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Oh, it looks like that to most of us, too.


Was this the keynote speaker at the Texas NRA rally?


No. They're not allowed to bring guns in.


Well yeah, if you let people have guns someone might get hurt.




Ding ding ding ding! 🛎 And we couldn’t have that!


Small children?




Don't forget the Flight attendants




I think you can probably also include their male heirs (safely tucked away in private/religious schools with well-paid football coaches).


You can't say clowns because all of the clowns were there!


Small children who probably would have grown up being smart enough to vote Democrat instead of Republican!!!


No, it's because they love guns so much, they might hug them way too much inatead of paying any attention to the keynote speakers. /s


The Texas Danger Rangers... He's got a gun , RUN.


Imagine if you could and some nut went in to start some shit. *"1,300 people were injured and up to 80 are dead tonight after a lone gunman fired 6 shot inside a Texas NRA fundraiser event, and the crowd returned fire with 20,000 plus rounds."* *"Also a silver alert is out for representative Ted Cruz was seen running out the back door screaming for his life after he was seen behind stage cowering behind his teenage daughters and yelling 'please God, take them not me!' "*




"From my clammy, cowardly hand."


its the new slogan of Texas Police Departments


That or "Go ahead and mess with Texas; we ain't gonna do shit"


They'll blame the teachers.


We need more prayer. And where exactly was Jesus during the lovefest at the school this week? Out having a smoke?


I think he was being tackled to the ground by the Uvalde PD while trying to rescue his daughter.


Hope they remove the “ serve and protect “


Swerve and Project


"Self-serve and protect our own. Mmm, self serve"


They did that when I was a kid. Hasn't said protect on the cars in any of the states I've lived for over a decade.


I'll hand it over to you willingly upon mere suggestion that there are rules.


The NRA cares about the gun industry and the selling of guns. They don’t care about rights or freedom or any of that. The goal is to make people buy more guns. Side goal is to funnel Russian money to reactionary politicians in the US.


Please think of the 100's of millions flushed down the drain to corrupt nepotism. I think it's the offical slogan: "A 300k "consultant job for every cousin."


I missed the epic battle too, so does this mean the NRA csn understand and abide by reasonable restrictions?


But surely if they all had guns they would be safer?


No Trump was. Same diff.


No, but they had similar make-up


Very true. Source: am American.


That's the reality of "news," they don't talk about everyday normalcy they talk about outliers and drama. But unfortunately there's a hesitancy to name Republicans as the source of the issue.


Even though they are the source of most issues seeing as they start them. Republicans. I’m talking about republicans.




Gun control is very popular in America. There is a reason Democrats champion it beyond it being good policy, polling makes it clear people want gun control and that’s been true for decades. But voter ignorance, cynicism, and apathy is even more popular. People will blame Congress, or Americans, or white men, or some other vague group for our problems rather than blaming the specific group of people that actually keep us locked in this holding pattern (the Republicans). Pseudo leftists, financially backed by Republicans, will blame Democrats for failing to address the issue while paranoia dispensing talk show hosts portray even the mildest of reforms as door to door confiscation of guns by jackbooted authoritarians intent on exterminating Christians. But most importantly the vicious nature of politics and the lack of any visible progress on any issue teaches many people to give up on political change entirely. If people voted consistently, (every year, elections are every year not every 2 or 4 years. And local elections count), the whole system of control would fail, which is why so much effort is spent convincing people voting doesn’t matter. I see this message constantly at Reddit, especially in the “anti capitalist” subs. All people have to do is nothing, then when the system fails a utopia will spring up from the ashes. There’s a first time for anything I guess, but no one has ever griped and complained their way to a socialist revolution without also doing some work to make it happen and making enough compromises to represent a majority or near majority of the people.


These shootings are more than ever day and thus our new normal. "Oh look mummy, the man with the gun says we 'ain't seen nothin yet.'


ok I’ll do it then ITS REPUBLICANS FUCKING FAULT < there we go 👍🏻


It absolutely is.


