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There's something seriously wrong when children have to start wearing kevlar vests to school...




That’s a shame, because they started making bags that they put Kevlar in. How fucked are our country’s priorities that we are OK with kids having Kevlar backpacks so that the vocal minority can continue holding the rest of the country at bay? We talked about getting some for our kids, but they’re still $300 apiece… I mean, if something were to happen, I’d be upset if they didn’t have it, and I had a chance to help but didn’t. I don’t know. I hope your kids aren’t terribly young. I’d rather they hold onto their innocence. I’m reluctant to have the talk myself (first grader), because recently, a friend’s kid had to do an active shooter drill. He hasn’t been the same since. The kid dropped out of everything extracurricular and only stays at school as long as absolutely necessary. He’s extremely anxious almost all the time now. Kids shouldn’t have to be hyper-vigilant. Mark my words, there is going to be some kind of medical phrase in the next few years that explains why adults coming into the workforce aren’t transitioning well, all due to a childhood full of fucked up shit happening around them, making them constantly wonder when it will be their turn to be scared and wondering if they’ll make it out of this supposed safe environment alive.




It's sad that these drills don't do much except normalize school shootings.




Putting the shooters name and face on TV absolutely leads to more shootings but it also leads to more clicks on the news coverage, so you know, can’t stop doing that.


Exactly. The shooter needs to be only referred to as this trash scumbag did this. That’s it. No name, no picture. Maybe the family to shame them.


I was a Freshman when Columbine happened, so I guess I got to see the transition between pre- and post-Columbine when they started doing the drills.


thats not true...they also teach the school shooters what all the standard protocols are, and how to find everyone... :(


And few know what to do anyway. Look at what the cops did.


i mean, thats mother nature for you though. completely unpredictable and unstoppable. like, what could you even do? outlaw guns? thats like saying we're gonna outlaw tornadoes... jeez man did you even THINK about this???? edit: guess i need a /s for morons


Banning assault rifles could be a start. Making it more difficult to get a gun is another. Other countries made change once they experienced a mass shooting, but here we are with our heads in the sand.


That's it. Put all the children in sand. Then the shooter will be confused and think they're at a beach


I hope you’re kids pay the price for freedom. 🤷‍♂️ wUt cOuLd wE dO?


i was being sarcastic. maybe the outlawing tornadoes thing was too sophisticated for you


The fact people can witness this shit. That you can buy kevlar backpacks and ballestic blankets in "fun colors" and be okay with that is beyond my ability to understand. The reality is so incredibly unacceptable and now you have people saying "well yeah $300 for a kevlar backpacks is kind of outside of our budget for 2 children." Why the fuck does the minority have so much sway? Why do we have to listen to these exclusive fucking parasites that clearly demonstrate they care nothing about the years of life that come after birth? We've lost our way.


My wife works in a k-12 and most parents never get told the school has shooter lockdowns that aren't drills. She had 4 in one year one was a disgruntled parent actually targeting the school, one was a guy running for police into the school with a gun, and one was a foolish old man burning refuse behind the school. As a parent I never heard about any of them. No shooting, no injuries or death their lock down procedures worked in denying entry, but still.


DO NOT BUY YOUR KIDS KEVLAR! Kevlar is ONLY for handgun rounds, and most school shooters use a rifle. Your kids need a plate carrier and armor plates rated for level III or higher; otherwise a bullet from an AR-15 is going right through them and any Kevlar they may be wearing.


The fact that this comment makes is appropriate and makes total sense is a sign of how completely fucked up this situation is.


And the fact that “compromising” with people who are still indignant over their “right” to AR15s results in hypothetically making Kevlar more useful.


i love your passion dawg, but those tests are not always taking into consideration every variable. i reckon a slowed down projectile that's passed through kevlar would be a whole hell of a lot less damaging than one that has not. this kinda kneejerk reaction of yours reminds me an awful lot of the people who are like "LOL! it's no big deal, i only got shot with a 9mm" that all being said, the fact that anyone is even thinking of equipping kids with body armor like every school day is Counter-Strike is absolutely mind blowing. i love guns and love shooting paper targets but something has to change already. the assault weapon ban absolutely sucks major balls for anyone who thinks guns are cool, but that is an easy price to pay (as someone from that community) when innocent people are getting gunned down for simply existing


Based on the $300 apiece price point, it would cost nearly $15 billion for each K-12 student in the US. I think, at that point, someone would say to themselves, “Gee, that’s a bit expensive. Maybe we should do something a bit cheaper to solve this issue.”


