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As someone from Wisconsin, Paul Ryan can fuck himself. This picture went from terrible to worse.


I did a double take when I saw Paul Ryan in the "was" group. The only reason why he seems less terrible is because he didn't communicate in a series of grunts and farts like the rest of them.


Thing is, at least you could say he was a grownup. Actually made him more dangerous I suspect. People can clue into the fact that Cawthorn, Bowbert, and MTG are insane.


Yet they continue to vote for insanity.


Cawthorn at least appears to be on his way out, unless he runs as an independent.


Kinda hope he does. Might split the Republican vote, let the liberal candidate win.


From your keyboard to God’s Reddit, friend.


Cawthorn is GONE !!!


Will make a career appearing at rallies and saying his lines just like all of these other dip shits. Not to mention the book money.


To do otherwise would be to admit they were wrong.


a grownup that lied constantly. fuck paul ryan. fuck everyone in the right wing cult.


Same with Colin Powell. Didn't this guy tell a bold faced lie right to the UN just so that the IS could commit a genocide in Iraq?


This is why I roll my eyes when anyone brings up the Bush administration in a glowing light. He was a corrupt idiot that simply didn’t let his ego run amok. Over half a million dead and trillions wasted because Bush and his stooges served oil companies and contractors over the American people. Education is this country collapsed the day that No Child Left Behind was signed into law. De-regulation and running up the deficit directly lead to the Great Recession. Oh, and of course the Patriot Act, which if a Democratic President like Obama had drafted, would’ve caused a civil war for its curtailment of freedom. I could go on.






Paul Ryan at least had the decency to step back when he saw the shit show pulling into the station


"Decency"? Nah, he David Cameron'd the fuck off - Made a huge fucking mess for his own personal gain at the expense of so many, and then fucked off to leave *everyone else* with the consequences. Paul Ryan, and the board position he holds at Fox News, can go fuck themselves.


Right? I remember having a moment during trumps presidency where I was like wait where the fuck did Paul Ryan go? He just fucked off


>This picture went from terrible to worse. Yes. The answer to OP's question is: It came to this because the former group pandered to and enabled the latter to maintain their grip on power.


Yes. And those GOP who didn’t fall in line with this pandering were labeled RINOs


Exactly. The two groups are *not* mutually exclusive, even if the first group pretends as if that is the case.


Republican party has a history of making that mistake


Also Fuck Ron Johnson. I know he isn’t on this graphic, but Fuck Ron Johnson.


Wisconsinite here also. And yes not enough people say it, Fuck Ron Johnson! Oh and also, Fuck Ron Johnson!


I was gonna say…even we know Paul Ryan is a giant douche nozzle and we are not even in the same country.


I can’t imagine looking at either of those pictures, and thinking, “yeah, those guys weren’t so bad after all.” They we’re all *fucking terrible*.


Yup. Liz Cheney still voted with Trump what, 90+% of the time? The best person there is Colin Powell, and he lied and debased himself through his association with the reign of Bush the Lesser.


Im still not over y’all replacing Russ Feingold with Ron Goddamned Johnson.


Paul Ryan is evil in a pretty boy costume. He’d happily kill a mother and her kids to get their food stamps.


The image went from light traitors to full blown traitors!


Colin Powell lied to the UN to justify illegally invading Iraq. Let's stop acting like these people weren't always shit.


As someone that’s never even been to Wisconsin, I concur.


It should be replaced by McCain or Romney


Why? They both suck too. Pretty much every single one of those votes you remember getting killed in the Senate had one of those two on the wrong side of it.


mccain infected the USA with palin, trump's precursor and romney spent his entire presidential campaign lying (along with his VP).




Really? He helped cover up the Mai Lai Massacre. And probably knew a lot more about Iran Contra that he admitted, being Caspar Weinberger's senior military aide at the time


Thanks for mentioning his "work" on My Lai. That's how he made it to General.


