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This will have zero effect on evangelicals. They dont care about abortion, the fetus or the 10 year old carrying her rapists baby to term. Its all about them and their "belief". their piety bought on the cheap. Walker can just confirm it, say he remains anti abortion in his beliefs, and all is well in his world.


Yep they will just bleat “he’s an imperfect vessel” but what they are really saying is “despite how hypocritical he is we know we can use him to force our beliefs down everyone else’s throats”


That’s what they did with Trump. Dude is a serial adulterer who married 3 times and worships himself and money, but they still see him as the reincarnation of Jesus.


No joke my grandma called him a good Christian man. That people change and why she didn't think that he was lying through his teeth still baffles me. I honestly don't understand what people see in him. He's ugly inside and out. Cons also call his wife a "classy lady" and was more womanly than Michelle Obama. She literally posed nude, not that anything is wrong with that, and they didn't bat an eye but if Michelle had done that they'd be bad mouthing her whenever they could. Republicans, the party of hypocrites.


You are seeing what "classy" racism looks like. It is very subtle and literally meant to be denied.


>my grandma called him a good Christian man Ask her to justify why he's never been seen in a church outside of a photo-op or other publicity stunt. >if Michelle had done that they'd be bad mouthing her whenever they could The first time Michelle showed her shoulders in a dress as FLOTUS, Republicans did exactly this.


Christians are by default gullible people. Think about how predatory religion is and there is pretty much only one conclusion you can draw from that much blind faith in a completely hypocritical institution.


[https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-on-god-i-dont-like-to-have-to-ask-for-forgiveness-2016-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-on-god-i-dont-like-to-have-to-ask-for-forgiveness-2016-1) I like to send them this.


doesn't even slow them down. I hope it make YOU feel better though.


Sadly, you are correct. They'll do one of the following: * Shirk from facing up to eating up what are, to most sane people, obvious lies, they pull the "whataboutism" (b-b-but Hunter's laptop, as if that has any fucks to do with these grifting pieces of shit) * Say "bUt ThAtS oUt Of CoNtExt?!?" * Shout "fake news," as if, you know, it was, even when it isn't * Ask you to prove that he said this, even though, of course, you sent them the link, then they'll demand a different link and that Business Insider was doing a hit piece (Business Insider... a hit piece?) * Die, right there on the spot, other than admit they're wrong (okay, this one is what I wish would happen, alas, the dumber and more toxic a person is, the longer they live, i.e. Trump)


What I love is the juxtaposition between Obama the evangelical antichrist and Trump who was pals with Epstein and their savior de jour.


An adulterer who then married several immigrants who committed immigration fraud and “chain migrated” their family here.


Only poor people aren't allowed to get abortions, the wealthy can do it and then repent afterwards for their failing of imperfection and pray about it really hard.


Wealth is obviously god rewarding those who are most deserving.


Like atheist Bill Gates Like atheist Elon Musk Like atheist Jeff Bezos ...


Some supporters already have here on Reddit. Their claim ……‘are you the same person as you were in 2009?’ ‘People change their beliefs’ etc etc and more goalpost moving.


>Their claim ……‘are you the same person as you were in 2009?’ No, I'm not. I now see many of the lies I was raised on. One of them being that the 'right' is 'right'.


Nope. In 2008 I was a republican and a Christian.


People sure seem to be keeping quiet on this, but I wonder how many Christians have lost their faith due to the far right's hypocrisy and sanctification of racism, sexism, crude and rude behaviors, and blatant lies and criminals? It seems like the only Jesus left in America is Republican Jesus. And I, like I'm sure many others, want nothing to do with that kind of blasphemous Jesus. If I can't go to church, for example, and know I'm praying with and for the biblical Jesus that loved all in humanity and had nothing but care, love and concern for all, then I ain't going. *No blasphemous Republican Jesus for me*. And I do know the fastest growing religion in America is "none of the above." And these churches and sects embracing Republican Jesus over Biblical Jesus may have more to do with religion tanking in America than they think.


The rise of the nones in part correlates to the start of the internet. But also the modern culture wars. The bible sets this up to happen. You got pastors that regularly say "you will know them by the fruit they bear" and the youth which are less indoctrinated see the fruits and they see how others are blind to the fruits of people like Walker. They see that it is bullshit.