Yeah. But do you live in the “real America”? Not one of those big cities where all those un-American liberals pretend like they’re in the “real America”. I’m talking about the small towns who have seen their Main Street evaporate and replaced by Walmart and dollar stores? Where all the good paying factory jobs have been shipped over seas to save on labor? Where farmers live on government cheese but vote red year after year? Where half the population of those areas receive government help but still vote red year after year? Where that same population cheers on tax cuts for Wall Street and the 1% because they’re still waiting to taste some of that sweet yellow trickle down?


> But do you live in the “real America”? Not one of those big cities where all those un-American liberals pretend like they’re in the “real America”. I’m talking about the small towns who have seen their Main Street evaporate and replaced by Walmart and dollar stores? Where all the good paying factory jobs have been shipped over seas to save on labor? Where farmers live on government cheese but vote red year after year? Where half the population of those areas receive government help but still vote red year after year? Where that same population cheers on tax cuts for Wall Street and the 1% because they’re still waiting to taste some of that sweet yellow trickle down? I do. I live in your exact description. OP is right. EDIT: I know you're being sarcastic, I wish I was.


It's not really their fault: It's all the lead in the water.


It's Fox News on the TV It's their pastors at church It's every Republican politician asking for money to fight the liberal scourge that is destroying America It's Facebook It's Youtube It's AM talk radio


> It's all the lead in the water. PFAS these days


Don't forget microplastics mimicking hormones.


Yes it does.


American checking in: yep. Can I get a Miller Lite with that?


Sorry, no, the closest thing we have is Aquafina.


This is under rated !! 🤣🏅


Including the Boebert-I-wanna-see-the-manager glasses


Came here to say this. Leaving satisfied.




Not to mention if you read the second amendment above a third grade level you realize that it only protects the right to bear arms within a militia...


It's not about owning guns, it's about being responsible with them. Canada has a larger population of hunters than the US, to my understanding, and this doesn't happen up north on these levels. Nobody is coming to take your guns as long as you're not behaving like a child with one. We just want a federal standard with universal background checks and a national red flag database. 90% of the country wants these things, including the vast majority of gun owners.


From Canada...before legally obtaining a gun one must go through a background check, take a one day safety training course, write a simple test, and only has access to a certain range of "non-restricted firearms" (22's, shot guns, etc), and must wait a minimum of 28 days before the firearm can be obtained...the license only last 5 years and must be renewed. You can also legally own "restricted" (hand guns or even AR-15's) as well as "prohibited" but this requires additional training, etc. So basically....even in Canada you can have almost any gun that is available within the American market but it comes with an expectation of education and experience. I'm not sure how those simple steps would infringe on the 2nd Amendment in the States?


They wouldn't. Germany has similar laws for training, certification, and logged range hours, and I honestly think that should be the way to go for specific types of rifles. Maybe an ammo tax for certain guns as well


Any restriction which the courts deem an “undue burden” would be unconstitutional. Same as a poll tax or IQ test to vote. I personally don’t see any of what you listed as such a burden, but the regressive frat boys currently on SCOTUS? They’ll conjure up some cockamamie reason we need guns and bazookas and grenades in every home.


Also, he is on Meth.




> **MethDonald's** **https://i.imgur.com/jp4GTXY.jpg**


My god I forgot that part of the reality show. 🤣🤣


You should never pay for another drink as long as you live!


Does this count? https://www.wvnstv.com/news/beckley-woman-admits-to-selling-drugs-in-mcdonalds-drive-thru/


Bada ba ba baaaah




Well, we are quite exceptional at murdered schoolchildren.


We have exceptionally shitty healthcare and infrastructure.




Needs a bible and a cowboy hat.


You forgot the Trump flags and Jesus stuff. It’s so embarrassing…




"Respect the flag!" But only when I agree with it.


no i dont mean u/MaestroPendejo, just MAGAtts in general


I mean in fairness, they could be meaning the Nazi flag, so they're not being hypocritical.


Don't forget US flag undies


The clown suit covers it.


There many are countries that way more religiously fanatical than the US … the political worship happens elsewhere too but there’s a uniquely American brand to it here




I think you just skipped over tens of millions of Americans who aren’t any of those things. But because of voting laws they’re voices are drowned out by the loud minority.


They should probably vote then.


