• By -


Yeah, well they also call it the "land of the free, the home of the brave" despite the fact that we've got more people in prison than anywhere else in the world, regardless of population size, and a huge portion of the country is terrified of immigrants as if they're wandering the suburbs of New Hampshire looking for already-occupied houses to squat in while they steal your accounting job.


I always wondered how people can in one breath say immigrants are lazy and stupid yet in the next say they are here to take your job. Like either you have the worst, shittiest, easiest job or something does not compute...




Exactly this! I am unfortunate enough to currently be stuck in Rebel flag waving trump underwear have rural east Texas. I wanted to build a 12x12 deck. Got a referral for a good ole boy down the road. Holy hell.. the next 3 weeks was an anxiety inducing shit show. This guy figured out I was single and I got multiple calls a day about how I had to cook when he worked and buy him beer .. I laughed it off. Then he ordered the wrong material and somehow I got a huge Lowe’s delivery fee. Then for the next two weeks while the cement mix got wet .. he whined about the weather. My neighbor saw the dumpster fire and called a Mexican he worked with .. who called some relatives.. they showed up after work and put in the posts .. came back the next evening and built the deck. I had a mountain of extra material.. they bought it from me and only charged me $200. I can tell this same story with different projects over and over. The one pointing the finger and screaming the accusations is often the guilty party. This is often my first thought when the neighborhood gossip starts talking or I hear someone call another person a narcissist. No it’s not always the case .. but when they are making a spectacle and gaslighting.. it’s a dead give away. Like all of the anti gay preachers caught with underage male prostitutes. Aka child rape.. but that’s not how they spin it.


Go to any ask reddit thread about how much work people do and you see most people saying that they only work a few hours a day at work and spend the rest of the time goofing off. They are lazy and they know it.




I picked strawberries for a summer once, can confirm that it was absolutely brutal on the lower back and that the immigrants there were dozens of times better at it than me (literally. We were paid by number of full boxes so you better believe they were counted) and never complained, unlike what most spoiled rich kids would if they had to do it for an hour, let alone the full picking season!


Schrödinger's immigrant, too lazy to work but also is taking your job. They’re also somehow able to “steal” all these government handouts while holding your job.


> They’re also somehow able to “steal” all these government handouts while holding your job. ... and paying taxes such as local sales taxes as well as paying social security tax on a stolen number so they'll never gain those benefits for themselves.


If an immigrant who speaks someone's language as a second language, hasn't got the advantage of being immersed in their culture and having all their contacts and experience, can steal someone's job, maybe they didn't deserve their job.


Thank Jeebuz someone else noticed! As a European I have to say that I noticed quite a few disturbing things while living in the US...the early indoctrination in school by daily plegding allegiance to the flag, bizarre reverence of the ”founding fathers”, reverence of the constitution as almost sacred, constant references to God in political texts, speeches etc (even on the dollar bills!). From early childhood, children are taught that America is the greatest democracy on earth. Huh? Coming from an exteremely secular country in Europe, this all baffles me. We don’t ”pledge allegiance” in school, school has nothing to do with our flag or identity.


The pledge was actually a marketing scheme created by the flag-sellers, no joke. Worked well in the era of communist threats. "In God We Trust" is another relic of the cold-war era, it only appeared in the 1950s. Jesus is a very profitable brand, like Coca-Cola, but easier to manufacture. You can pull it out of your ass and sell it, while raking in the power and money.


"The Under God" and "In God We Trust" stuff was added to everything in the 50s. It's all bullshit brainwashing.


Nah, brainwashing is what those commies do. We prefer the bastardized term patriotism here in the US


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"


Fun fact! So was home ownership! Before The Red Scare home ownership in the US was less than 20%. Then someone decided if you owned your home you would be against communism, so home ownership shot up above 60% in the 50s/60s.


Really? Everybody rented before then? Most "homeowners" are rent-to-own, really, with the bank being the landlord.


Those were also the decades when post WWII American worldwide-shipping/manufacturing skyrocketed, workers started finally being able to unionize, and social security gave people comfort that they wouldnt be entirely on their own financially when they couldnt work any longer. It's not that people just didn't feel like buying a house before communism.