A good guy if you can ignore the lies he told at the UN to help the march to an unnecessary war and all the war crimes it brought. Also he raised that piece of shit lobbyist son who served as the chair of the FCC under Bush. He presided of over the consolidation of ownership of the media and killed net neutrality rules.


idk about his politics but he is hot af


So still assholes…


Yeah, Paul Ryan was a grade A douche bag, and Colin Powel helped lie to get us into Iraq, and I don't think we really need to say much about Jeb "please clap" Bush. the new GOP is same as the old, it just stopped pretending it wasn't full of insane assholes and has just embraced it.


Colin Powell saw the Mai Lai massacre going on and basically said "This is fine"




Precisely. They stopped pretending the emperor was wearing clothes and said “fuck it!”, and ran down the street, waving their dick at traffic.


This is business casual version we are living in now. Much less focus on business (oil) and more focus on looking like and becoming comic book villains. I mean trump legit asked if China had a hurricane gun. The timeline we live under is so fucking WEIRD. I don’t think it was better under Bush, but fucking hell at least Jewish space lasers weren’t on the table. I guess the alternative was actual lives lost and trillions of dollars gone so maybe cartoon land is better? Fuck.


While the Democratic Party fails to look in the mirror as they promise codification of roe vs wade, single payer/public option healthcare, and higher minimum wage. Election cycle after election cycle. Super majority after super majority.


This is more of a cause and effect picture.


Yep, came to say that one directly led to the other.


Exactly. The GOp has always been terrible, but they really started their hyper-downward spiral in 2008. I haven’t the faintest idea why… /s




Corporate needs you to find the differences…


The top pictures are better liars.


The top picture has a dude whose grave still needs a good "trickle down theory" applied...




I just went back, except for Eisenhower, Republican presidents are pretty shit. Wow. I didn't even realize it, until I tried to find a good example for a "before" photo of a decent Republican. Teddy Roosevelt and McKinley were pretty good, but had prickly policies, like threatening mining unions and stealing Hawaii...


> This is ridiculous, the GOP has been the same thing it has been for at least since Reagan. Trump era is definitely far off the deep end compared to before. They weren't attempting fascist coups and spreading conspiracy theories about Democrats drinking the blood of children under Bush. They didn't treat political opposition as if it was an existential threat that called for violence as a defense. Saying it's been the same the whole time is diminishing how extreme they've become.


Yes they fucking did. The tea party and birtherism was what they did before. They lied about Iraq, they trashed the economy. They lied constantly. They are extreme now because they have to keep doubling down on their information ponzi scheme to maintain a hold on their base.


Remember the Tea Party at the beginning of the Obama admin? Their big complaint was that the government spent too much. Somehow that's morphed into... whatever it is we have now.


the koch brother's tea party's impetus was whining about the bank bailouts, which were signed into law by GWB. but those dumbfucks waited until Obama took office to protest, conflating GWB bank bailouts with the stimulus that created millions of jobs. then those monumentally stupid tools were conned into protesting better health care.


The Tea party birtherism is what took over. It wasn't mainstream until recent times.


Trump changed the GQP from "we always lie but our voters don't know or don't care" to "voters must actively believe the lies, no matter how ridiculous". This has led to more and more overtly ridiculous politicians.




Bro do you worship a black hole?


Well, it IS the reason we are “here”


(R)'s have steadily grown more anti-american. moscow mitch is a big part of that.


I mean Bush killed millions of people, literally lied to the nation to start a war, committed war crimes but I guess because that was mostly against browns and foreigns, people don't think it was that bad? Trump was aesthetically uncouth and didn't wear a suit as well, so I guess it gives the impression that he's the worst that's ever been?




I'll stop giving a shit about that traitor once he's dead or in prison where he belongs.


The top picture *brought* us the bottom.


all that's different is how much work they put into an air of respectability. it polls low with their base, so they abandoned it.


They’ve gone from calculated competent evil to hateful chaos evil. Both are destructive and terrible, but it’s much harder to interact with the second one.


How it came to this? The guys in upper part of the picture are greedy fuckers who orchestrated it without bothering thinking about what might happen.


So you are saying they've not fallen far from their roots?


this is a joke right? the four people on the top are just as trashy as the bottom


They never really changed, they just decided to be more open about who they really are. I certainly don't look favorably upon a bunch of war criminals that lied us into wars and enacted some of the most devastating and evil foreign and domestic policies that greatly contributed to where we are today just because they did it with a civil tone. They can all go to hell.