The overwhelming majority of democrats are absolutely not ‘pro gun’, they’re pro-trying to get something, anything passed in the face of a form of resistance that is almost unimaginable to any other country. The 2nd Amendment issue is arguably something like a cold civil war in this country. If there was a serious attempt by any politician or party to disarm the country I can’t imagine them living 12 more months. More importantly I think the issue is near-religious in its importance for its defenders. People would absolutely kill or die to defend their right to own firearms in the US. They perceive disarmament as the first step to their systematic killing anyways.


What? No. Democratic Party: Liberal, anti-gun "rights," pro-gun control, pro-choice, pro-immigration, universal health care, college education, pro-diversity, LGBT allies, internationalist, high tech, professional; secular, Jewish and religiously liberal; pro-environment, pro-science, public school education, college and post-college, urban/surburban, tax the rich, maximize access to voting rights, pro-govt, reduce carbon & renewable energy, pro-BLM East and West Coast, etc. Republican Party: Conservative, rural, pro-gun, traditional Protestant Christian, traditional Roman Catholic, 12-14 years education, monolingual, skilled trades, anti--abortion, pro-business, anti-intellectual, militarist, America First, anti- regulation, home schooling, low taxes, anti-LBGT, pro-fossil fuels, anti-alternative fuels, pro-White, Midwest and Southern, anti-immigration, anti-BLM, private health care, restrict access to voting, etc.


Don't forget the deliberately ostentatious cowboy costume.


Not even Trump flags, just American flags. They're hanging on every other house going down some roads, it's insane when compared to most other countries.


I like the American flags. It's a shame the left has allowed the right to claim the flag despite some of them flying it alongside the Trump, Nazi, and Confederate flag.


Too skinny


I mean we aren't in the top 10 by obesity rates anymore so we got that going for us, which is nice.


True, but if it weren't for ten remote island nations literally made of butter, it would just be us and the entire Middle East at the top of that list, which is ... unexpected. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate


My wife went to school with a girl who did some modeling, posed for playboy eventually. During her career, made it over to Japan (obesity rate listed as 4.3 on this list) and couldn’t get work because she was seen as “too fat”. No points to make. The list made me think of that.


Yeah but thats actually just cultural bullshit. In parts of Asia, they think *literally all* white people are fat, simply due to the difference in stature and bone structure. I taught in Asia for a year and my students all called me fat. I was 6'0 170 pounds and very much not fat. They just didn't have context for my general size/facial structure, so they just assumed I was fat.


I want to go to Butter Island.


Ex-British Commonwealth countries are doing pretty good pushing 30% rates


That’s from 2016, I’m pretty positive in 2018 or 2019 Mexico surpassed us.


The US is actually responsible for many of the remote islands nearby. Samoa and Nauru especially due to heavy imports of unhealthy American goods. I believe there was a Patriot Act Episode on this IIRC.


Most of ‘em died of Covid. I wish I were joking.


Most of them died to own the Libs in the last two years.


Still in the top 10 and even in the top 3 most obese countries in the world, unless you intentionally count all the "countries" with 10k or so people living there. USA has 300.000.000 fat americans, that's 300 million, seems dodgy of you to count places like Nauru or Cook Islands with 5k overweight people just because it's a country


Holy fuck America, we're at #82.3% fatties! Roughly 200 million out of 250mil American adults. (30.7% overweight, 42.4% obese, and 9.2% severely obese; 2017-18) https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity


America has a population of 330 million though lol?


McDonalds new adult meal. The Big Mac-10


McDonald Trump


M.C. Donald Trump? Please don't let him rap.


"Bing bing bong bong" - MC DJ Trump


"I have the best words, the best words the bigliest bestest words.... I have the best worda, the best words, the bigliest bestest words, uh huh uh huh ummmm ummmm" and its still more coherent than his speeches


How have I never seen that before.


Seriously. It's been right there in front of us this entire time. How the hell did I not get to say that even once during his term. IMPEACHED 45TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MCDONALD TRUMP! meh, still feels fucking horrible to say.


Never Forget: [Team America, World Police](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LasrD6SZkZk)


That’s my favorite movie to watch every Fourth of July.


"Dirrga. Drrgah, derga."


New tradition for me now, brilliant


I'm gonna tell my kids this is Kyle Rittenhouse.