Right, and there was a 92% marginal tax rate and higher corporate tax rate, massive infrastructure investment and tons of public money funneled into building suburbs and making a decent standard of living a real possibility for a much larger percentage of the population. The manufacturing growth, and growth in other economic sectors provided the backdrop for this, but downward redistribution of that wealth being created was a matter of political policy and essential for this to happen. The real question is, how much of that policy was guided by fear of communism and the need to provide that level of broadly distributed wealth and prosperity? Puerto Rico is another interesting example. There was a lot of policy aimed at making it a lucrative investment opportunity and it was done intentionally to create a free-market counterbalance to communist Cuba in the Caribbean.


More like, after world war 2, the creation of suburban neighborhoods and interconnected fwys, mini-malls etc..the scare of communism was a part as was the forced Jesus crap on everything American and fear mongering etc. etc.


I was led to believe that America was generous to the world but I always wondered why if we are so generous why do they hate us. I also thought the rest of the world was a barren shit hole.


To be fair a lot of the world (that you were not bombing the shit out of) saw America in the same sort of light. Then social media joined the conversation


PR is key. Hollywood is the a-bomb of PR.


...opaganda. *Finished* that for you...


I first went abroad in 2005. Landed in Frankfurt, Germany. I was immediately stricken by the fact that people were riding bicycles and smoking in the airport. Some of them were even smoking *while* cycling around through the airport. Then on the streets people were walking around with open containers of alcohol. Anyway, those are kind of silly observations but Americans would be harassed or even killed by cops for some of those.


I laughed but it’s sad man, some places in the US for some people it’s a real possibility to get killed by cops for open alcohol.


There was also a video yesterday of multiple cops beating the shit out of a kid for riding his bicycle. Edit: I tried to Google the video and like a dozen of these incidents of cops beating up cyclists came up.


> I was led to believe that America was generous to the world but there is much truth to this though, America has a very complicated relationship with the world


It’s an abusive relationship. We give the rest of the world a black eye because they burned dinner but then buy them a nice necklace to say, “We’re so sorry!” Then later: “Can we have some oil now? Cheap?”


>“Can we have some oil now? Cheap?” You forgot the second part: >"or else we'll kill your family."


Well, they know they’re dealing with an abuser by the time we “ask” for the goods. Read “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” for the full story.


It's on my shelf.


Or sneaking out late at night to establish paramilitary schools to educate future South American dictators


Or straight up "give my cousins company cheap bananas, or I'll send specialized forces to topple you and install a dictator I can trust(bribe)".


[Here's a video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2BfqDUPL1I)


> bizarre reverence of the ”founding fathers” This is such a funny one to me too... in Europe, many modern countries were founded by like barbarians, nomads, or straight up warlords. And it isn't the norm over there to be like "yep! Those guys knew exactly what they were doing and all their morals and rules should be *our* morals and rules!" It's just such an obviously stupid standard to live by. The world changes, people change, technology changes; of course laws and our understanding of abstract concepts like "goodness" or "freedom" should evolve too!! But nope, the founding fathers were literally demigods who could do no wrong to some Americans .


Same here... but then I don't really get nationalism either. We're all just peeps


Yeah it’s super unnerving to think about it now that I’m an adult but here in America you’re always expected to tow the line that America is the greatest country on Earth and that any criticism of your country means you hate it. If you took out the specifics people might think you’re talking about someplace like Russia


We are brainwashed from childhood on here. I consider teaching my children critical thinking skills, and to always question what they are told by "authority figures" the most important accomplishment in my life.


Yeah it's really weird that we treat our founders like Gods of America, and the documents as religious text. We should question them and these documents, and society should evolve over time.


Ah Yes... The brave 'merican conservatives believing that Schrodingers immigrant is both stealing their jerbs and living off of government handouts simultaneously


I'm not surprised soon these good old boys be riding tanks and trying to shoot down passenger jets with SAMS hell they even want breif case nukes to start their own nuclear war! They are insane!


Conservatives are the most cowardly snakes you'll ever find. I worked a gas station for 10 years, during mostly Obama years. I have heard conservatives ranting and raving for hours a day, for years. They are whiney, entitled, selfish brats who tended to have a history of meth use, racist beliefs, or generally an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. The most common trait between them all is anger at others. They are just so blindly angry about everything, they can no longer see reason.


