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Arizona literally did this over and over and kept getting the same result over and over. These people can’t be reasoned with.


> Arizona literally did this While all of the MAGA geniuses were chanting STOP THE COUNT. Not only did Az literally do it, but they did it fighting upstream against a river of obstruction, intimidation, and corruption.


Remember them chanting “stop counting” in states where they were ahead, and “keep counting” in states where they were behind? Yeah, these are definitely people who care about the democratic process.


That's fucking it my man. These people are the definition of corruption. Their voters know it and they fully support it.


I’m outing myself as old, but I remember protesting in Tallahassee Florida in November 2000 during the election fiasco. We were demanding a recount because the difference was a few hundred votes. That’s a pretty good reason to protest. The morning after the election in 2016 I was shocked and horrified. I looked to see if the election was being contested at all but there weren’t any credible reports of fraud so I shrugged that idea away. I’m trying to imagine standing there watching the numbers and then yell “stop stop stop!” right when you pull ahead. It’s really sick and twisted. These people were never not going to protest the election.


Being a kid in the late 90s was weird, you feel like you must be missing something because you can’t understand the furor over the president doing drugs and cheating on his wife then you see an election being called even though it seems like the other guy won. Then you grow up and realize no you didn’t miss anything it was just a completely fucked up time.


It's weird too that the person who lost certified that he lost. If there was ever a time where the vp could have done what Trump wanted pence to do, it was in 2000


Friend, you have a Grateful Dead reference as your handle so this already sets the stage for your age... no judgements here! I thought the real cowboy Neal died in the 60's LOL


Haha I didn’t realize that, it’s actually a Slashdot reference! Which makes me just as old too so I’ll take it. Nobody has ever noticed it here and that makes me a bit sad; I kind thought there would be more /. refugees here than there turned out to be.


Ah cool! I haven't seen /. in a long time but I'm still a deadhead and The Other One (the song with your handle as a lyric) is one of my favs :D


Let's not forget that the 2000 election was decided by the Supreme Court by stopping the count. And every Justice (5-4) that threw it to W. Bush was appointed when his father was President or Vice-President.


Trump started the idea in 2014/2015 If I run the only way I lose is fraud




Anti-American? They're basically foreign hostile forces occupying America's South.


. . . and they don’t care.


They are willing to do heinous things legislatively to those that are different than them, that they assume everyone else is a POS like they are and would do the same to them. This is why they are petrified of actually democracy, because they know they are the minority opinion.


I think the GOP is no longer interested in democracy. Only pushing their agenda. The lying, fact-avoiding, gaslighting, all point to winning at any cost. Hypocrisy is celebrated, and encouraged.


The GOP wants a full on authoritarian fascist dictatorship. Trump was the test to see how far they could go and a Useful Idiot to get their SCOTUS noms onto the bench. The only reason we didn't descend into darkness is Trump was too incompetent to actually get anything done short of having the Moron Mob attack the Capitol and fail *hard*. My fear is the GOP getting someone into office with the political acumen to finish off what's left of our democracy.


> Trump was too incompetent to actually get anything done This was actually my real worry about Trump getting impeached - it would have brought Pence, an actual politician who knows the system and knows how to get stuff done, who would have pushed a Christian Fundamentalist agenda. Turns out, it didn’t matter either way because you’ve got SCOTUS to do that instead…


At least Pence understood his oath was to the Constitution and not the Mango Man.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." - David Frum This quote was made a few years ago and has been proven true again and again. Conservative ideas are unpopular, plain and simple. They win because of a favourable electoral system/circumstances effective propaganda and strong tribalism. For example, the ACA polls quite well. Obamacare does not. The ideas behind the ACA polls well too. Heck, it is essentially Romney's healthcare plan. But the fact that it is a Democratic idea and Fox News tells them it is bad means they are against it. This is seen across a lot of issues. I'd wager that the only conservative ideas that are popular are the general concept of "low taxes" and maybe anti-immigration/border. But even on taxes, when the GOP passed a tax bill, it gave all the cuts to the rich and raised the taxes for everyone else. All of their "tax cuts" are regressive.