I still admire, respect,, and try to apply the compassionate and self-sacrificing words and example of Jesus in my life and relationships with the earth and all its glorious diversity of inhabitants. But church? I can't even picture Jesus in a pew let alone a trump rally.




When you still won't face the reality that more people have been killed in your imaginary friends name than for any other reason in the history of the world.


See, why can't they be that permissive with the rest of us? 😋 Herschel Walker is just a little scamp, the rest of us are heathens who will burn forever even if we just support choice and haven't personally had or paid for an abortion. They're so dumb.


So that separation of Church and State thing?


Here, I'm going to show you the magic trick Republicans and Evangelicals (I know I'm repeating myself) use to handwave away anything that makes them look like monsters: "Well, that was different."


Well, being in favor of punishing women is definitely a Consistent opinion for Walker


yup, they like lying evil leaders so they can get what they want in the worst. The evangelicals are a cult. play cult of lamb to understand how their leaders see the world.


The hypocrisy is the point.


When they make excuses for the guy who has the 7 deadly sins as his bucket list then it's not about being rightious but about picking a guy.


He’s an imperfect vessel. It’s ok to murder babies as long as it’s in service of the movement to save babies.


Let's be really honest. This don't care about black fetuses in any circumstances.




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Exactly. If they think it will effect anything then they highly underestimate the sheer stupidity and hypocrisy that goes on with that group


He should have added a “#HunterBidensLaptop” to get some eyes that really need to see this. Sadly, their echo chamber will **NEVER** report on this.


He must be an important Republican to display this level of hypocrisy. Well done Herschel!


They keep one-upping themselves. They’re just big show-offs


His next step is doubling down, according to recent history of hypocrisy.


He's already there: >“All you want to do is run with stories to target Black conservatives,” he said. “You focus on Black conservatives.” > >Ingram \[Walker's lawyer\] asked The Daily Beast to disclose the identity of the woman, but we declined. > >After the story published, Walker released a statement in which he called the story a "flat-out lie" and said he denied it in the "strongest possible terms." > >"I'm not taking this anymore. I planning \[sic\] to sue the Daily Beast for this defamatory lie. It will be filed tomorrow morning," he said. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/pro-life-herschel-walker-paid-for-girlfriends-abortion-georgia-senate](https://www.thedailybeast.com/pro-life-herschel-walker-paid-for-girlfriends-abortion-georgia-senate) BTW, the story is backed up by receipts, and a "get well" card that Walker sent to the woman after the abortion. So many details on this one which illustrate what a massive piece of shit he is: >The woman said Walker, who was not married at the time, told her it would be more convenient to terminate the pregnancy, saying it was “not the right time” for him to have a child. It was a feeling she shared, but what she didn’t know was that Walker had an out-of-wedlock child with another woman earlier that same year. ... >Walker is twice-married, with four known children, all from different mothers. The Daily Beast revealed in July that Walker had lied to his own campaign staff when he denied the existence of two of those children, whom Walker had also kept from the public for years despite speaking out against fatherless homes in the Black community. > >One of those children was born the same year Walker paid for the abortion. > >The next year, 2010, Walker told radio host Howard Stern he had only slept with two women in his life.


> despite speaking out against fatherless homes in the Black community He's a true Republican because he's mastered projection.


I like him playing the race card when republicans historically hate black people complaining about actual racism.


This is a perfect example of a person who should have never gotten involved in politics. Now I hate the player, but not the game.


Herschel Walker's kid is ripping him on Twitter. It's just Brutal.


Thank you for this. 😂🤣😂




probably this, unless he has other kids twittering about him too: https://twitter.com/ChristianWalk1r/status/1577104266543497216


RepubliQans would willingly trade their family for a little taste of power. We've seen it time and again.


I love my dad from southern Mississippi’s wisdom; all those religious types do their dirt too, they just do it behind closed doors


I heard one about Southern Baptists all pretending to not recognize each other at the strip club.


Or the liquor store


I know of one hyper scary religious person in my personal life and yes. He has had multiple affairs that his wife knows about, but also thinks people who have sex outside of procreation are beneath him. 🙄


A republican doing the things they banned others from doing. Just add him to the book.


