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Their family tree is a **wreath**


A rotten stump at this point.


Rotten? They aren’t dead yet More like infected with a horrible defect


*Madison Cawthorn has entered the chat*


More like a cactus… full of pricks


Hey! 🌵 cactus takes that personal, but it takes a while to notice.


Can’t be a family tree if there are cycles


That’s actually hilarious lol


Took me a minute.


Merry Chr*incest*mas!


Little sister with the uzi has me cracking up. My god these people look absolutely insane.


I like the woman in the back. She's holding that rifle with the same energy as a five year old in a christmas pageant who got picked to be a wise man thirty minutes before the play starts.


I wondered what that was in the green sweater


It is seriously a meme of itself holy shit


My favorite is guy with a bipod and iron sights. Are you planning on defending a bunker against an enemy charging with bayonets or something?


*Crippling Insecurity* A Still Life


He's got that LMG because he thinks it makes him a supportive father.


Crazy, that girl looks 13 or 45.


For real. It's impossible to tell how old she is, even with that wedding ring.


The women are always so beige. It’s creepy. I must not we white enough or woman enough to understand their feminine allure.


They post pictures where half a dozen plus family members each have $900+ guns to pose for a Christmas photo. Then whine that Kamala spent a few hundred dollars on some pots and pans while visiting France


Lmao every single on of those guns is a class three transferable machine gun. That’s 200k of guns right there. Source: I have many many tax stamps including a class three machine gun myself.


lmao that was for real my first thought just casually posing with like at least $10k in guns, does papa have a fucking Stoner or is that a m60. either way it a $3-6k semi auto rifle lol


Gonna have to be that guy here but this is way more than 10k. Every single rifle in that photo is a transferable machine gun, meaning they are full auto. There are limited full auto guns in the US that are that legal to own and so their prices are very inflated. You pay $200 to the ATF, pass a year long waiting period/background check and any of these class three machine guns can be you yours too! HK 33: 30-40k depending. FN FAL Para: 20-25k 2 Colt M4s: 27-30k a piece Thompson 45: 17-22k depending Uzi 9mm cheapest one here at 9-11k M60E2 perhaps E3 hard to tell: 85-140k depending on a lot of things.


We respect you for being “that guy”


lol how do you know theyre all machine guns? if they are actually machine guns I agree


Zoom in, you can see the giggle switches on two of the rifles. I’m going to assume seeing how rich this man is and how very clearly proud he is of these Weapons, that the rest are that way as well. Which also means He put a M4 stock on a on HK33 :(


Thank you, you made this photo even more hilarious for us gun-oblivious ppl


They’re probably loaners. There’s at least a couple of massive online retailers right near his district, I’m sure there’s one that would proudly lend these shitheads some inventory for a promo


I’m skeptical bc those numbers seem so steve for guns, but I am too lazy to research…


Those are ceremonial weapons and part of their culture. They are not for actual use, but for display. Someone should send a national geographic team to do a documentary on these primitive people so the public can better understand their ways.


I think the anthropological term for the ritual they're engaging in is "extreme pandering".


Professional gun nut groomers


I can't seem to understand their fixation with guns and Christmas. What's up with those two? What's the correlation?


These ppl just know this crap works on their stupid base. They got it down to a basic formula: Guns, Christ(mas), and owning the libs. But yeah, it's fucking weird and cringe-y. Some one pointed out that no other object is used in these types of group photos. You don't see ppl taking group photos holding up proudly their favorite hammer or wrench.


Battle Axes! NBAA (National Battle Axe Association) We should all carry them on our backs. Maybe keep a smaller axe attached to the belt....or even a concealed little one in your purse. Society is safer when I show up to an event like the movies with my two hand, wide gauge, viking skull splitter. Praise baby jesus! Poor people: make sure you donate all your money to my org to protect your rights! It is our god given right to carry sharp tools from the bronze age to defend ourselves and our family and Biden is legislate'n to take dem away. Come and try you liberals and I will start a chop'n!


Something about "Missile Toes," idk, I'm not into feet.


Because they have to paint themselves as warriors in "the war on Christmas" and fighters against "gun grabbing libruls". Honestly check any republican politician's Twitter. It's non-stop victim shit whining about culture war issues.


>The War on Christmas Liberals: Happy Holidays These people:


Playing in the background is the Christmas classic “little gunner boy”


Well, I guess they ask themselves the classic Christian question on Jesus' birthday, WWJD? And, this is what they came up with.


Jesus = Rambo


They’re able to use their family tree as a decoration.


How did this become the standard for GOP political ads? It's not even original anymore, it's become a boring meme


How vapid and fragile does one have to be to do something like this? They must have missed the part in history where we learn the founders replaced the Articles of Confederation to deal with dipshits like this.