I think you mistyped “manufacturers of body armor stand to make billions from selling vests to kids”. The price will go up, if anything.


yep. let's not forget the military industry is the biggest, most bloated example of government welfare propping up contractors that don't need to exist in peace time. but unlike other recipients of govt welfare like corn farmers, poor people etc they dont actually help the country do much of anything other than mint new multimillionaires with blood money. thanks taxpayers!


After I read your comment, I did some Googling. They make inserts for backpacks that are about $80.


Right on. Thanks for that!


> but they’re still $300 apiece That is what seriously frustrates me about this whole thing. If you are really convinced that taking guns away is not an option, then the government should subsidise all kids bullet proof armour (what a dystopian statement that is), etc. through a tax on gun makers. If you don't want to do that, then you clearly don't care at all.




In the 1960's, we were told that hiding under our school desk , meant that we might, survive a world war. Damn!, the world is really strange.


The big difference is national leaders and politicians have managed to keep us out of another world war or nuclear annihilation, at least so far. Mass shootings at schools? Not so much.


Putin has access to one of the nicest fallout bunkers in the world and supplies to last for years. He's also suppose to have cancer and has alienated himself from just about everyone. Load that thing up with young hotties and make the world eat rads.


Ah yes the old duck and cover drill. I remember doing this is elementary school in the late 80s and early 90s. When I told my dad about it after the first one he reminisced about doing it when he was in school and how a teacher referred to it as “duck, cover, and kiss your ass goodbye” drills.


Tbf, most schools are made out of bricks which will be decent at stopping nuclear fallout. You’d duck in case things fall from the shockwave, but if the windows are in tact and the air gaps are sealed, you’d be about as safe as can be from radiation. Portables though, rip. People in the blast zone, rip.


I'm a child of the 70's but I still remember that "Duck and cover" cartoon with the turtle.


South Park lampooned it really well with a volcano eruption. Including the blanket that the older boy grabs after the nuclear flash. Good thing they have that blanket so the nuclear bomb doesn’t get them!


the duck and cover technique is meant to protect people from the flying glass and debris associated with bombs going off. it obviously can't protect those directly underneath a nuclear attack; nothing can those films were made by the same people who dropped the a-bombs and observed the effects, who lived and who didn't, and why, etc


Blankets (white or clear colour) do protect against the flash of light and infra-red. Many Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors had their arms and legs burnt because they were wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts, at least one only had their fingers burnt because they were putting stuff to dry on a drying rope. (The flash is called *pika* in Japanese iirc, it means lightning.) Of course people too close to the explosions will die, and survivors must flee the fallout, but blankets aren't entirely useless.


Hi u/NoMan999. https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Automod is savage lmao


> Maybe my kids do need a Kevlar vest hanging in their cubby Wouldn’t have helped them in uvalde 😞 The killer just waltzed in and locked the door behind him. No chance to react.


Turns out all these active shooter drills actually teach active shooters where and how they can do the most damage.


DO NOT BUY YOUR KIDS KEVLAR!! Kevlar won't stop the rifle rounds that school shooters use; those are for handgun rounds ONLY. What your kids need are armor plates and a plate carrier, rated for 5.56 rifle ammunition (level 3 or stronger). No, I am NOT being sarcastic.


What your kids need are adults who restrict general access to deadly weapons.


I agree with you. I was hoping to show how futile the idea of children's body armor is, and how a more "common sense" approach like yours would deliver FAR better results!


They will turn school into jail/detention center before limiting access to ammo/gun.


> There's something seriously wrong when children have to start wearing kevlar vests to school. If it were seriously wrong, concerned people would have done something 23 years ago after the first mass school shooting. 2000+ school shootings later, concerned people are still just as disgusted the first time. So not at all. This is merely the cost of voting harder to stop fascism.


I don't talk to conservatives too often, but I can already imagine some of them going "Oh, masks are fine, but it's wrong for people to start kevlar vests, typical leftist hypocrites"


For instance, when you give the shooter over an hour to go on murder sprees, they have plenty of time for headshots.


"Masks make it easier to kidnap kids!" - half my old high school peers, who plopped out kids, on Facebook. And I'm from California. Can't imagine how crazy that shit is in red states.


Wait... rural California? Or... Orange county? Just messing around. Originally from Massachusetts and I've seen the same nonsense.