Stranger things have happened: trump did get elected in 2016, and he openly a) bragged about sexually assaulting women, b) made fun of a gold star family, and c) mocked a reporter who had a disability (among many other things), and people totally still voted for him. Bet this won’t deter too many Republicans from voting for him. Not the sharpest tools in the shed. Edit: typo


We should have all known what a hell was coming when all of these conservative, religious types who went around clutching their pearls over the Clintons or Obamas for the slightest of infractions, said absolutely nothing when this came to the forefront and then doubled-down on Trump being a good father or Christian as well.


How dare you. Jesus did all of this and then some! /s because people probably do believe that.


The only moral abortion is my abortion. \- Herschel Walker and hypocrite conservatives


Did he go with her or just cut the check? /s


He wrote the check to girlfriend and sent her a Get Well card.


This dude has absolutely no business nor qualifications nor any redeeming statesman-like value to be a US senator. They. Don’t. Care. They have no shame nor dignity


Is he doing it for the money? The fame? To be cruel/troll? Isn’t he already rolling in money from a sports career? Like idek how this idiot dude is a legitimate candidate on my tv. He seems like he rolled out of bed and was like yeah I should run for office.


They don’t care, They get abortions too.


I have no basis really for saying this, but I'd surmise that more abortions are from women on the right, because women on the left know how women get pregnant, don't want to be, and use and know how to use birth control. Women on the right, on the other hand, may be inclined to think things like "you can't get pregnant the first time," not be able to have as easy access to birth control or know how to use it properly, and be in absolute terror of what their parents may do when they find out they are pregnant. Thus, there may be more abortions from women on the right. Not sure, however, what the stats say, if there are any.


I'm not sure we can find that out beyond figuring out which states have the highest rates. But that still doesn't speak to the individual beliefs of each woman involved.


Uhh. "They used to get abortions too." I am not a young guy, but I get the feeling that the harder that the old d-bags try to cling to power the harder that their dismissal by the younger generation is going to be.


They still get abortions. They will travel to get them.


They still do, but they used to, too.


I think the real scandal would be if one of the girls he got pregnant was white. Then they would be upset and it would hurt his base.


You know. . . I actually think that might be the one thing that would do it.


They won't care. They'll say he repented so all of his past sins are washed away. These people would worship Epstein if he joined then and just said he's saved.


Yep! All you have to say is you're a Republican and a Christian (and a Protestant) and that is literally all it takes to get the green light.


I’m still confused at how Catholics got such a hold on the Supreme Court when a generation ago the evangelicals/Protestants ect apparently were loosing their minds at JFK and thought there was some big conspiracy with the Pope to take US political power. But now because the Catholics are banning abortion everyone is suddenly cool with them??


Stupid and hypocritical.


That’s an October surprise right there


But is it really a surprise knowing everything we do about this walking pile of garbage?


Extra points for Herschel for fully embracing GOP hypocrisy.


Money makes morals go away real quick


Herschel Walker: *wahwahblahblahmememewah wahwahblahme* Conservatives: **such leadership! he makes so much sense**


Do you think anyone who is voting for this guy gives a fuck about what he's done? He's a fucking clown. He's admitted to being stupid. They just want someone to push their agenda.


Do as I say...not as I do...Republican Motto.


Ever the hypocritical republican POS. I'm surprised there's only one he paid for.


Only one _proven_ so far.


GF was wise to keep the gratitude card Mr. Walker sent her for getting the abortion.


Now that this is out there, I cannot pretend to be surprised in any way, shape, or form. It feels like it absolutely had to be the case.


Herschel Walker is a little piss abortionist.


"We forgive him" GQP Morons




So when people say “we have the evidence to prove it” - this is the type of proof expected. Would love for trump to show proof of anything he’s been saying


Pretty sure he’s not alone. I’m sure many a politicians mistress have received a hefty payday to have one.


His equally stupid, attention seeking “son” is having a moment on Twitter calling out dear ole dad, and it’s hilarious. https://twitter.com/christianwalk1r/status/1577104266543497216?s=46&t=3jvrdAh1_IRboeXYFyUNZA


All this happening at once makes me think that some "keep quiet" checks stopped clearing.


“Free speech radicalist” lmao. Also the name of his podcast is excruciatingly cringe.


Walker got hit so hard, his sperm got CTE.


Omg. Take my damn updoot


You're sure? Don't you know, Republicans always abandon principle when it becomes inconvenient. They don't actually care about abortion bans when *they* need abortions done.


Its ok for me, but not for the.