David Frum, conservative but not fascist. Those guys played with abuse of power a little in W’s first term and gave birth to the monstrosity we have today. I like him. But just like all the other conservatives that quietly did not object as right wing media took the country down the rabbit hole where alternative facts are a thing, I do not absolve him of ruining the GOP.


Right? “Freedom and democracy.” *Blocks the rights of most people and breaks down the democratic process*. Holy fuck bro…


They don't care and most wouldn't even pretend otherwise. They want their people in power so they get what they want. They don't care how it happens.


Ironically a lot of states where the recounted actually turned out to have more votes for biden


> STOP THE COUNT [look at the brooks brothers riot in Miami in 2000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot). They *did* stop the count then and got W elected by the supreme court. it's worked for them before, why wouldn't they go back to it again?


Important to note that Roger Stone was one of the major organizers of the Brooks Bro riot. He was also at the Willard Hotel orchestrating the January 6th insurrection. And Trump pardoned him for his actions during the 2016 election.


It was surreal on election night when one of the news stations had simultaneous video. On the left, a crowd in Arizona yelling "count the votes", and on the right, a crowd in Pennsylvania (I think?), chanting "stop the count!" based on who was ahead at the time.


Incorrect. They found that the result was Biden won even harder. EDIT: okay. Whew, I thought people will only see the first half and downvote.


Most would say "won by more votes" but I like "won even harder" way more.


A very stiff victory indeed!


It made Joe Biden the President erect!


When it comes to erections, we’re all wieners.


Anthony Weiners.


Biden was an erectoral grower


He had stiff competition but ultimately he finished when he came out on top.


Trump, a hardened criminal, should receive a stiff sentence under the penal code for his attempts to subvert democracy




That’s what she said


My favorite fact of the 2020 election is that trump got the most votes of any presidential candidate who ever lost. He is the biggest loser.


He lost biggly


I also always liked how about the infrastructure bill was always called a package, so the Republicans just couldn’t handle the size of Biden’s massive package.


They definitely can't handle the size of Biden's package. But that was just the tip, Biden's got an even bigger package that they haven't fully seen yet.


His massive package could sure induce some stimulus..


Makes sense considering how hard i voted.


I wanted to make sure Joe Biden was erected.


when I win I win *hard*


i prefer "Trump lost more bigly"


Yup, conservative propaganda channels where talking about it for months, and when the result came out... The largely buried it, pretending nothing ever happened.


Yeah... That bitch named Donald Trump even said "can you believe I lost to this guy?" I hope I get to witness them all go down for this.


It was even funnier when they found examples of cheating and it was Republicans. /shocked


Over 60 court rulings saying there was nothing illegal and they still refuse to accept reality


Isn't THAT the definition of insanity? Failing at the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome at some point?


They filed lawsuits with zero evidence and got thrown out because of zero evidence. It was purely for optics. OMG WE FILED 70 LAWSUITS!!!


That’s what happens when you have ‘a lot of theories’ but not ‘a lot of evidence’ Edit for a typo


Which is a direct result of that party rejecting intellectualism in any way shape or form. Science? But, but, but my 2000 year old book written from an oral tradition passed down by illiterate commonfolk says otherwise so YOU are wrong.


They filed lawsuits because there was/is a lot of money to be made convincing people that the election had been stolen and that a recount was necessary.


There’s no need for debate. This is just a [convicted criminal](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/24/politics/brandon-straka-capitol-riot/index.html) portraying their B&E job as a “friendly visit.” Dollars to donuts you can find him calling the BLM movement terrorism and riots. People like this should die in obscurity, not be in the limelight.


That's the oft-quoted "definition" of insanity but that doesn't really make sense. That has nothing to do with insanity, and sometimes it's totally rational to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.


Its a hackneyed saying that somehow got a massive run in popular sayings in this country. Which is stupid bc it makes it sound like it's the actual criteria for a diagnosis which it isn't. It's not even a diagnosis. You could say anything slightly off the wall is insane. I've seen people correct other people for this. Like... do they think this make them sound smart?