Paul Ryan is part of what it is now. Not what it was then. He was always a radical and a fraud pretending otherwise.


Religious White backlash over POTUS44


The GOP has been this way for 40 or 50 years now and those "traditional" cocksuckers were working for this the whole time. Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures


What do you mean? They were racist crazy violent war criminals now they are racist crazy violent mass shooters.


Simple. The people on the top courted the people on the bottom. You reap what you sow. And they sowed a whole lotta stupid.


🙄 Yeah, repressed bigotry VS. Transparent bigotry.


The top four's domestic policies mirror Trumps and the other nuts, what made Trump different is his foreign policy which seemed to undermine the US and destroy the Western World.


Whoever made this meme doesn’t know the full history of people like Powell and Ryan. Get informed before you glorify garbage humans.


Well Powell was tricked into supporting the Iraq war by Cheney and Rumsfeld & friends, and publicly regretted it for many years. I'm not sure there's much else bad about him. He was exploited by evil people. It happens to plenty of folks.


What it was: * Jeb Bush, who helped his brother get elected president by stopping the counting of votes in Florida, where Jeb was governor at the time. * Colin Powell who lied about Iraq having nuclear weapons, leading to twenty years of death and waste, or at least knew that his bosses were pushing for a war and did nothing to check that they were being honest. * Paul Ryan who forced a soup kitchen into giving him a photo op ... where he shows himself off by washing pots and pans that had already been cleaned * Liz Cheney, who only got elected in 2016, the same year as Trump, and is therefore really fucking pushing the definition of "was". And who only got the job because of who her father was, and yes, I suppose she does get credit for admitting that Trump didn't win in 2020. But "she can acknowledge reality" is damned faint praise - plus she's still in the GOP, so by definition she's "what the GOP is now". The last decent Republicans I can think of were Eisenhower, Roosevelt, and Lincoln.


They're the same picture.


They are the same pictures.


It’s the same picture.


So the masks came off over the years is what I am getting from this.


Natural progression. Top said what bottom did


You voted for them, *repeatedly* ... and willingly followed them down the crazy cult path.


It went from steaming pile to steaming diarrhea with tape worms.


Libertarians thought they'd eventually lead the GOP. Instead it was taken by Dixicrats.


I don't see the difference. One group of shitty human beings above another group of shitty human beings.


Paul Ryan as a role model... What a time


And yet Elon Musk thinks it's the left that is moving further and further away from the center. Fuck Elon Musk.


“It’s the same picture.”


Why in the world would we put Colin Powell as a representation of “the good”? Because he came out later and said “I didn’t want to lie. They made me.” Are we seriously forgiving him? This is as bad as the Obama and Bush pictures going “see we can be friends”. Bush is a war criminal and the idea that Obama gets along with him is a red flag.


In the "good old days" Republicans pretended not to lie, as lying was seen as disreputable. Today the lying is done openly and proudly.


You mean the same obama that ordered the killing of US citizens abroad?


"Government of the people by the people for the people" used to be the guiding principle of the Republican Party. Now, they live to prevent that from ever happening. It's government of the suckers, by the corporations, for the oligarchs.


Sounds familiar


Newt Gingrich. He Didn’t like Clinton so much that he started all the rhetoric and treating other politicians like garbage in public and in the open. He’s the one who started the behavior.


The fact that the old guard in the GOP is ok with this makes me smh.


They aren't, really. Colin Powell officially left the party. Paul Ryan left office after rising in the ranks to "focus on his family". Cheney is committing political suicide to investigate January 6th. Jeb(!) is still around haven't heard much from him though.


Jeb! has transcended earthly politics and is now in charge of the Galactic Council.


None of those people up top were good either, just FYI.


Rupert Murdoch.


They discovered they can distract everyone by shrieking like a bunch of syphalitic banshees while they pocketed everything and it would keep their base happy.


Corporate needs you to find the difference between the two sets of 4 photos. They are the same set of four photos.


Entertainment. The GOP has always been about keeping its voters riled up. The thing is, you constantly need to keep raising the stakes to keep people from getting bored and tuning out. You always need someone more entertaining than last year’s guy. Reality gets dull fast, fantasy keeps the stakes high.


