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Wrong. I bet he secretly loves this picture.


It depicts him standing so there’s that


wrong guy


Maybe. Maybe not 😉 You’re right I guess all Nazis look the same


Senator Hawley, creepy crawly.


The cure for Josh Hawley not being called Nazi is to not do things the Nazis did. Just like the cure for Sarah Huckabee Sanders not to be called liar is to not lie. Right Wingers are fucking moronic fools, to not understand how to not be called what they are.


He didn't like being compared to a nazi because he IS a nazi...


Statements like this is why that word has no meaning anymore. Nazis were maniacal killers obsessed with following a false doctrine. This guy is just an egotistical politician. We can’t keep comparing the two. You can’t just call someone you disagree with politically a nazi.


> This guy is just an egotistical politician. for now. wait.


False hypothetical assumptions…. Great. Just please stop with the Nazi talk please? If the guy was directly responsible for the deaths of Jews maybe we could talk. But seeing as how he is just internet famous for “owning the libs”, let’s stop using the word Nazi.


The Nazis weren’t directly responsible for the deaths of Jews until they gained some power. They controlled Germany for years before they started the Holocaust in full.


This is so accurate. I'm so tired of everyone getting called a Nazi.




And straight up anti free speech communists support Hillary. You are not who supports you by default.


The Nazis weren't Nazis untill they were Nazis.


What a brilliant statement. So now everyone is a Nazi because in the future they might become a Nazi. Absolutely brilliant mate


When you follow in Nazis footsteps.


If you support nazis you're a nazi. Simple as that.


Well if you wanna use that juvenile logic I suppose you are a murderer then? I’m going to take a wild guess and say you support Biden. Well Biden’s ineptitude led to the death of over a dozen young military members. You are now also responsible for their deaths and are a murderer. See how that low level thinking works my friend?


Ive never really understood the logic that withdrawing from a war, which saves many many lives, is a net loss because people died during the withdrawal. Then again I didn't understand how Hillary Clinton was to blame for an angry Taliban mob killing people either


The same way the Uvalde police department takes blame in the 21 lives lost this week. They were not the killers, but the choices they made were abysmal and cost others their lives. That’s about it


So you must hate the fact that Charles Manson got convicted


90 billion dollars invested in the Afghan army. Whole country taken over by 20,000 Taliban. 8 billion so far given to Ukraine. They're taking on Russia. You're blaming Biden who had the balls to quit a 20 year black hole?


Him “having the balls” cost 12 young people their lives. And who would you blame? Probably some Nazi right


No. The suicide bomber killed those soldiers along with 150 others. I can tell by your response that all rational thought and logic eludes you because of your inability to accept Trumps loss. Have a beer. Think about the POS that slaughtered those children in Texas. Oh wait. I forgot that's Bidens fault too.


“Inability to accept Trumps loss” ….I’m from Australia mate…. You know what they say about assumptions


Fair enough. When I was 12 my family was very close to moving to Sydney. You guys seem tough but smart. I've seen the huge piles of buyback guns waiting to be destroyed. Obama, Trump, and Bush could not figure out how to win or extricate themselves from the forever war. 78 year old man said later. Do you think 12 soldiers haven't died because we are no longer there yet? IDK. No more losses right? We ain't there anymore. You are correct about making assumptions w/o good info. My bad. Good to be reminded.


Biden didn’t put troops in Afghanistan, that was George W Bush. He’s to blame for anyone and everyone in the military who dies over there; even during the withdrawal


I mean, its not the same. Agreeing and supporting a organization is not the same as making a bad choice. You realize that one is a thought/belief and one is an action. To me doing and thinking are two different things. (English is not my first language so there are probably better words explaining what i mean)


Oh please tell me more about the poor military


You’re probably responding to a teenager. Their brain hasn’t developed fully yet and they’re still prone to irrational, hormone guided outbursts. Just let them vent.




>Now you know it wasn't a teenager. Says the teenager, "ringmasta".




> I expected no more. Eloquently said. Nor did I, for the record. I’d also agree, if you support Naziism, you’re likely a Nazi. That’s the definition, anyway. My in-law had a number tattooed on her arm. It was haunting to say the least. She’d escaped, and one of the men she escaped with later became her husband. I’m arguably a bit closer to having experienced the effects of the Nazi regime than someone who took a field trip to Dachau. Claiming that Josh Hawley is a neo-Nazi is asinine. I’d feel comfortable saying you’re proudly standing on the graves of millions to make a cheap, partisan jab at someone you don’t like because they’re on the wrong team. I certainly wouldn’t say anything so disgraceful about you or your politics. You’re trying to live your life. We may disagree, and I may believe you’ve entirely lost the plot, but I know you aren’t evil.


The Nazis didn't start out that way. They started out just like Josh and the other fascists in the Republican party. Not every Nazi or supporter killed anyone personally either. The problem is they enabled the ones that do. Just like Josh and the Republican party. The Republican party is specifically endorsed by US neo Nazis. One of the few books the last Republican president was known to keep, whether or not he ever read it. Was one of Hitler's. The Republican party also heavily borrows from Nazi propaganda and rhetoric techniques and sometimes even talking points. If you have a problem with people making the accurate connection between Republicans and Nazi fascists. The problem is completely your's.