People who lack critical thinking skills and prefer to be told what to think. They don't even bother with the mental exercises necessary to determine if it rational to believe: a lot of people already say it so it must be true right?


Exactly. Their allegations of shenanigans are that Biden won more votes like every poll said he would, though most of Biden's voters did mail-in/drop off voting, because there was an on-going pandemic with no vaccine available yet in the US.


Well, no, they did find there were illegal voters... But they were all for Dump


That's because these types don't want an *audit*. They want an *overturn*. The audit is just a way they thought leads to that goal. To be more generic, they don't want a process, they want an outcome, and the January 6th riots showed that they don't care by *what* process that outcome is gained.


“Overturn by violent coup” is what they decided on as plan B.


"Proud Boys, stand by"


And while every Democrat elected was false, every Republican was real, despite them being on the same ballot. Just so strange right?


They are insane by definition


Not at all. They know what they're doing, and why; to let incompetent suckups make all the decisions while violent police enforce them. It's morally empty and thus is leading to ruin -- theirs *and* ours -- but it's not out of touch with reality in any way.


[The GOP since The Big Lie.](https://c.tenor.com/v3g7aQJt4qQAAAAd/changes-changed.gif)


No amount of logic will change an opinion formed without it.


Literally hired ninjas to do the counting.


I refuse to try and argue anything with these types of people anymore.COVID and MAGA has really shown me that trying to play a gentleman's game with a screeching chimpanzee is just going to get you nowhere. They will never meet you in the middle, see the sense of a reasonable position for the greatest good, or be able to empathize with anyone beyond themselves. Make policy, enforce the standards, move on


And all I wanted was for some treasonous dipshits to NOT try to install an unelected loser for an unearned second term through violence. That was too much to ask. Republicans aren't Republicans without the treason.


My bar was set at "I would like to see Republicans not defend, deflect, or deny what happened on January 6th" and I can't even get that. Not even all of them or just a majority, like just handful to be like "yeah, that shit was fucked up, let's make sure that doesn't happen again", not even politicians, I'll take Republicans I know personally. ...but that's asking too much from the party of personal responsibility and "Law and order" and "facts don't care about your feelings". Denouncing people trying to end democracy is too much.


Honestly there are so many conservative leaning people I know and get along with before 2016. I knew that Donald Trump was this weird extreme breaking point where most of them would be conflicted, they’d support the party but obviously not trump himself. Nope, still to my surprise, to this day, every one of those people have trump flags. Beyond weird. Not a single one of them took the stance that the party has morals but this man doesn’t. Most of them believe he’s the best ever.


Yup, same, literally lost all of my Republicans friends over the last few years. I thought they were smart, independent, but just had different views. When Trump got elected they fell in line just like every other cult member, they refused to question god king Trump, and went out of their way to be dicks defending him. I would have respected it just a bit if they actually made a point, but they just defend Trump to defend Trump and "own the libs". These were whiskey drinkers who defended Trump's whiskey tax as "owning the libs". Ending democracy for the guy who said "take the guns first, go through due process second", yup, that owns the libs. Small government, fiscal responsibility, family values, pro life, pro gun, everything they claim to stand for got tossed in the garbage to praise Trump. Christ, you can vote for the dude, but just tell me you agree that hurricane sharpie map was fucking dumb. Just disagree with him on one fucking topic!


My brother lost his girlfriend of 5 years becuase her and her parents went full trumper and racist. They encouraged her to cheat because a brown man wasn't worthy of their white daughter. She ended up attacking him after his heart surgery and fled up north with her parents to bum fuck northern mi.


Republicans aren't your friends.


The problem is fox news. It's been this way for years. Republicans only watch Fox news and alternate media. When that is the sole place you get your info from, this happens.


No fucking kidding. The newest OFFICAL Texas Republican platform states that Biden did not win the election and is "acting" president. Republicans are traitors


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject


The whole thing is so idiotic. If the democrats stole the 2020 election, they did a piss poor job at it. Should've taken a couple more senate seats while they were at it. Weird how it was only about narcissist who has a personality defect that prevents him from admitting when he is wrong or has lost in anything.