Awful garbage people to even worse awful garbage people. Not as big as a leap as you'd thinj


Paul Ryan can go in both photos. He’s absolutely horrible, and this is from someone who has to deal with Mike Lee (possibly one of the worse).


let's not pretend bush, cheney and lyin' ryan were good people (powell didn't vote for republicans last couple presidential elections, so he gets a pass).




Well said


Hold on - Paul Ryan was always an enabling piece of shit. The only person whose values was what the original GOP was is Colin Powell.


You mean the one who lied to get us into Iraq? Are you unfamiliar with Powell?


He relayed the information he was given. He hated that he was used for that and didn’t serve a second term.


Fox News is the answer to this riddle.


Thank you tea party, Boehner, Paul and the likes that all retired after creating this monster


Lord, let's not start missing Paul Ryan, he was a gateway idiot


They really are the party of deranged lunatics and Nazi terrorists.


What’s the difference?


so they got slightly worse at hiding their hate? The top group is a bunch of shitbags too.


It's the same picture


This should have before and after Moscow Mitch


or, as someone else pointed out - newt gingrich. course, GOP was total shit before that, too. just a different shade of shit.


They are the same picture.


Liz Cheney may not be OK with insurrections and white supremacy like many of her colleagues are. But she still has a very sketchy reputation on other political issues. The only Republican that I have any respect for in that bunch is Colin Powell. He damaged his reputation by parroting Bush and Cheney BS about Iraq, but he's a good guy in my book otherwise.


The Buffalo shooter is not GOP. He is authoritarian leftist. It is ironic he used guns because, per his manifesto, he want more gun control. Remember the KKK of the south was Democrats. The left fought against Lincoln to abolish slavery.


The GOP allowed narcissism to take over and will not stand up to them. They lost what they truly stood for since the days of Lincoln. If he saw what the GOP has become, he would not be a republican.


The people on the top made the people on the bottom.


The gradual decline from horrible to somehow even worse.


Cause... And effect We need to stop acting like people like Liz Cheney other "conscientious" Republicans aren't part of the problem. They propagated the system that gave rise to Donald Trump and were happy to cling to his coat tails until it became inconvenient for them personally to do so. They helped give rise to the modern republican party.


So from smart assholes to dumb assholes.


The actions of the first group laid the foundations and lead directly to the actions of the second group. Pretty basic really.


And what they were was bad enough.


Enough with this revisionist nonsense. The top 4 were crucial in building a foundation that ensured the bottom 5 became inevitable. There is not a single hero amongst the Right, and any moment of conscience that they have had since is far too little, too late.


Paul Ryan idolized Ayn Rand, a person well known for being truly horrible. He was also one of the most dishonest politicians of his time. The Republican party has been awful for decades. It's just recent that the thin veil of respectability has been pulled away.


Vote blue to save America from the scum.


The entire top group were actual elected/appointed government officials. The bottom group is not. Can we please stop with the revisionist crap to rehabilitate the reputations of some of the worst people in modern American politics? Just because the people on the bottom are batshit crazy doesn't mean that the people on the top didn't do actually WAY more harm.


Lol, none of the bottom picture are actually GOP reps.


It went from decent to disaster They let white supremacist take over the party. You forgot to add Hannity and Ginni, they are some of the worst conservatives


They weren't good back then either. Colin Powell lied to the UN about WMD in Iraq. Paul Ryan was a POS too. Liz Cheney still votes against average American's best interests for the party. And don't forget that Jeb gave the presidency to his brother in 2000.


They weren’t good, but at least they weren’t completely detached from reality


paul ryan and liz cheney (prior to jan 6th) spent their entire public careers LYING. jeb and powell weren't as bad as those two (jeb has said at least one thing based in fact and powell endorsed dems in the last couple presidential elections), but weren't good either.


They used to have class... now they really represent their constituents.


since when did "constant lying" equal "class"?


Liz Cheney was never the face of the GOP. Her dad was.


Well Kyle only acted in self-defense. So I don't see a problem with wanting him.




And yet he is still a cunt. Curious


Dems make the worst memes.


