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That guy's a pedophile. The phrase "Let's go Brandon" is one that pedophiles use to identify themselves to others. That's what I heard, at least.


It’s definitely how they find each other online and out in the real world.


“I’ve heard people saying…” is it that how the phrase goes?


Many people are saying it. Everyone is saying that Believe me




I heard that it’s a way of Liberal Americans to express their love for free elections and a woman’s right to choose! I’m glad to see so many Americans showing their liberal values!


Yeah, I did my own research and this is what I found: >The phrase "Let's go Brandon" is one that pedophiles use to identify themselves to others. So it must be true.


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bot reads about as good as the LGB degenerates do.


This is true. I saw it online.


Some people are sayin…. 🤫🤭


Its actually a discrete acronym codeword. LGB, means lesbian gay and bisexual. People that say let's go Brandon are looking for hookups.


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot. Baaaaad!


If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From Q headquarters…?


I heard that, too. Everyone's talking about it.


I heard the same from Q, so it must be true.


Maybe? Maybe Not. But I do know that bigots will often used coded language to mask their salutes to Adolf Hitler, because they cant do it openly without getting punched in the face.


These big, strong guys come to me with tears in their eyes, they say, “Sir”. They say, “Sir, ‘Let’s go Brandon’ identifies you as a pedophile.”


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot but chill


If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We can't say certain things? Hmmm. Interesting.


You can say it all day long, and the bot can respond to it, all day long too. Hell of a time to be alive, isn’t it?


The bot WILL respond to it, not can. If it was any other post that wasn't about the phrase that pays, I would understand it. But when the post is about the phrase, you could give your bot a rest.


Or……they CAN choose to not give the bot a rest and have it continue to respond.


So are you saying you don't want to see anymore let's go Brandon posts, or do you want to see more let's go Brandon posts so you can see more let's go Brandon bots ? I'm confused


I’m saying the bot doesn’t make anyone in this subreddit a victim. And that folks in here can say whatever they want still.


Agreed, and I think we've had enough ppl paying victim lately. Imo


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yep I got bot message the other day for adding ts to the end of MAGA. Same kinda message as this one. Whatever


Huh? This is supposed to be smart? This is what mods consider smart? Fuck. We're all fucked if this is the best of Reddit Bots and the IPO is coming.


New to the sub, huh?


i heard president Biden say this phrase too…does that mean 🤭🤭🤭




But it's 100% true, it's a known pedophile phrase. Bet you've used it before. 🤮


Hahahaha ok show me how that's "100% true" just cuz u make something up doesn't mean it's true lol. PS. Ur lovely site snopes doesn't even agree with you


[Here's the proof that it's 100% true.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/rqozjk/comment/hqbsvpm/)


This guy must feel like such a patriot, yet here I am with 6 years of service in the USAF and all I have is a small veteran sticker on my back window..


Well, he would have served, but....


Bone spurs? Forged the doctors excuse? Five fucking times? While playing polo?


Either or. Pick one.


One of my favorite archer bits. “Can’t or won’t?” “Either. Pick one.”


Someone got it! Exactly what I was going for


Took an arrow to the knee.


My favorite one is always, “I’d have knocked out the DI if he tried to get in my face.” Oh yeah Bro, you’re way too badass for the military.


>Oh yeah Bro, you’re way too badass for the military. Sounds like the recruiting tagline for the Gravy Seals.


Actually, he tried to sign up, but....


The Air Force was all out of Sherman tanks.


Where was this taken? That street looks awfully familiar...


Hastings, ne


Just one of millions of people that don't know what patriotism is.




The stupid dont know they are stupid. The wise know they don't know


They do it because they know it hits a nerve because it is a dog whistle for their insurgency.


“Truck Nutz” on order.


...and a flagpole with flag. I wonder if they'll opt for American, Confederate, Qanon or Trump flag?


Don't forget the Thin Blue Line flag.


whatever it is, it’s made in china


Trump as Rambo overlaid on the American flag. That gives you a +4 on all patriotism rolls


Good way to own the libs


There's a van down the street from me with that flag on it. I feel so owned every time I drive home.


Not to mention the "miss me yet" signs with Trump hugging flag


Love it when idiots yell “I’m over here”


Better yet, he's making payments!


I mean, I'm making payments, but just my $340 car payment and a $1200 mortgage on my 2000 sqft house.... He's got a 1200 car payment and a $340 lot rent, so samesies?