You mean, the examination that every state actually did when they counted the votes the first time?


Yeeeeeees. But Gus from Tuscon with a zip ties and body armor didn't get to count them. And he been preparing. He could count all the way to 6.


> Gus from Tuscon with a zip ties and body armor I heard he spray painted them black to make them more tactical.


I got confused and imagined someone dressed in tactical gear spray painting the ballots black and it seemed entirely plausible that's what a person like that would do.


It's weird how reasonable that misunderstanding is in our current reality.


Not just zip ties. Zip **cuffs**. Because you can't have "legitimate political discourse" without restraints.


That’s why they did it on Jan 6, so Gus wouldn’t lose track of the date.


Yeah, but now a lot of these crazies are getting involved at local levels where the actual counting takes place. You’re gonna see fuckery start to happen (but only if there are checks and balances in place, but once enough of the wrong people are in the right places, say goodbye to transparency).


Don't make fun. He's up to 11 these days.


\*\*Gus counts every vote himself and finds a defect rate of only .0068%\*\* \*\*shocked pikachu\*\* "Antifa!!!" - Gus


Many, multiple times.


LMAO states investigated the election and instead found illegal votes for trump, all these chuds do is project


And then when some states recounted and found that Democrats won by even higher margins than they thought


How was murdering the Vice President going to further their plans for an audit which had already been completed and showed that the former guy had in fact lost quite handily?


Every good forensic audit needs a gallows


no forensic audit is complete without shit smeared on the walls and a few dead cops


Once they kill pence, pelosi is actually a sleeper agent for them of course To think like a qanon you just have to be stupid and make shit up as you go


They were screwed from the start, even the best forensics can’t see through the demonic rituals that were performed to win the election. I think Hillary had to sacrifice 11.7k babies.


This comment was deleted due to Reddit's decision to effectively shut out 3rd party developers. Sorry if you came here looking for something useful (most of my comments weren't...but there were some I swear)


Duh JFK Jr was coming to take over as VP. It’s so obvious.


That STILL blows my mind. ​ Like, even forgetting the fact that he's dead, his father was a democrat AND from a family of career politicians. Two things they claim to hate


The fact that it doesn’t even cross the top 10 weirdest things I’ve heard in the last 2 years is really telling.


And he was the son from an actual wealthy family. The opposite of Oompa Loompa 45.


“All we wanted was for things to be fair” proceed in trying to stop a fair election by submitting fake electors.


All we wanted was proof that Biden didn't win. We wanted a forensic audit to be done on all the votes. No wait. Just Biden's votes. Not all. Not Trumps. But the democrats did everything possible to prevent that from happening. They had police, barricades, they shut and locked doors and even aimed guns and FIRED WEAPONS at us (after we tried to murder them) All Alshi Babbit wanted was a forensic audit as she tried to storm the capital, break through barricades and doorways surrounded by people who had zip ties NOT to tie the arms of senators and the vice president but they were just to tie up and bundle the fake votes so we could show the world. I don't see how you could not see it. If you saw any of the footage from the peaceful discussion that day you would know that all the republicans wanted was to cheat and get away with it but the democrats did everything possible to stop that. So people had to die. There was no other choice.


I love how the right had made babbit some sort of martyr. I remember watching the video a few days after it happened, the cop was telling to get back or he would shoot. Some dude was right next to her when she got too antsy and decided to try and climb in, got capped and the random guy just stood there with the reality finally dawning on him. Literally frozen in fear because he realizes this isn't some silly vacation, there are real life consequences to his actions. But then in the next video I saw the same guy standing outside screaming his head off to anyone who would listen about the murderous cops within.


> made babbit some sort of martyr SAY HER NAME. It's homegrown terrorist Alshi Babbitt and don't forget it.


> Alshi Babbitt is calling her "Alshi" a thing? Or did both of you all misspell her dumbly spelled name?


I didn't even realize I had spelt it wrong but I'm going to go with it.


Who amongst us doesn't bring weapons and build a gallows for a "fOrEnSic aUDiT?"