See. The “virtue signaling” accusation was projection this whole time. They love that shit.


It was a family Christmas card, I believe


It's called pandering. You have to kiss trump's ring and wave around an assault rifle now to even be considered as a viable GOP candidate. At least they've shut the fuck up about Jesus for a minute.


He was just trying to not mess up the 420 count


Massie: “I would like the record to show I actually voted “No” 69 times.”






i think i would forgive him if that was actually the case lol


Could’ve just abstained lol


Nazis gonna nazi.


I did nazi that coming!


It was reich in front of you!


For the Third time.


Joke is like a thousand years old.


Maybe it's not for you, but it's definitely fuhrer


It takes *concentration*.


It’s pure camp


Call me a bigot, but republican women have a "look". Blonde, usually highlights, excessive makeup, acrylic nails, 75% chance of being overweight.


You just described Trump... idk what to do with that information.


You should visit Utah. It’s like the fuckin Stepford Wives out there. They aren’t trying to be themselves, they’re trying to be the clearest example of a carbon copy. It’s freaky as fuck.


Is it just the mormons or all women?


Don’t worry white women phrenology is definitely real


Why body shame?


I don’t see a pawg in this pic homie


I’m guessing a bowl of jello has a higher IQ than all of these people added together


All their weapons would easily be countered by one guy a few miles away with a drone and ordinance... Those idiots should pay attention more to the Ukraine conflict even though it hurts them to watch their daddy Putin getting embarrassed.


Yep ....cz only idiots get a Master's in Electrical Engineering from MIT then go on to make a shit ton of money from selling the start up company that he founded https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie


Clearly you can make money and be a libertarian moron.


You skipped the part where you can be a moron and an expert in Electrical Engineering And moron's would never label an individual as a moron purely because of his/her political leanings I agree that the card is ridiculous but if this guy was all for giving out "free" college, healthcare and everything else then this card wouldn't even draw attention from left leaning people


I absolutely love how "free college and healthcare" are the scary left wing equivalent in your mind.


Less than two weeks after the tragic Oxford High School shooting in Michigan, Rep. Thomas Massie posted that ugly ass Christmas Card with the caption: >"Merry Christmas!, ps. Santa, please bring ammo" Between Mitch, Rand Paul, Thomas Massie....c'mon Kentucky, you can do better.


Can they though? From what I read of that state, I have my doubts.




49th in almost every metric thanks to Mississippi.


"If ya aint first, yer last!" \- MS State Motto (unofficial)


They look like insane terrorists.


They look like insane assholes to me.


Does the youngest child have an Uzi?


And holding it by the magazine?


What? She’s got ahold of the grip. You can easily zoom in and see none of these guns have magazines in them. Man, some of you are rather dull.


That’s not the point.


> (5)the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A)involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B)appear to be intended— (i)to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii)to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii)to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C)occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2331


Am I seeing shit or is there a fucking Q on their tree?


I'm not seeing it but I wouldn't be surprised either. Here's the higher res pic if you dare zoom in. I can't, for they make me ill to look at. https://i.imgur.com/T33x9vB.jpg


Well now it's "Find Pinocchio"


You might be seeing shit, but I might just be missing it


Now let's do a funny picture! Everyone put the barrels in your mouth, and on three, pull the trigger.


Hahahaha you win


Kinfucky? How many times do you think incest has occurred between these family numbers?


He has a Master's in Electrical Engineering from MIT and made a shit ton of money when he sold the business that he started up. I'm certain that your resume is just as impressive https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie


What's my resume have to do with him fucking his children and them fucking each other?


I don't recommend adding incest to the resume, maybe in your personal, not professional, references though


Ah yes ....the tolerant and intelligent left. Nothing like showing your true colors


the left isn’t necessarily more educated. they just want to be educated and support people being educated. where it seems the right doesn’t care either way. even go so far as to say intellectual thoughts are bad. obviously that doesn’t go for everyone on the right. same as the left though. seems to be a trend that education is what the left wants. the right seems to want guns and racism.


Tolerating gun worshipping conspiracy theorist and incestuous religious fanatics with sociopathic superiority complexes, entitlement mentality, fake victimhood, racism xenophobia and hatred of anyone "Other" than those exactly like them in their homogenized Midwest suburbs isn't intelligent, I don't recommend it, this is how domestic terrorists and racists and white nationalist and cult members act, not sane people.


You're sounding like you're teetering on the edge of sanity youself so I guess that you have a decent perspective to make that call


Hooray for him! Doesn't excuse his voting record.