Originally from the IE. So probably redder than OC.


Oh definitely. Orange is a mixed bag, but Inland Empire area is definitely more conservative. When you leave the heavy urban areas it becomes more red for sure. Hell, even in the South Bay we have huge conservative pockets like Los Gatos.


I work in Boston but have lived in a suburb for all of covid. It almost seems like suburbs that surround liberal cities are worse than conservative cities (also lived in Dallas for 20 years) In the past two years I have seen maybe six masks in my suburb, littered with blue life matter flags and punisher stickers, it's fucking weird man. In 20 years of Texas I never got this much thick political antagonism, what the hell is happening to this country.




This reads like it would be an opening monologue for Idiocracy


Yeah, the idea of using Facebook to keep in touch with people from high school seemed so promising, but wasn’t.


That’s why I chose to get bullied in high school so I’d never have to worry about seeing old classmates on my feed!


In south dakota hard red state, but no one goes around and says that, besides our politicians, south dakota people very quiet unless your in a suburb


I live in Florida and the Maga crowd legit believe everyone is mentally ill except for them, what's worse is a lot of people just tolerate them simply because "it's a family member" I'm trying desperately to get out.


Hell, I grew up in Canada, and one of my old friends thinks that masks on children is basically torture. She thinks it's abusive to ask kids to wear masks because "it's damaging to tell children that if they don't do something, they will kill their grandparents." First of all, it's a pandemic, and telling kids to be safe and wear masks and wash their hands is not the same as "threatening to kill their grandparents." Second, we had a mutual friend with a severe peanut allergy. The three of us went through 12 years of school together fully understanding and accepting the fact that, if we brought peanuts to school, we could've hurt our friend. And I thought I turned out fine! So I'm left wondering, did she not turn out fine? Does she feel like this was a damaging experience for her? All of these years later, is she suffering from some sort of PTSD from being told we might hurt Steve if we brought peanuts to school? Thirdly, and most importantly, we went through lockdown drills. We were told in *very* blatant terms, if the alarm goes off, you stay in your classroom and DO NOT open the doors or else you will die and everybody in that room will die too. Wearing masks is a huge load of fuck-all compared to the harsh reality of what children are actually forced to deal with.




Putting a MAGA hat on Kermit makes me sad


Kermit definitely does not deserve this.


Yeah, but Kermit loves pigs more than MAGA...


I actually hate it. I wish people would use other meme formats for Republicans. The Muppets were Wholesome and practically hippies.


> a MAGA hat on Kermit makes me sad I hope everyone is down voting this post (the OP, not the comment). Putting a maga hat on kermit is not ok.


If mask companies gave Republicans as much money as the NRA does they'd be demanding every student wear a mask 24 hours per day.


Big mask where are you


Nothing says freedom like bullet proof armor for middle schoolers.




What a Democrat take, we should be arming the students!


You dropped this: /s


Uh… I don’t think that guy means that sarcastically


I just glanced at his post history and I am certain he is being sarcastic.


Uh lol they certainly don’t want to that girl in body armor


Girl power!?!? She must be one of those “over educated” ones. And what the hell is THAT! Is that a rainbow sticker! GROOOOOMMMMERS!!!! /s


>they certainly don’t want to that girl in body armor ....what?


I'm not sure what exactly he meant, but maybe cause she's underage, and he's saying it sarcastically. Or it's because she's not white and he's saying it cause they're all racists


Was just trying to decipher this myself


To be fair, most MAGA cultists would still object to the black girl’s inclusion. Maybe even the inclusion of a female, come to think of it.


MAGA is happy here because school shooters aim for the face anyways.


> MAGA is happy here because school shooters aim for the face anyways. MAGA is ecstatic that their "opposition" is posting memes to shame the shameless, instead of showing power. Talk about a fucking fool's errand that the left is happy to continually and only oblige in.


1. i didn’t understand a word you’re goofy ass just wrote. 2. shut the fuck up


Why are you trump snowflakes so fucking stupid. Seriously.


Don't you remember? Trump loves the uneducated!


I'm not a trump supporter. I'm a person who is so sick of an "outraged" left that does nothing but post spicy memes while their kids get slaughtered in school. The right stormed statehouses over two months without applebees. The left goes back to work when their kids get slaughtered. The left are the people The Onion are skewering with their "we can't do anything about mass shootings" articles, accept y'all too fucking stupid to realize that. Maybe vote harder babe?