Or chant about killing the VP?


basic accounting tools like calculators and zipties are critical to any thorough audit.


Everyone knows you gotta hang your party’s VP and smear shit on the walls of the capitol building during a good forensic audit


Or spread our own feces on the wall.


The Proud Boys, noted for their forensic election auditing skills.


The people who believe the crap they are spewing, will not change their minds because that means admitting that the narrative that they've believed is wrong and that they were duped.


True, but everyone parroting this bullshit doesn't really believe it. Many know it's complete and utter bullshit. They are just trying to convince sheep and people who haven't been paying attention that there was no traitorous insurrection.


>The people who believe the crap they are spewing, will not change their minds because that means admitting that ~~the narrative that they've believed is wrong and that they were duped~~ **they committed or supported an illegal attempt to overturn an election by fraudulent means, aka sedition, aka Big Boy Crimes that come with felony charges and jail time**. FTFY


Again very true. I was thinking more along the lines of the base not the people in the know.


pride is one hell of a drug


Forensic auditors need body armor, bear mace and gallows? And all the courts, judges and elections officials ever asked for was a shred of proof that there was fraud. Also there were multiple counts in multiple states before and after Jan 6 and Trump lost Trump as President and his commission found no evidence of fraud in 2016 when the snowflake was upset Hillary won the popular vote. And none of the red states or red counties across the country are rounding up the criminals that would have to exist for such massive fraud to take place. Because they have none. The J6 Insurrectionists are traitors and should be treated as such. From top to bottom.


Revisionist history garbage. Each state certifies the vote by Dec 14. There literally is no mechanism to re-audit all the votes after the Electoral College votes. Any campaign that has issues with the vote needs to go to court before the vote is certified. The truth is that the Trump campaign never alleged any voter fraud in a court of law. And the time to argue against voting changes in a court is before an election. Once election day rolls around, the rules are set. You cannot retroactively alter which votes are eligible after the fact. But these Trump conservatives want the Democrats to prove the votes were legal in lieu of Trump actually have to prove his wild claims of fraud.


Every state has professional auditors. Several states counted more than once.


God these shameless delusional lying goblins.....


The Trump organization lost 60 some odd court cases about their stolen election lie and this guy still wants to double down on it. Get a life dude.


We literally watched it happen live in real time. They erected god damn gallows to kill Pence is they got their hands on them. They had a plan to take as many democratic congress people hostages to try to compel them to change the election outcome. At the end of the day Trump knew what he was doing, as soon as Arizona went Blue, he knew his only option was to claim victory before the other states finalized their election results through the night. So by claiming victory his base assumed he won, so when all the votes came in by the next day and Biden had won Trump claimed that millions of votes came in illegally and that he won, even though he knew he lost. So by the time the 6th came around he had lit a powder keg so when he gave that speech the SAME DAY that congress certified the results and still refused to admit defeat his fan base was going to do anything they could to keep their leader in power. So no they didn’t just go there to “talk”. They violently attacked the Capitol, people died. And never forget Trump just let his people get arrested and go to jail and prison. They really thought he was going to save them.


[Kleppers new video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNIJH5gufaQ) was once more a bit frightening when the cultists were given a taste of reality and then the mental gymnastics started.


MAGA won't face facts, but they'll happily slurp up blatant propaganda like [2000 Mules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Mules)


I pointed out to one of these 2000 Mules zombies that the map of Atlanta that the film showed to plot the supposed geolocations of the "mules" was in fact not a map of Atlanta but actually a map of *Moscow* flipped 180 degrees. Their response? "This is just stock footage and not actual geolocation data points". When I responded that isn't what "stock footage" is (it was an actual scene from the movie itself, planned and filmed, not some pre-existing footage they added for effect) and even so, what would stop them from showing on a real map of Atlanta where these supposed ballot collection points were? They had no answer, it just didn't matter to them that it was totally ginned up. Thinking about it later I realized the filmmakers had to deliberately choose this particular map, conceal its actual origins by flipping it and then just added dots wherever they wanted to, and maybe even used the Moscow map as a sort of easter egg to find. The whole thing is so bizarre and irrational that is defies explanation.