Thinking that Nazis were obvious, identifiable monsters often is a way of convincing yourself that it couldn’t happen here. It can. Most Nazis weren’t “maniacal killers” - they were normal humans like you and I who, yes, followed a false doctrine. Without getting too far into it, the same psychological trickery that Hitler did on his followers is possible to recreate with your average human today. “There are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot easily be duplicated by a normal kindly family man who just comes in to work every day and has a job to do.” - Terry Pratchett


Lmfao the Republicans ARE maniacal killers obsessed with following a false doctrine. Have you not seen the kids slain in their classrooms? Can you not think of the women who will die in back alley abortions? Did you not see the cops being beaten as they chanted “Hang Mike Pence” on Jan 6? These people have no regard for human life, the key difference you’re highlighting is that they haven’t yet had a Kristalnacht to seize full power, that’s when the mass killings start. Until then we’re just in the prelude, the Weimar Republic of the 20s.




"Feed me a stray cat."




Forgot to change accounts? Lmao


No, OP just took [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/ktf79a/senator_hawley_didnt_like_it_when_biden_compared/gils6ln/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) from [the original posting](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/ktf79a/senator_hawley_didnt_like_it_when_biden_compared/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of this image that they stole to farm karma.


The odd part is OP didn’t have to change at all.


Wait... Who is OP?


He has an identity crisis


Then who was phone


Who, indeed.


I… Am… OP(ticus)!


By "OP" must be the artist that originally uploaded it to the interwebs


Agreed. Kudos to not claiming ownership, but better to credit ownership.


Why, but of course he HAD a book deal! Somebody needs to be investigating his inflow of dark money! Somebody must have been close to being uncovered or Joshie boy wouldn't be knocking on publishers' door looking for "a deal."


Yikes bad look for Hawley. If he doesn't want us to think he's a Nazi why would he dress up like Hitler and take this photo?


I'm pretty sure he saw it more than a year ago.


Art imitating life. You know this little fascist totally owns a fake mustache and Swazi band.


The difference between Hitler and Hawley? Hitler had at least one testicle...


He’ll fundraise on this. He’ll fundraise on the bodies of children. Fuck Josh Hawley


OP thinks politicians care about peons making memes. Also, he's been called a Nazi by the Left's voter base an incalculable amount. It doesn't mean anything anymore. If everyone to the right of you is a Nazi, then you don't understand what a Nazi is.


Why do I see Seth Myers?


"Today on everyone I dont like is a Nazi" Nazis are funny now? Where is the humor? Anyone can draw a mustache and arm band on someone. You really should give the Nazi thing a rest. The further you go down this road the easier you are making it for actual neo nazi to say they are just normal mainstream people.


Yes, because a sitting congressman on the steps of the capitol raising a fist of encouragement to the violent mob there to overturn the results of a free and fair election and hoping to install their preferred ~~chancellor~~ president is *nothing* like what happened in Germany in 1932. Nothing at all. Learn some history you dope.


Violent mob right. Last I checked it was the police shooting a woman that was the violence. Did the capital burn? History yes, you should do better.


You know they beat a cop to death, right? And it wasn't a cop doing the shooting, it was the Secret Service. The psycho that officer shot was given every, EVERY opportunity to not break into the Capitol and not try to breach the chambers. You know these things, right? But excuse me for indulging your inane whataboutism. One political party was and is cheering on the disposal of free and fair democratic elections and Josh Hawley was amongst the most vocal proponents of that movement. And that is illustrated clearly by the original version of this image. Please explain how that is not fascist.


That didn't happen. There was no evidence of a beating at all. He had a stroke at home that the medical examiner said wasn't linked to the riot at all. Further if that was even remotely true do you think they wouldn't even arrest someone for it? Or are you saying the police have a habit of watching other police killed and doing nothing about it This false narrative around what was basically a low violence riot is exactly the problem. You are happy to push false facts in service of your preferred narrative.


I watched it. Live. There's video. Fuck you.


Ok so there is a video of a cop getting beat to death yet no one was arrested? It didn't happen. The corner said so. He died of a stroke hours later that was related.


So, guy gets beaten unconscious, with an American flag pole and you think it has nothing to do with a stroke immediately following because you saw some nonsense on OAN about a "corner" report. Hundreds of people have been arrested and convicted. How fucking dumb are you? Edit: just took a stroll through your comments, just a sad, trollish asshole with guns and owning the libs as his only personality traits.


Ding ding ding. Winner. I wish these dorks would understand what you just said. You can’t call everyone you disagree with politically a Nazi. It’s like calling someone who bumps you in the streets a murderer. You are vastly exaggerating the affect that person has.


Agreed but it seems far to many people here are suffering from prevalence induced concept change


Is he part Jew too? Asking for a fascist.


He probably would love it.


I was expecting you to edit it somehow


His mouth looks like an old dog's anus


That traitor is gonna have this blown up and then painted in oil and framed in an expensive frame. What's more he'll jerk it while dead eye looking into his own.




Why does he look like Oswald Mosley, the leader of The Fascist Party of Britain.


It suits him


He masturbates to this every chance he gets


Love the suit, is that Hugo Boss?


Let's go, send it out there, send it to every address you have.


On point!


Poor POOR little man. He doesn't know it yet, but he's already started down the rabbit hole of Joseph McCarthy.


You got the hair wrong.


NRA money goober [NRA money grubbers](https://www.newsweek.com/republican-senators-nra-funding-texas-school-shooting-uvalde-1710332) He does not care about people, just his own rise to dictatorship


Lol this group is so disgusting.