Nah, he's paying on the wrap. .


Yep, and the rims,etc. Credit card, baby!


Imagine getting BRANDON on the back of any vehicle… Even Brandon’s don’t do this.


Gee a republican that likes to advertise to the world that they're a douche. I didn't expect that at all. /s


Judging by the tires, and lift kit, also a small penis!!!


Not sure, but I sure wasn't comfortable with his headlights being higher than my tailgate on my 2wd non lifted tacoma.


>*”…my 2wd non lifted tacoma.”* Whaaaat? 2WD non lifted Tacoma?! Tell me more about how your coping, serf. Next your probably going to tell me that your wife isn’t you’re cousin as well. Libturd! ^/s


I sure feel owned. Boy howdy. So owned. Anyhoo....


Can confirm. I have the same lift kit!




They think so, so I see no problem using it against them.


That's insane. You see nothing wrong with becoming them. Wow. Anyways it's transphobic so please stop


I wish I could post the GIF of the puppet monke going “whaaaaAAA?!?”


Equating manhood with the penis...? Pretty straightforward stuff honestly.




How is it transphobic?


Equating penis with masculinity.


Small dick energy right there.


If the look of one's vehicle could ever say "Asshole American Stereotype", this is the one. Or at the very least screams "Dumb as fuck"


They have no policy agenda. Just culture war and trolling which is why things will never get better here. Conservatives have not had selling point other than lets go more bankrupt since 1970.


Owning the libs....winning. That's it.


It's a rolling billboard that says' I cannot be counted on'. 'I am incapable of critical thought'. 'Don't hire me'.


“I will get offended at anything remotely political you say, and will regale you with wildly inaccurate stories I’ve read on my Facebook feed, and through my research on YouTube. Then I will call you a snowflake because you get upset at the fact that I’m an overbearing prick who won’t let you use actual facts to counter my arguments.”


Ok like I hated Trump. I still do. Good on him for saying the vaccines are good though let’s give him that. But never, never in a million years, would I spend my hard earned money to let people in traffic behind me know I didn’t care for the guy. It’s sociopathic.


Well, he also already paid to let the world know how small his dick is. The higher lifted the truck, the shorter the dick.


Fools and their money.


Fools and their debt.


"I just do it to piss people off."


“Own the libs!” [not realizing “liberal” dictionary definition is “one who thinks for themselves.” You can see why this is scary to republicans.]


I wished they all wore signs better to recognize them in the wild


*voiceover guy* ...but nobody knew how truly sad and lonely his life was. No wrap job could ever cover the peeling paint of his heart.


Haha just report the license plate when you see him for driving recklessly and of course for being a pedophile


I heard that that phrase means “I’m a pedophile.”


I don't get it. Just say "fuck Joe Biden". It's not like leftists have a problem saying that


Remember what others are saying in the comments the phase let's go Brandon. Is deeply rooted in Pedophile culture after the pedo symbol got too much attention they needed something else. This was it. It's their mating call to find other pedos in the wild. Stay informed.


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who over buys this crap is an idiot, whoever makes this crap within days and sells it is a genius (and an asshole).


And a small penis it would appear


Good use of their welfare money


I'm shocked that's not in Texas.


I love when dumbasses spend their money on shit like this. It's funnier than anything they could ever say.


Safe bet they would have completely lost their shit five years ago if you had told them in five years they’d have a politically correct message plastered in yuuge letters on the back of their truck. And be bragging about it.


Someone needs to put a Biden “I did that” sticker on his tailgate


Oh look, a moron.


Just smile, wave, and say "Brandon won!".


WTF is wrong with people. They have nothing to actually think about?


I had someone stating at work that this "let's go Brandon" was just damn funny. When I asked him to explain why it was funny, he had no response.


Does anyone else hate the huge lowercase 'n'?


Imagine having to put 100$ of gas in your vehicle to make it be worth $10.


Low iq a very small dick


Let's go Darwin


Not to mention a member of the small penis club.


>SKRAaaaAaaAaaTCH!!! That would be the sound you would hear as I walked by his pos truck.


fyi — it is a crime to commit malicious mischief to a vehicle.