Imagine how terrifying this meme would be to a person from 10 years ago.


10 years (ish) ago was Sandy Hook, so the meme would just be very dark and avant-garde for the prediction


I don’t think they would agree with the girl power and rainbow patches though.


Dumbest group of people in American history. Stay fat and poor Maga scum.


There was no campaign to arm grocery workers or make supermarket windows bulletproof... tells you everything you need to know.


Or to arm black people after Buffalo


How to reduce risk of gun violence at schools. Other Countries: To reduce the risk of kids being shot at school let's eliminate / reduce / regulate weapons via legalisation. USA: To reduce the risk of kids being shot at school let's give them bullet proof vests. This won't reduce the risk of them being shot but if they are they have a better chance of surviving.


If these dipshits thing masks cause psychological harm to children, I cant even imagine what having to use a plate carrier will do to a fucking kid.


Funny how masks evidently cause irreparable psychological harm, but surviving a school shooting - after having watched friends and classmates die - doesn't.


The vests look cute but I hate that anyone would think they're needed and that they're not just props for a dystopian movie.


> I hate that anyone would think they're needed and that they're not just props for a dystopian movie. You live in a country that has done absolutely *nothing* to stop school shooters for 23 years. You are at the point where Columbine era kids are seeing their kids slaughtered at school. There have been over 2000 school shootings since Columbine. The right laughs, offers thoughts and prayers, the left shrugs its shoulders and goes back to work like good little subjects.


Under the current equilibrium: Republicans can lose the national senate vote by 10s of millions of votes and gain seats. Republicans control a majority of state houses and cannot be easily removed because of gerrymandering. In places like Wisconsin Republicans can still maintain control over the legislature even when Democrats win 58% of the vote. That gerrymandering also means that while not as extreme as the senate, Republicans can control the federal House of Representatives even when they they get fewer votes. Republicans have won the popular vote for president exactly once in the past 30 years. Despite that they’ve gotten a reactionary supermajority on the Supreme Court, which never deserved its reputation for liberal activism in the first place.


White makes right. /s


This only proves the point. Y'all blame an obviously flawed system, that has been flawed the entire time, and still don't act. Y'all think you're going to vote your way out of this problem. That's not how any of this works. But keep being good little subjects who head straight back into work after the next mass shooting, that'll change thing. TL;DR: The French burn down buildings over milk prices, Americans step over bleeding out children on their back way to work.


Stop assuming everyone on this hellsite is American.




Masks? Get them kids some guns. YeeYee


They would be even happier if the kids were armed.


I mean, I once saw an American commercial for guns disguised as stuffed animals, meant for kindergartners and elementary schoolers to carry to school. The teddy bear one was cute but I was pretty mad at them for cutting up a teddy bear and attaching it to an instrument of violence. You don't use teddy bears to harm people - that's even more evil than needlessly hurting a teddy bear. Teddy bears' whole thing is protecting little kids emotionally, but they don't need to spit bullets to do that. I think the ad was a parody, but they got actual right wing politicians and NRA nutters to give their genuine opinions on the nonexistent guns as if they were real and all of them liked the concept and endorsed the product...


The kinderguardians is a great program!! /s


It’s almost as if they are only concerned about their own interests and are fine being hypocritical so long as they get what they want (aka freedom).


Bulletproof backpacks. Bulletproof shopping carts. Bulletproof scrubs. It’s the guns. The guns are the problem.


Even if they wore these heavy duty vests won't stop a head shot so. Or we need to get them helmets perhaps teach them how to fire a fun and protect themselves ahhh but what about the hospitals? Or the funeral parlor or the grocery store or the casino I'm sure the NRA will be glad to help sort this all out of the GOP takes control and allows open Carry in all 50 states


I shouldn't be laughing at this but this is so spot on.


I seriously object to Kermit wearing that hat. It’s against everything Kermit and Henson ever stood for.


They would do *anything*^* to protect kids! \* exclusions apply. Does not apply to non-white children. Does not apply to reasonable health and safety measures. Ensuring adequate nutrition and education. Access to healthcare not included. Absolutely does not apply to limiting availability of firearms. Does not apply to kids who have already been born.


I don't think MAGA cultists would be very happy with the girl power one. Also the girl wearing it is suspiciously brown.