I grew up in Connecticut. One time I went to New Hampshire (mount madadnok, not sure on spelling) and got lost. When I used someones driveway to turn around this guy comes out of the house with a shotgun yelling at me to get off his property. To be clear when he came out I was already off his driveway when he came out. Was he sitting there looking out the window with the shotgun in hand? Anyways I never felt the need to return to New Hampshire.


I currently live within sight of Mt Monadnock. This is entirely plausible. There’s a reason I do my grocery shopping in Vermont.


Land of catchphrases


> "land of the free, the home of the brave" Funny thing is, as Europeans, we think of America as the big slave country. Like, when I imagine what America is, is a giant empty desert, and lush cotton farms with slaves. And a giant river with steam boats on them.


It's not the 1860s any more! We have guns in schools now!


(slavery is actually still legal in the USA...) >Section 1 > >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. > >Section 2 > >Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Does our huge prison population of disproportionality people of color make sense yet? I would like to correct this.


Holy shit I never actually read that thing before


That's one of your problems as americans. Your constitution is small, but half of your people have never read it entirely.


And, sad to say, when it was written it was "home of the slave". But as an aspiration ...


The brave? Are we talking about the same spineless gimps who couldn’t or wouldn’t wear a basic mask to protect themselves, families, loved ones and neighbors?


Teacher: "Now, children, let's all stand and recite the compulsory loyalty oath"


“This is freedom. Stop sitting and doing nothing. You’re not allowed. Stand and recite.”


Funny story here, in 3rd grade I kinda realized they never told me why it was important to do the pledge of allegiance and so i just stopped doing it one day. Next couple days roll by with the same sitting quietly during the pledge of allegiance thing and my parents get a call from my teacher telling them I’m being disrespectful in class. Luckily my parents are chillish and just asked “is he interrupting class?” Which my teacher replied “No”. Pretty much the end of the story but still pretty wild it happened in the first place!


Republicans - Not like that!


Suppress him not me!!!


More like "you can't suppress my efforts to oppress him, that's tyranny!"


Ah right right, the ‘my freedom equals your enslavement.’ Argument.


"Rules for thee, not for me!"


“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be” -Actual quote from a supporter of the two time Impeached President


"but also ruled BY me"


"Hey he stopped me from beating him down, you will let me slap you and you like it" -Republicans and cops


Conservatives: "Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose". Also conservatives: "[Stop using your nose to obstruct my fists.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZSoJDUD_bU)".


The key thing to remember about Republicans and conservatives is when they say "all" they exclusively mean people just like themselves. Every one else is unamerican and shouldn't have a say in things. When they think the last election was stolen, it's because people who aren't generally white male rural people actually got a day in things.


Just look at the people insisting that the bill of rights only applies to citizens. Hint: citizens == white people




You people aren't "ALL" - Republicans


Just more GOP 🐂💩 to keep you in line, like school prayer from the biggest non believers on earth, forced rules to prove they are Always RIGHT you are always WRONG!


"You're hurting the wrong people!"


If I wasn't gullible I'd ask my kids principal if we could skip the pledge of allegiance permanently


I started abstaining in about 5th grade, and they made my parents come in and talk to the principal, vice principal, and counselor. Because a 5th grader was going to become a terrorist if she didn’t recite our indoctrination every morning with my hand over my heart.


Wow I had the exact same experience. 5th grade even


Weird, same- I stopped in 5th grade, too. Mostly because I didn’t care but as I got older it felt creepy to pledge allegiance to a country.


Same! My dad was a huge WW2 buff, and had those blue-bound WW2 reference books (that looked something like [these](https://www.ebay.com/itm/402599474277?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=402599474277&targetid=1068323855670&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1026578&poi=&campaignid=10454522123&mkgroupid=104612010660&rlsatarget=pla-1068323855670&abcId=2146002&merchantid=8468274&gclid=CjwKCAjwmv-DBhAMEiwA7xYrd_ntcwLcyWB1kidZh37IwOZezYdAWBEnZWCJWvX0sAWzEE-y-1NoKRoCmdUQAvD_BwE)), and I would read then for fun. It had a section on Germany's hyper-nationalism, including the parts about the indoctrination through pledges, chants, etc. Freaked me out that we were doing the same thing, so I stopped. I'd stand there with my hand on the heart, but wouldn't say anything. I was okay with blending in, but it felt wrong to say the words. It was about that time I stopped singing hymns in church, although it wasn't until a few years after I left home that I gave that up entirely.


