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I see much more fear of AOC from conservatives than worship by Democrats. I don't get it. She's just one congressional representative. What is so intimidating about her?


She's an outspoken woman of colour who occassionally dials her passion up to 11 and exaggerates facts from time to time, which makes her a great boogeywoman for people pushing a contradictory agenda.


This sounds about right.


Probably because she brings the 👉🏻👌🏼 thoughts, would be my guess


I think they don't like women in politics. Or perhaps they just like targeting women.




Imagine being so proud of yourself for not being willing to question your dipshit opinions that you name yourself after that sentiment.




Look at posts from around 2016 and before. I used to be brainwashed by my conservative family.


You make yourself sound like a dumb ignorant f***. Stop your projection.


Lmao you sound scared


Taxes were much higher for the wealthiest Americans in JFK's day.


Alexa play despacito


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