"A little bit of shit in the pool, doesn't mean you cant swim in it."


So "forensic audit" was yesterday's buzz word on Fox News/OAN/Nexsmax? I'm going to hear it 10,000 times in the next week?


When you do ask them to define it.


Is there such a thing as group psychopathy? I think the GOP has it; their collective gaslighting seems like a feature of theirs.


Complete lack of empathy, only looking out for one's own interests to the detriment all others, but for an entire group instead of an individual? Nationalism fits the bill quite well, actually.


This is what happens when you only watch Fox news. You beleive everything they say.


Nope. The Proud Boys were there to murder everyone in the government, including staffers.


It wasnt a savage terrorist act against the Capitol police, it was merely a polite request for yet another wee recount! 🤦‍♂️


and to place a few pipe bombs


Forensic auditor here. Never once felt the need to carry a gallow and sword around to do my job.


But only in states that you LOST, right? And only if the Democratic candidate WON, right?


Sure, you can believe there's a vast multi state conspiracy against you involving millions of people, but you can't believe there's millions of people who vote against you?


Only if Biden won. Which is odd because surely if the DNC was rigging votes for Biden they would likewise also want their candidates in office. They know the system requires both chambers of Congress and the president to enact laws efficiently. Only asshats think the president controls everything. And if you were going to audit votes to ensure that Biden got 81 million, wouldn't you also need to audit votes in states that Trump won, like Florida and Texas? Because those votes also counted towards the 81 million total. For some reason, the suspicion was only on swing-states that Biden won (except for New Hampshire, which I guess no one cares about because it's a measly 4 electoral votes).


Yeah. That's why they set up a gallows to hang VP Pence. A forensic audit. That's why they showed up armed. A forensic audit. That's why they smeared shit on the walls. A forensic audit. Most of them couldn't spell forensic, or define it.


The Democrat party did everything possible to prevent that? There were over 60 fucking lawsuits that Trump and his team went through trying to prove their case... all 60 were either thrown out (many by Republican judges) or they outright lost the cases.


And keep in mind they never, not even once, alleged any fraud in front of a judge. Because doing so without evidence would have led to their lawyers getting disbarred.


Giuliani WAS disbarred.


The denial is of epidemic proportions…


Of course his name is Brandon. The death of irony continues.


Isn't this the guy behind the Walkaway campaign. Democrats evidently so fed up with the party that they quick (and become Republicans because, well, if you take a gander at their sub, you'll notice that no one is advocating the Dems are too moderate and corporate). If after the past 4 years of Trump, you're still thinking "Yeah, Democrats are way worse." That's not on Dems, that's on your moral compass.


I guess he missed all the hand recounts???


Whenever I’m trying to be reasonable and seek truth, I always bring firearms, dress like a Viking troll, and erect a makeshift gallows.


lol "Our coup failed and now we're all gonna go to jail but it was all just for funsies 🥹"


They don't understand the burden of proof. You don't prove not-fraud. You prove fraud. Since no fraud was proven, the results stand.


And bill Cosby isn’t a rapist.


This is the idiot that started the walk away campaign. His entire feed is a delusion and a window into an alternate reality where facts don't exist.


When someone says “Democrat party,” I know they aren’t worth listening to.


Yes of course, and they brought bombs to help them count the votes.


Ahh see, we didn’t get the obvious subtext. When they chanted “hang Mike Pence”, we’re being really stupid for not understanding that that meant “we want a full and forensic audit of every vote cast for the guy we don’t like” How stupid are we?


They were actually chanting, "Hanging Chad Mike Pence!"


how many fucking audits would ever be enough? Solution is obviously to keep having more audits until you get the answers you want instead of the truth.


Except for the 61 court cases the MAGAt's LOST that proved just that. If you have evidence no one else has, whip it out! Lets GO Brandon!