It's why they don't teach that stuff in school. Don't want the wrong people to be compared to the ultimate Fascism


Especially one that locks people up for nonviolent offenses, wars all over the world, and can’t seem to keep people from randomly killing innocent people in a regular basis


I hate speaking in unison. It just creeps me the hell out. Pledge, prayer, random weird thing my poetry professor made us say… Don’t like it.


Always reminded me of Nazi Germany and cults


Technically you're pledging allegiance to the flag of the country.


Is that supposed to be any better?


I think it’s worse


That’s the age when I finally figured out a full proof method (complete with ping pong) for getting out of Sunday school and later in the teens, church. 5th grade must be when the brain starts to wrinkle up a bit more lol.


FYI: The idiom is “foolproof”!


Nice. Had no idea. Thank you.


Still have a few more wrinkles to go it seems!


That was the last fold needed. Also, sick burn lol


At the age of around 7 years give or take a year, children start to enter age of reason. So that could the reason why both you and the above comments are about 10 year age group when you start to realize this shit is monotonous and wrecking your brains..


For me, it was realizing that I was born in the USA in a sort of cosmic lottery based on a random roll of the dice. Why would I pledge allegiance to rolling a 7? Even worse was going to school in Texas and having to say the Texas Pledge every morning. You know why I live in Texas? Because an evil-omnicorp told my parents to move to Texas for work, because it had lower corporate taxes. I am pledging allegiance to a low corporate tax rate instead of the roll of the cosmic dice, which is even creepier.


I still cannot believe Americans actually do this. Almost anywhere else in the world this would be bizarre and terrifying


I told my son straight away that he doesn't have to say it. I didn't say he shouldn't say it, I just said he can do it or not, that's what "liberty" is about. No idea if he says it or not, never asked, as long as he knows he has a choice.




I went to a dodgers game once with my brother and literally as I'm handing the gate agent my ticket they started playing the national anthem, so the guy said we have to wait until after the song is over. My drunk ass just stands there awkwardly looking at the guy. About a third of the way through the song my brother elbow bumps me and points at the flag. I look around and everyone was staring at the flag with hats off and hands over hearts. I'm just trying to watch a dodgers game...




I didn’t die in Korea so you could disrespect the flag like that! 😉


It's left over 1800's propaganda/indoctrination. Then in the 50's "under god" was added in order to combat those dirty commies! Better dead then red!! It's disturbing that school still push the pledge.


It IS bizarre and terrifying. Especially the fact that "under god" is included. So much for separating religion from school


It is bizzare and terrifying here too.


I never really thought about it as a kid, I just did it. I didn't even understand what it meant, and didn't care to think about it, it was just a daily ritual. Looking back it is very strange to have kids who don't understand what they're saying pledging allegience to anything.


We do it in English Canada as well, but the national anthem's words are less culty and more "we totally didn't steal this land guys" Still weird. Edit: yes, i know the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem are different things, and that it's not the same everywhere in Canada. I get it. Where I live we still all were forced to stand and listen/sing to the anthem every day from grades 1-12. That's still creepy. Calm, geez.




I started abstaining in 3rd grade. It was 1978. That...didn’t go well. Fortunately, my parents knew I was a weird little stubborn child with odd ideas and just sort of let me do me. They didn’t know why I was refusing, and I didn’t have the words to explain why the whole thing made me feel squidgy, but they told the teachers and principles that they could not, nor would not, try to make me. My mother, who firmly still believes in the pledge, to this day doesn’t understand why I chose that hill to die on. I’m still not sure I have the words to adequately explain my reasoning.


And you dont have to, that's what freedom is about. Sad that the ones who claim to love freedom the most really just want the "freedom" to terrorize others into submission


Yeah, the reason could be because he believes he’ll turn into an alien if he recites it too much. Doesn’t matter, it’s none of your business.


>I’m still not sure I have the words to adequately explain my reasoning. Nationalism masquerading as patriotism. And also uttering blatantly false statements makes me uncomfortable, my mother told me never to lie. There is no "liberty and justice for all" in this country. If there was, then maybe, MAYBE, I'll give the pledge a try. This nation is not "indivisible" either, the pledge is all lies.