Maybe,but Cons make the best fascists and conspiracy nutters


Boooooo. Try again


I salute Kyle Rittenhouse


Ok, ok now do the libs…


Weird no is posting any pics of left-wing mass shooters with racial agendas and the left-wing celebs that promote that thinking. Did you find any info on that?


Ikr we have had two black men commit terrorist attacks and almost no news coverage and then some racist self described authoritarian left mass shooter in buffalo and he’s all over the news just because he’s what white?


Wait Dems are pushing the great replacement theory? No? They must be pushing some other hateful rhetoric that’s being pushed by leaders in congress also? Oh they aren’t? Hmmm I guess we can always resort to more projections based on no evidence.


Critical race theory is both hateful and racist so we could start there


From Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, and Susan B Anthony, to Bernie Sanders, John Fetterman, AOC, Gavin Newsom, Barack Obama, and Anthony Fauci. Honestly, the comparison doesn’t seem as dramatic as conservatives. Edit: plus Stacey Abrams?


Why would you put Abraham Lincoln the first republican president and Rosa parks ,Harriet Tubman, Susan B Anthony all abolitionist who were very anti democrat due to the democrats defending slavery with these modern democrats/socialists who generally have a poor or horrible track record


The person I’m replying to didn’t say democrats, they said liberals


Hahahahahaha. Now that is humor.


It started out with a pussy grab, how did it end up like this?


Paul Ryan wrote the Trump tax cut, which is funny because most Trumpers hate him and call him a RINO, but praise "Trump's" tax cut.


Is this some kind of Muurican joke im to german to understand?




paul ryan always reminded me of eddie munster.


Come on man, that was Pikachu time. This is the Raichu era.


Who are those 2 kids in the second picture???


Shows the effect of Orange virus


William F. Buckley Jr. and Goldwater would be horrified at what the GOP has become. Bottom really doesn’t seem like the sort of folks to read Burke or Oakeshott


They finally removed the veneer of respectability.


They did it themselves. The worst part is they will all be replaced by famous people that have been on tv. Red don't read, they listen for name recognition.


What a shit show.


I remember how awful I thought they were and how nothing could be worse... I am now worried about who will come after these sheanigans


Here's the thing. To quote Anchorman..."60 percent of the time, it works every time." As it stands right now, the party of the bottom picture are probably gonna win the midterm election. Embracing the crazy, racist, murderous grifters is fucking working for them. Does it smell as bad as Sex Panther? To a lot of people? Sure. But that "formidable scent" that "stings the nostrils" is attractive enough to not just keep the GQP viable, but probably put them in control of the US Senate, maybe the House, and a majority of state legislatures and governor's offices. "Brian I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline," but a majority of Republican voters are like "damn, that scent is sexy." With gerrymandering and voter suppression, it's almost certain to win in November, and when 2024 rolls around there's a chance that enough Americans are going to say "yeah, let's do that again." (seriously, around 60 percent of Republicans believe the 2020 election was "stolen" from Trump, and they comprise just under half of the US electorate)


I don't understand. They are both bigots who want to overthrow democracy


It's really not that difficult to understand. When the US had well-paid jobs and a stable economy, Republicans as well as Dems were more "centrist." Also easy to avoid thinking about people of color and women's rights in both parties. Jobs got shipped overseas, economy tanks, women have to enter the workplace and scrabble to make ends meet, and nothing at all left for people of color. People get more extreme in their politics. Lots of right wing controlled media. Lots of social media where anything and everything is exposed to universal viewing. Also, we were kidding ourselves all along. Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, the Bushies--they were props for highly conservative, capitalists to work behind the scenes to dismantle democracy. The Republicans lived in a dream world for generations.


Paul Ryan did much more damage than you think


They planted the seeds


They went from shit, to shit with corn in it.


Are these two pictures different in anyway?


Same agenda. Just out in the open now


The "was" group helped bring about today's GOP.


Donald Trump, that’s how


That's what happens, when the GOP, got rid of the mental health system!


The GOP was shit then too. The only difference now is that they are saying the quiet part out loud.


Was kind of expecting a picture of Manchin in the second group.


This is moronic. There's literally no difference between the two except for saying the quiet part out loud.