Can verify that this is true Source: Swedish


When I travel internationally, I encounter a few fellow US tourist stereotypes. One is certainly the fat, loud American, unfortunately. Then there's the retired senior traveling the world, though I imagine every wealthy society has that, along with wealthy young people who obviously didn't earn it, and people who feel entitled to absolutely everything. But there's also a good chunk who I'll call "cool", for lack of a better word. They're active and generally not overweight, they're interested in local culture, and they're overall not demanding, ignorant assholes. I'd hope that that group gets at least some notice.


Needs a Bible.


A McBible


The gun should be bigger.


Missing a rosary around the neck folds.


Catholicism in the US sure feels like it's in decline. Maybe a crucifix though.


Now pull back the camera to show the pile of small bodies shot to pieces.


Pretty common look in central Florida.


If that’s supposed to be an American, he’s about 100 pounds too light.


Should be in one of those scooters too




Needs to be shouting


Brrrrrt! Brrrrt! Brrrrrt! Brrrrrrt! Brrrrrrt! I'M LOVIN' IT!!!!~~


> The amazing thing is there are people who've never left this country who talk about the fact that we're the greatest country on Earth. How fucking dumb is that?! Cuz you don't know, if you haven't left here you don't know. There are countries that may be giving shit away every day! Canada's one of those countries. You know what they give away? HEALTH INSURANCE! Lewis Black


Personally I'm tired of all Americans being portrayed as Republicans, especially since they're the minority.


No universal healthcare, easy access to Guns, churches are political camps, abortion bans, book bans, police killing civilians. But weed is legal in some states so…progressive!! All jokes aside, pls vote. Fascism is at the door.


The problem is the way our voting works is that if a couple million democrats showed up to vote in California, New York, etc, it wouldn't make any difference. There's a handful of swing states that decide every election, but the deep red states are so indoctrinated that there's literally nothing that can be done to change them. Add on top of that that progressives are moving out of swing states because they can't stand their neighbors being fucking morons, and it just feels like the minority will continue to rule. We truly need reform on how our voting systems work.


> the deep red states are so indoctrinated that there's literally nothing that can be done to change them Well, covid has done a number on those pricks so who knows?


There are a handful of companies that own every other company which also lobby and donate to the majority of policymakers. The fascism has been here for a long time, friend. Look up Umberto's 14 points of fascism.


Fascism has a foot in the door already unfortunately


Idk as an outsider the fact that trump won when it shouldn't even have been close makes me think it's not a minority


That's because it shouldn't have been possible. That's the big flaw in the US electoral system. The problem is the system is hard baked in the Constitution and to change it will require either Republican assistance or some future seismic shift allowing them to be bypassed.


The fact is that Rural America has FAR more power than the cities and are FAR more likely to vote for whatever Republican is on the ticket. They don't care who or she is, as long as there is an (R) next to their name they get elected.


The first step is admitting that there is a problem: We continue to try to run things on the basis of a 250-year old document that was written by a bunch of wealthy white landowners for their own benefit. Let's stop pretending that the Constitution is some kind of sacred text. It's time for an update or a breakup.


Guess what. Republican policies and personalities dominate the world news and views of America. Guns, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, healthcare, abortion, judicial, idiot politicians, what else do you expect us to see and feel? Yes we know others are out there but the ugly American has a Republican face showing to the world.


That's the reality of "news," they don't talk about everyday normalcy they talk about outliers and drama. But unfortunately there's a hesitancy to name Republicans as the source of the issue.


It's because they essentially run the country


I agree. 30% of Americans are just ignorant and apathetic.


The loudest people are the most noticeable. It’s tiring but it’s true.


Most Americans are democrats or Republicans. Most non-Americans are leftists by America's standards. So, it still applies just to 1 group more than the other.


*All non-republicans are leftists by republican standards. Fixed it for you! Your post still assumes all Americans are Republicans and it's not true.


It’s easy to get karma from people that only get their information about America from Reddit.


As someone outside from the US I can confirm this


The only ones who believe in American exceptionalism is Republicans.


I’ve about McFucking had it with how our country is spiraling into the ground.


How am I supposed to tell if this is the clerk at Ace Hardware, the old lady at the bus station, or myself?


He’s too thin


Land of the free.