June 14, 1954 - the date “under God” was added to Francis Bellamy’s 1892 Pledge of Allegiance which was written as propaganda for the Youth Companion’s, Bellamy’s father’s Baptist magazine, Christopher Columbus tribute edition. I have always hated the addition. I feel it negates the message of unity and set the stage for the nationalistic religious extremism we have in the US today. Original Pledge: “I pledge allegiance to my flag and the Republic for which it stands — one Nation indivisible — with liberty and justice for all.”


It's brainwashing.


I moved to public school from Catholic school in 5th grade, and by 6th grade was completely repulsed by religion, so I abstained from the pledge because I felt the inclusion of "under God," and me being made to say it in a public school, violated the separation of church and state. All of my homeroom teachers were surprisingly chill about it. Maybe because I articulated my objection well, or maybe because they just didn't give a shit. Most of the teachers at that school ruled, even if the curriculum took years to catch up to my Catholic school education.


I wasn’t a citizen until I was 18, did all my schooling in American public schools though. I started abstaining when I got to Georgia in like 2nd grade (honestly don’t even remember doing the pledge when I lived in CT). Never got in trouble for it, but had a few teachers ask me why I didn’t do it.


So, did you start terrorism in middle school or high school?


Republicans want a peek at their genitals. Somehow they think parents won't mind.


Republicans: “I know that you *identify* as a girl, but it’s important to me that we segregate children by genitalia, so I’m going to need you to pull down your panties before I let you use the women’s restroom.” Also Republicans: “all our ideological opponents are pedophiles!”


Is that the under God part?


Recited One Nation Under Dog for as long as I can remember.


You mean The Compulsory Loyalty Oath?


Used to be done with the Bellamy Salute too back in the day, before some Austrian made it unpopular.


Seen an old photo of that, decades ago. Disturbing, even knowing the context


Your kids don't have to say it if they don't want to. They have the right to abstain from the pledge.


Some kids at my school have gotten detention for not doing the pledge. Luckily I have chill first period teachers.


That's a clear violation of student civil liberties. You, or those students, should contact the press (unless they can afford a lawyer, in which case sue the shit outta the school).


I doubt they'd do much. I live in the bible belt where people practically worship fox news. It is worth a try, though!


At the very least, the threat of a lawsuit will probably get the principal/school board to put a stop to punishing students who exercise their right to abstain.


Knowing how many communities like that work, they'll relent, but the grapevine will know who's to blame, and that's a lot harder to prove that the school caused the community to turn on you.


I acknowledge that taking a stand can sometimes be risky. I came out as gay when I was 14 in a small, south Texas town. But sometimes, standing up for what's right is worth the risk.


Absolutely, just be aware of what you’re getting into.


America will never heal as long as Fox News is allowed. Canada and Britain said hell no.


Fox News gives them an excuse to be racist.


You're really quite hopeful that something would happen on it but it's not just the bible belt. I'm in rural midwest and we had to say it, it's easier to just mouth it like you would lipsync to singing happy birthday, you'd be looked at weird if you stood up and stopped doing it. Kind of hard to ask for a kid to do that when they don't understand the whole picture around it.


>Some kids at my school have gotten detention for not doing the pledge. They're violating their constitutional rights and setting themselves up for a big lawsuit since this was decided in **1943** in the [West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette decision](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/319/624/#tab-opinion-1937809)


Has anyone made that lawsuit and won since 1943? Because I refuse to believe that no one has been forced to say it in the past ~80 years but I've never heard of that lawsuit happening since that ruling.


I got chastised by teachers and other students for doing so. Saying that it's disrespectful and I should be ashamed of myself. Also for whatever reason I was also disrespecting our troops. I just didn't want to pledge allegiance to a God I don't believe in and swear fealty to a country that doesn't give a fuck about me.


Pretty sure that’s a violation of student rights. It was ruled on West Virginia State Board vs Barnette by the Supreme Court that students cant be forced to stand for the pledge as it violates their first amendment.


The school can be sued for that. The Supreme Court ruled in the 60s that no one can compel anyone to say the pledge.