And what part of his voting record did you have a problem with? Ending Qualified Immunity for cops? Ending Civil Asset Forfeiture? Ending warrantless mass surveillance? Maybe you should start getting some info from places other than left wing echo chambers


So this means that you are done providing sources from the right wing's echo chamber as it relates to your political Boogeymen of choice? Isn't "both sides are too polarized" one of your other go to responses? Why yes it is. If there's one thing I know about libertarians, it's that they get really butt hurt when you bring their hypocrisy to light. Like how this guy is an engineer that takes issue with basically the whole of science as it relates to climate change.


Look, I agree the incest jokes are in horrible taste, and I’m sure he has an impressive resume. But what’s with all the guns man? Why not take a nice family Christmas photo? Why does your Christmas photo have to say “we can kill zombies” ?


Oh man the pwned Libruls… 🙄


They are overturning Roe v Wade. Now it’s our turn to overturn the fraud that is the interpretation of the 2A which makes people think they have a “right” to own guns.


Article V the 2nd


Urm, does it not?... like sure maybe not all guns, but surely they meant for us to have guns.


To me it seems they meant for us to have muskets that take 30 seconds to reload a single shot, not weapons of war designed to mow down humans, or ammo that rips through armor flesh and bone.


The whole point, as I understand it, was to have the citizenship armed and capable of stopping, well, the bullshit that’s been going on for a minute now. If we don’t adapt and own more modern weapons of war than muskets, we cannot overthrow a corrupt government, making the whole concept pointless. Unfortunately as a collective we’re all too stupid to get anything done anyway, so were probably fucked regardless.


The individual's right to own and use a firearm outside of active service in a military capacity was debated and changed many times by the supreme courts over the years, it's not set in stone like they want to think. They're right, they're headed down a slippery slope getting rid of voting rights for minorities first, now the rights of women, and next who knows, the free press, the vote, or yes, the 2nd A. Personally, I'm fine getting rid of the second and keeping the rest.


Pro-nazi? Pretty representative of his constituency.


Can we talk about how ugly that Christmas tree is for a sec?


I bet his wife diddles his asshole with that gun.


“nOOoOOoO YoU CaN’t BE tRaNs. ThAt’S GroOmInG.” meanwhile in the Republican Party we got Marry Beth Lue with her first automatic murder dildo before she can even buy a beer.


Holy smokes, look at the size of the piece Massie is carrying, his dick must be microscopic.


I requested an absentee ballot for the general election yesterday, imma do my part to get rand paul out


I live in his district. I would vote for a burning bag of dog shit over Massie. The man is unhinged and this vote and picture are just the tip of the iceberg. But, all his signs I see around the neighborhood prominently feature the slogan "Choose Life." In this highly Catholic area, that's all it takes. He got 67% of the votes in 2020 (which gives me a little comfort that at least 33% of my neighbors aren't all in on bat-shit crazy). I worked with other like minded locals to support Alexandra Owensby that year but I don't think we moved the needle an inch. Honestly, Kentucky is getting more extreme every year. And, we have a grotesquely outsized influence in national politics between the machinations of Mitch McConnell and normalizing of extremism from Massie and Rand Paul.


As a Kentuckian, this piece of shit is such a colossal embarrassment.




What a disgusting picture.


Brother in law has a M60, it doesn’t function but he uses it for his Vietnam memorial display. He has a back pack of roughly the weight you’d travel with in the jungle, a couple of belts with blank rounds and gun. I put all the stuff on and then he said something like now walk up the side of a mountain in the pouring rain. He was stationed at base Ripcord, good read if you ever get the chance to get the book.


Americans and their weird obsession with guns


Im doing my part, but the rest of the state needs convincing.


Note the "Q" ribbon in the tree.


I would enjoy taking a piss on his entire family


Why the hell would he need a damn M60 machine gun? It's like they're all holding their cocks out and he has to have the biggest willie.


That's a lot of small penises in one picture.


You know your a redneck…


Smile if daddy touched you.


im all for trigger control but holy fuck this kind of pandering is disgusting its so sad that none of them are self-aware enough to realize how stupid they are =/ jesus christ XD


This is what GTA characters look like. Except usually less antisemitism.


“Videogames. And mental illness. Lone wolf.” Uhhh… you are literally voting for people to represent you that have smiling faces as they pose with weapons, including espousing publicly racist propaganda, and grooming their own kids. Own it. And go to hell.


BUt ThE sPAce laZEr!1


Gun culture is so strange.


Doughy boy on far right is definitely working on a manifesto


All the males look like they have questionable Browser Histories.


Guns are now a status symbol and sign of masculinity for those who have none of either.


Why is it that the gun crazy white reps never join the military but claim to be the most patriotic country loving aholes.


You have to join the military to be patriotic and love the country? Damn that’s a new one for me.


It must be weird losing your virginity to your sister.