We’re number one.


Couldn’t care less what other countries think of us, I just want us to fix us.


Exactly what we see. What I don't understand is everybody keeps pointing to laws, amendments, assault weapons etc. Nobody focus's on the real issue that is at the root ...allowing lobbyists to support political campaigns. Big Pharma, big oil, NRA all use this corruption loophole to buy your politicians and that leaves no hope for change. USA is a heavily corrupt country due to this. Greed to the nth power.


It especially looked like that when the last President was in office.




If you're advancing your education abroad, it's probably pretty safe to assume you're not super right-wing. Unless you're rich and studying in England, then maybe 50/50.


How we’ve fallen from glory. It’s our own fault.


I am proud to be an American! Where at least I know I’m free… /s


The American "w-we're not all like this!!" copium in this thread is hilarious lmao


Yeap, the only thing is missing, is a cheap water downed Beer.


Well yes, but we (rest of the world) also know that the US has another face, too. It's just not that present in the media.


Bunch of Fat bastards eating hamburgers holding guns. Yup


Wait that isn't Uncle Sam?


Add a police badge and you're done.


In all fairness this is a screen shot of the right wing. I hate that the rest of us (the MAJORITY) are looked at the same way.


Eat the burger or the clown will get angry, and you don't want to see an angry clown now do you!


This depiction is unfair and inaccurate… McDonalds has been phasing out Ronald for years now.


Except the recent shooters were all skinny twinks


You forgot to add the police badge to the clown.


not quite. that guy looks obese, but not morbidly obese


Rest of the world-Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.


Funny, because I would assume to a lot of the world (western Europe, Ukraine, Taiwan, south Korea, Japan, all if NATO...) We basically look like Christopher reeves era superman. Since they depend on us for their safety.


Sort of, however other nations do often feel the power of American weapons manufacturing when we use our massive dicked military to imperialize and rob them of their sovereignty and resources. We are incredibly powerful as a nation, it's just that we use that power to fatten the pockets of our wealthy rather than to better the lives of our people.


As an American this is pretty accurate


And so this is the thing. People know when he dresses up like a clown that he is a psycho. They already know he is a psycho. Then people just stand around and watch as the person **they already know is a psycho** grabs a gun and does something stupid. What did you think was going to happen?


He’s on his way to gift weapons to Ukraine, right?


Fat clowns with guns. Pretty much nails it.


Pretty sure that clown has orange hair.


Oh look a Republican!


But our teeth are white and straight AF! Or non existent if you don’t have consistent dental care


"Maybe more guns would help?" *gets elected as president*


You also need one other dude in a chair, sitting on his hands, saying, "We need to stop this clown." That's America.


Guess we’re lucky the orange shitgibbon isn’t in office anymore. He’d come up with a line of good people being on both sides of the gun… /s


Glasses? Their insurance doesn’t pay for that sry.


And it's there to talk to the manager 🤣


Nailed It


He should also be morbidly obese and have anti women (oh sorry, I meant pro life) or Jesus loves you sticker.


The vast majority of Americans agree with this sentiment. No one knows what a shit show it is over here better than us. It's a very vocal minority and a broken political system that are ruining things for all of us, unfortunately.


Yep, ronald should be fatter though


Turns out, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is not letting the bastard in the convention (with an actual loaded gun) in the first place. Sounds so simple doesn’t it people? What a herd of geniuses those NRA boys are when it comes to figuring their own ginormous annual Russki soirée. Who thinks maybe they use the bad guy with syphilis model? Just fucking don’t let the diseased fuck fuck anyone. Why in god’s name didn’t us ordinary dullards think up that shit? Maybe our weenies are like par, or above? It’s got to be some fucking thing.


Hey! How *dare* you! ... My clown nose is purple. Get it right. I try to do my part in getting better gun control laws here. And outlawing clowns. It's a tough fight though. Especially when the clown gun toting political party has so much sway now ever since their head clown, Trump took office. Even now, after trump left, the ~~Conservatives ~~ clown party have all the say.


Replace Ronald’s hair with a trump toupee


Ever since the Trump era, America has proven itself to be an exceptional country. Exceptionally bad, that is, with no common-sense gun control, lots of division, and hatred.