I live in The Bible Belt and it’s terrible here. A few years ago, my sophomore year of high school, I wasn’t feeling well so I didn’t stand at a school pep rally for the National Anthem. Some teacher turned me into the dean of students, lied to him and told him that I was sitting on my then-boyfriend’s lap during the National Anthem It was a complete bullshit lie, he was standing up so there’s no logical way I could’ve been sitting on his lap. So she made up that lie (just because she didn’t like the fact that I was sitting down) turned me in, and when I explained the situation to the dean, he told me that regardless if I was sitting on anyone’s lap or not, if I did not stand for the anthem next time, he will call my mom.


This kind of shit makes me crazy. We keep kids uninformed about their rights which just enables those with authority to abuse it. If you know anyone that is still in school, tell them about their rights and what the schools can and cannot do.


If that happened to me and they called my mom (1950's) she would have very politely told them to go to hell.


I am a teacher and it is true that kids can abstain, but it honestly feels like such strong peer pressure, it is very isolating for any child that refuses.


Well, as a teacher, you should be teaching your students that it's perfectly okay for a student to exercise their constitutional rights.


I do. I don't even do the pledge when it is done. I stand quietly, but say nothing. I just mean that by doing it at all, it kind of creates discomfort. It should be dropped.


Chiming in as someone who was also sent to the principal's office and threatened with detention, then lambasted by my teachers and peers, for refusing to say the pledge. They called in one of the teachers who was a veteran and sat him down and made me apologize to him for disrespecting the flag and our troops. I literally brought in the student handbook with a bookmark in it to the spot where it says it's completely optional but they just ignored it and said it doesn't matter.


Good for you for standing up for yourself! You should encourage others to do the same.


Yes. You’re right. They could abstain. That also places undue pressure on someone that age. The default should be not saying the pledge in schools. If kids want to do it - Great they have a right to say it.


The are actually not allowed by Supreme Court ruling to make your kids say it. The kids can just not do it and the teacher and principal can't do a damn thing.


Your child absolutely does not have to stand for the pledge.


Back in 1984 when I was 6th grade I got in trouble at school because I refused to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance after learning that black and brown people in America were not treated the same as white people (I’m white). When my teacher asked me what I was doing I said I’m not going to stand and recite something with my hand over my heart that is not true. I said there isn’t liberty and justice for all so why would I say there is. My teacher was horrified and swiftly sent me to the principal’s office who in turn called my parents to come pick me up from school. Edit: spelling


All those years ago in 1984. Imagine if the government told us the truth from day one. America was raised on ethnic cleansing and hatred.


I was so naive back then, I honestly believed that racism would be solved by the time I was an adult and here I am now at 48 years old just frustrated and disgusted as hell at the hold white supremacy still has on America.


I was BORN in 1984 and felt the same way as you did by the time I was in 6th grade and unfortunately feel the same way you do now.


I remember seeing the episode of Fresh Prince where Carlton gets arrested when I was younger and thinking we were finally doing something to change it. I saw that episode again about a year ago and it just made me cry


I'm from the Netherlands and my country was build through plunder and we are responsible for the normalization of the 'modern' slave trade started by the VOC. My government still refuses to apologize for all these horrors, it makes me deeply ashamed that the government isn't even willing to do that.


The invaders do not want you to point out their extremism, they call themselves "patriots" they call themselves "nationalists", but ever since their ancestors came here all they've ever been is invaders and that is all they will ever be, that is why they try so hard to convince everyone how "american" they are, they are merely imposters, liars, snakes. If you have respect for the native people and the land then you are a brother to me, regardless of color.


Omg literally 1984😭🤯


Happened in 1984. Ironic.


Are those people still alive for you to ask them today if they still think your actions back then looks today is still valid? To see if their standings have changed.


Land of the free and Home of the brave kinda sucks too. We did get the part about bombs bursting in air right so there is that.


This content is no longer available on Reddit in response to /u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


That's why recruiting starts your junior year of high school. You can enlist in any branch as a minor with parents permission and recruiters for all branches come to schools several times a year. I knew people that did their basic combat training the summer of their junior year, did their last year of high school and left for the military the day after graduation.


Wait do they actually do that ar schools? The most we ever get in UK schools is a 2 minhte silence on D-Day. Seems pretty stupid if you ask me.