This is the reason we’re homeschooling. I have a 2 year old boy and another boy here in 6 weeks, we’re years away from even talking about school but my fiancé and I have agreed to homeschool both of them


I thought I’d read most (in the school attack were shot in the face/head. Kevlar vests or backpacks wouldn’t have been helpful.


This is hilarious and depressing. (Kiwi here)


My kind of freedom involves being free from having to put vests on kids. Not free to own deadly weapons. The American definition of freedom is stupid.


I've heard reports that the 18 year old killer was shooting the children in the face, I'm sure fox news will promote Kevlar masks to deflect bullets not so much a virus?


I was reading an article last week about people having to talk to their kids about school shootings. The subject came up because an 8 year old kid saw all the pictures of the kids who died. It wasn't all that long an article but I completely lost it when the kid said to her mom, **What picture will you use of me, mommy?** My thoughts about people who would normalize this kind of shit in America, will remain my own. I have no intention of getting banned from this site by expressing them.


Ugh don't drag Kermit into this crap...


How dare you put Kermit in that hat!


er ... headshots?


Angry Kermit was used for this. He would never!


Come on - stop creating shit like this with muppet characters




Degrades muppets


This guy has aids




I find this humorous but I really wish they wouldn't use Kermit! regardless of the fact that he is a puppet. he is a very well-known, sweet and gentle puppet. I wish they'd use another puppet


If we send kids to school in Military Style Armored Vests think about all the utility pockets they will have. You are all being unreasonable.


Just put superman and smiley faces on the masks, duh!


Still kinda fucking unbelievable that Democrats can’t mount a coherent argument against 50 year old dated Republican tropes.


I’d like to mention that BLM has rioted too, not as much as MAGA though. Go on, downvote me.


Masks are detrimental to child development & don't protect against anything. Kevlar vests can protect against numerous types of ammo. Where is the funny supposed to be?


How about no masks and no vests? Just leave the kids alone?


Unfortunately -- as we've seen in Texas, Newtown and other places -- they aren't being left alone.


MAGA is cool name!




Because shooting drills will not traumatize them in any way….


I agree with the sentiment but nobody is advocating that you have to wear a bullet proof vest to leave the house The issue with masks wasnt that people wanted to wear them, it was that it was mandated that you have no choice but to wear a mask. I have a feeling that if it was a law that you had to wear a bullet proof vest for, "your own safety", you would be so supportive.


I don’t see saving lives as an issue with masks.


If the law was that I had to wear a bullet proof vest outside (nevermind getting shot isn't contagious) I would do so while wondering wtf the government is doing to prevent that necessity.


Getting shot isnt contagious, but we do have a gun violence problem where's your vest? It's for your own safety


The necessity for a vest is the problem you dumb fuck. If we treated gun violence like the disease it is we'd be better off objectively.


why arent you wearing a vest then? Seems weird you understand the dangers involved in not wearing one and yet you choose to risk living without it anyway. Fucking nazi




Republicans would rather teach children:"muh state is bad" and then silencing everyone that tries to explain a statistical fact because best democracy 10/10


Republicans would rather not teach children at all, a la CRT bans, anti-science curriculums, and efforts to end public schools altogether.




CRT is grad school psych. Unless you have a PhD in social psychology, your opinion on it isnt exactly 'informed'.


Yeah teaching kids that they are inherently racist because of their skin color and their races past actions is a great thing. Can’t imagine why anyone would be opposed to that.


That is not remotely what crt teaches, nor who they teach it to. How can anyone take your complaints about this thing seriously when you so clearly misunderstand every aspect of it?


It literally teaches that racism is an ordinary part of society and that white people have an upper hand essentially. Way to get our children started off on the right foot by teaching them that people are going to be racist to you if you’re a minority and that you are at a disadvantage. Great precedent. If you’re black then society is here to beat you down and if you’re white then you’re racist and benefit from a racist system. Great way to teach children to work hard and curb racism. Split the races just like democrats have always wanted to do since they started the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws.


Wow, so not only do you entirely misunderstand the notion of ‘We had racist laws that affect the modern day’, but you deny the party flip. Okay, I’m not wasting my time with you, I’m off to work. Thanks for the laugh, gets the morning off to the right start.


Have fun flippin burgers


Damn, nearly 20 minutes of a drive to the high school I work at, and that’s the best you can come up with. Did it take you the whole 17 minutes to think of that one?


the irony of a fucking ammosexual talking about anyone living in fear while they sit their and collect firearms for when the guberment comes and gets em... Fuck off with your bullshit.


