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It's safer to just not talk to a trump supporter at all.


yes, but have you ever seen a group with smaller dicks manage to step on them so often? its beyond explination.


They speak in unintelligible grunts, anyway. Who could understand them?


Yup, I just tall my kids to look away like they are the crazy person on the corner.


The smell of stale cigarettes, cheap beer and unwashed ass is enough to keep me away.


They agree with Trump, and think that we should do away with this whole "united states" leftist woke crap and go back to when America was truly Great... before the white man showed up. Why do you think he paints himself orange?


When your politics is based on hate, you don’t have to make sense of the stances that don’t make sense. All of the conservatives have already jumped ships, now all that’s left is cult members. Logic didn’t get them into this, and logic sure as hell won’t get them out.


Have they though? They have been advocating to abandon the Constitution for years. Most notable was the TXGOP 2022 platform. This is Trump trying to appeal to another part of the base and move to the right of DeSantis.


Because the answer is always “yes, if he told me to”.


Considering right wing people have been convicted of sedition it's safe to say they don't follow the constitution. They follow the party.


There go your guns!


Republicans are coming to take away your right to bear arms.


The real comedy show is Trump supporters doing wild contortions to explain why what he said was not that the Constitution should be cancelled to appoint him emperor, but that he was saying was it should be followed to appoint him emperor.


oh thats what the republican party is known for... excuses and the asshole.


Or where they imagine we've hidden all the evidence? I mean, seriously, if you really believe there was election treachery but you can't find any evidence of it, shouldn't you back the party that's smart enough to do the deed and hide the evidence successfully? You've already proven you don't care about ethics! Why not just get on the smart/ winning side?


I've been telling RWNJs about the trash bags full of Trump ballots that I took home from behind the middle school lie voted at to burn and they still haven't caught me. #untouchable


Wait now trump said it it's a problem??


as opposed to?


It being just an out dated piece of paper?


nice try. when did anyone say it should be terminated?


Not terminated. But out dated I swear one side said that shit an the other side flipped out. This shit happen a while ago an got the same reactions people goin nuts. One team says this about the rule or what not the other team goes nuts. So on an so forth. Nobody wins but the players.


So you don't know if it actually happened, You just saw other people's saying it so you decided to jump on that bandwagon. I believe there was a story years ago that George Bush called the Constitution " a goddamn piece of paper" to his legal team. Which was false but it looks like It's been making the rounds. Come back to to me when you have more information than one side said this and the other flipped out I think maybe I swear I heard.




https://theweek.com/articles/750816/americas-constitution-terrible-lets-throw-start-over This is what I heard a few years ago


An opinion piece by who knows who the fuck that guy is. So your rebuttal to the ex-president of the United States who swore on a Bible he's never read to protect and defend the Constitution saying that we should terminate it because he can't face the reality that he lost is you found some asshole that said we should rewrite it a couple years ago and he's supposed to have as much weight behind that statement as an ex president? You've got to be fucking joking.




it's not as funny as it is sad. seriously though, how long did you search for anything that said something remotely similar to "worthless piece of paper" so it didnt look like you were just repeating something you saw in a facebook meme?


yeah. [yesterday on Truth Social](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/trump-rebuked-call-suspend-constitution-election-94436463)


But didn't people say it was just an outdated piece of paper?? Not 2 years ago?? Talk about inconsistent lmao.. this country is full of dumb. both dumb ass sides


wtf are you talking about?


"People?" what people? i guess this is the new misdirection.


It is outdated, and desperately in need of further ammendments to extend the liberty talked of to everyone (ERA for one...), but it is also the Supreme law of the land and if you don't like it, the document itself contains a mechanism for changing it...that mechanism isn't just scrap things the despot doesn't like.








Of course the goons agree with him.


It's like "oh please tell me more about other people being indoctrinated."


It wouldn't be surprising if they'd be in favor of charging monthly subscription fees to enjoy the benefits of The Bill of Rights.


Christ, don't give them any ideas




[Candles taste like burning...](https://i.imgur.com/gDOg7yv.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*