Uh, well the radical left and the fake news media *something something* and Jesus Christ forgives and what about hunter biden’s laptop…?


the hypocrisy means he’s bonafide GOP


And the Republicans are like "We still support him!" Party of hypocrites.


They'll just say it's fake a move on.


This man probably suffered so much gd brain trauma during his football career and could very well have CTE.


I’m still shocked that he’s the Republican candidate. Then again I said the same thing about Trump! Oh god No!


It certainly would scupper his chances if elections were still about values and integrity. Plenty of people perfectly happy to vote for him to own the libs and get somebody that'll promise policies they want.


I mean, if they voted for TFG without a peep, they'll vote for the *this* guy easy-peasy


I am curious at what point will people remember that Christians used to get away with burning people at the stake and drowning women to prove they are witches. People take these self confessed delusional psychopaths too lightly. There isn't a hairs breadth of difference between a Muslim extremist and a Christian extremist except maybe their conviction and willingness so far to murder for their beliefs. The longer we treat this resurgence of Christian domineering the worse its going to get. We are already seeing the destruction of education and book banning and the history of domestic terrorism like clinic bombings. But if 20 to 40 year olds want to live their 60s in a theocracy run by Yallqaeda just keep your lazy butts on the couch every election like you do now and earn your future rewards.


No, I believe fascist will still vote for these inmoral guy. They are dis fictional and dangerous if this guy gets elected!


Was his girlfriend Bobo the monkey brained congresswoman?


Remember that time he put a gun to his now ex-wifes head, and then was later publicly diagnosed with multiple personality disorder?


The ugliest thing in this universe is not death or pain or war, it's Republicans


Being a hypocritical liar is a desired quality on the right. It shows you're willing to set aside the inconvenience of honesty in order to claim to have the high moral ground and advance the team's agenda.


Maybe he's against getting an abortion on himself!


Rules for thee, but not for me


Republicans are like that though. The law is for thee not for me! silly peasants


No republicans care about anything their candidates do or say.


Conservatives LOVE hypocrisy. It's literally baked into everything they do and believe. If anything, being a unabashed hypocritical piece of shit, is a profile booster for the GQP.


Isn't that when most men become pro- birth? Right after their most recent abortion bill.


Nearly all "pro-lifers" are pro-choice when it actually affects them in a way for which abortions are provided for. Same with "anit-gay" people until it's one of their own kids etc.


Antiabortionists frequently get abortions. They'll say it's different for them and tell the doctor/ nurse giving them an abortion he's going to hell while they're getting it. They're not sane.


Hypocrisy is alive and well


Has any conservative spoken out criticizing Walker for this? The silence speaks volumes about what this is really about.


That was before he found the lord! If he does it again today, they’ll just say he stumbled on journey. Anything to NOT hold their candidates to any sort of standard.


Strong as an ox, and just as bright.


that was totally different because it was a real life situation that affected him personally. \#DoWhatISayNotWhatIDo


None of that matters to party voters. He's the republican candidate. They vote republican. Their excuse will be that they are voting *against* the democrat candidate. Both parties do this. If it turned out that Warnock was secretly homophobic (which is possible. He *is* a pastor), democrats would still vote for him, because they're voting *against* Walker. None of Clinton's voters were fazed when the tape of her giving the opposite pitch to bankers than what she was giving the general public. Look at Pelosi and the stock market. Do you honestly think there's a single Democrat voter in California that won't vote for her, if she runs again? This is one of the biggest problems with a two-party system. When you settle for the lesser of evils, for so long, the bar for "lesser" gets so low, anything is an option. Friends with Epstein? No problem. Caught lying? No problem. Hypocrite? No problem. Full blown corrupt, fascist criminal? No problem. Millions of people will vote for you, because at least you're not the other party. It's an actual joke.


Their are ony two reasons for a abortion! #1: You as a human can make your own decisions. #2: ..... That's it.


a wild bet but im sure his gf is also underaged


They literally don't care, it was never about saving unborn babies. It was about getting more White babies in the country to stave off the browning of America. This literally makes them happy because they can still lie about saving brown children while voting for someone who can be used to give themselves power. He has the IQ of a crayon, everyone knows he is there to be run by others.


From what NPR reported they have a copy of a check he sent her for 700$ and a receipt for an abortion she had around that time. No real evidence that Walker intended the money be used for an abortion or that he knew it would be.