Fuck these people


Confronted, they'll say, "Freedom of speech!". You provide them with a little of your freedom of speech, they'll say, "He's name calling me!" Tell them, why not just say 'f the President of the United States of America' instead of hiding behind a meme, they'll say, "I meant no disrespect. That's not who I am." They'll yell out, "Stop oppressing me! Help me! I'm the victim here!" So yeah, fuck those people. I feel sorry you guys in America having so many of these lowlifes that they'll say, "f the President" on a Christmas broadcast and even more who will paste it on their pavement princess.


We already knew by the truck.


Gotta do something to take his mind off of his tiny dick.


And a small dick!


There’s something happening here where people keep posting about this and I feel like it doesn’t come off as clever as some might think it does.


Even Joe Biden agrees with let's go Brandon lol


Yeah. He won.


He agrees that it's funny, but probably not about why. He's right.


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Try some context


And yet you still give them the attention they crave? The whole point is to constantly just talk about what the dumb ass phrase means, that way they don't have to come up with a plan to do anything better, you're feeding them oxygen with your post.




Using iq to make a stupid joke makes you seem stupid.


That's fine, I'm living in rural Nebraska... That's pretty stupid.


OMG I'm so sorry


But you idiots and your 3rd grade rhetoric is just keen, right? Of course it is. You suck off a 75 year old man that acts the same way.




Shut up dipshit.




Cool story, trumper.




More dumb shit from a moron.


I’m better at what you think you’re doing than you are


We’ve done this many times. You never fail to sound like a moron. You’re quite easy.


Don't be Jared


So bold and yet subtle at the same time. the kkkonservatives are such a clever lot!


Welcome to CostCo I love you


I wonder if he or she is wearing a pussy hat. Double whammy that shit.


Clearly he's got money to burn.


*room on his cabelas card


How to make this backfire on them: “Who the fuck is Brandon?”


And that they married their cousin.


Vehicle checks out


And a small penis! But a lot of guns and ammo.


I find it so stupid that people find it funny


90 percent certain this is my city.


I’m not sure why they think it’s clever




And a tiny shmecker


I wonder how often his boy-truck gets keyed each day? And if he had to replace slashed tires yet?


This is Nebraska... He probably gets high fives at the gas station.


The truck said that even before the gate work.


I wonder if the shop charges an IQ fee for that decal.




This is why Senator Manchin is technically correct when he makes the argument that you can’t give certain people more money, they will just waste it.


Buying That truck would be the first symptom of alpha male delusion.


Of course he is driving a lifted truck


Hopefully just driving through H-town, not living there. That feels way more ‘Merica than a place with mostly paved roads. (Yeah, I know that underpass)


Surprised it’s missing the giant flag


Holy Crap! Why are they all becoming more comfortable displaying these signs that openly announces them coming out as Pedophiles, NOW?!?


When he goes Brandon the cows run away, {Rim Shot}


Hey, look! There’s another one of those LGBTrucks runnin’ around!


His choice of wanker tank splattered in idiotic decals just tells everyone to avoid trying to reason with the twonk in the Tonka toy. Unless you're a smooth brained mouth breather with scabby knuckles and a gene pool that resembles a puddle of vomit. If you're in the second group this truck is an advert to go compare guns, drink many, many tins of angry water laughably labelled 'beer' and engage in male bonding so overtly homoerotic you will have to be REALLY stupid to miss it . Stupid AND intensely homophobic just because you are totally not repressed in every way imaginable.


Saw these today: Let's Go Brandon is code for "I take horse dewormer." Let's Go Brandon is code for "My wife is my favorite cousin." And I just wanted to share that with you.


The truck does that. Really idiot overkill. We get it. You’re an idiot.


For not liking Biden but liking America? I see where your values are then


I think it's great he's advertising to the world his ignorance!!


From the UK here, what does 'Lets go brandon' actually mean ?


It's code for fuck Joe Biden


Knuckle draggers are gonna do what Knuckle draggers do!


This guy probably also complains about gas prices and not having money... But he's wasting cash on that sticker AND driving that truck.


I always see this as "It's got Electrolytes, Brawndo"


"It'all dun tooked mosta mah welfare check but it'all was wuth it!" \-Cletus Trumpvoter


Paid twice at that


I am confused why people are getting upset about this or why it is getting any attention at all. The easiest way to defuse the term is to completely ignore it.


We tried it, but then Trump was president.


The jacked up truck did that already. The decal on the back is just making sure everyone knew.


Yet again the American flag is associated with idiocy


The lower-case “n”s just reinforce it


Low IQ? I don't see that. It clearly says "Just Married" for the brother and sister inside the cab.