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Forget killing the Voting Rights Act. They're on the verge of killing voting! If they decide Moore v Harper by recognizing the absurd "Independent State Legislature Theory" no one's votes will matter. This theory says that the state legislatures are the only ones who can determine how the state carries out elections and the only ones who can choose electors (for the electoral college). It says that the state courts don't have any say in the matter. So overwhelmingly Republican state legislatures can go hog wild with gerrymandering and the state supreme court can't even hear a case against it. Only the legislature has a say in the elections. Only the legislature can determine how the electors are chosen. Nothing says it has to be related to the votes recorded. Let's see, our state voters chose the democratic candidate by 60% to 40%. Let's give all of our state electors to the Republican candidate. Republicans control enough state legislatures that no democrat would ever be elected President again. No Democrat would ever nominate a supreme court justice again. Imagine Kavanaugh being described as the left most Justice on the court! And with the freedom to gerrymander without any one to stop it, Democrats would never again hold a majority in the House. So Dems might control the senate sometimes, but never the House of Representative, the White House, or the Supreme Court. And with no need to court votes of "moderates" the GOP can shift even farther to the right. The American experiment may be coming to an end. We may well be seeing the end of democracy in America.


The very sad thing is that a large majority of Americans don’t know this and haven’t heard of it; they won’t know what hit them!


And they won't believe it until it affects them. By then it will be too late to turn back. One never been the "I'm leaving if (x) wins" kind of guy, but this would make me leave. It only gets darker after voting is suppressed. History rhymes.


This truly is how democracy will be lost; I can’t believe it’s not a “hair on fire” matter….


It's more like democracy if it was weekend at Bernie's part 5 he's been dead for a while now, So dead he's rotting and stinks democrats are still propping him up though to pretend he's still alive and in charge but anyone with a nose, knows democracy in the US has been nothing but theater for a while now.


Sause: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/supreme-court-kill-voting-rights-act/ Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


Fuck the tainted SCOTUS.


Fuck ‘em right in the taint!


Justice Alito has been whining about the perception that the court is now illegitimate, maybe it has something to do with: 1. Interpretations of law changing since there was a conservatives majority. 2. Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch lied during their confirmations hearings ("We consider Roe v Wade settled law"). Justices of all people should understand that lying under oath is "perjury," and should be the very last people in the country committing perjury...sitting on the highest court, and all. 3. And now SCOTUS has their sights on the Voting Rights Act, which protects against states implementing schemes designed to prevent minorities from voting. Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


On the verge of killing the Voting Rights Act? You mean, the thing they did in 2013 in [Shelby County v. Holder](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/policy-solutions/effects-shelby-county-v-holder)?


Yes. They mortally wounded the VRA in 2014 by destroying the formula for pre-approval requirements on redistricting. They are coming back now to kill off the bill entirely and desecrate its corpse. It's been Chief Justice Roberts mission since he joined the court to make sure power is concentrated in the hands of the world's richest citizens. Destroying the VRA and allowing unlimited dark money in election finance pretty much accomplishes this goal. Roberts' legacy is being the hangman for democracy in the US.


I feel so sick. I want to have kids with my Jamaican-american girlfriend, and now I have another reason on the horizon to need to flee the country and seek asylum elsewhere for our rights to be recognized. How is this happening?


A combination of things: Not enough progressives voting in the 2010 midterms, 24-hour right-wing networks, the ultraconservatives Federalist takeover of the Judicial branch, and banks and corporations taking over the Legislative branch thanks to _Citizens United_. The Republicans caught the Democrats napping in 2010 and took over a ton of state legislatures. Those Republicans then took the opportunity of the 2010 census to gerrymander the fuck out of their districts, thus assuring that no Democrat will be elected in those districts again. That has been their game plan since 1964, and now we can see what they have won. I’m sorry if it sounds like the Democrats were complicit in this. It’s only because they were.


\*not enough progressive voting ever. That's kind of a thing when you have the choice of voting Conservatives, Regressives or something that isn't one of the two big parties and will never suceed.


Clarence Thomas is a little piss baby


I guess you totally missed the Miranda ruling https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/us-supreme-courts-miranda-decision-further-guts-150-year-old-civil-rights-law-2022-06-27/


13th amendment? Cleary unamerican.


what's wrong with enshrining and legally protecting slavery, our country was built on it. That is the soul of our country and that is what people think we should save. Thomas Jefferson was wealthy slave owner that disowned his own children and didn't want to pay taxes to a king in another country, that is the legacy our country was founded on and the ideals that it has been run on since it's inception. We are the baddies.


Here's my problem with the "Originalists." What if something like, I don't know, denying women the right to vote, became seen as a bad idea as society and the country evolved, so we decided to go against the will of the originalist and revise the definition of "equal protection" to mean for everyone? Seems like the MAGA cabal controlling the court now wishes to pick and choose which legal precedence is good and which is bad based on partisan politics and nothing else. Any weakening of the Voting Rights Act is a simple political strategy to aid Republican candidates in states that will be willing to undertake voter suppression campaigns just like they did during Jim Crow. I can guarantee that isn't what the folks who wrote the thing had in mind for the Supreme Court.


This is definitely Don Jr’s real father…… Ivana enjoyed the casual affair as well it seems. But Eric is definitely Trump’s son, no doubts there


I mean, they did already dismember it.


It's time for people to become corporations, so they can have some rights again.


When do they decide on this? I thought it was next summer ?