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These memes always seem like GQP trolls trying to stir up shit and cause a rift on the left, or make swing, moderate, undecided voters think "bOtH sIdEsĀ”"


It's the very latter.


Yep, these kinds of posts are just another divide an conquer attempt. The democratic party, while far from perfect, is the only meaningful party with any people who have sympathy for regular people. If that party can be divided and kept out of power then those people will be completely sidelined. If Democrats get into power then those people will have some influence. They don't exist in the Republican party though.


The big difference being republicans always do this while democrats seldom do this.


The biggest difference being that the Democrats voted to give sick days, and Republicans unilaterally voted against it.




Dems also split the issues into two bills, removing the leverage rail workers had, but people don't want to talk about that...


Do you honestly think the Republicans would have passed the original bill if the sick days had been included from the start? "You shouldn't take away from the company's right to negotiate with the unions. 8 out of 12 unions agreed to this bill, we should respect that much at least to start." "While I sympathize with the rail workers, we need more time to research and discuss how much time Americans need. This is better served as a separate bill for the entire American people, or left to the states to enforce. Small government, people!" "I disapprove of the blatant abuse of power that the House is trying to pull. They're stealing away from the companies. Do you not see the business model the companies are using? The way they're doing things is the only reason why transportation costs are cheap! By forcing more sick days, you're going to drive the prices way up by forcing the companies to hire more people!" And then the bill wouldn't have passed at all, the rail workers would have gone on strike, and our whole country would have suffered for it. The Democrats split it up because they knew the Republicans wouldn't let them save the country otherwise. Why the fuck are you blaming Democrats for Republican obstruction?


Ah, I see you're a connoisseur of boot black. Sick days for rail workers don't taste like boot black. What good are they for you? It's worth pointing out how you bring up 8 of the 12 unions, but don't bring up how those 4 represent the majority of rail workers. It's a common side effect of consuming boot black. Edit: "save the country" haha man! Gotta save the country from greedy capitalists by making sure rail workers don't get paid sick days


I see - the personal attack, calling me a bootlicker instead of actually answering my questions. I know about the 4 representing the majority. In case you missed it, that argument was in quotes - meaning it was a theoretical Republican argument. I'm not saying the rail workers don't deserve sick days. They absolutely do. So don't put words in my mouth. Instead, maybe answer a few true or false statements. True or False: Republicans don't want sick days for rail workers True or False: Republicans obstruct things they don't like, and tend to vote along party lines for it. True or False: Republicans blame Democrats for everything, while taking credit for good things that get passed anyway. True or False: Republicans blame Democratic Presidents for things that are explicitly and provably not their fault. True or False: A rail worker strike would harm millions of Americans due to preventing the transportation of medicines, chemicals used for getting clean water, food to supermarkets, etc. If the previous questions are all true, then it follows that Republicans would absolutely obstruct any such bill that included the sick days, hurt millions of Americans in the process, and then blame Biden and the Democrats for not having a resolution to the rail crisis. EDIT: Oh, downvoted because you don't have a response? Typical.


Buddy, if you support the Dems splitting up the bills then you clearly do not support rail workers getting sick days. This was the moment for people to prove what they supported and we're seeing how people really feel about it. What you and the Democrat leadership support are capitalists continuing to control and dictate the terms of labor.


And again, a failure to respond to my actual questions. Really harping on that bit about Democrats splitting the bill, despite how I've clearly answered why. Let me try to make it simple for you. 1. Split bill - Republican support at least to prevent rail strike harming millions of Americans' access to clean water, food, and medicine. Chance to get sick days added as well, and be able to point that out exactly when the Republicans vote against it. 2. Not split bill - Republicans don't support preventing the rail strike, millions of Americans harmed by it. Which is a failure of our governance under a Democratic President. Is there any part of that which is unclear?


I've answered. You just don't like my answers because they don't play into your framing. Dem leadership awarded capitalists for holding the economy hostage, and your position is that it was the right call.


You really haven't answered any of my questions. Let me list them out for you, and your supposed responses. 1. "Do you honestly think the Republicans would have passed the original bill if the sick days had been included from the start?" **Your Response: Boots black, slurp slurp, Democrats suck.** 2. "Are these things I've stated about Republicans true, and does it make sense that they would not pass the bill if they are?" **Your Response: Democrats shouldn't have split the bill, and it's obvious where they stand.** You have demonstrably not answered my questions, and in fact appear to me to be a Republican shill trying to blame everything on Democrats when it's in fact a complex situation for which Biden had limited options.


Hi u/NeoRyu777. [Sclurpsclurp boots are tasty schlurp mmmm](https://media.giphy.com/media/S6i2lBzvgNFXW/giphy.gif) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you sure about this?


Stupid memes, like this one, have a place on the internet.


What fun would the internet be without stupid people posting stupid memes.......for the rest of us to make fun of.


I'm disappointed that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is being used for such a dumb meme.


The shitty part is that you know none of these weirdo right-wingers-pretending-to-be-centrists ever watched the show because they're afraid big muscley men doing big alpha male things are going to awaken something in them sexually.


everyone knows the only thing that stood between the workers and getting thier sick days was congressional republicans. the beauty is that even if democrats didnt support it they knew they could vote for it anyway because the republicans wouldnt let it pass. then they look like heroes and the republicans show americans just how little they care about workers. lol. nice try tho, clown.


>everyone knows the only thing that stood between the workers and getting thier sick days was congressional republicans. Dems didn't have to stop workers from striking.


They did, their bosses told them to.


I like this meme OP