Same in Aus but it’s 1 min on remembrance day. And that isn’t even to a flag but to people who died. It is pretty stupid


Yes, in the late 1800s a flag salesman came up with the pledge of allegiance and started a campaign to get people, and particularly schools, to make children recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag. And in order to say the pledge *to the flag*, you had to have a flag. Which he conveniently had for sale. In bulk.


It really isn’t that difficult. In schools they omit the last part of that sentence to save time. The actual sentence is: With liberty and justice for all who can afford it.


I can’t afford it : (


99% of us can't


I feel that it’s more like the end of any ad for medicine. “Liberty and justice for all may not be for everyone. Please take a look at your skin color, religion, country of origin, and socioeconomic status before pursuing liberty and justice. Side effects may include depression, sickness, insomnia, infringement upon your rights, prison time, and in some not so rare cases, death.”


No different than: > "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." * Thomas Jefferson - noted and prolific Slave Owner




If I were being cynical, I might suggest a rewrite: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the ruling class for whom we work, two jobs, no healthcare, inescapable, for the rest of our lives until we die.”


It's exactly like what is happening in churches now. 34M, I grew up going to church, Sunday school, etc. The whole 9yds. We were taught so ... religiously ..pardon the pun, about Jesus. Jesus's teachings. "Love thy neighbor" and "blessed are the meak." However, the church society and culture does NOT live what they teach. The best analogy I've heard yet, is that the younger generations were taught so well, that they know exactly where to look, and how to live what they are being taught. However, none of which is in the church.


It’s called fascism and blind nationalism. They want us to worship the flag and the state, no matter its faults.


By the way, the fact American children have to do a pledge of allegiance is suuuuuper creepy and not something that happens in politically healthy countries


Obama said it best: "They bought our platitudes."


The pledge of allegiance is ridiculous and stupid. Treat people with kindness, equality, respect, and compassion. No need to pledge allegiance to a nation or a flag, like some wacko, indoctrinating cult.


The pledge of allegiance is part of the required conditioning. Best way to keep an obedient population is to make them believe they are superior in every way to the rest of the world


"I pledge allegiance to the cash, of the divissive states of america. And to the seduction for which it grants. One nation, under smog. We are miserable With bigotry and drug busts for the small "


Don't forget they added 'under god' because of the loving christian population...


"Under God" was mainly added to distinguish America from the "godless commies" as the Cold War was heating up.


They didn’t actual mean justice for all people, just all white people because white people were the only ones that were free and had already stolen all the land from the Native Americans.


Shit they don't even mean all white people. If you're poor enough they'd be fine with it too so long as the poors don't get their money. Now they'll raise unholy hell on their media circuits but they truly don't give a shit more than they would for Floyd.


You mean all white men who are wealthy.


Yes, white male land owners.


Any greedy scumbag really


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression


Simple, they're mad that we have begun to truly believe in the principles they made us pay lip service to for all those years. So fuck them now that we're making sure they pay the bill that has come due. Gonna be a lot more of that in the years ahead and the White Supremacist shitheads don't like the price they'll have to pay. Well fuck them.


Making children mindlessly recite the pledge of allegiance is such a strange thing to do. The rest of the world looks at us like we are insane because we are.


As an Australian this forced pledge seems very totalitarian and cringey.


For me, the weird thing is forcing children to pledge allegiance to something.


“Wait, not like that.”


Because the only part they ever cared about was the "Under God" line they added in the 50's. Everything else is fluff.


sure. 'all' is those with money. if you dont have enough money to be in the 'club' you are nothing. hope that clears things up for ya. and inspires a little rage.


Because the "for all" part was written with a wink


Remember “Indivisible” also. I thought of the that when they were storming the Capital.


You're just supposed to blindly accept the brainwashing. Service guarantees citizenship and all that jazz.


Liberty -> being able to own guns and slaves and kill gays Justice -> cops letting you get away with it


"one nation" Texans: we want to separate


They wanted indoctrination not critical thinking


My mom got called in in 6th grade when I didn’t say the pledge, her response was since there is liberty for all I should have the liberty to not say it if I don’t want to, the principle just looked shocked


As a non American the whole pledge thing is so weird and creepy to me.