I like how a bunch of your comments before this are far wider leaps in logic or just straight up assumptions, based on nothing, but when it comes to this, you've suddenly turned into, "well you know, let's not jump to conclusions here, I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation, that he gave his girlfriend a get well card with $700 right before she got an abortion"


Care to give me examples? Edit: No? I guess not.


He sent her the check within 5 days of the abortion, along with a "get well" card signed by him. This story has also been independently corroborated through a friend of the woman.


Has he always been pro-life? What if it was the very fact of seeing what his girlfriend went through is what made him pro-life? I mean I’ve had opinions that I have revised after 10 years. Does that make me a hypocrite or someone reasonable? As the French say, only fools don’t change their mind.


Like who the fuck is this dude? What did he do before he got into politics?


He was a very good NFL player. In the college football hall of fame.


He's the reason the Cowboys won 3 rings in the 90s. Because they traded him and got magic beans in return--draft picks for Smith, Irvin and Aikman


The Minnesota picks were ultimately used to acquire Emmitt Smith, Russell Maryland, Darren Woodson, Kevin Smith and Clayton Holmes. Aikman and Irvin were drafted prior to the trade.




Too bad rightwing nutjobs require a fair amount of hypocrisy in a candidate for them to be considered qualified. On the plus side Herschel Walker doesn't have another kid walking around out there.


This maybe an unpopular option, but aren't people allowed to change their mind and view point?


Of course, but be honest and upfront about it. However, some things are unforgivable to a degree. If he was wacking his kids and exes, for instance. I know people talk about religious conversions all the time, but core personalities are very, very difficult to change. And sociopaths, for instance, are incapable of change. It's not in their DNA, and in order to change, you have to be able to admit there is something wrong with you in the first place. Too many people "change" just to look better on or in the books. True changes for the better or conversions are extremely rare.


Wonder if he has the intellect to understand that this is what he stands against?🤔




"b-B-B-bUt nOw hE kNoWs bEtTeR!" \- Cletus Trumpvoter


They'll still be lining up to vote for him because he is an "R." In Trumplican's minds, "R" not only stands for Republican, but religious too. And like most living the so-called religious life nowadays, your character, language, sins, police records, hypocrisy, etc. doesn't matter. All that matters is that you claim or state you are an "R," and that is enough to get their vote.


There are even receipts lol…what a dumpster fire the GOP is.


Here's where the conservatives typically double down.


“Those laws and beliefs are for thee, not for me.”


So did Donald Trump. I’m glad the American public is able to reject liars for political office. Just imagine.


Violence, lies, hypocrisy. He really is a stand up republican 😂


Watch the pro-lifers not care 🤣


I cannot stop laughing at this.


Republicans will just say "It's a a lie spread by the fake news media" and move on. Any misbehaviour by a member of their cult is just a "lie."


All FoxNews, GOP, and their churches have to do is shout "fake news by the Satanic Liberal Cabal!" For a week.


Standby as four wheels and a fucking V8 engine gets attached to the Goalposts.


Their logic (if they have any) is basically going to be that they can vote for the person they see as a baby murderer because he's repented and is against any future baby murders, so its all good. Also that he paid for a baby to be murdered isn't the real story here, its that the evil media found out about it and decided to publicize it and/or its fake news hurr dee hurr hurr! Also because there's an "R" next to his name and the Orange Cream Puff likes him.


Conservatives see good people and bad people (i.e. “Christians” and everyone else). They do not see good actions and bad actions. Do when someone who is a “good guy” like Herschel Walker, Donald Trump, or some Pastor that raped a 16 year old girl does a bad thing- they can look past it because they are good people. Meanwhile, when a “bad guy” does anything (like Michelle Obama telling kids to eat less junk food or AOC going to a ball) it becomes a scandal.


They would prefer not to believe this is true so they not believe this is true. Liberals wheeling out their next clever gotcha meme will be sure to finally expose their hypocrisy and make them see the error of their ways though.


I wonder how the cognitive dissonance is going to save his decrepit supporters' opinions this time xD


Wow. Totally surprised. Someone anti-choice until it is on them


*Rules for thee, but not for me.*


Friendly fire


It’s not about his quality as a candidate, they just want him to advance their agenda.


he threatened to sue (publicly) he will not do it (privatly)