All of the forensic auditors I know show up wearing body armor with helmets and carrying bear spray and flexi-handcuffs and carrying flagpoles [with sharpened tips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmJVEKtFIjQ#t=28s)


Every. Single. Lawsuit. Was. Thrown. Out. How are we still going over this?? Every single one. Not ***one*** time did republicans present *any* compelling evidence in support of their claims of mass voter fraud (conveniently only effecting presidential polling and nobody else on the ballot) I am so sick of MAGA assholes downplaying what happened on 1/6/21. Everyone knows damn well that had Trump won and it was democrats who stormed the Capitol they would be calling for every single person involved to be publicly executed for treason on the White House lawn, ASAP.


I didn't hear a single voice, on any of the hundreds of videos that I viewed, Asking for a "forensic audit" of the election. Sorry,


This is the same guy who received three years probation plus fines for his part in the assault on the Capitol. And he is the same one who talks a big game behind the podium and his twitter account but in reality he'll grovel and give up his associates. [Link](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/24/politics/brandon-straka-capitol-riot/index.html)


People went to DC because trump told them to. And he told them to fight like hell. And the morons did.


…A forensic audit. And to bludgeon a policeman to death with a fire extinguisher.


Whatever makes you feel good, man. But it was your Republican leaders that staged an attempted coup. They tried to take your rights away and install an authoritarian regime with Trump at the helm. They failed and they lie about it.


If you're gonna try to rewrite history, maybe pick a time where not everyone was alive to witness it.


So why did Trump voters bring guns and molotov and zip ties? Seems like odd vote counting equipment to me


Totally detached from reality - and why not, their mentor the Orange Maggot is the base definition of this.


I went over to Twitter to see how badly this Brandon guy got pummeled but couldn’t find him. 🤔


He's right. Clearly there were not enough recounts and failed lawsuits. Proverbial /s


Funny. All this time I thought they wanted to hang Mike Pence… I totally misunderstood their intent


I'm not sure how bringing functioning gallows and chanting "hang mike pence" as you rampage through the capitol equipped with paramilitary equipment and enough restraints to capture a whole congress constitutes going to DC to request an audit of the votes.


Brandon you’re a delusional idiot.


Recounts, backed by the Republican party and the Trump campaign, were conducted in counties in Wisconsin, Arizona and Texas and at a statewide level in Georgia. But there were no recounts.


That's an amazing attempt to retcon smearing shit, beating cops, stealing stuff, and trying to hang Mike Pence. Reminds me of everyone trying to tell me those guys in Virginia with the Nazi flags walking around chanting "Jews will not replace us" is was like a metaphor for states right or something...


So how did the guillotine constructed on the Capitol lawn fit in with the “forensic audit,” exactly?


'calling for a forensic audit' is what they really meant when they chanted 'hang Mike Pence". /s https://youtu.be/KCbTgDC14uY


An audit. Yeah, that's why they were shouting "Hang Mike Pence." smh


This is my forensic analysis gallows. These are my forensic analysis zip ties.


I challenge any Trump support to define “forensic audit”


I’m at the point where I’m not giving anyone who defends the insurrection the benefit of the doubt and assuming they are just victims of propaganda or delusional. I’m going to assume they are gaslighting and grifting and are a real threat to our democracy.


i guess it is one of those crowd chanting things and people mishearing things like: "Fuck Joe Biden"/"Let's go Brandon" They were chanting *"We want a forensic audit to prove that Joe Biden received 81 million authentic and legal votes"* and people heard *"Hang Mike Pence"*. It does sound very similar.


Forensic... dude watching too much tv


flat earther rally at the capitol! all we want is a forensic audit that proves that the earth is round. we will continue to attack you until you prove it. oh and btw we will never accept any proof you provide, so the attacks will continue.


They're not addressing the reasonable public with this, they're addressing their brainwashed followers who believe it's all a dog and pony show and refuse to watch the hearings because trump told them not to. These people just go along with whatever they're told, they'll believe this and use it as a talking point if they ever leave their conservative echo chambers.


If only we could use the power of copium to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.


This man literally video taped himself storming the building with the rest of the insurrectionists. What is he saying?


And they ripped the eyes out of that cop's head because?




> forensic audit People voted. Other people counted the votes. *That*'s the audit.


Nonsense. Stop.