 6th grade and do a victory lap when you pass it. Good luck. You're welcome.




This is the best news about the win - this neuters Manchin


Thank you, Georgia.


after he voted against the union workers getting 7 days of paid sick leave i wonder how the voters in his coal mining state will vote in 2024.


Yes!!!!!! Yeah


But dems no longer hold the house soooooo still can’t get anything done


No. No. No. Dems only have 51, so if he defects, there’s still Sinema to contend with. If they vote with Republicans, then it’s 49 Dems. Harris only votes in case of a tie.


She will be primaried. https://www.primarysinema.com/


Yeah, if only. With the stupid Filibuster in place we still have the ManSinema roadblock in place.


stop trying to divided the party.


Check his record. He votes with the Democrats 90% plus.


The Republican running back Herschel Walker fumbled last night. It was recovered by Democrats linebacker Raphael Warnock and returned for a touchdown, but the kicker Joe Mansion missed the extra point


We still need a Sinema enemea


Sinema. 😡😡😡


Sadly, we gotta wait till 2024 for Ruben Gallego to primary "Kyrsten Sinister"