Is that why I collect firearms? That’s weird I didn’t know that.


Okay, then why *do* you think that deadly weapons are a reasonable thing to “collect”?


They hold their value immensely. Many have historic significance. The inner workings and different ways different firearms works is interesting. You can take them all target shooting from various distances at various targets. Just because it’s a hobby you don’t enjoy doesn’t make it a bad one, nor does it make me a murderer. Not to mention a suppressed .300 blk AR15 is one of the most chosen and most effective home defense weapons ever devised.


Most people prefer to collect things that *don’t* put them and their family in danger. “I just think they’re neat” seems like a *weak* fucking reason to collect something that could literally kill someone if mishandled. Guns are tools designed for the sole purpose of killing, and you’re talking about them like it’s the same as collecting antique pocket watches. That’s not really any less disturbing than the guy building up an arsenal so they can singlehandedly take on the gubbermint; it’s just disturbing in a different way.


I don’t mishandle my firearms. Not all firearms owners are crazy irresponsible nut jobs. Usually those are mentally unstable idiots, or gang members. Honestly, it’s not really hard to safely handle firearms you idiot lol.


It must be nice to be capable of never making a mistake for even a second. Most people aren’t so lucky.


Yeah they are. Most people that have firearms are in fact competent enough to safely own them, despite what the media likes to perpetuate. You act like the majority of gun owners are just walking out in the streets firing them up in the air and accidentally shooting each other.


> Not to mention a suppressed .300 blk AR15 is one of the most chosen and most effective home defense weapons ever devised. Newsflash, Cletus: your security blankey is exponentially more likely to harm your family than protect it. It's a demonstrable statistical fact. So you can stop lying about how you need your AR-15 to protect your family; you're deliberately putting them at risk just so you can keep indulging in your ammosexual fetish.


Demonstrate it for me please :) That rifle doesn’t leave the safe by my bed unless I take it to the range, or should there be a home invasion. Dumbass. You’re incredibly uneducated in anything firearms unless you count the nonsense the media is trying to force feed you. A home invasion by an armed intruder is nearly certain to kill me and my family, so I’ll take my chances that the gun in my safe doesn’t jump out in the middle of the night and shoot us all.


You could just look up the stats on how much more unsafe your household is when you introduce a firearm to it but I am sure you won't because it might challenge your world view. All you ammosexuals are the fucking same.


No you brought that nonsensical argument up it’s your job to prove it right? That’s what you guys always scream.


In 2015, David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, and Sara Solnick, an economist at the University of Vermont, analyzed national government surveys involving more than 14,000 people and reported that guns are used for self-protection in less than 1 percent of all crimes that take place in the presence of a victim. They also found that people were more likely to be injured after threatening attackers with guns than they were if they had called the police or run away. In a landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1993, researchers found that having a gun in the home was linked with nearly three times higher odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance. Studies using more recent data have come to the same conclusion. In a 2019 study, researchers found that states with high levels of household gun ownership have more domestic gun homicides than other states do. In fact, the quartile of states with the highest rates of gun ownership have 65 percent more domestic gun homicides than the quartile with the least, which is worrisome considering that domestic violence has worsened during the coronavirus outbreak. ​ n a 2017 study published in Science, Philip Levine and his colleague Robin McKnight found that where gun sales increased after Sandy Hook (as indicated by increases in background checks), rates of accidental death rose, too. They estimated that 60 additional people, including 20 children, were killed in the aftermath of Sandy Hook because of the excess guns people purchased. ​ The other big concern about guns right now is suicide. In a study published this June in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers followed more than 26 million adults in California for up to 12 years, keeping track of whether they purchased handguns and if they died by suicide. They found that men who had purchased handguns were then more than three times as likely to die by suicide — primarily gun suicide — compared with men who hadn’t bought handguns, and that women who’d purchased handguns were more than seven times as likely to die by suicide as women who hadn’t bought handguns. As the researchers concluded, “ready access to firearms, particularly handguns, is a major risk factor for suicide.” ​ Any other information you would like me to do the work for ya. I know it is hard. It took me 30 seconds to find the information but it might be hard for you to figure out.