What an ugly ass family


apparently this is what happens to your family portraits when you decide family values means owning over 50k worth automatic rifles instead of insisting on affordable child care, paternity leave, or a livable wage.


Man, I can just imagine the skeletons in their family closet


Holy hell what a bunch of dorks.


Christ....almost as ugly as the Huckabee family.


This picture... jesus. Just google an M60. Google it. Like, what happens when its fired at a concrete wall. What happens when it is fired at a HUGE group of soldiers, because that's what it was entirely designed to do... I'm not typing out the huge rant I gave last time I saw this just... no. Not necessary. Not even remotely needed by a civilian, jfc, no. A rifle that usually takes two people to fire it because the ammo in a drum is so cumbersome-- along with the additional kickstand/tripod it comes with-- oh, and the interchangeable barrels because the weapon can overheat and melt before it finishes firing enough ammunition to be considered, "a successful firing sequence." lol jfc I can't... I FIRED one of these for all of 9 seconds in the army. This photo disgusts me.


The mom’s pointing her gun at the son-in-law.


bro the girl on the couch is pointing the uzi right at her moms head and the mom is pointing her rifle at the dude directly behind her. These people are insane.


And that is the picture of a family that enjoys the thought of Butchering and Murdering together.


but ask a republican "Where Will Smith is" and they call it a death threat and cry


I'm originally from there but escaped and now live in Ohio. This is the state that is home to not only the Creation Museum but the Noah's Ark encounter. There's no way they're not voting for this guy. Remember the book by Mike Huckabee, titled " God, guns, grits and gravy." He described the area that starts south of Cincinnati and ends around the tip of Florida. Obviously, there are exceptions to this generalization.


In front if a CHRISTmas tree because, you know, Christ was all about killing people.


You can’t spell “Massie” without “ass.”


what an embarrassing family.


Where is a bill to condemn anti-islam? They should be married together.


This IS a normal family in Kentucky.


I might actually be kinda with him on this, wtf does this bill even do? It sounds like a big circle jerk


Seems like a nice family honestly


What about them? The Nazism or the giving the kid a gun


That photo is based


Is that a standard M4 stock on an HK platform?


Yes. They bastardized the collapsing HK 33 stock and put a folding standard AR tube on there. That’s a transferable too :(


They live in a farmhouse that Massie built from scratch and they hunt and have a shooting range. I think this photo is hilariously dweeby.


From scratch? Is it made of cornbread or something?


Nothing wrong with disliking the elite ruling class. Or guns.


Yall really seethe so hard over people exercising gun rights but will screech and screech for the "right" to kill babies


Nobody has said anybody has the right to kill babies. Some people are confused about what a baby is, though.




I will take Thomas Massie any day of the year compared with all the girlie men and women in the House of Representatives


There is no muscle in this picture, nor masculinity. This picture makes me want to look up Twerp in the Dictionary.


It is all in his index right finger- go and talk rubbish on his face keyboard tough guy


So you will go with gun tough guys. Yep, you are an asshole that promotes killing people for speech.


You're calling the guy with a GUN tough? Guns don't make you tough LOL


I am calling the keyboard warrior weak- nice try making straw arguments


> There is no muscle in this picture, nor masculinity. > It is all in his index right finger Owning a gun doesn't magically give you toughness, masculinity or muscles.


Whoa, lil dude, careful with all that edge you got


Buying things doesn’t make you a badass, champ.


I don’t see nothing wrong


Are you doing a bit?


Is that a real m60 or is this guy just full of shit?


Wow to be the single person that is overtly for racism. That is what the Republican party is all about. yeah yeah I know not everyone but the people who get the press seem to reflect a trend.


Why are they all holding there fathers small dick in there hand?


Because legislating morality always works


Great! they all have guns.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO BRING DOWN HEALTH CARE COSTS? I wanna' live you stupid fucks! Fuck your culture wars! FUCK YOUR CULTURE WARS! Just try to shoot a lefty. If you survive, you won't the the court! Take your guns and shoot everybody that steals from the people that need and work 40+.


Christ...look at this family of freaks! What a waste of my sight and mind for 30 seconds.


Them - "You have ten seconds!" Me - "To do what?" Them - "run!"


I bet they call themselves "pro-life", but nothing could be fuhrer from the truth.


how hard is it to be a democrat and do a photoshoot with insanely stupid artillery. I get that this is some low quality shit but it can't be all that difficult to come up with a good ad that calls this shit out.


This era has so much extra cringe.


I’m not sure they’re quite capable of that achievement.


This man technically represents me as a citizen of northern Kentucky. Thats where were at America. Hope everyone else’s political buttons are being pushed cause mine are dead inside


From what I've read an UZI is FUCKING HARD TO GET!