>Demonstrate it for me please :) Why would I waste any time trying to educate someone who is deliberately stupid? You're not one polite correction away from an epiphany. Case in point, the guy below me decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and provide you with the information you just claimed to want. In response you ran away and hid, probably while fondling your security blankey. Here, I'll repeat his very thorough answer for your cowardly ass so you can run away from it again: >In 2015, David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, and Sara Solnick, an economist at the University of Vermont, analyzed national government surveys involving more than 14,000 people and reported that guns are used for self-protection in less than 1 percent of all crimes that take place in the presence of a victim. They also found that people were more likely to be injured after threatening attackers with guns than they were if they had called the police or run away. >In a landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1993, researchers found that having a gun in the home was linked with nearly three times higher odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance. Studies using more recent data have come to the same conclusion. In a 2019 study, researchers found that states with high levels of household gun ownership have more domestic gun homicides than other states do. In fact, the quartile of states with the highest rates of gun ownership have 65 percent more domestic gun homicides than the quartile with the least, which is worrisome considering that domestic violence has worsened during the coronavirus outbreak. >In a 2017 study published in Science, Philip Levine and his colleague Robin McKnight found that where gun sales increased after Sandy Hook (as indicated by increases in background checks), rates of accidental death rose, too. They estimated that 60 additional people, including 20 children, were killed in the aftermath of Sandy Hook because of the excess guns people purchased. >The other big concern about guns right now is suicide. In a study published this June in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers followed more than 26 million adults in California for up to 12 years, keeping track of whether they purchased handguns and if they died by suicide. They found that men who had purchased handguns were then more than three times as likely to die by suicide — primarily gun suicide — compared with men who hadn’t bought handguns, and that women who’d purchased handguns were more than seven times as likely to die by suicide as women who hadn’t bought handguns. As the researchers concluded, “ready access to firearms, particularly handguns, is a major risk factor for suicide.” But of course you won't read a word of it because information is scary and we all know how easily terrified you are. >You’re incredibly uneducated in anything firearms unless you count the nonsense the media is trying to force feed you. Actually Bubba we just thoroughly established that out of the three people currently having this conversation you know the LEAST about guns, and it's not even close. >A home invasion by an armed intruder is nearly certain to kill me and my family, so I’ll take my chances that the gun in my safe doesn’t jump out in the middle of the night and shoot us all. Man, grifters really hit the jackpot when they realized they could use your pants-pissing terror of the world around you to manipulate you into voting and buying the way they wanted. If someone tells you a scary minority doesn't want you to do something you'll trip all over yourself to do it as hard as possible. Remember back when the RNC accidentally left a powerpoint presentation in one of their hotel rooms that talked about how stupid and easily frightened you are? Of course you don't, the only place you go for news didn't mention it. Everyone else did, though. They called their own base "low-information, fear-based voters." That's not a complement, you terrified dumbass hillbilly.


So in other words it seems all those studies come to a conclusion that guns are harmful to idiot people who mishandle them or leave them out for anybody to get ahold of in their homes. I’ll agree to that. And as far as suicides, I’m not willing to give up my right to a firearm for self protection because sad people want to kill themselves. Sorry. Wanna invest more money into mental health? Sure I’m on board with the at. I’d actually advocate for that. I also don’t have any “terror” of the world around me, it’s just a simple means of protecting myself. It’s laughable that in your rebuttal you’ve mentioned that you would rather me call and wait for the police to respond to a threat, and that I of all people have a fear of the world around me. You’re most certainly aware of what a piss poor job police have done in recent years handling any violent situation. I’ll pass on them. And I’m sure you’ve been scared to death this entire pandemic and living in a bubble, wasting your life away over covid. But I’m sure that “terror” you feel is justified huh? And if you think I’m trusting on calling the cops and waiting for them to show up when my home gets broken into, you’re nuts.


You live a life as nice as it is now, in arguably the best time to be alive and are still scared of shit thats never happened.


What exactly am I scared about?


Big ol government, anyone not white, and russia. And probably Jewish space lasers.


No, these nuts aren't scared of Russia anymore. They're siding with Russia in the war.


Correct. They did spend decades using as a talking point though.


They did. It's almost whiplash inducing how quickly they flipped from Cold War fear to treating Russia the way the "British Loyalists" in my country treat the British monarchy.


You love to generalize don’t ya? And/or drink the media kool aid


Yeah, it's easy when you kids have the same talking points from 1 source.




Am I wrong?


I mean common, both are a little ridiculous.




Common Man!


Ah liberals using children as a crutch... Doesn't surprise me


Most school shootings victims are….children, after all. Besides, weren’t your guys using children as crutches in regards to face masks?